
Defines functions SampPost

Documented in SampPost

#' SampPost - Sample posterior function
#' @description This function is used to extract a number of annual 
#' occupancy estimates from any given posterior produced using the 
#' \code{occDetFunc()} in the package sparta. The function loops 
#' through BUGS output files within a given location. 
#' @param indata The file path to a location containing .rdata files
#'      of the bugs outputs, one for each species
#' @param output_path The location where the output will be saved.
#' @param REGION_IN_Q The region for which occupancy estimates will be 
#'      extracted. UK based occupancy model examples include,
#'		  'psi.fs', 'psi.fs.r_GB', 'psi.fs.r_ENGLAND'.
#' @param sample_n The number of values extracted from the posterior.
#' @param group_name The name of the species group we are running, used for
#'  	  naming output files.
#' @param combined_output This specifies whether the output should be a 
#'      single .csv, containing all species (TRUE) or a single .csv file 
#'      per species (FALSE). Default is TRUE. If TRUE all outputs 
#'      must have the same start and end year. To combine outputs run 
#'      over different year ranges please use \code{SampBind()}.
#' @param max_year_model The last year for which estimates are available
#'      in the posterior. If this is available in the metadata (models
#'      run using sparta >= 0.2.06) then it will be added automatically.
#'       If this is not available then any input value for this argument
#'       will be used or this will default to NULL.
#' @param min_year_model The first year for which estimates are available
#'      in the posterior. If this is available in the metadata (models
#'      run using sparta >= 0.2.06) then it will be added automatically.
#'       If this is not available then any input value for this argument
#'       will be used or this will default to NULL.
#'@param write Boolean. If write = TRUE and combine_outputs = TRUE then then the .rdata 
#'       files are written to output_path.
#' @return A .csv file for each species containing annual occupancy 
#'       estimates for each year as columns, and an iteration and species 
#'       name column. If combined_output = TRUE the results are saved as
#'       an rdata file instead.
#' @export

SampPost <- function(indata = "../data/model_runs/", 
                    output_path = "../data/sampled_posterior_1000/",
                    REGION_IN_Q = "psi.fs",
                    sample_n = 1000,
                    group_name = "",
                    combined_output = TRUE,
                    max_year_model = NULL, 
                    min_year_model = NULL,
                    write = FALSE){
  ### set up species list we want to loop though ###
  spp.list <- list.files(indata)[grepl(".rdata", list.files(indata))] # species for which we have models
  samp_post <- NULL # create the stacked variable, will be used if combined_output is TRUE.
  # loop through species
  for (i in spp.list){
    out <- NULL
    raw_occ <- NULL
    load(paste(indata, i, sep = ""))
    raw_occ <- data.frame(out$BUGSoutput$sims.list[REGION_IN_Q])
    raw_occ <- raw_occ[sample(1:nrow(raw_occ), sample_n),]
    colnames(raw_occ) <- paste("year_", out$min_year:out$max_year, sep = "")
    raw_occ$iteration <- 1:sample_n
    raw_occ$species <- i
    if(combined_output == TRUE) {
      row.names(raw_occ) = NULL
      samp_post <- rbind(samp_post, raw_occ)
    } else {
      write.csv(raw_occ, file = paste(output_path, gsub(".rdata", "" ,i), "_sample_", sample_n, "_post_", REGION_IN_Q, ".csv", sep = ""), row.names = FALSE)
  # correct species names
  samp_post$species <- gsub(".rdata", "" ,samp_post$species)
  if(combined_output == TRUE){
    # add start and end year as attribute data
    # note that as all regions are run for the same time span the overall max and min are used
      metadata_model <-attributes(out)
      attr(samp_post,'max_year_model') <- metadata_model$metadata$analysis$summary$max_year_model
      attr(samp_post,'min_year_model') <- metadata_model$metadata$analysis$summary$min_year_model
      attr(samp_post,'max_year_model') <- max_year_model
      attr(samp_post,'min_year_model') <- min_year_model
    if (write == TRUE) {
      save(samp_post, file = paste(output_path, group_name, "_all_spp_sample_", sample_n, "_post_", REGION_IN_Q, ".rdata", sep = ""))
GPowney/TrendSummaries documentation built on Nov. 15, 2021, 6:14 p.m.