#' Assigns each read class geneScore and txScore
#' @param se summerized experiment object with read classes/ranges
#' @param genomeSequence genomeSequence
#' @param annotations GRangesList of annotations
#' @noRd
scoreReadClasses = function(se, genomeSequence, annotations, defaultModels,
fit = TRUE, returnModel = FALSE,
min.readCount = 2, min.exonOverlap = 10,
fusionMode = FALSE, verbose = FALSE){
start.ptm <- proc.time()
options(scipen = 999) #maintain numeric basepair locations not sci.notfi.
geneIds = assignGeneIds(rowRanges(se), annotations, min.exonOverlap, fusionMode)
rowData(se)$GENEID = geneIds$GENEID
rowData(se)$novelGene = geneIds$novelGene
rowData(se)$numExons = unname(elementNROWS(rowRanges(se)))
countsTBL = calculateGeneProportion(counts=mcols(se)$readCount,
rowData(se)$geneReadProp = countsTBL$geneReadProp
rowData(se)$geneReadCount = countsTBL$geneReadCount
thresholdIndex = which(rowData(se)$readCount
warningText = "No read classes with more than 1 read. Unable to train or score any."
metadata(se)$warnings = c(metadata(se)$warnings, warningText)
if(verbose) warning(warningText)
compTable <- isReadClassCompatible(rowRanges(se[thresholdIndex,]),
polyATerminals = countPolyATerminals(rowRanges(se[thresholdIndex,]),
newRowData = data.frame(equal = compTable$equal,
compatible = compTable$compatible,
numAstart = polyATerminals$numAstart,
numAend = polyATerminals$numAend,
numTstart = polyATerminals$numTstart,
numTend = polyATerminals$numTend)
rowData(se)[names(newRowData)] = NA
rowData(se)[thresholdIndex,names(newRowData)] = newRowData
#calculate using the pretrained model for NDR recommendation
rowData(se)$txScore.noFit = rep(NA,nrow(se))
txScore.noFit = getTranscriptScore(rowData(se)[thresholdIndex,],
model = NULL, defaultModels)
rowData(se)$txScore.noFit[thresholdIndex] = txScore.noFit
model = NULL
rowData(se)$txScore = rowData(se)$txScore.noFit
if (fit & length(thresholdIndex)>0){
model = trainBambu(se, verbose = verbose, min.readCount = min.readCount)
if(returnModel) metadata(se)$model = model
txScore = getTranscriptScore(rowData(se)[thresholdIndex,], model,
rowData(se)$txScore = rep(NA,nrow(se))
if(!is.null(txScore)) rowData(se)$txScore[thresholdIndex] = txScore
if(is.null(model) & fit) {
warningText = "Bambu was unable to train a model on this sample, and is using a pretrained model"
metadata(se)$warnings = c(metadata(se)$warnings, warningText)
if(verbose) warning(warningText)
end.ptm <- proc.time()
if (verbose)
message("Finished generating scores for read classes in ",
round((end.ptm - start.ptm)[3] / 60, 1)," mins.")
