
Defines functions test_spectra

Documented in test_spectra

#' @title Test the performance of spectral models
#' @name test_spectra
#' @description Wrapper that trains models based spectral data to predict
#'   reference values and reports model performance statistics
#' @details Calls \code{\link{pretreat_spectra}}, \code{\link{format_cv}},
#' and \code{\link{train_spectra}} functions.
#' @author Jenna Hershberger \email{jmh579@@cornell.edu}
#' @inheritParams train_spectra
#' @inheritParams format_cv
#' @inheritParams pretreat_spectra
#' @param train.data \code{data.frame} object of spectral data for input into a
#'   spectral prediction model. First column contains unique identifiers, second
#'   contains reference values, followed by spectral columns. Include no other
#'   columns to right of spectra! Column names of spectra must start with "X"
#'   and reference column must be named "reference".
#' @param preprocessing DEPRECATED please use
#'   \code{pretreatment} to specify the specific pretreatment(s) to test.
#'   For behavior identical to that of \code{preprocessing = TRUE}, set
#'   \code{pretreatment = 1:13}`.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer pivot_wider
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated
#' @return \code{list} of 5 objects:
#'   \enumerate{
#'   \item `model.list` is a \code{list} of trained model objects, one for each
#'   pretreatment method specified by the \code{pretreatment} argument.
#'   Each model is trained with all rows of \code{df}.
#'   \item `summary.model.performance` is a \code{data.frame} containing summary
#'   statistics across all model training iterations and pretreatments.
#'   See below for a description of the summary statistics provided.
#'   \item `model.performance` is a \code{data.frame} containing performance
#'   statistics for each iteration of model training separately (see below).
#'   \item `predictions` is a \code{data.frame} containing both reference and
#'   predicted values for each test set entry in each iteration of
#'   model training.
#'   \item `importance` is a \code{data.frame} containing variable importance
#'   results for each wavelength at each iteration of model training.
#'   If \code{model.method} is not "pls" or "rf", this list item is \code{NULL}.
#'   }
#' `summary.model.performance` and `model.performance` \code{data.frames}
#' summary statistics include:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Tuned parameters depending on the model algorithm:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \strong{Best.n.comp}, the best number of components
#'     \item \strong{Best.ntree}, the best number of trees in an RF model
#'     \item \strong{Best.mtry}, the best number of variables to include at
#'     every decision point in an RF model
#'     }
#'   \item \strong{RMSECV}, the root mean squared error of cross-validation
#'   \item \strong{R2cv}, the coefficient of multiple determination of
#'   cross-validation for PLSR models
#'   \item \strong{RMSEP}, the root mean squared error of prediction
#'   \item \strong{R2p}, the squared Pearson’s correlation between predicted and
#'   observed test set values
#'   \item \strong{RPD}, the ratio of standard deviation of observed test set
#'   values to RMSEP
#'   \item \strong{RPIQ}, the ratio of performance to interquartile difference
#'   \item \strong{CCC}, the concordance correlation coefficient
#'   \item \strong{Bias}, the average difference between the predicted and
#'   observed values
#'   \item \strong{SEP}, the standard error of prediction
#'   \item \strong{R2sp}, the squared Spearman’s rank correlation between
#'   predicted and observed test set values
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(magrittr)
#' ikeogu.2017 %>%
#'   dplyr::rename(reference = DMC.oven,
#'                 unique.id = sample.id) %>%
#'   dplyr::select(unique.id, reference, dplyr::starts_with("X")) %>%
#'   na.omit() %>%
#'   test_spectra(
#'     train.data = .,
#'     tune.length = 3,
#'     num.iterations = 3,
#'     pretreatment = 1
#'   )
#' }
test_spectra <- function(train.data,
                         test.data = NULL,
                         pretreatment = 1,
                         k.folds = 5,
                         proportion.train = 0.7,
                         tune.length = 50,
                         model.method = "pls",
                         best.model.metric = "RMSE",
                         stratified.sampling = TRUE,
                         cv.scheme = NULL,
                         trial1 = NULL,
                         trial2 = NULL,
                         trial3 = NULL,
                         split.test = FALSE,
                         seed = 1,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         wavelengths = deprecated(),
                         preprocessing = deprecated(),
                         output.summary = deprecated(),
                         rf.variable.importance = deprecated()) {

