
Defines functions .masking

#### getMax ####
#' @title Get the extreme values.
#' @aliases getMax
#' @description Get the maximum/minimum value of a \code{\linkS4class{Raster}}.
#'   If it is multilayer, then get the maximums/minimums values of each layer.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{Raster}}.
#' @return A numeric vector.
#' @example /inst/examples/getMinExample.R
setGeneric("getMin", function(x) standardGeneric("getMin"))
#' @export getMin

#' @rdname getMin
  signature(x = "RasterAll"),
  function (x) {

#' @rdname getMin
setGeneric("getMax", function(x) standardGeneric("getMax"))
#' @export getMax

#' @rdname getMin
  signature(x = "RasterAll"),
  function (x) {

#### asAngle ####
#' @title Convert numeric to an Angle.
#' @description Helper function for converting a numeric vector to an
#'   \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}. It is similar to coercing. For example,
#'   \code{as(45, "Angle")} return the same object than \code{asAngle(45)}.
#' @param x numeric
#' @param degrees logical. By default is set as TRUE, meaning x is in degrees.
#'   If FALSE x should be in radians.
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{switchUnit}}
#' @example /inst/examples/asAngleExample.R
setGeneric("asAngle", function(x, degrees = TRUE) standardGeneric("asAngle"))
#' @export asAngle

#' @rdname asAngle
  signature(x = "numeric"),
  function (x, degrees) {
    return(new("Angle", values = x, degrees = degrees))

#### switchUnit #####
#' @title Switch the unit of an Angle.
#' @description Switch consistently the unit of an \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}.
#'   If it is in radians convert it to degrees and vice versa.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asAngle}}.
#' @example /inst/examples/switchUnitExample.R
setGeneric("switchUnit", function(x) standardGeneric("switchUnit"))
#' @export switchUnit

#' @rdname switchUnit
  signature(x = "Angle"),
  function (x) {
    if (!x@degrees) {
      x@values <- x@values * 180 / pi
      x@degrees <- TRUE
    } else {
      x@values <- x@values * pi / 180
      x@degrees <- FALSE

#### rtitle ####
#' @title Set or get the title of a Raster*.
#' @aliases rtitle<-
#' @description Set or get the title of a \code{\linkS4class{Raster}}.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{Raster}}.
#' @param value character. The title.
#' @details This method was written after reading this
#'   \href{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9900134/is-it-bad-practice-to-access-s4-objects-slots-directly-using}{stackoverflow
#'   answer}.
#' @return character.
#' @example /inst/examples/rtitleExample.R
setGeneric("rtitle", function(x) standardGeneric("rtitle"))
#' @export rtitle

#' @rdname rtitle
  signature(x = "Raster"),
  function (x) {

setGeneric("rtitle<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("rtitle<-"),
  useAsDefault = FALSE)

#' @rdname rtitle
  signature(x = "Raster", value = "character"),
  function (x, value) {
    x@title <- value
#' @export rtitle<-

#### doMask ####
#' @title Do a mask for hemispherical photographs given angle restrictions.
#' @description Do a mask for hemispherical photographs given angle restrictions.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{ZenithImage}} or
#'   \code{\linkS4class{CanopyPhoto}}.
#' @param y todo
#' @param previousMask \code{\linkS4class{BinImage}}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param a \code{\linkS4class{AzimuthImage}}.
#' @param zlim \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}. Set the zenith angle range with
#'   inclusive limits.
#' @param alim \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}. Set the azimuth angle range with
#'   inclusive limits.
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{BinImage}}.
#' @details The intervals are closed on the right and on the left.
#' Todo: explain previousMask behavior.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeZimage}}, \code{\link{makeAimage}}.
#' @references Schneider, D., Schwalbe, E., Maas, H.-G., 2009. Validation of
#'   geometric models for fisheye lenses. ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 64,
#'   259-266.
#' @example /inst/examples/doMaskExample.R
  function (x, z, previousMask = NULL, a = makeAimage(x), zlim = NULL, alim = NULL)
#' @export doMask