#' % of a genes read counts assigned to each read class
#' @noRd
calculateGeneProportion = function(counts, geneIds){
countsTBL <- tibble(counts, geneIds) %>%
group_by(geneIds) %>% mutate(geneReadCount = sum(counts),
geneReadProp = counts/geneReadCount)
#' returns number of ref anno each read class is a subset of
#' @noRd
isReadClassCompatible = function(query, subject){
outData <- data.frame(compatible=rep(0, length(query)),
equal = rep(FALSE, length(query)))
query <- cutStartEndFromGrangesList(query)
subject <- cutStartEndFromGrangesList(subject)
# reduce memory and speed footprint by reducing number of queries
# based on all intron match prefilter
unlistIntronsQuery <- unlistIntrons(query, use.names = FALSE,
use.ids = FALSE)
intronMatchesQuery <- unlistIntronsQuery %in% unlistIntrons(subject,
use.names = FALSE, use.ids = FALSE)
partitioningQuery <-
names = NULL)
allIntronMatchQuery <- all(relist(intronMatchesQuery, partitioningQuery))
olap = findOverlaps(query[allIntronMatchQuery],subject,
ignore.strand = FALSE, type = 'within')
query <- query[allIntronMatchQuery][queryHits(olap)]
subject <- subject[subjectHits(olap)]
splice <- myGaps(query)
comp <- myCompatibleTranscription(query = query, subject = subject,
splice = splice)
equal <- elementNROWS(query)==elementNROWS(subject) & comp
outData$compatible[allIntronMatchQuery] <- countQueryHits(olap[comp])
outData$equal[allIntronMatchQuery] <- countQueryHits(olap[equal])>0
#' returns number of A/T's each read class aligned 5' and 3' end
#' @noRd
countPolyATerminals = function(grl, genomeSequence){
start <- resize(granges(unlist(selectStartExonsFromGrangesList(grl,
exonNumber = 1),use.names = FALSE)),
width = 10, fix = 'start', ignore.strand=FALSE)
end <- resize(granges(unlist(selectEndExonsFromGrangesList(grl,
exonNumber = 1), use.names = FALSE)),
width = 10, fix = 'end', ignore.strand=FALSE)
strand(start)[which(strand(start)=='*')] = "+"
strand(end)[which(strand(end)=='*')] = "+"
seqlevels(start) = seqlevels(genomeSequence) #needed for windows DNAStringSet
seqlevels(end) = seqlevels(genomeSequence)
startSeqs = BSgenome::getSeq(genomeSequence,start)
endSeqs = BSgenome::getSeq(genomeSequence,end)
numATstart = BSgenome::letterFrequency(startSeqs, c("A","T"))
numATend= BSgenome::letterFrequency(endSeqs, c("A","T"))
return(data.frame(numAstart=numATstart[,"A"], numAend= numATend[,"A"],
numTstart=numATstart[,"T"], numTend=numATend[,"T"]))
#' calculates a score based on how likely a read class is full length
#' @noRd
getTranscriptScore = function(rowData, model = NULL, defaultModels){
txFeatures = prepareTranscriptModelFeatures(rowData)
features = dplyr::select(txFeatures,!c(labels))
## Multi-Exon
indexME = which(!rowData$novelGene & rowData$numExons>1)
txScore = predict(model$transcriptModelME, as.matrix(features))
} else txScore = NULL
## Single-Exon
indexSE = which(!rowData$novelGene & rowData$numExons==1)
txScoreSE = predict(model$transcriptModelSE, as.matrix(features))
} else txScoreSE = NULL
} else {
if (!is.null(defaultModels)){
txScore = predict(defaultModels$transcriptModelME,
txScoreSE = predict(defaultModels$transcriptModelSE,
} else {
warning("Transcript model not trained. ",
"No pre-trained models provided. ",
"Scores will not be calculated and ",
"transcript discovery will not happen")
txScore = rep(0, nrow(features))
txScoreSE = rep(0, nrow(features))
txScore[which(rowData$numExons==1)] =
#' Function to train a model for use on other data
#' @title Function to train a model for use on other data
#' @description This function train a model for use on other data
#' @param rcFile summerized experiment object with read classes/ranges produced from bambu(quant = FALSE, discovery = FALSE) or rcOutdir
#' @param min.readCount the minimum number of reads a read class is required to be have to be used for training
#' @param nrounds xgboost hyperparameter - the number of decision trees in the final mode
#' @param NDR.threshold the effective NDR threshold that bambu will try and match on other samples when using this model
#' @param verbose if additional messages should be output
#' Output - A list containing 6 objects which is passed directly into bambu(opt.discovery=list(defaultModels=trainBambu()))
#' transcriptModelME - the model for multi-exon transcripts
#' transcriptModelSE - the model for single-exon transcripts
