Man pages for GabrielHoffman/variancePartition
Quantify and interpret drivers of variation in multilevel gene expression experiments

applyQualityWeightsApply pre-specified sample weights to data.frame
as.matrix-varPartResults-methodConvert to matrix
augmentPriorCountAugment observed read counts with prior count
BIC.MArrayLMBIC from model fit
BIC.MArrayLM2BIC from model fit
calcVarPart-methodCompute variance statistics
classifyTestsFMultiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
classifyTestsF-MArrayLM2-methodMultiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
colinearityScoreCollinearity score
deviation-methodDeviation from expectation for each observation
diffVar-methodTest differential variance
dot-getAllUniContrastsGet all univariate contrasts
dot-isMixedModelFormulaCheck if model contains a random effect
dot-standard_transformCompute standard post-processing values
dream-methodDifferential expression with linear mixed model
dscchisqScaled chi-square
eBayes-methodeBayes for MArrayLM2
ESS-methodEffective sample size
extractVarPartExtract variance statistics
fitExtractVarPartModel-methodFit linear (mixed) model, report variance fractions
fitVarPartModel-methodFit linear (mixed) model
getContrast-methodExtract contrast matrix for linear mixed model
get_prediction-methodCompute predicted value of formula for linear (mixed) model
getTreat-methodTest if coefficient is different from a specified value
ggColorHueDefault colors for ggplot
hatvalues-methodCompute hatvalues
isRunableFormulaTest if formula is full rank on this dataset
logLik.MArrayLMLog-likelihood from model fit
logLik.MArrayLM2Log-likelihood from model fit
makeContrastsDreamConstruct Matrix of Custom Contrasts
MArrayLM2-classClass MArrayLM2
mvTest_input-classClass mvTest_input
mvTest-methodMultivariate tests on results from 'dream()'
plotCompareP-methodCompare p-values from two analyses
plotContrastsPlot representation of contrast matrix
plotPercentBars-methodBar plot of gene fractions
plotVarianceEstimatesPlot Variance Estimates
plotVarPart-methodViolin plot of variance fractions
rdfResidual degrees of freedom
rdf_from_matricesFast approximate residual degrees of freedom
rdf.merModApproximate residual degrees of freedom
reOnlyAdapted from lme4:::reOnly
residuals.MArrayLM2Residuals for result of dream
residuals-MArrayLM2-methodresiduals for MArrayLM2
residuals-MArrayLM-methodresiduals for MArrayLM
residuals-VarParFitList-methodResiduals from model fit
shrinkageMetricShrinkage metric for eBayes
sortCols-methodSort variance partition statistics
subset.MArrayLM2-methodSubseting for MArrayLM2
toptable-methodTable of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
VarParCIList-classClass VarParCIList
VarParFitList-classClass VarParFitList
varParFrac-classClass varParFrac
varPartConfInfLinear mixed model confidence intervals
varPartDataSimulation dataset for examples
varPartDEdataA simulated dataset of gene counts
varPartResults-classClass varPartResults
vcov-MArrayLM2-methodCo-variance matrix for 'dream()' fit
vcov-MArrayLM-methodCo-variance matrix for 'dream()' fit
vcovSqrt-methodSqrt of co-variance matrix for 'dream()' fit
voomWithDreamWeightsTransform RNA-Seq Data Ready for Linear Mixed Modelling with...
GabrielHoffman/variancePartition documentation built on Jan. 6, 2025, 6:01 a.m.