#' Signals Captured Conditions
#' Captured conditions that meet the `include` and `exclude`
#' requirements are signaled _in the order as they were captured_.
#' @param future A resolved \link{Future}.
#' @param include A character string of \link[base:conditions]{condition}
#' classes to signal.
#' @param exclude A character string of \link[base:conditions]{condition}
#' classes _not_ to signal.
#' @param resignal If TRUE, then already signaled conditions are signaled
#' again, otherwise not.
#' @param \dots Not used.
#' @return Returns the [Future] where conditioned that were signaled
#' have been flagged to have been signaled.
#' @seealso
#' Conditions are signaled by
#' \code{\link[base:conditions]{signalCondition}()}.
#' @keywords internal
signalConditions <- function(future, include = "condition", exclude = NULL, resignal = TRUE, ...) {
## Future is not yet launched
if (!future$state %in% c("finished", "failed")) {
"Internal error: Cannot resignal future conditions. %s has not yet been resolved (state = %s)",
class(future)[1], paste(sQuote(future$state), collapse = ", ")),
future = future))
## Nothing to do?
if (length(include) == 0L) return(invisible(future))
result <- result(future)
stop_if_not(inherits(result, "FutureResult"))
conditions <- result$conditions
## Nothing to do
if (length(conditions) == 0) return(invisible(future))
debug <- getOption("future.debug", FALSE)
if (debug) {
mdebug("signalConditions() ...")
mdebug(" - include = ", paste(sQuote(include), collapse = ", "))
mdebug(" - exclude = ", paste(sQuote(exclude), collapse = ", "))
mdebug(" - resignal = ", resignal)
mdebug(" - Number of conditions: ", length(conditions))
on.exit(mdebug("signalConditions() ... done"))
## Signal detected conditions one by one
signaled <- logical(length(conditions))
for (kk in seq_along(conditions)) {
cond <- conditions[[kk]]
## Skip already signaled conditions?
if (!resignal && !is.null(cond$signaled) && cond$signaled > 0L) next
condition <- cond$condition
## Don't signal condition based on 'exclude'?
if (length(exclude) > 0L && inherits(condition, exclude)) next
## Don't signal condition based on 'include'?
if (length(include) > 0L && !inherits(condition, include)) next
mdebugf(" - Condition #%d: %s", kk, paste(sQuote(class(condition)), collapse = ", "))
## Flag condition as signaled
cond$signaled <- cond$signaled + 1L
conditions[[kk]] <- cond
if (inherits(condition, "error")) {
## Make sure to update 'signaled' information before we exit.
## Note, 'future' is an environment.
result$conditions <- conditions
future$result <- result
## SPECIAL: By default, don't add 'future.info' because it
## modifies the error object, which may break things.
if (debug && !"future.info" %in% names(condition)) {
## Recreate the full call stack
cond$calls <- c(future$calls, cond$calls)
condition$future.info <- cond
} else if (inherits(condition, "warning")) {
} else if (inherits(condition, "message")) {
} else if (inherits(condition, "condition")) {
} else {
stop_if_not(inherits(condition, "condition"))
signaled[kk] <- TRUE
## Drop captured and signalled conditions to save memory?
if (isTRUE(attr(future$conditions, "drop"))) {
conditions <- conditions[!signaled]
## Make sure to update 'signaled' information on exit
result$conditions <- conditions
future$result <- result
signalImmediateConditions <- function(future, include = getOption("future.relay.immediate", "immediateCondition"), resignal = FALSE, ...) {
if (length(include) == 0L) return(invisible(future))
signalConditions(future, include = include, resignal = resignal, ...)
make_signalConditionsASAP <- function(nx, stdout = TRUE, signal = TRUE, force = FALSE, debug = getOption("future.debug", FALSE)) {
relay <- (stdout || signal)
if (!relay && !force) return(function(...) TRUE)
relayed <- rep(FALSE, times = nx)
queue <- vector("list", length = nx)
function(obj = NULL, ..., resignal = FALSE, pos) {
if (debug) {
mdebugf("signalConditionsASAP(%s, pos=%d) ...", class(obj)[1], pos)
mdebugf("- nx: %d", nx)
mdebugf("- relay: %s", relay)
mdebugf("- stdout: %s", stdout)
mdebugf("- signal: %s", signal)
mdebugf("- resignal: %s", resignal)
mdebugf("- force: %s", force)
mdebugf("- relayed: [n=%d] %s", length(relayed), paste(relayed, collapse = ", "))
mdebugf("- queued futures: [n=%d] %s", length(queue), paste(vapply(queue, FUN = inherits, "Future", FUN.VALUE = FALSE), collapse = ", "))
mdebugf("- relayed: [n=%d] %s", length(relayed), paste(relayed, collapse = ", "))
mdebugf("- queued futures: [n=%d] %s", length(queue), paste(vapply(queue, FUN = inherits, "Future", FUN.VALUE = FALSE), collapse = ", "))
mdebugf("signalConditionsASAP(%s, pos=%d) ... done", class(obj)[1], pos)
if (force) resignal <- TRUE
## Flush all?
if (pos == 0L) {
if (debug) message(" - flush all")
for (ii in which(!relayed)) {
if (relayed[ii]) next
if (debug) mdebugf(" - relaying element #%d", ii)
obj <- queue[[ii]]
stop_if_not(inherits(obj, "Future"))
if (stdout) value(obj, stdout = TRUE, signal = FALSE)
if (signal) {
## Always signal immediateCondition:s and as soon as possible.
## They will always be signaled if they exist.
## Signal all other types of condition
signalConditions(obj, exclude = getOption("future.relay.immediate", "immediateCondition"), resignal = resignal, ...)
relayed[ii] <<- TRUE
## Assert that everything has been relayed
stop_if_not(pos >= 1L, pos <= nx)
## Add to queue?
if (inherits(obj, "Future")) {
queue[[pos]] <<- obj
} else {
relayed[pos] <<- TRUE
## How far may we flush the queue?
until <- which(relayed)
n <- length(until)
until <- if (n == 0L) 1L else min(until[n] + 1L, length(queue))
if (debug) mdebugf(" - until=%d", until)
for (ii in seq_len(until)) {
if (relayed[ii]) next
if (debug) mdebugf(" - relaying element #%d", ii)
obj <- queue[[ii]]
if (inherits(obj, "Future")) {
if (stdout) value(obj, stdout = TRUE, signal = FALSE)
if (signal) {
## Always signal immediateCondition:s and as soon as possible.
## They will always be signaled if they exist.
## Signal all other types of condition
signalConditions(obj, exclude = getOption("future.relay.immediate", "immediateCondition"), resignal = resignal, ...)
relayed[ii] <<- TRUE
## Was the added object relayed?
} ## make_signalConditionsASAP()
muffleCondition <- function(cond, pattern = "^muffle") {
inherits <- base::inherits
invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart
is.null <- base::is.null
muffled <- FALSE
if (inherits(cond, "message")) {
muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage")
if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage")
} else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) {
muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning")
if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
} else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) {
if (!is.null(pattern)) {
computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts
grepl <- base::grepl
## If there is a "muffle" restart for this condition,
## then invoke that restart, i.e. "muffle" the condition
restarts <- computeRestarts(cond)
for (restart in restarts) {
name <- restart$name
if (is.null(name)) next
if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next
muffled <- TRUE
} ## muffleCondition()
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