#' txScoreBaseline - the txScore used for NDR calibration for multi-exon transcripts
#' txScoreBaselineSE - [DEPRECATED] the txScore used for NDR calibration for single-exon transcripts
#' lmNDR = lmNDR - the linear model of the reletionship between txScore and NDR used to calculate the baseline for multi-exon transcripts
#' lmNDR.SE = lmNDR.SE - the linear model of the reletionship between txScore and NDR used to calculate the baseline for single-exon transcripts
#' NDR.threshold - the NDR threshold usd to calculate the txScoreBaseline on the lmNDR (baselineFDR)
#' @details
#' @return It returns a model object to use in \link{bambu}
#' @export
trainBambu <- function(rcFile = NULL, min.readCount = 2, nrounds = 50, NDR.threshold = 0.1, verbose = TRUE) {
rowData = rowData(rcFile)[which(rowData(rcFile)$readCount>=min.readCount),]
txFeatures = prepareTranscriptModelFeatures(rowData)
features = dplyr::select(txFeatures,!c(labels))
if(!checkFeatures(txFeatures, verbose)){
if(verbose) message("Transcript model not trained. Using pre-trained models")
transcriptModelME = NULL
transcriptModelSE = NULL
txScoreBaseline = NA
txScoreBaselineSE = NA
## Multi-Exon
indexME = which(!rowData$novelGene & rowData$numExons>1)
transcriptModelME = fitXGBoostModel(
nrounds = nrounds, show.cv=FALSE)
txScore = predict(transcriptModelME, as.matrix(features))[indexME]
##Calculate the txScore baseline
NDR = calculateNDR(txScore, txFeatures$labels[indexME])
#lm of NDR vs txScore
lmNDR = lm(txScore~poly(NDR,3,raw=TRUE))
txScoreBaseline = predict(lmNDR, newdata=data.frame(NDR=NDR.threshold))
## Compare the trained model AUC to the default model AUC
txScore.default = predict(defaultModels$transcriptModelME, as.matrix(features))[indexME]
newPerformance = evaluatePerformance(txFeatures$labels[indexME],txScore)
currentPerformance = evaluatePerformance(txFeatures$labels[indexME],txScore.default)
message("On the dataset the new trained model achieves a ROC AUC of ",
signif(newPerformance$AUC,3), " and a Precision-Recall AUC of ", signif(newPerformance$PR.AUC,3), ".",
"This is compared to the Bambu pretrained model trained on human ONT RNA-Seq data model which achiveves a ROC AUC of ",
signif(currentPerformance$AUC,3), " and a Precision-Recall AUC of ", signif(currentPerformance$PR.AUC,3))
#shrink size of lm
lmNDR = trim_lm(lmNDR)
## Single-Exon
indexSE = which(!rowData$novelGene & rowData$numExons==1)
transcriptModelSE = fitXGBoostModel(
nrounds = nrounds, show.cv=FALSE)
txScoreSE = predict(transcriptModelSE, as.matrix(features))[indexSE]
NDR.SE = calculateNDR(txScoreSE, txFeatures$labels[indexSE])
lmNDR.SE = glm(txScoreSE~NDR.SE)
txScoreBaselineSE = predict(lmNDR.SE, newdata=data.frame(NDR.SE=NDR.threshold))
lmNDR.SE = trim_lm(lmNDR.SE)
return(list(transcriptModelME = transcriptModelME,
transcriptModelSE = transcriptModelSE,
txScoreBaseline = txScoreBaseline,
txScoreBaselineSE = txScoreBaselineSE,
lmNDR = lmNDR,
lmNDR.SE = lmNDR.SE,
NDR.threshold = NDR.threshold))
#' reduces the size of a lm so it can be saved with a lower footprint for prediction
#' @noRd
trim_lm = function(lm){
lm$residuals = c()
lm$effects = c()
lm$fitted.values = c()
lm$model = c()
attr(lm$terms, ".Environment") = c()
lm$linear.predictors = NULL
lm$weights = NULL
lm$prior.weights = NULL
lm$y = NULL
lm$data = NULL
lm$formula = NULL
#' calculate and format read class features for model training
#' @noRd
prepareTranscriptModelFeatures = function(rowData){
scalingFactor = sum(rowData$readCount)/1000000
outData <- as_tibble(rowData) %>%
dplyr::select(numReads = readCount, geneReadProp, startSD, endSD,
numAstart, numAend, numTstart,numTend,
tx_strand_bias = readCount.posStrand, labels = equal) %>%
numReads = log2(pmax(1,1+(numReads/scalingFactor)))
#' ensures that the data is trainable after filtering
#' @noRd
checkFeatures = function(features, verbose = FALSE){
labels = features$labels
trainable = TRUE
if(sum(labels)==length(labels) | sum(labels)==0){
if (verbose) message("Sample is missing presence of both TRUE and FALSE labels.")
trainable = FALSE
if (verbose) message("Sample has less than 1000 labeled read classes")
trainable = FALSE
if(sum(labels)<50 | sum(!labels)<50){
if (verbose) message("Sample does not have more than 50 of both read class labels")
trainable = FALSE
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