#' Resolve one or more futures synchronously
#' This function provides an efficient mechanism for waiting for multiple
#' futures in a container (e.g. list or environment) to be resolved while in
#' the meanwhile retrieving values of already resolved futures.
#' @param x A [Future] to be resolved, or a list, an environment, or a
#' list environment of futures to be resolved.
#' @param idxs (optional) integer or logical index specifying the subset of
#' elements to check.
#' @param recursive A non-negative number specifying how deep of a recursion
#' should be done. If TRUE, an infinite recursion is used. If FALSE or zero,
#' no recursion is performed.
#' @param result (internal) If TRUE, the results are _retrieved_, otherwise not.
#' Note that this only collects the results from the parallel worker, which
#' can help lower the overall latency if there are multiple concurrent futures.
#' This does _not_ return the collected results.
#' @param stdout (internal) If TRUE, captured standard output is relayed, otherwise not.
#' @param signal (internal) If TRUE, captured \link[base]{conditions} are relayed,
#' otherwise not.
#' @param force (internal) If TRUE, captured standard output and captured
#' \link[base]{conditions} already relayed is relayed again, otherwise not.
#' @param sleep Number of seconds to wait before checking if futures have been
#' resolved since last time.
#' @param \dots Not used.
#' @return Returns `x` (regardless of subsetting or not).
#' If `signal` is TRUE and one of the futures produces an error, then
#' that error is produced.
#' @details
#' This function is resolves synchronously, i.e. it blocks until `x` and
#' any containing futures are resolved.
#' @seealso To resolve a future _variable_, first retrieve its
#' [Future] object using [futureOf()], e.g.
#' `resolve(futureOf(x))`.
#' @export
resolve <- function(x, idxs = NULL, recursive = 0, result = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE, force = FALSE, sleep = getOption("future.wait.interval", 0.01), ...) UseMethod("resolve")
#' @export
resolve.default <- function(x, ...) x
#' @export
resolve.Future <- function(x, idxs = NULL, recursive = 0, result = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE, force = FALSE, sleep = getOption("future.wait.interval", 0.01), ...) {
## Automatically update journal entries for Future object
if (inherits(future, "Future") &&
inherits(future$.journal, "FutureJournal")) {
t_start <- Sys.time()
event = "resolve",
category = "overhead",
start = t_start,
stop = Sys.time(),
skip = FALSE
if (is.logical(recursive)) {
if (recursive) recursive <- getOption("future.resolve.recursive", 99)
recursive <- as.numeric(recursive)
## Nothing to do?
if (recursive < 0) return(x)
relay <- (stdout || signal)
result <- result || relay
## Lazy future that is not yet launched?
if (x$state == 'created') x <- run(x)
## Poll for the Future to finish
while (!resolved(x)) {
msg <- sprintf("A %s was resolved", class(x)[1])
## Retrieve results?
if (result) {
if (is.null(x$result)) {
x$result <- result(x)
msg <- sprintf("%s and its result was collected", msg)
} else {
sprintf("%s and its result was already collected", msg)
## Recursively resolve result value?
if (recursive > 0) {
value <- x$result$value
if (!is.atomic(value)) {
resolve(value, recursive = recursive - 1, result = TRUE, stdout = stdout, signal = signal, sleep = sleep, ...)
msg <- sprintf("%s (and resolved itself)", msg)
value <- NULL ## Not needed anymore
result <- NULL ## Not needed anymore
if (stdout) value(x, stdout = TRUE, signal = FALSE)
if (signal) {
## Always signal immediateCondition:s and as soon as possible.
## They will always be signaled if they exist.
## Signal all other types of condition
signalConditions(x, exclude = getOption("future.relay.immediate", "immediateCondition"), resignal = TRUE, force = TRUE)
} else {
msg <- sprintf("%s (result was not collected)", msg)
} ## resolve() for Future
#' @export
resolve.list <- function(x, idxs = NULL, recursive = 0, result = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE, force = FALSE, sleep = getOption("future.wait.interval", 0.01), ...) {
if (is.logical(recursive)) {
if (recursive) recursive <- getOption("future.resolve.recursive", 99)
recursive <- as.numeric(recursive)
## Nothing to do?
if (recursive < 0) return(x)
nx <- .length(x)
## Nothing to do?
if (nx == 0) return(x)
relay <- (stdout || signal)
result <- result || relay
x0 <- x
## Subset?
if (!is.null(idxs)) {
## Nothing to do?
if (length(idxs) == 0) return(x)
## Multi-dimensional indices?
if (is.matrix(idxs)) {
idxs <- whichIndex(idxs, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))
idxs <- unique(idxs)
if (is.numeric(idxs)) {
idxs <- as.numeric(idxs)
if (any(idxs < 1 | idxs > nx)) {
stopf("Indices out of range [1,%d]: %s", nx, hpaste(idxs))
} else {
names <- names(x)
if (is.null(names)) {
stop("Named subsetting not possible. Elements are not named.")
