
Defines functions rbind_df_in_list getVarValues adjust_named_vector adjust_vector_length SIGNIF eval_ first_capital as_number rm_names is_named is_symetric_matrix is_square_matrix min_max

Documented in adjust_named_vector adjust_vector_length eval_ rbind_df_in_list

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
min_max <- function(x) {
  c(min(x), max(x))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
is_square_matrix <- function(x) {
  # From package `matrixcalc` version 1.0-3
  nrow(x) == ncol(x)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
is_symetric_matrix <- function(x) {
  checkmate::assert_matrix(x, mode = "numeric")
  if (!is_square_matrix(x)) stop("Matrix is not square")
  sum(x == t(x)) == length(x)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
is_named <- function(x) {

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
rm_names <- function(obj) {
  names(obj) <- NULL
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
as_number <- function(x) {
  x %>%
    as.character() %>%

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
first_capital <- function(str) {
  gsub("\\b(.)", "\\U\\1", str, perl = TRUE)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' eval text as a command
#' @param x (string) A text with command to evaluate.
#' @param envir An environment to evaluate in.
#' @param ... further parameters to [base::eval()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
eval_ <-
  function(x, envir = parent.frame(), ...) {
    eval(parse(text = x), envir = envir, ...)

# Convert to numertic and round to several significant digits
# @param x A value
# @param digits Number of signoficant digits
# @export
# @examples
SIGNIF <- function(x, digits = 3) {
  x %>%
    # readr::parse_number() %>%
    as_number() %>%
    signif(digits = digits)

#' Check and adjust length of vector according to the number of columns in a data frame
#' (Function for value recycling)
#' @param x a vector to check and recycle
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param make_named (logical) If `TRUE`, vector elements will be given names
#' of data frame columns.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
adjust_vector_length <- function(x, data, make_named = FALSE) {
  n_col <- length(data)
  len_x <- length(x)
  if (len_x == 1) {
    x <- rep_len(x, n_col)
  } else if (len_x != n_col) {
      "Length of `", substitute(x),
      "` must be either 1 or ", n_col, "."
  if (make_named == TRUE) {
    names(x) <- colnames(data)

#' Match positions of a vector and dataset colum names.
#' Match positions of a vector and dataset colum names. Missing positions in
#' vecor will be filled with NA. Positions of matching names will be filled
#' with values in vector x.
#' @param x a vector to check and recycle
#' @param data a data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
adjust_named_vector <- function(x, data) {
  rez <- rep(NA, length(data))
  var_names <- colnames(data)
  names(rez) <- var_names
  common <- intersect(var_names, names(x))

  rez[common] <- x[common]

# =============================================================================

getVarValues <- function(VAR,
                         CALL = match.call(
                           definition = sys.function(sys.parent()),
                           call = sys.call(sys.parent())
                         env = parent.frame(2L)) {
  `%if_null%` <- function(a, b) {
    if (!is.null(a)) a else b
  # Prepare data, if needed -------------------------------------------------
  if (inherits(DATA, "hyperSpec")) {
    DATA <- DATA$..

  # If VAR is NULL --------------------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(VAR)) {

  # Force evaluation of function arguments ----------------------------------
  force(env) # Get parent environment
  force(CALL) # Get call of function which parameters are going to be evaluated.

  # Look for missing arguments-----------------------------------------------
  missVar <- vector("logical", 2)
  missVar[1] <- missing(VAR)
  missVar[2] <- missing(DATA)

  if (any(missVar)) {
    missVarTXT <- paste(c("VAR", "DATA")[missVar],
      collapse = ", "
    stop(paste("Missing arguments with no default values:", missVarTXT))
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  VAR_value <- NULL
      VAR_value <- VAR
    silent = TRUE

  # If data is missing (i.e. is NULL) -------------------------------------
  if (is.null(DATA)) {

  # If DATA is provided ---------------------------------------------------
  # and ...
  VAR_length <- VAR_value %>%
    simplify2array() %>%
  is_VAR_value_in_DATA <- all(VAR_value %in% colnames(DATA))
  if (VAR_length == 1 & is_VAR_value_in_DATA) {

