
Defines functions set_values.bs_radiobuttons get_values.bs_radiobuttons bs_radiobuttons

Documented in bs_radiobuttons get_values.bs_radiobuttons set_values.bs_radiobuttons


#' Radiobuttons widget.
#' Radiobuttons widget with command functions and tips when mouse is over the box.
#' @param parent Parent frame.
#' @param buttons (vector of strings) Value names for each radiobutton.
#' @param labels (vector of strings) Labels for each radiobutton.
#' @param title Title for the set of radiobuttons.
#' @param value  (string) Initial value. One of `buttons` values.
#' @param variable Tcl/Tk variable. Is `NULL`, a new variable will be created.
#' @param commands  A named list of commands (functions) for radiobutton. The names must match the values of "buttons".
#' @param default_command (function) A default command.
#' @param tips   A named list of strings to be used as tips for radiobutton.
#' The names must match the values of "buttons".
#' @param default_tip (string) a default tip.
#' @param border (logical) Flag if the frame should have a border.
#' @param layout (string) One of "vertical" (default) and "horizontal".
#' @param sticky_buttons (string) tkgrid `sticky` option for buttons.
#' @param sticky_buttons_frame (string) tkgrid `sticky` option for buttons frame
#' @param sticky_title (string) tkgrid `sticky` option for title (if no border is used).
#' @return A named list with fields `frame` (frame with the radiobuttons),
#'  `var` (tcl/tk variables for each box),
#'  and `obj` (tcl/tk objects for each box).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{\donttest{
#' top <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
#' buttons_1 <- bs_radiobuttons(top, c("A", "B", "C"))
#' tcltk::tkgrid(buttons_1$frame)
#' top <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
#' buttons_2 <- bs_radiobuttons(top, buttons = c("A", "B", "C"),
#'                              border = TRUE, title = "Buttons")
#' tcltk::tkgrid(buttons_2$frame)
#' top <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
#' buttons_3 <- bs_radiobuttons(top, c("A", "B", "C"), layout = "h",
#'                          title = "Buttons", sticky_buttons = "")
#' tcltk::tkgrid(buttons_3$frame)
#' }}

bs_radiobuttons <- function(
  parent               = top,
  value                = buttons[1],
  title                = NULL,
  variable             = NULL,
  labels               = NULL,
  commands             = list(),       # named list of functions
  default_command      = do_nothing,
  tips                 = list(),       # named list of strings
  default_tip          = "",
  border               = FALSE,
  layout               = c("vertical", "horizontal"),
  sticky_buttons       = "w",
  sticky_buttons_frame = "",
  sticky_title         = "w"
  checkmate::assert_string(title, null.ok = TRUE)

  layout <- match.arg(layout)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (is.null(names(buttons))) {
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      labels <- buttons

  } else {
    # If 'buttons' is a named vector,
    # values are treated as 'labels' and
    # names as 'buttons'
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
      warning("Values of 'labels' are ignored as 'buttons' is a named vector.")
    if (value == buttons[1]) {
      value <- names(value)


    labels  <- unname(buttons)
    buttons <- names(buttons)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  buttons_list <- structure(buttons, names = buttons)

  # Manage commands` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (length(commands) > 0 && !all(names(commands) %in% buttons)) {
      "Argument `commands` must be a named list of functions. ",
      "The element names must be a subset of: ",
      paste(buttons, collapse = ", "), ". Unrecognized names: ",
      paste(setdiff(names(commands), buttons), collapse = ", "), "."

  commands <- modifyList(
    map(buttons_list, function(x) default_command),

  # Manage `tips` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (is.null(names(tips)) && (length(tips) == length(buttons))) {
    tips <- as.list(tips)

  } else if (length(tips) > 0 && !all(names(tips) %in% buttons)) {
      "Argument `tips` must be a named list of strings.  ",
      "The element names must be a subset of: ",
      paste(buttons, collapse = ", "), ". Unrecognized names: ",
      paste(setdiff(names(tips), buttons), collapse = ", "), "."

  } else {
    tips <- modifyList(map(buttons_list, function(x) default_tip), tips)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # values <-
  #     if (is.null(values)) {
  #         rep(default_value, length(buttons))
  #     } else if (length(values) == length(buttons)) {
  #         values
  #     } else {
  #         stop("The length of `values` must be ", length(buttons), ", not ",
  #              length(values), ".")
  #     }

  if (is.null(variable)) {
    variable <- tclVar(value)
  } else {
    tclvalue(variable) <- value

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  frame <-
    if (border) {
      if (is.null(title)) {

      } else {
          labelwidget = tk_label_blue(parent, text = title))

    } else {

  if (!is.null(title) && !border) {
    tkgrid(tk_label_blue(frame, text = title), sticky = sticky_title)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  frame_for_buttons <- tk2frame(frame)
  objs <- pmap(
    list(labels, buttons, commands, tips),
    ~ tk2radiobutton(frame_for_buttons,
      variable = variable,
      text     = ..1,
      value    = ..2,
      command  = ..3,
      tip      = ..4))

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    vertical = {
      walk(objs, tkgrid, sticky = sticky_buttons)

    horizontal = {
      buttons_str <- paste0("objs[[", seq_along(objs), "]]",
        collapse = ", ")
      str_glue_eval('tkgrid({buttons_str}, sticky = sticky_buttons)')

    stop("Unrecognized layout: ", layout)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(frame_for_buttons, sticky = sticky_buttons_frame)

    frame = frame,
    var   = variable,
    obj   = structure(objs, names = buttons),
    frame_obj = frame_for_buttons
    class = c("bs_radiobuttons", "bs_tk_buttonset", "bs_tk_widget", "list"))

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_values.bs_radiobuttons <- function(obj, ...) {

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
set_values.bs_radiobuttons <- function(obj, values, ...) {
  tclvalue(obj$var) <- values
GegznaV/RcmdrPlugin.BioStat documentation built on May 8, 2023, 7:41 a.m.