  # Deprecate warnings ---------------------------
  if (lifecycle::is_present(wavelengths)) {
      when = "0.2.0",
      what = "test_spectra(wavelengths)",
      details = "Wavelength specification is now inferred from column names."

  if (is_present(preprocessing)) {
      when = "0.2.0",
      what = "test_spectra(preprocessing)",
      details = "To test all pretreatment methods, use 'pretreatment = 1:13'.
      To test only raw data, use 'pretreatment = 1'."

  if (lifecycle::is_present(rf.variable.importance)) {
      when = "0.2.0",
      what = "test_spectra(rf.variable importance)",
      details = "Variable importance is now output by default when
      `model.method` is set to `pls` or `rf`."

  if (lifecycle::is_present(output.summary)) {
      when = "0.2.0",
      what = "test_spectra(output.summary)",
      details = "Summary is now default output alongside full results."

  # Error handling ---------------------------
  if (!is.null(cv.scheme)) {
    if (is.null(trial1)) {
      rlang::abort("trial1 must be provided if using cv.scheme")
    if (is.null(trial2)) {
      rlang::abort("trial2 must be provided if using cv.scheme")
    if (sum(colnames(trial1) != colnames(trial2)) > 0) {
      rlang::abort("Column names must match for trial1 and trial2
                   if using cv.scheme")
    if (!is.null(trial3) && sum(colnames(trial1) != colnames(trial3)) > 0) {
      rlang::abort("Column names must match for trial1, trial2, and trial3
                   if using cv.scheme and including trial3")
    train.data <- trial1

  if (nrow(train.data) != nrow(na.omit(train.data))) {
    rlang::abort("Training data cannot contain missing values.")

  if (!is.null(test.data) && (nrow(test.data) != nrow(na.omit(test.data)))) {
    rlang::abort("Test data cannot contain missing values.
                 Either omit missing values or exclude training data
                 (set as NULL).")

  if (model.method == "rf" && tune.length > 5) {
    rlang::abort("The waves implementation of the random forest algorithm uses
                 oob cross-validation for model training
                 and requires a tune length of 5.")

  # End error handling ---------------------------

  n.train <- nrow(train.data)
  n.test <- ifelse(is.null(test.data), 0, nrow(test.data))

  # Perform pretreatments on everything ---------------------------
  # Returns a list of data frames,
  # one for each transformation specified by pretreatment argument
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Pretreatment initiated.\n")
  if (!is.null(cv.scheme)) {
    train.data <- rbind(trial1, trial2, trial3)

  # Pretreat spectra ---------------------------
  methods.list <- c(
    "Raw_data", "SNV", "SNV1D", "SNV2D", "D1", "D2", "SG",
    "SNVSG", "SGD1", "SG.D1W5", "SG.D1W11", "SG.D2W5", "SG.D2W11"

  df.list <- pretreat_spectra(
    df = train.data,
    test.data = test.data,
    pretreatment = pretreatment

  # If only one pretreatment, pretreat_spectra() outputs a data.frame,
  # not a list.
  # To simplify downstream use of pretreated spectra,
  # make this data.frame into a list with one item.
  if (length(pretreatment) == 1) {
    df.list <- list(df.list)
    names(df.list) <- methods.list[pretreatment]

  # Training loop ---------------------------
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Training models...\n")

  counter <- 0
  for (i in pretreatment) {
    # This implementation allows for any combination of pretreatments
    # ex// pretreatment = c(1,4,8)
    counter <- counter + 1

    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("Working on", methods.list[i], "\n", sep = " "))

