
Defines functions print.lm_beta_summary summary.lm_beta print.lm_beta standardized_coef coef_standardized

Documented in coef_standardized print.lm_beta print.lm_beta_summary standardized_coef summary.lm_beta

#' **[!!]** Compute Standardized Regression Coefficients
#' Compute the standardized regression coefficients (beta) from an object of class `lm`).
#' @param obj (`lm` object) A result of function `lm()`.
#' @return
#' Object of class `lm_beta` which is a list with 2 named fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `b` named numeric vector with regression coefficients (not standardized);
#' \item `beta` named numeric vector  with standardized coefficients from `lm()` model.
#' }
#' @details
#' This function is inspired by function  \pkg{QuantPsyc}`::lm.beta()` written by Thomas D. Fletcher. \cr
#' `coef_standardized()` provides standardized coefficients even when interaction members are present. This is achieved by computing whole model matrix (with all right-hand side members of formula used in call of `lm()`) and calculating standard deviations of each regressor (including interaction members) based on these columns. \cr
#' `coef_standardized()` does not fail if intercept is not present.\cr
#' The remaining calculations are the same as in \pkg{QuantPsyc}`::lm.beta()`.
#' @author
#' Vilmantas Gegzna (modified function written by Thomas D. Fletcher).
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'     \item [stats::lm()] in package \pkg{stats}.
#'     \item [QuantPsyc::lm.beta()] in package \pkg{QuantPsyc}.
#' }
#' @keywords models
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(USJudgeRatings)
#' us <- USJudgeRatings
#' names(us)
#' lm1 <- lm(CONT ~ INTG + DMNR + log(DILG), data = us)
#' coef_standardized(lm1)
#' lm2 <- lm(CONT ~ INTG + DMNR * DILG, data = us)
#' coef_standardized(lm2)
#' summary(coef_standardized(lm2))
#' # Do not include intercept
#' lm3 <- lm(CONT ~ 0 + INTG, data = us)
#' coef_standardized(lm3)
#' summary(coef_standardized(lm3))
coef_standardized <- function(obj) {
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  checkmate::assert_class(obj, "lm")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  COEFS <- summary(obj)$coef
  ind_a <- which(rownames(COEFS) == "(Intercept)")
  if (length(ind_a) == 0) {
    # If intercept is not present
    a <- 0
    b <- COEFS[, 1]
    b_names <- rownames(COEFS)
  } else {
    # If intercept is present
    a <- COEFS["(Intercept)", 1]
    b <- COEFS[-1, 1]
    b_names <- rownames(summary(obj)$coef)[-1]
    b_names <- rownames(COEFS)[-1]
  # Extracts all members of right-hand side of formulae:
  data_ <- model.matrix(as.formula(obj$call$formula), data = obj$model)
  # Make correct order of columns:
  data_ <- as.data.frame(data_)[, b_names, drop = FALSE]
  # Do the standardization:
  sx_ <- sapply(data_, sd)
  sy_ <- sapply(obj$model[1], sd)
  beta <- b * sx_ / sy_
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  structure(list(a = a, b = b, beta = beta),
    class = c("lm_beta", "list")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' @name deprecated_functions
#' @description Depreceted functions. They exist for compatibility with
#'              previous versions.
#' @title Deprecated functions in `biostat` package
#' @param obj `lm` object.
#' @export
standardized_coef <- function(obj) {

#' @rdname coef_standardized
#' @param x `lm_beta` object.
#' @param object `lm_beta` object.
#' @param digits (integer) number of decimal places to round the answer to.
#'               Default is 3.
#' @param ... further parameters to `print` method.
#' @export

print.lm_beta <- function(x, ..., digits = 3) {
  cat("Standardized Regression Coefficients:\n")

  print(unclass(round(x$beta, digits = digits)), ...)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @rdname coef_standardized
#' @export
summary.lm_beta <- function(object, ..., digits = 3) {
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  b <- rm_names(object$b)
  beta <- rm_names(object$beta)

  rez <- data.frame(
    regressor = c("(Intercept)", names(object$beta)),
    coeff = c(object$a, b),
    standardized_coeff = c(NA, beta),
    influence_rank = c(NA, rank(-abs(beta)))
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    class = c("lm_beta_summary", "data.frame")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @rdname coef_standardized
#' @export
print.lm_beta_summary <- function(x, ..., digits = 3) {
  cat("Summary of Standardized Regression Coefficients:\n")
  x$standardized_coeff <- round(x$standardized_coeff, digits = digits)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # # This part is the same as QuantPsyc::lm.beta() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# b <- summary(obj)$coef[-1, 1]
# sx <- sapply(obj$model[-1], sd)
# sy <- sapply(obj$model[1],  sd)
# beta_0 <- b * sx /  sy
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GegznaV/BioStat documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 9:30 p.m.