idxs <- as.character(idxs)
unknown <- idxs[!is.element(idxs, names)]
if (length(unknown) > 0) {
stopf("Unknown elements: %s", hpaste(sQuote(unknown)))
x <- x[idxs]
nx <- .length(x)
debug <- getOption("future.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebug("resolve() on list ...")
mdebugf(" recursive: %s", recursive)
## NOTE: Everything is considered non-resolved by default
## Total number of values to resolve
total <- nx
remaining <- seq_len(nx)
## Relay?
signalConditionsASAP <- make_signalConditionsASAP(nx, stdout = stdout, signal = signal, force = force, debug = debug)
if (debug) {
mdebugf(" length: %d", nx)
mdebugf(" elements: %s", hpaste(sQuote(names(x))))
## Resolve all elements
while (length(remaining) > 0) {
for (ii in remaining) {
obj <- x[[ii]]
if (is.atomic(obj)) {
if (relay) signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii)
} else {
## If an unresolved future, move on to the next object
## so that future can be resolved in the asynchronously
if (inherits(obj, "Future")) {
## Lazy future that is not yet launched?
if (obj$state == 'created') obj <- run(obj)
if (!resolved(obj)) next
if (debug) mdebugf("Future #%d", ii)
if (result) value(obj, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE)
relay_ok <- relay && signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii)
## In all other cases, try to resolve
recursive = recursive - 1,
result = result,
stdout = stdout && relay_ok,
signal = signal && relay_ok,
sleep = sleep, ...)
## Assume resolved at this point
remaining <- setdiff(remaining, ii)
if (debug) mdebugf(" length: %d (resolved future %s)", length(remaining), ii)
} # for (ii ...)
## Wait a bit before checking again
if (length(remaining) > 0) Sys.sleep(sleep)
} # while (...)
if (relay || force) {
if (debug) mdebug("Relaying remaining futures")
signalConditionsASAP(resignal = FALSE, pos = 0L)
if (debug) mdebug("resolve() on list ... DONE")
} ## resolve() for list
#' @export
resolve.environment <- function(x, idxs = NULL, recursive = 0, result = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE, force = FALSE, sleep = getOption("future.wait.interval", 0.01), ...) {
if (is.logical(recursive)) {
if (recursive) recursive <- getOption("future.resolve.recursive", 99)
recursive <- as.numeric(recursive)
## Nothing to do?
if (recursive < 0) return(x)
nx <- .length(x)
## Nothing to do?
if (nx == 0) return(x)
## Subset?
if (is.null(idxs)) {
## names(x) is only supported in R (>= 3.2.0)
idxs <- ls(envir = x, all.names = TRUE)
} else {
## Nothing to do?
if (length(idxs) == 0) return(x)
## names(x) is only supported in R (>= 3.2.0)
names <- ls(envir = x, all.names = TRUE)
## Sanity check (because nx == 0 returns early above)
stop_if_not(length(names) > 0)
idxs <- unique(idxs)
idxs <- as.character(idxs)
unknown <- idxs[!is.element(idxs, names)]
if (length(unknown) > 0) {
stopf("Unknown elements: %s", hpaste(sQuote(unknown)))
## Nothing to do?
nx <- length(idxs)
if (nx == 0) return(x)
relay <- (stdout || signal)
result <- result || relay
debug <- getOption("future.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebug("resolve() on environment ...")
mdebugf(" recursive: %s", recursive)
## Coerce future promises into Future objects
x0 <- x
x <- futures(x)
nx <- .length(x)
names <- ls(envir = x, all.names = TRUE)
stop_if_not(length(names) == nx)
## Everything is considered non-resolved by default
remaining <- seq_len(nx)
## Relay?
signalConditionsASAP <- make_signalConditionsASAP(nx, stdout = stdout, signal = signal, force = force, debug = debug)
if (debug) mdebugf(" elements: [%d] %s", nx, hpaste(sQuote(idxs)))
## Resolve all elements
while (length(remaining) > 0) {
for (ii in remaining) {
name <- names[ii]
obj <- x[[name]]
if (is.atomic(obj)) {
if (relay) signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii)
} else {
## If an unresolved future, move on to the next object
## so that future can be resolved in the asynchronously
if (inherits(obj, "Future")) {
## Lazy future that is not yet launched?
if (obj$state == 'created') obj <- run(obj)
if (!resolved(obj)) next
if (debug) mdebugf("Future #%d", ii)
if (result) value(obj, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE)
relay_ok <- relay && signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii)
## In all other cases, try to resolve
recursive = recursive - 1,
result = result,
stdout = stdout && relay_ok,
signal = signal && relay_ok,
sleep = sleep, ...)
