callAB.PairedPSCBS: Calls segments that are in allelic balance

callAB.PairedPSCBSR Documentation

Calls segments that are in allelic balance


Calls segments that are in allelic balance, i.e. that have equal minor and major copy numbers.


## S3 method for class 'PairedPSCBS'
callAB(fit, flavor=c("DeltaAB*"), ..., minSize=1, xorCalls=TRUE, force=FALSE)



A character string specifying which type of call to use.


Additional arguments passed to the caller.


An optional integer specifying the minimum number of data points in order to call a segments. If fewer data points, then the call is set to NA regardless.


If TRUE, a region already called LOH, will for consistency never be called AB, resulting in either an AB call set to FALSE or NA (as explained below).


If FALSE, and allelic-balance calls already exits, then nothing is done, otherwise the calls are done.


Returns a PairedPSCBS object with allelic-balance calls.

AB and LOH consistency

Biologically, a segment can not be both in allelic balance (AB) and in loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) at the same time. To avoid reporting such inconsistencies, the LOH caller will, if argument xorCalls=TRUE, never report a segment to be in LOH if it is already called to be in AB. However, regardless of of the AB call, a segment is still always tested for LOH, to check weather the LOH caller is consistent with the AB caller or not. Thus, in order to distinguish the case where the AB caller and LOH caller agree from when they disagree, we report either (AB,LOH)=(TRUE,FALSE) or (TRUE,NA). The former is reported when they are consistent, and the latter when they are not, or when the AB caller could not call it.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

Internally, one of the following methods are used: *callAllelicBalanceByDH().

HenrikBengtsson/PSCBS documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 9:01 p.m.