message("*** calmateByThetaAB() ...")
# Load example (thetaA,thetaB) signals
path <- system.file("exData", package="calmate")
theta <- loadObject("thetaAB,100x2x40.Rbin", path=path)
# Calculate (CA,CB)
thetaR <- matrixStats::rowMedians(theta[,"A",] + theta[,"B",], na.rm=TRUE)
C <- 2*theta/thetaR
# For each available CalMaTe fitting algorithm...
flavors <- sort(eval(formals(calmateByThetaAB.array)$flavor))
CList <- list(raw=C)
for (flavor in flavors) {
# Calibrate (CA,CB) by CalMaTe
CList[[flavor]] <- calmateByThetaAB(theta, flavor=flavor)
# Assert that it also works with a single unit
dummy <- calmateByThetaAB(theta[1,,,drop=FALSE], flavor=flavor)
stopifnot(length(dim(dummy)) == 3)
# Create plot
Clim <- c(-0.2,4)
if (interactive()) {
devNew(type="x11", aspectRatio=1.9)
} else {
devNew(type="png", "test-calmateByTheta.png", aspectRatio=1.9)
subplots(2*length(CList)+2, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)
par(mar=c(3,3,1,1)+0.1, mgp=c(1.8,0.7,0))
# Plot two "random" arrays
for (ii in c(1,5)) {
for (kk in 1:length(CList)) {
key <- names(CList)[kk]
C <- CList[[key]]
plot(C[,,ii], col=kk, xlim=Clim, ylim=Clim)
if (kk == 1L) {
sampleName <- dimnames(C)[[3]][ii]
label <- sprintf("Sample #%d ('%s')", ii, sampleName)
} else {
label <- sprintf("calibrated (%s)", key)
stext(side=3, pos=0.5, label)
} # for (kk ...)
for (kk in 1:length(CList)) {
key <- names(CList)[kk]
C <- CList[[key]]
if (kk == 1L) {
plot(C[,,ii], col=kk, xlim=Clim, ylim=Clim)
} else {
points(C[,,ii], col=kk)
stext(side=3, pos=0.5, "All together")
} # for (kk ...)
} # for (ii ...)
("*** calmateByThetaAB() - NAs ...")
thetaT <- theta
thetaT[,2,4] <- NA_real_
fit <- calmateByThetaAB(thetaT)
("*** calmateByThetaAB() - NAs ... DONE")
("*** calmateByThetaAB() - misc ...")
thetaT <- theta[1:2,,]
fit <- calmateByThetaAB(thetaT, truncate=TRUE)
fit <- calmateByThetaAB(thetaT, refAvgFcn=matrixStats::rowMedians)
thetaU <- truncateThetaAB(thetaT)
stopifnot(all(thetaU >= 0))
thetaV <- theta[1:2,,1]
thetaV <- truncateThetaAB(thetaV)
stopifnot(all(thetaV >= 0))
stopifnot(all.equal(thetaV, thetaU[,,1]))
references <- rep(TRUE, length=dim(theta)[3])
fit <- calmateByThetaAB(theta, references=references)
("*** calmateByThetaAB() - misc ... DONE")
message("*** calmateByThetaAB() - exceptions ...")
thetaT <- theta[1,,,drop=FALSE]
dim(thetaT) <- c(dim(thetaT), 1L)
res <- try(fit <- calmateByThetaAB(thetaT))
stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error"))
thetaT <- theta[1,1,,drop=FALSE]
res <- try(fit <- calmateByThetaAB(thetaT))
stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error"))
references <- rep(TRUE, length=dim(theta)[3]-1L)
res <- try(fit <- calmateByThetaAB(theta, references=references))
stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error"))
references <- seq_len(dim(theta)[3]+1L)
res <- try(fit <- calmateByThetaAB(theta, references=references))
stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error"))
message("*** calmateByThetaAB() - exceptions ... DONE")
message("*** calmateByThetaAB() ... DONE")
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