
#### test wgdx for handling of 'field' list element

if (! require(gdxrrwMIRO))      stop ("gdxrrw package is not available")
if (0 == igdx(silent=TRUE)) stop ("the gdx shared library has not been loaded")

testName <- "'field' list element for variable writes"
logFile <- 'diffLog.txt'

errFunc <- function(ex) {
  print (paste0("test of wgdx on ",testName,": FAILED"))
  print (paste("Check file", logFile, "for possible gdxdiff output"))
  print (ex)
} # errFunc

  print ("testing wgdx on 'field' list element for variable writes")
  fnIn <- "var2d.gdx"
  fnOut <- "tmp.gdx"
  if (! file_test ('-f', fnIn)) {
    stop (paste("FAIL: File", fnIn, "does not exist"))

  xIn <- rgdx(fnIn,list(name='x',form='sparse',field='all'))
  if (xIn$field != 'all') {
    stop (paste("FAIL: rgdx output '$field' not 'all' as expected"))

  ## test field='all'
  wgdx (fnOut, xIn)
  if (file_test ('-f', fnOut) == TRUE) {
    print (paste("File", fnOut, "was created"))
  } else {
    stop (paste("FAIL: File", fnOut, "is not readable"))
  rc <- system2 ("gdxdiff",args=c(fnIn, fnOut), stdout=logFile)
  if (0 != rc) {
    stop(paste("Bad return from gdxdiff: wanted 0, got",rc))
  } else {
    print ("gdxdiff call succeeded")

  ## test empty field, identical to 'all'
  x2 <- xIn
  x2$field <- NULL
  wgdx (fnOut, x2)
  if (file_test ('-f', fnOut) == TRUE) {
    print (paste("File", fnOut, "was created"))
  } else {
    stop (paste("FAIL: File", fnOut, "is not readable"))
  rc <- system2 ("gdxdiff",args=c(fnIn, fnOut), stdout=logFile)
  if (0 != rc) {
    stop(paste("Bad return from gdxdiff: wanted 0, got",rc))
  } else {
    print ("gdxdiff call succeeded")

  for (ff in c('notGood','l','m','lo','up','s')) {
    msg <- paste0("wgdx test for variable handling bogus field specifier '", ff, "'")
    x2$field <- ff
    tcr <- tryCatch({
      wgdx(fnOut, x2) ; FALSE
    error = function(e) { print(paste(' Caught error: msg =',e)) ; TRUE }
    if (tcr) {
      print(paste(msg,": passed",sep=""))
    else {
      stop (paste(msg, ": failed",sep=""))
  } # for loop

  print (paste0("test of wgdx on ", testName, ": PASSED"))
  invisible(TRUE)   ## all tests passed: return TRUE

error = errFunc
GAMS-dev/gdxrrw-miro documentation built on July 11, 2024, 4:39 p.m.