#' @describeIn doMask You can use angular limits to do a mask for hemispherical
#'   photographs.
  signature(x = "ZenithImage"),
  function (x, previousMask, a, zlim, alim) {

    if (!is.null(previousMask))
      stopifnot(is(previousMask)[1] == "BinImage")

    z <- x
    noDataArea <- is.na(z)

    if (all(is.null(zlim), is.null(alim))) {
      out <- !is.na(z)
    } else {
      if (all(!is.null(zlim), !is.null(alim))) {

        stopifnot(length(zlim@values) == 2)
        stopifnot(length(alim@values) == 2)
        stopifnot(is(zlim) == "Angle")
        stopifnot(is(alim) == "Angle")

        if (!zlim@degrees) zlim <-  switchUnit(zlim)
        if (!alim@degrees) alim <-  switchUnit(alim)
        stopifnot(all(zlim@values[1] >= 0, zlim@values[2] <= 90))
        stopifnot(all(alim@values[1] >= 0, alim@values[2] <= 360))

        z[is.na(z)] <- 0
        a[is.na(a)] <- 0
        z[z >= zlim@values[1] & z <= zlim@values[2]] <- NA
        a[a >= alim@values[1] & a <= alim@values[2]] <- NA
        out <- is.na(z) + is.na(a)
        out[out == 2] <- NA
        out <- is.na(out)
      } else{
        if (!is.null(zlim)) {

          stopifnot(length(zlim@values) == 2)
          stopifnot(is(zlim) == "Angle")
          if (!zlim@degrees) zlim <- switchUnit(zlim)
          stopifnot(all(zlim@values[1] >= 0, zlim@values[2] <= 90))

          z[is.na(z)] <- 0

          z[z >= zlim@values[1] & z <= zlim@values[2]] <- NA
          out <- is.na(z)

        } else {
          stopifnot(length(alim@values) == 2)
          stopifnot(is(alim) == "Angle")

          if (!alim@degrees) alim <-  switchUnit(alim)
          stopifnot(all(alim@values[1] >= 0, alim@values[2] <= 360))

          a[is.na(a)] <- 0
          a[a >= alim@values[1] & a <= alim@values[2]] <- NA
          out <- is.na(a)

    # fix inclusion of the area outside the circle if zmin is 0
    out[noDataArea] <- 0
    if (!is.null(previousMask)) out <- out * previousMask
    out <- as(out, "BinImage")

#' @describeIn doMask This feature could be needed for further processing
#'   fullframe hemispherical photographs.
  signature(x = "CanopyPhoto"),
  function (x, z) {

    stopifnot(class(z) == "ZenithImage")

    if (all(!fisheye(x)@fullframe, fisheye(x)@is))
      stop("Argument x should be a fullframe hemispherical photo, you need to declare this with the fisheye function.")

    x <- raster::subset(x, 1)
    x[] <- 255

    center <- ncol(z) / 2
    xmn <- center - (ncol(x) / 2)
    xmx <- center + (ncol(x) / 2)
    ymn <- center - (nrow(x) / 2)
    ymx <- center + (nrow(x) / 2)
    e <- extent(xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx)
    extent(x) <- e
    foo <- extend(x, z, value = 0)
    e <- extent(0, ncol(foo), 0, nrow(foo))
    extent(foo) <- e
    x <- foo == 255
    as(x, "BinImage")

#' @rdname doMask
  signature(x = "RelativeRadiusImage"),
  function (x) {
    as(!is.na(x), "BinImage")

#### calcExposure ####
#' @title Calculate exposure
#' @description Calculate the exposure for a given aperture (fNumber) and
#'   exposure time (shutter speed).
#' @param x numeric or character.
#' @param exposureTime numeric. The shutter speed.
#' @references Allen, E., & Triantaphillidou, S. (2010). The manual of
#'   photography. (E. Allen & S. Triantaphillidou, Eds.) (10th ed.). Amsterdam:
#'   Elsevier.
#' @return numeric
#' @example /inst/examples/calcExposureExample.R
setGeneric("calcExposure", function(x, exposureTime)
#' @export calcExposure