    # Extract preprocessed data ---------------------------
    # df.list contains named data.frames transformed by the requested methods.
    # To access a specific method, use df.list[[methods.list[i]]].
    # This will call the preprocessed data.frame by
    # name from the transformed list.
    # Then extract the test dataset from full processed data frame
    processed.train.data <- df.list[[methods.list[i]]][1:n.train, ]
    if (n.test == 0) {
      processed.test.data <- NULL
    } else {
      processed.test.data <- df.list[[methods.list[i]]][(
        n.train + 1):(n.train + n.test), ]

    if (!is.null(cv.scheme)) {
      processed.trial1 <- df.list[[methods.list[i]]][seq_len(nrow(trial1)), ]
      processed.trial2 <- df.list[[methods.list[i]]][(
        nrow(trial1) + 1):(nrow(trial1) + nrow(trial2)), ]
      processed.trial3 <- df.list[[methods.list[i]]][(
        nrow(trial1) + nrow(trial2) + 1):nrow(train.data), ]

    # Fit models for each pretreatment and output results ----------------------
    training.results.i <- train_spectra(
      df = processed.train.data,
      num.iterations = num.iterations,
      test.data = processed.test.data,
      k.folds = k.folds,
      proportion.train = proportion.train,
      tune.length = tune.length,
      model.method = model.method,
      cv.scheme = cv.scheme,
      stratified.sampling = stratified.sampling,
      trial1 = processed.trial1,
      trial2 = processed.trial2,
      trial3 = processed.trial3,
      split.test = split.test,
      verbose = verbose

    if (length(pretreatment) != 1) {
      # Add Pretreatment column to each data.frame in the training results list
      for (j in 2:length(training.results.i)) {
        training.results.i[[j]] <- cbind("Pretreatment" = methods.list[i],
        rownames(training.results.i[[j]]) <- NULL

      # 1. Reformat summary statistics data.frame so
      #    multiple pretreatments can be stacked
      # 2. Put pretreatment name in first column followed by
      #    performance statistics
      # 3. Append SummaryType (mean, sd, mode) to statistic name
      #    to flatten into a single row
      summary.i <- training.results.i$summary.model.performance %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = .data$RMSEp:.data$best.mtry) %>%
          id_cols = c(.data$Pretreatment),
          names_from = c(.data$name, .data$SummaryType),
          names_sep = "_"
    } else {
      summary.i <- training.results.i$summary.model.performance

    if (counter == 1) { # Counter indicates pretreatment number
      # Set up results compilations in first iteration
      if (length(pretreatment) != 1) {
        model.list <- list(training.results.i$model)
      } else { # If only one pretreatment, don't make a list.
        model.list <- training.results.i$model
      summary.df <- summary.i
      results.df <- training.results.i$model.performance
      predictions.df <- training.results.i$predictions
      importance.df <- training.results.i$importance
    } else { # Not the first pretreatment
      # Add new results to existing objects
      model.list <- append(model.list, list(training.results.i$model))
      summary.df <- rbind(summary.df, summary.i)
      results.df <- rbind(results.df, training.results.i$model.performance)
      predictions.df <- rbind(predictions.df, training.results.i$predictions)
      importance.df <- rbind(importance.df, training.results.i$importance)
  } # End of pretreatment loop ---------------------------
  rownames(summary.df) <- NULL
  rownames(results.df) <- NULL
  if (length(pretreatment) != 1) {
    names(model.list) <- methods.list[pretreatment]

  if (model.method %in% c("pls", "rf")) {
    # Reformat importance.df
    # Some pretreatments trim the wavelengths,
    # so they do not return the full set of importance values.
    # If pivot_wider is used with each pretreatment separately,
    # the number of columns will not match.
    importance.df <- tidyr::pivot_wider(importance.df,
                                        names_from = .data$wavelength,
                                        values_from = .data$Overall)

  results.list <- list(
    model = model.list,
    summary.model.performance = summary.df,
    model.performance = results.df,
    predictions = predictions.df,
    importance = importance.df

GoreLab/waves documentation built on April 15, 2024, 3:28 p.m.