

#' Basic nonparametric bootstrap confidence interval of mean
#' A very fast implementation of the basic nonparametric bootstrap for obtaining confidence limits for the population mean without assuming normality.
#' The function is based on code of function \code{\link[Hmisc]{}()} from package \pkg{Hmisc}.
#' @param x (numeric) A numeric vector from which \code{NA}s will be removed automatically.
#' @param conf_level (number) Confidence level. Number from 0 to 1. Default 0.95.
#' @param repetitions (integer) Number of bootstrap resamples.
#' @param na.rm (logical) If \code{TRUE} (default), missing values (\code{NA}'s) are removed automatically.
#' @param resampled_means (logical) If \code{TRUE}, the vector of bootstrapped means will be returned as the \code{resampled_means} attribute of the returned object.
#' @param return_df (logical) If \code{TRUE} (default), result is returned as a data frame. If \code{FALSE} - as a matrix.
#' @return An object (data frame or matrix) with a point estimate and confidence interval of mean.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(111555)
#' ci_mean_boot(1:60)
#' set.seed(999555)
#' x <- rnorm(35, 10, 5)
#' ci_mean_boot(x)
ci_mean_boot <- function(x,
                         conf_level = 0.95,
                         repetitions = 2000,
                         na.rm = TRUE,
                         resampled_means = FALSE,
                         return_df = TRUE) {
    checkmate::assert_numeric(x, all.missing = FALSE)
    checkmate::assert_number(conf_level, lower = 0, upper = 1)
    checkmate::assert_number(repetitions, lower = 1 )

    if (na.rm) {
        x <- x[!]

    n <- length(x)
    mean_bar <- mean(x)

    if (n < 2L)
        return(c(Mean = mean_bar,
                 Lower = NA,
                 Upper = NA

    all_means <-
            FUN = function(i, x, n_) {
                sum(x[, n_, TRUE, NULL)])
            x = x,
            n_ = n
        )) / n

    probs <- c((1 - conf_level) / 2, (1 + conf_level) / 2)
    quant_mean <- quantile(all_means, probs)
    names(quant_mean) <- NULL

    res <- matrix(c(mean_bar, quant_mean, conf_level, repetitions),
                  nrow = 1,
                  byrow = TRUE,
                  dimnames = list(NULL,
                                  c("mean", "lower", "upper", "conf_level", "repetitions")))

    # Mean = xbar,
    #      Lower = quant[1L],
    #      Upper = quant[2L])

    if (return_df == TRUE)
        res <-

    if (resampled_means == TRUE)
        attr(res, "resampled_means") <- all_means

GegznaV/BioStat documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 9:30 p.m.