
Defines functions parse_env_subset

Documented in parse_env_subset

#' Helper function to infer target from expression and environment
#' @param expr An expression.
#' @param envir An environment.
#' @param substitute If `TRUE`, then the expression is [base::substitute()]:ed,
#' otherwise not.
#' @param is_variable (logical) If TRUE and an element name is specified, then
#' the name is checked to be a valid variable name.
#' @return A named list with elements:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`envir`}{An environment (defaults to argument `envir`)}
#'  \item{`name`}{A character vector. ...}
#'  \item{`op`}{...}
#'  \item{`subset`}{A list of `NULL`. ...}
#'  \item{`idx`}{An integer vector or `NULL`. ...}
#'  \item{`exists`}{A logical vector of length `length(idx)` with `TRUE`
#'        and `FALSE` values.}
#'  \item{`code`}{The deparsed expression `expr` coerced to a single character
#'        string.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
parse_env_subset <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, is_variable = TRUE) {
  if (substitute) expr <- substitute(expr)
  code <- paste(deparse(expr), collapse = "")

  res <- list(envir = envir, name = "", op = NULL, subset = NULL,
              idx = NA_integer_, exists = NA, code = code)

  if (is.symbol(expr)) {
    ## Element specified as a symbol
    res$name <- deparse(expr)
  } else if (is.character(expr)) {
    ## Element specified as a name
    if (length(expr) > 1L) {
      stopf("Does not specify a single name, but %d: %s",
            length(expr), hpaste(sQuote(expr)), call. = FALSE)
    res$name <- expr
  } else if (is.numeric(expr)) {
    ## Element specified as a subset of envir
    if (length(expr) > 1L) {
      stopf("Does not specify a single index, but %d: %s",
            length(expr), hpaste(sQuote(expr)), call. = FALSE)
    res$subset <- list(expr)
  } else {
    n <- length(expr)
    stop_if_not(n >= 2L)

    if (n >= 3L) {
      ## Assignment to environment via $ and [[
      op <- as.character(expr[[1]])
      res$op <- op
      if (op == "$" && n > 3L) {
        stopf("Invalid syntax: %s", sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (!is.element(op, c("$", "[[", "["))) {
        stopf("Invalid syntax: %s", sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)

      ## Target
      objname <- deparse(expr[[2]])
      if (!exists(objname, envir = envir, inherits = TRUE)) {
        stopf("Object %s not found: %s", sQuote(objname), sQuote(code),
              call. = FALSE)

      obj <- get(objname, envir = envir, inherits = TRUE)
      if (!is.environment(obj)) {
        stopf("Subsetting can not be done on a %s; only to an environment: %s",
              sQuote(mode(obj)), sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
      res$envir <- obj

      ## Check whether an empty symbol or not
      is_empty <- local({
        symbol <- alist(empty=)
	function(x) identical(x, symbol$empty)
      ## Subset
      subset <- list()
      for (kk in 3:n) {
        if (is_empty(expr[[kk]])) {
          subset_kk <- NULL
        } else {
          subset_kk <- expr[[kk]]
        if (is.symbol(subset_kk)) {
          subset_kk <- deparse(subset_kk)
          if (op == "[[") {
            if (!exists(subset_kk, envir = envir, inherits = TRUE)) {
              stopf("Object %s not found: %s",
                    sQuote(subset_kk), sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
            subset_kk <- get(subset_kk, envir = envir, inherits = TRUE)
        } else if (is.language(subset_kk)) {
          subset_kk <- eval(subset_kk, envir = envir, enclos = baseenv())
        if (is.null(subset_kk)) {
          subset[kk - 2L] <- list(NULL)
        } else {
          subset[[kk - 2L]] <- subset_kk

      res$subset <- subset
    } # if (n >= 3)
  } # if (is.symbol(expr))

  ## Validate name, iff any?
  if (is_variable) {
    name <- res$name
    if (nzchar(name) && !grepl("^[.a-zA-Z]+", name)) {
      stopf("Not a valid variable name: %s", sQuote(name), call. = FALSE)

  ## Validate subsetting, e.g. x[[1]], x[["a"]], and x$a, iff any
  subset <- res$subset
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (!is.list(subset)) {
      stopf("INTERNAL ERROR (expected 'subset' to be a list): %s",
            sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
    if (length(subset) == 0L) {
      stopf("Subsetting of at least on element is required: %s",
            sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)

    for (kk in seq_along(subset)) {
      subset_kk <- subset[[kk]]
      if (is.null(subset_kk)) {
      } else if (any(is.na(subset_kk))) {
        stopf("Invalid subsetting for dimension #%d. Subset must not contain missing values: %s",
              kk, sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (is.character(subset_kk)) {
        if (!all(nzchar(subset_kk))) {
          stopf("Invalid subset for dimension #%d. Subset must not contain empty names: %s",
                kk, sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (is.numeric(subset_kk)) {
      } else {
        stopf("Invalid subset for dimension #%d of type %s: %s",
	      kk, sQuote(typeof(subset_kk)), sQuote(code), call. = FALSE)
    } # for (kk ...)

