#' Prepare annotation granges object from GTF file
#' @title Prepare annotation granges object from GTF file into a
#' GRangesList object
#' @param file a GTF file
#' @return A \code{\link{GRangesList}} object
#' @details Unlike \code{\link{readFromGTF}}, this function finds out the
#' equivalence classes between the transcripts,
#' with \code{\link{mcols}} data having three columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item TXNAME specifying prefix for new gene Ids (genePrefix.number),
#' defaults to empty
#' \item GENEID indicating whether filter to remove read classes
#' which are a subset of known transcripts(), defaults to TRUE
#' \item eqClass specifying minimun read count to consider a read class
#' valid in a sample, defaults to 2
#' }
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesListFromDataFrame
#' @noRd
prepareAnnotationsFromGTF <- function(file) {
if (missing(file)) {
stop("A GTF file is required.")
} else {
data <- utils::read.delim(file, header = FALSE, comment.char = "#")
colnames(data) <- c("seqname", "source", "type", "start", "end",
"score", "strand", "frame", "attribute")
data <- data[data$type == "exon", ]
data$strand[data$strand == "."] <- "*"
data$GENEID <- gsub("gene_id (.*?);.*", "\\1", data$attribute)
data$TXNAME <- gsub(".*transcript_id (.*?);.*", "\\1", data$attribute)
multiTxCheck <- as_tibble(data) %>% select(seqname, GENEID) %>% distinct() %>% group_by(GENEID) %>%
mutate(n=n(), id=paste0('-',row_number()))
if(any(multiTxCheck$n>1)) { # identical TXNAMES
warning('Annotations contain duplicated transcript names
Transcript names will be made unique')
uniqueNamesTbl <- as_tibble(data) %>%
select(seqname, TXNAME, GENEID) %>%
mutate(order=row_number()) %>% left_join(multiTxCheck) %>%
mutate(gene_unique = paste0(GENEID, ifelse(n==1,'', id)),
tx_unique = paste0(TXNAME, ifelse(n==1,'', id))) %>%
data$TXNAME_Original <- data$TXNAME
data$GENEID_Original <- data$GENEID
data$TXNAME <- uniqueNamesTbl$tx_unique
data$GENEID <- uniqueNamesTbl$gene_unique
geneData <- unique(data[, c("TXNAME", "GENEID")])
grlist <- makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(
data[, c("seqname", "start", "end", "strand", "TXNAME")],
split.field = "TXNAME", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
grlist <- grlist[IRanges::order(start(grlist))]
unlistedExons <- unlist(grlist, use.names = FALSE)
partitioning <- PartitioningByEnd(cumsum(elementNROWS(grlist)),
names = NULL)
txIdForReorder <- togroup(PartitioningByWidth(grlist))
exon_rank <- lapply(elementNROWS(grlist), seq, from = 1)
exon_rank[which(unlist(unique(strand(grlist))) == "-")] <- lapply(
exon_rank[which(unlist(unique(strand(grlist))) == "-")], rev
) # * assumes positive for exon ranking
names(exon_rank) <- NULL
unlistedExons$exon_rank <- unlist(exon_rank)
unlistedExons <- unlistedExons[order(txIdForReorder,
# exonsByTx is always sorted by exon rank, not by strand,
# make sure that this is the case here
unlistedExons$exon_endRank <- unlist(lapply(elementNROWS(grlist),
seq, to = 1), use.names = FALSE)
unlistedExons <- unlistedExons[order(txIdForReorder,
mcols(unlistedExons) <- mcols(unlistedExons)[, c("exon_rank",
grlist <- relist(unlistedExons, partitioning)
# sort the grlist by start position, ranked by exon number
mcols(grlist) <- DataFrame(geneData[(match(names(grlist),
geneData$TXNAME)), ])
mcols(grlist)$txid <- seq_along(grlist)
minEqClasses <- getMinimumEqClassByTx(grlist)
if(!identical(names(grlist),minEqClasses$queryTxId)) warning('eq classes might be incorrect')
mcols(grlist)$eqClassById <- minEqClasses$eqClassById
#' Get minimum equivalent class by Transcript
#' equivalent classes are identical if transcripts are ordered alphabetically,
#' annotations=prepareAnnotations('annotations.gtf')
#' eqList <- unstrsplit(splitAsList(mcols(annotations)$TXNAME[unlist(mcols(annotations)$eqClassById)],
#' rep(mcols(annotations)$TXNAME, elementNROWS(mcols(annotations)$eqClassById))), sep='.')
#' all(mcols(annotations)eqClass == eqList)
#' @param exonsByTranscripts exonsByTranscripts
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
#' @noRd
getMinimumEqClassByTx <- function(exonsByTranscripts) {
exByTxAnnotated_singleBpStartEnd <-
# estimate overlap only based on junctions
spliceOverlaps <- findSpliceOverlapsQuick(
## identify transcripts compatible with other (subsets by splice sites)
spliceOverlaps <- spliceOverlaps[mcols(spliceOverlaps)$compatible == TRUE, ]
## select splicing compatible transcript matches
if(identical(mcols(exonsByTranscripts)$txid, seq_along(exonsByTranscripts))) {
queryTxId <- queryHits(spliceOverlaps)
subjectTxId <- subjectHits(spliceOverlaps)
if(! identical(unique(queryTxId), mcols(exonsByTranscripts)$txid)) warning('eq classes might be incorrect')
eqClassById <- unname(splitAsList(subjectTxId[order(queryTxId, subjectTxId)], queryTxId))
} else {
eqClassById <- rep(NA, length(exonsByTranscripts))
return(DataFrame(queryTxId = names(exonsByTranscripts), eqClassById=eqClassById))
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