
Defines functions ddi_authorizingAgency ddi_authorizationStatement ddi_studyAuthorization

Documented in ddi_authorizationStatement ddi_authorizingAgency ddi_studyAuthorization

#' studyAuthorization and its child nodes
#' Study Authorization provides structured information on the agency that 
#' authorized the study, the date of authorization, and an authorization 
#' statement. More information on these elements, especially their allowed 
#' attributes, can be found in the references. 
#' \emph{Parent nodes}
#' `studyAuthorization` is contained in `stdyDscr`.
#' \emph{studyAuthorization specific child nodes}
#' * `ddi_authorizationStatement()` is the text of the authorization.
#' * `ddi_authorizingAgency()` is the name of the agent or agency that 
#' authorized the study.
#' @param ... Child nodes or attributes. 
#' @return A ddi_node object.
#' @references \href{https://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Codebook/2.5/XMLSchema/field_level_documentation_files/schemas/codebook_xsd/elements/studyAuthorization.html}{studyAuthorization documentation}
#' @references \href{https://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Codebook/2.5/XMLSchema/field_level_documentation_files/schemas/codebook_xsd/elements/authorizationStatement.html}{authorizationStatement documentation}
#' @references \href{https://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Codebook/2.5/XMLSchema/field_level_documentation_files/schemas/codebook_xsd/elements/authorizingAgency.html}{authorizingAgency documentation}
#' @examples 
#' ddi_studyAuthorization()
#' # Functions that have to be wrapped in ddi_studyAuthorization()
#' ddi_authorizationStatement("Required documentation covering the study purpose, 
#'                            disclosure information, questionnaire content, and 
#'                            consent statements was delivered to the OUHS on 
#'                            2010-10-01 and was reviewed by the compliance officer. 
#'                            Statement of authorization for the described study 
#'                            was issued on 2010-11-04.")
#' ddi_authorizingAgency(affiliation = "Purdue University",
#'                       abbr = "OUHS",
#'                       "Office for Use of Human Subjects")
#' @export
ddi_studyAuthorization <- function(...) {
  components <- dots_to_xml_components(...)
  attribs <- components$attribs

  if(!is.null(attribs)) {
    allowed_attribs <- c("ID", "xml:lang", "source", "elementVersion", "elementVersionDate", "ddiLifecycleUrn", "ddiCodebookUrn",
    attribs <- validate_attributes(attribs, allowed_attribs, "studyAuthorization")

  allowed_children <- c(

    allowed_children = allowed_children,
    attribs = attribs,
    content = components$content

#' @rdname ddi_studyAuthorization
#' @export
ddi_authorizationStatement <- function(...) {
  components <- dots_to_xml_components(...)
  attribs <- components$attribs
  if(!is.null(attribs)) {
    allowed_attribs <- c("ID", "xml:lang", "source", "elementVersion", "elementVersionDate", "ddiLifecycleUrn", "ddiCodebookUrn")
    attribs <- validate_attributes(attribs, allowed_attribs, "authorizationStatement")
    attribs = attribs,
    content = components$content

#' @rdname ddi_studyAuthorization
#' @export
ddi_authorizingAgency <- function(...) {
  components <- dots_to_xml_components(...)
  attribs <- components$attribs

  if(!is.null(attribs)) {
    allowed_attribs <- c("ID", "xml:lang", "source", "elementVersion", "elementVersionDate", "ddiLifecycleUrn", "ddiCodebookUrn",
                        "affiliation", "abbr")
    attribs <- validate_attributes(attribs, allowed_attribs, "authorizingAgency")

    attribs = attribs,
    content = components$content
Global-TIES-for-Children/rddi documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 9:50 p.m.