    ## Special: listenv:s
    envir <- res$envir

    if (inherits(envir, "listenv")) {
      names <- names(envir)
      map <- mapping(envir)
      dim <- dim(envir)

      op <- res$op
      if (is.null(op)) op <- "[["

      ## Multi-dimensional subsetting?
      if (length(subset) > 1L) {
        if (is.null(dim)) {
          stopf("Multi-dimensional subsetting on list environment without dimensions: %s", sQuote(code), call. = TRUE)  #nolint
        dimnames <- dimnames(envir)

        ## Expland NULL indices and map names to indices
        for (kk in seq_along(subset)) {
          subset_kk <- subset[[kk]]
          if (is.null(subset_kk)) {
            subset[[kk]] <- seq_len(dim[kk])
          } else if (is.character(subset_kk)) {
            subset_kk <- match(subset_kk, dimnames[[kk]])
	    if (anyNA(subset_kk)) {
              unknown <- name[is.na(subset_kk)]
              stopf("Unknown names for dimension #%d: %s",
	            kk, hpaste(sQuote(unknown)))
            subset[[kk]] <- subset_kk

        ## Indexing scale factor per dimension
        ndim <- length(dim)
        scale <- c(1L, cumprod(dim[-ndim]))
        idx <- 1
        for (kk in seq_along(subset)) {
          i <- subset[[kk]]
          d <- dim[kk]
          if (any(i < 0)) {
            if (op == "[[") {
              stopf("Invalid (negative) indices for dimension #%d: %s",
	            kk, hpaste(i))
            } else if (any(i > 0)) {
              stopf("Only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts (dimension #%d)", kk)
            ## Drop elements
            i <- setdiff(seq_len(d), -i)
          if (any(i > d)) i[i > d] <- NA_integer_
          ## Drop zeros
          i <- i[i != 0]
          i <- scale[kk] * (i - 1)
          if (kk == 1) {
            idx <- idx + i
          } else {
            idx <- outer(idx, i, FUN = `+`)
        } # for (kk ...)

        res$idx <- idx
        res$name <- names[res$idx]

        ## Check if elements exist
        exists <- rep(TRUE, times = length(idx))
        for (kk in seq_along(subset)) {
          subset_kk <- subset[[kk]]
          if (is.numeric(subset_kk)) {
            exists <- exists & (subset_kk >= 1 & subset_kk <= dim[kk])
          } else {
	    stopf("INTERNAL ERROR: Subset for dimension #%d should already be an index: ", kk, mode(subset_kk))
        stop_if_not(length(exists) == length(idx))
        exists[exists] <- !is.na(map[idx])
        res$exists <- exists
      } else {
        subset <- subset[[1L]]
        if (is.numeric(subset)) {
          i <- subset
          n <- length(envir)
          if (any(i < 0)) {
            if (op == "[[") {
              stopf("Invalid (negative) indices: %s", hpaste(i))
            } else if (any(i > 0)) {
              stop("Only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts")
            ## Drop elements
            i <- setdiff(seq_len(n), -i)
          ## Drop zeros?
          keep <- which(i != 0)
          if (length(keep) != length(i)) {
            if (op == "[[") stopf("Invalid (zero) indices: %s", hpaste(i))
            i <- i[keep]
          res$idx <- i
          res$exists <- !is.na(map[res$idx]) & (res$idx >= 1 & res$idx <= n)
          res$name <- names[i]
        } else if (is.character(subset)) {
          res$idx <- match(subset, names)
          res$exists <- !is.na(res$idx) & !is.na(map[res$idx])
        } else if (is.null(subset)) {
	  res$idx <- seq_len(length(envir))
          res$exists <- !is.na(res$idx) & !is.na(map[res$idx])
    } else {
      if (length(subset) > 1L) {
        stopf("Invalid subset: %s", sQuote(code), call. = TRUE)
      subset <- subset[[1L]]
      if (length(subset) > 1L) {
        stopf("Wrong arguments for subsetting an environment: %s",
	      sQuote(code), call. = TRUE)
      if (!is.character(subset)) {
        stopf("Wrong arguments for subsetting an environment: %s",
	      sQuote(code), call. = TRUE)
    if (is.character(subset)) {
      res$name <- subset

  if (length(res$name) == 0L) res$name <- ""

  ## Identify index?
  if (inherits(res$envir, "listenv")) {
    envir <- res$envir
    if (any(is.na(res$idx)) && nzchar(res$name)) {
      res$idx <- match(res$name, names(envir))
    res$exists <- !is.na(res$idx) & !is.na(mapping(envir)[res$idx])

  ## Validate
  if (is.null(dim) && length(res$subset) == 1 && identical(res$op, "[")) {
    if (any(is.na(res$idx)) && !nzchar(res$name)) {
      stopf("Invalid subset: %s", sQuote(code), call. = TRUE)

  unknown <- which(is.na(res$exists))
  if (length(unknown) > 0) {
    res$exists[unknown] <- sapply(unknown, FUN = function(idx) {
      exists(res$name[idx], envir = res$envir, inherits = TRUE)

  ## Sanity check
  stop_if_not(is.null(res$subset) || is.list(res$subset))
  stop_if_not(is.null(res$idx) || all(is.numeric(res$idx)))
  stop_if_not(is.logical(res$exists), !anyNA(res$exists))
  stop_if_not(length(res$exists) == length(res$idx))

HenrikBengtsson/listenv documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:08 a.m.