
Defines functions validate_codebook check_cardinality dots_to_xml_components create_object_id

Documented in validate_codebook

#' Create object IDs
#' In the DDI Codebook 2.5 specification, object IDs are not necessary,
#' but they are recommended to create linkages. For example, variables being
#' specific to a certain database file should include an ID reference to
#' that file.
#' To create these IDs, this function employs a generator that accepts the
#' `object` and dotted parameters to create a character vector of IDs.
#' By default, generated IDs adhere to the DDI 3 URN standard.
#' @param object A character vector containing (presumably unique) object names
#' @param generator A function that takes `object` and `...` and returns a character vector of IDs. Setting the "rddi.id_generator" option will override this functionality.
#' @param sep Any spaces in each element of `object` will be replaced with `sep`. Note: strings of whitespace will be replaced by a single `sep`, not multiple.
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto `generator`
#' @noRd
create_object_id <- function(object, ..., generator = getOption("rddi.id_generator"), sep = ".") {

  object <- gsub("\\s+", sep, object)
  generator(object, ...)

#' Split variable arguments into content and attributes
#' @param ... Any mix of named and unnamed arguments
#' @return A list with members "attribs" and "content"
#' @details ## ID attributes
#' Entities in DDI schema can have IDs. As of DDI 3, entities
#' are requried to have URNs. As this package is an API for
#' DDI 2.5, it is not a requirement to include entity IDs. If
#' you'd like to specify them, use the 'id_object' parameter.
#' See [create_object_id] for more details.
#' @noRd
dots_to_xml_components <- function(...) {
  dots <- dots_partition(...)
  attribs <- dots$named %if_empty% NULL
  content <- dots$unnamed %if_empty% NULL

  # ID parameters, for specifying how object IDs are constructed,
  # should be built into the universal "ID" attribute
  id_attrib_pattern <- "^\\id_"
  is_id_attrib <- grepl(id_attrib_pattern, names(attribs))

  if (any(is_id_attrib)) {
    id_params <- attribs[is_id_attrib]
    attribs <- attribs[!is_id_attrib]
    names(id_params) <- gsub(id_attrib_pattern, "", names(id_params))

    if (!is.element("object", names(id_params))) {
      rddi_err("The `id_object` parameter must be defined if you want to set a DDI ID.")

    attribs[["ID"]] <- do.call(create_object_id, id_params)

    attribs = attribs,
    content = content

check_cardinality <- function(content, test) {
  counter <- 0
  for (c in content) {
    if (c$tag == test) counter <- counter + 1
#' Validate generated codebook against DDI Codebook 2.5
#' Validates your constructed codebook against the
#' DDI Codebook 2.5 schema. While all built-in `ddi_` functions
#' are written with the schema in mind, this is useful
#' if you create your own DDI nodes (there are many and
#' it will take a while to implement all of them).
#' @param codebook The codebook root node, output of `ddi_codeBook()`.
#' @return A logical (with attributes containing any errors) that indicates passing or failing.
#' @examples 
#' cb <- ddi_codeBook(ddi_stdyDscr(ddi_citation(ddi_titlStmt(ddi_titl("Sample")))))
#' validate_codebook(cb)
#' @export
validate_codebook <- function(codebook) {

  if (codebook$tag != "codeBook") {
    rddi_err("Codebook validation is only applicable from the codebook XML node")

  codebook_xml <- as_xml(codebook)
  schema <- read_xml(system.file("codebook.xsd", package = "rddi"))

  # Constructed XML fails to validate correctly if each subelement of the root
  # does not have a namespace provided as well. To get around this,
  # cast the XML object to character and then read back in.
  # See: https://github.com/r-lib/xml2/issues/189
  xml_validate(read_xml(as.character(codebook_xml)), schema)
Global-TIES-for-Children/rddi documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 9:50 p.m.