## Assume resolved at this point
remaining <- setdiff(remaining, ii)
if (debug) mdebugf(" length: %d (resolved future %s)", length(remaining), ii)
} # for (ii ...)
## Wait a bit before checking again
if (length(remaining) > 0) Sys.sleep(sleep)
} # while (...)
if (relay || force) {
if (debug) mdebug("Relaying remaining futures")
signalConditionsASAP(resignal = FALSE, pos = 0L)
if (debug) mdebug("resolve() on environment ... DONE")
} ## resolve() for environment
#' @export
resolve.listenv <- function(x, idxs = NULL, recursive = 0, result = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE, force = FALSE, sleep = getOption("future.wait.interval", 0.01), ...) {
if (is.logical(recursive)) {
if (recursive) recursive <- getOption("future.resolve.recursive", 99)
recursive <- as.numeric(recursive)
## Nothing to do?
if (recursive < 0) return(x)
## NOTE: Contrary to other implementations that use .length(x), we here
## do need to use generic length() that dispatches on class.
nx <- length(x)
## Nothing to do?
if (nx == 0) return(x)
## Subset?
if (is.null(idxs)) {
idxs <- seq_along(x)
} else {
## Nothing to do?
if (length(idxs) == 0) return(x)
## Multi-dimensional indices?
if (is.matrix(idxs)) {
idxs <- whichIndex(idxs, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))
idxs <- unique(idxs)
if (is.numeric(idxs)) {
if (any(idxs < 1 | idxs > nx)) {
stopf("Indices out of range [1,%d]: %s", nx, hpaste(idxs))
} else {
names <- names(x)
## Sanity check (because nx == 0 returns early above)
stop_if_not(length(names) > 0)
idxs <- as.character(idxs)
unknown <- idxs[!is.element(idxs, names)]
if (length(unknown) > 0) {
stopf("Unknown elements: %s", hpaste(sQuote(unknown)))
## Nothing to do?
nx <- length(idxs)
if (nx == 0) return(x)
relay <- (stdout || signal)
result <- result || relay
debug <- getOption("future.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebug("resolve() on list environment ...")
mdebugf(" recursive: %s", recursive)
## Coerce future promises into Future objects
x0 <- x
x <- futures(x)
nx <- length(x)
## Everything is considered non-resolved by default
remaining <- seq_len(nx)
## Relay?
signalConditionsASAP <- make_signalConditionsASAP(nx, stdout = stdout, signal = signal, force = force, debug = debug)
if (debug) {
mdebugf(" length: %d", nx)
mdebugf(" elements: %s", hpaste(sQuote(names(x))))
## Resolve all elements
while (length(remaining) > 0) {
for (ii in remaining) {
obj <- x[[ii]]
if (is.atomic(obj)) {
if (relay) signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii)
} else {
## If an unresolved future, move on to the next object
## so that future can be resolved in the asynchronously
if (inherits(obj, "Future")) {
## Lazy future that is not yet launched?
if (obj$state == 'created') obj <- run(obj)
if (!resolved(obj)) next
if (debug) mdebugf("Future #%d", ii)
if (result) value(obj, stdout = FALSE, signal = FALSE)
relay_ok <- relay && signalConditionsASAP(obj, resignal = FALSE, pos = ii)
## In all other cases, try to resolve
recursive = recursive - 1,
result = result,
stdout = stdout && relay_ok,
signal = signal && relay_ok,
sleep = sleep, ...)
## Assume resolved at this point
remaining <- setdiff(remaining, ii)
if (debug) mdebugf(" length: %d (resolved future %s)", length(remaining), ii)
} # for (ii ...)
## Wait a bit before checking again
if (length(remaining) > 0) Sys.sleep(sleep)
} # while (...)
if (relay || force) {
if (debug) mdebug("Relaying remaining futures")
signalConditionsASAP(resignal = FALSE, pos = 0L)
if (debug) mdebug("resolve() on list environment ... DONE")
} ## resolve() for list environment
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