  #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  DATA_length <- nrow(DATA) %if_null% length(DATA) # <<<< this line may
  #  need reviewing:
  #  length(data.frame) vs.
  #          length(matrix)
  if (VAR_length == DATA_length) {

  #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Convert input variable names to character (without evaluation)
  VAR_name <- CALL[[match.call()$VAR %>% as.character()]] %>% as.character()
  is_VAR_name_in_DATA <- VAR_name %in% colnames(DATA)

  if (is_VAR_name_in_DATA) {

  # VAR_value_in_DATA <- env[[DATA_name]][[VAR_name]]
  # VAR_value_in_DATA <- env[[DATA_name]][[,VAR_name,drop=TRUE]]
  # VAR_value %in% colnames(env[[DATA_name]]

  #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  warning("Lengths of arguments 'DATA' and 'VAR' do not match!!!") # <<<< this line may need reviewing:
  # Error message is not informative enough


# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' Row-bind data frames which are inside a list and keep the names of the list fields
#' @param x A named list of data frames (all data frames must have the same structure.)
#' @return A data frame with field names of input list as a first column (called '.group').
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Data:
#' data <- list(
#'   A = read.table(
#'     text =
#'       "           intercept    slope      type conf
#' qq_refline -39.55714 1.123535 quartiles 0.95"
#'   ),
#'   B = read.table(
#'     text =
#'       "           intercept     slope      type conf
#' qq_refline  29.42192 0.7940267 quartiles 0.95"
#'   )
#' )
#' rbind_df_in_list(data)
#' # .group intercept     slope      type
#' # 1      A -39.55714 1.1235350 quartiles
#' # 2      B  29.42192 0.7940267 quartiles
rbind_df_in_list <- function(x) {
  if (!is.list(x)) stop("`x` must be a list.")

  DF <- x %>%
    do.call(rbind, .) %>%
    # dplyr::mutate(.group = rownames(.))  %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = ".group") %>%
    # Remove numbers, added in `do.call(rbind, .)`
      col = ".group",
      into = ".group",
      sep = "\\.\\d*$",
      extra = "drop"

  # .group as 1-st column
  # dplyr::select_(.dots = c(".group", colnames(.)[1:(ncol(.) - 1)]))

  # Check id the output is correct
  if (colnames(DF)[1] != ".group") {
      "Function `rbind_df_in_list` does not work properly. ",
      "The name of first variable in the output dataframe must be '.group'."

  # rownames(DF) <- NULL


# "glue" family -----------------------------------------------------------

eval_glue <- function(..., envir = parent.frame(),
                      .sep = "", .open = "{", .close = "}") {
  x2 <- glue::glue(..., .envir = envir, .open = .open, .close = .close)
  eval(parse(text = x2), envir = envir)

stop_glue <- function(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL, envir = parent.frame()) {
  stop(glue::glue(..., .envir = envir), call. = call., domain = domain)

warning_glue <- function(...,
                         call. = TRUE,
                         immediate. = FALSE,
                         noBreaks. = FALSE,
                         domain = NULL,
                         envir = parent.frame()) {
  warning(glue::glue(..., .envir = envir),
    call. = call.,
    immediate. = immediate.,
    noBreaks. = noBreaks.,
    domain = domain

message_glue <- function(...,
                         domain = NULL,
                         appendLF = TRUE,
                         envir = parent.frame()) {
  message(glue::glue(..., .envir = envir),
    appendLF = appendLF,
    domain = domain

sprintf_glue <- function(fmt, ...,
                         domain = NULL,
                         appendLF = TRUE,
                         envir = parent.frame()) {
  sprintf(glue::glue(fmt, .envir = envir), ...)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
round_signif <- function(x, digits = 3) {
  x %>%
    # readr::parse_number() %>%
    as_number() %>%
    sprintf_glue(fmt = "%.{digits}g")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GegznaV/BioStat documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 9:30 p.m.