Man pages for GabrielHoffman/dreamlet
Scalable differential expression analysis of single cell transcriptomics datasets with complex study designs

aggregateNonCountSignalAggregation of single-cell signals
aggregateToPseudoBulkAggregation of single-cell to pseudobulk data
aggregateVarPer-sample variance of single-cell counts
as.dreamletResultConvert list of regression fits to 'dreamletResult'
assay-methodsGet assay
assayNames-methodsGet assayNames
buildClusterTreeFromPBHierarchical clustering on cell types from pseudobulk
cellCountsExtract cell counts
cellSpecificityValues-classClass cellSpecificityValues
cellTypeSpecificityGet cell type specificity of gene expression
checkFormulaCheck variables in a formula
coefNames-methodsGet coefficient names
colData-dreamletProcessedData-methodExtract colData from 'dreamletProcessedData'
colData-set-dreamletProcessedData-ANY-methodSet colData
compositePosteriorTestPerform composite test on results from mashr
computeCellCountsGet cell counts with metadata
computeLogCPMCompute log normalized counts
computeNormCountsCompute normalized counts
details-methodsExtract details from dreamletProcessedData
diffVar-methodsTest differential variance
dreamletDifferential expression for each assay
dreamletCompareClustersDifferential expression between pair of assays
dreamlet_mash_result-classClass dreamlet_mash_result
dreamletProcessedData-classClass dreamletProcessedData
dreamletResult-classClass dreamletResult
dropRedundantTermsDrop redundant terms from the model
equalFormulasCheck if two formulas are equal
extractData-methodsExtract normalized expression and 'colData'
extract-methodsSubset with brackets
fitVarPartVariance Partition analysis for each assay
getExprGeneNamesGet list of expressed genes for each assay
getTreat-methodsTest if coefficient is different from a specified value
meta_analysisMeta-analysis across multiple studies
metadata-dreamletProcessedData-methodExtract metadata from 'dreamletProcessedData'
outlierMultivariate outlier detection
outlierByAssayOutlier analysis for each assay
pbWeightsCompute precision weights for pseudobulk
plotBeeswarmBeeswarm plot of effect sizes for each assay
plotCellCompositionBar plot of cell compositions
plotForest-methodsForest plot
plotGeneHeatmap-methodsHeatmap of genes and assays
plotHeatmap-methodsPlot heatmap
plotPCAPlot PCA of gene expression for an assay
plotPercentBars-methodsBar plot of variance fractions
plotProjectionPlot 2D projection
plotVarPart-methodsViolin plot of variance fractions
plotViolin-methodsPlot Violins
plotVolcano-methodsVolcano plot for each cell type
plotVoom-methodsPlot voom curves from each cell type
print-methodsPrint object
processAssaysProcessing SingleCellExperiment to dreamletProcessedData
processOneAssayProcessing expression data from assay
removeConstantTermsRemove constant terms from formula
residuals-methodsExtract residuals from 'dreamletResult'
run_mashRun mash analysis on dreamlet results
seeErrors-methodsGet error text
show-methodsShow object
sortCols-methodSort variance partition statistics
stackAssaysStack assays from pseudobulk
tabToMatrixConvert results table to matrix
topTable-methodsTable of Top Genes from dreamlet fit
vpDF-classClass vpDF
zenith_gsa-methodsPerform gene set analysis using zenith
GabrielHoffman/dreamlet documentation built on May 20, 2024, 2:05 p.m.