#' @describeIn  calcExposure \code{x} numeric. fNumbar, see
#'   \code{\link{fNumber}}.
          signature(x = "numeric"),

          function (x, exposureTime) {
            stopifnot(class(exposureTime) == "numeric")
            log2(x^2 / exposureTime)

#' @describeIn  calcExposure Probably, this will be the most used.
          signature(x = "CanopyPhoto"),

          function (x) {
            calcExposure(fNumber(x), exposureTime(x))

#' @describeIn  calcExposure \code{x} character. The names of the photographs
#'   (extension included). If your working directory is the one that contains
#'   the photographs, use just the file name, otherwise, use the full path to
#'   the file.
          signature(x = "character"),
          function(x) {
            evs <- c()
            for (i in 1:length(x)) {
              cp <- loadPhoto(x[i])
              evs[i] <- calcExposure(fNumber(cp), exposureTime(cp))

#### addMasks ####
#' @title todo
#' @description todo
#' @param x todo
#' @param ... todo
#' @return todo
#' @examples #/inst/examples/ Example.R
setGeneric("addMasks", function(x, ...)
#' @export addMasks

#' @rdname addMasks
          signature(x = "BinImage"),
          function (x, ...) {
            x <- stack(x, ...)
            x <- calc(x, sum)
            x[x != 0] <- 1
            as(x, "BinImage")

#### getNumberOfPixels ####
#' @title Get the number of pixels per segment
#' @description Get the number of pixels per segment given a
#'   \code{\linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}}.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}}
#' @param m \code{\linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}}. Mask.
#' @param onlyMin logical. The default TRUE meant that only the number of pixels
#'   of the smallest segment is returned.
#' @details A criterion for selecting a proper segmentation is the number of
#'   pixel of the smallest segment. Gonsamo et al. (2010) suggest a minimum
#'   number of pixels greater or equal than 10 pixels.
#' @return numeric
#' @references
#' Gonsamo, A., Walter, J.-M.N., Pellikka, P., 2010. Sampling gap fraction and
#' size for estimating leaf area and clumping indices from hemispherical
#' photographs. Can. J. For. Res. 40, 1588–1603. doi:10.1139/X10-085
#' @examples #/inst/examples/ Example.R
setGeneric("getNumberOfPixels", function(x, m, onlyMin = TRUE)
#' @export getNumberOfPixels

#' @rdname getNumberOfPixels
          signature(x = "PolarSegmentation"),
          function (x, m, onlyMin) {
            x[!m] <- NA
            out <- tapply(x[], x[], length)
            if (onlyMin) out <- min(out)

#### masking ####
#' @title todo
#' @description todo
#' @param x todo
#' @param m todo
#' @param col todo
#' @return todo
#' @examples #/inst/examples/ Example.R
setGeneric("masking", function(x, m, col = c(1,0,0))
#' @export masking

.masking <- function(red, green, blue, m, col) {
  red[!m] <- col[1]
  green[!m] <- col[2]
  blue[!m] <- col[3]
  raster::stack(red, green, blue)

#' @rdname masking
          signature(x = "RasterLayer"),
          function (x, m, col) {
            raster::compareRaster(x, m)
            red = green = blue <- x
            .masking(red, green, blue, m, col)

#' @rdname masking
          signature(x = "RasterStackBrick"),
          function (x, m, col) {
            stopifnot(raster::nlayers(x) == 3)
            red <- raster::subset(x, 1)
            green <- raster::subset(x, 2)
            blue <- raster::subset(x, 3)
            .masking(red, green, blue, m, col)

#### read_bin ####

#' @title todo
#' @description todo
#' @param filename todo
#' @return todo
#' @examples #/inst/examples/ Example.R
setGeneric("read_bin", function(filename)
#' @export read_bin

#' @rdname read_bin
          signature(filename = "character"),
          function (filename) {
            r <- raster(filename)
            r <- is.na(r)
            r <- as(r, "BinImage")
GastonMauroDiaz/caiman documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 4:43 a.m.