
Defines functions filter_config_list import_standardise_bind bind_into_facilities make_episode_ids import_and_standardise get_colname_mapping get_import_col_types get_factor_recode

Documented in bind_into_facilities filter_config_list get_colname_mapping get_factor_recode get_import_col_types import_and_standardise import_standardise_bind make_episode_ids

#' get_factor_recode
#' @param config_path path to the directory containing the config files for this dataset
#' @return a named vector of expressions. There is one element (expression) per factor specified in the config files.
#' The expressions are calls to readr::fct_recode corresponding to the level recode mapping for specified in the
#' config files. Their names are the standard column names of the factor.
#' Thus when unquote-spliced into mutate, the returned vector generates a valid set of named arguments
#' for a mutate call that will recode the factor variables in the way specified.
#' @export
#' @examples
get_factor_recode <- function(config_path) {

  # This function builds up the required components of the returned vector gradually by adding
  # columns to the column_mapping tibble specified in the config files.

  # Read in the mapping from provided column names to standard column names...
  column_mapping <- readRDS(file.path(config_path, "column_mapping.rds"))

  # get list of config files
  config_file_list <- Sys.glob(file.path(config_path, "*.rds"))

  # add column for file names of factor level config files in the config path
  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(config_file_name = file.path(config_path, paste0(standard, "_levels.rds")),
                                                     factor_config_file = dplyr::if_else(config_file_name %in% config_file_list, config_file_name, NA_character_)) %>%

  # add column for the level recode mapping specified in the config files
  get_level_mapping <- function(fn) {
    if(is.na(fn)) {
    } else {

  get_level_mapping_v <- Vectorize(get_level_mapping)

  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(level_mapping = get_level_mapping_v(factor_config_file))

  # add a column containing a named vector that can be used to generate the arguments to fct_recode
  make_recode_vector <- function(level_mapping) {
    if(all(is.na(level_mapping))) {
    } else {
      # take the tibble specifying the mapping from provided to standard levels, and
      # convert it to a named vector ready to be passed into forcats::fct_recode
      rlang::set_names(level_mapping %>% dplyr::pull(provided), level_mapping %>% dplyr::pull(standard))

  make_recode_vector_v <- Vectorize(make_recode_vector)

  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(recode_vector = make_recode_vector_v(level_mapping))

  # add a column of expressions that call fct_recode with the specified arguments.
  # Modify this expression so that new (standard) levels that are missing (NA) get
  # named "NULL". See documentation of readr::fct_recode.
  fix_factor_recode_nas <- function(recode_call) {
    call_arg_names <- names(recode_call)[3:length(recode_call)]
    call_arg_names[which(call_arg_names == "")] <- "NULL"
    new_names <- c(names(recode_call)[1:2],call_arg_names)
    names(recode_call) <- new_names

  make_factor_recode_expr <- function(...) {
    standard <- list(...)[["standard"]]
    recode_vector <- list(...)[["recode_vector"]]

    if(all(is.na(recode_vector))) return(NA)

    call_fct <- rlang::expr(forcats::fct_recode(!!rlang::sym(standard), !!!recode_vector))


  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(factor_recode_expr = purrr::pmap(., function(...) make_factor_recode_expr(...)))

  # convert the column of fct_recode call expressions into a named vector
  # ready to be unquote-spliced into mutate in import_and_standardise
  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(factor_recode_expr))

  rlang::set_names(column_mapping %>% dplyr::pull(factor_recode_expr), column_mapping %>% dplyr::pull(standard))


#' get_import_col_types
#' @param config_path path to the config files for a given dataset
#' @return a column specification to be used for parsing the dataset, as a named vector of
#' expressions. The expressions are readr collectors, and the names specify the columns they
#' will parse.
#' @export
#' @examples
get_import_col_types <- function(config_path) {

  # This function builds up the required components of the returned vector gradually by adding
  # columns to the column_mapping tibble specified in the config files.

  # Read in the mapping from provided column names to standard column names...
  column_mapping <- readRDS(file.path(config_path, "column_mapping.rds"))

  # get list of config files
  config_file_list <- Sys.glob(paste0(config_path, "*.rds"))

  # add column for file names of factor level config files in the config path
  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(config_file_name = paste0(config_path, standard, "_levels.rds"),
                            factor_config_file = dplyr::if_else(config_file_name %in% config_file_list, config_file_name, NA_character_)) %>%

  # add a column containing vectors of provided levels for each factor.

  get_provided_levels <- function(fn) {
    if(is.na(fn)) {
    } else {
      readRDS(fn) %>% dplyr::pull(provided)

  gplv <- Vectorize(get_provided_levels)

  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(provided_levels = gplv(factor_config_file))

  # Set up datetime formats
  datetime_formats <- readRDS(file.path(config_path, "datetime_formats.rds"))
  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::left_join(datetime_formats, by = c("provided" = "column_name"))

  # Convert the vectors of provided factor levels to readr::col_factor expressions
  make_factor_import_spec <- function(...) {
    standard_col_name <- list(...)[["standard"]]
    provided_levels <- list(...)[["provided_levels"]]

    if(all(is.na(provided_levels))) return(NA)

    rlang::expr(readr::col_factor(levels = !!provided_levels))

  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(importType = purrr::pmap(., function(...) make_factor_import_spec(...)))

  # Convert datetime formats to readr::col_datetime expressions
  make_datetime_import_spec <- function(...) {
    standard_col_name <- list(...)[["standard"]]
    datetime_format <- list(...)[["datetime_format"]]

    if(is.na(datetime_format)) return(NA)

    rlang::expr(readr::col_datetime(format = !!datetime_format))

  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(importType = dplyr::if_else(is.na(importType),
                                                                                 purrr::pmap(., function(...) make_datetime_import_spec(...)),

  # Any remaining columns specified as readr::character expressions

  make_char_import_spec <- function(...) {

  column_mapping <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::mutate(importType = ifelse(is.na(importType),
                                                                         purrr::pmap(., function(...) make_char_import_spec(...)),

  # Label the types with the respective column names and return this as a named
  # vector
  colImportTypes <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::pull(importType)
  colImportNames <- column_mapping %>% dplyr::pull(provided)
  colImportTypes <- rlang::set_names(colImportTypes, colImportNames)

#' get_colname_mapping
#' @param config_path path to the config files for a given dataset
#' @return character vector specifying column renaming, of the form
#' c(new_name_1 = "old_name_1", new_name_2 = "old_name_2")
#' @export
#' @examples
get_colname_mapping <- function(config_path) {
  # Read in the mapping from provided column names to standard column names...
  column_mapping <- readRDS(file.path(config_path, "column_mapping.rds"))


#' import_and_standardise
#' @param data_import_list list of named lists, each named list has four elements called
#' data_path, config_path, site, and facility. The first two of these are character strings specifying the paths
#' to i) a csv file to import data from and ii) a folder containing hospitalflow config
#' files. The latter two specify the site and facility (e.g. ED, IP, UCC).
#' @param remove_duplicates boolean to control whether data is de-duped (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @return list of tibbles, each containing standardised import of one data file from data_paths
#' @export
#' @examples
import_and_standardise <- function(data_import_list, remove_duplicates = TRUE) {

  #get timezone from config
  datetime_formats <- readRDS(file.path(data_import_list[[1]]$config_path, "datetime_formats.rds"))

  # Take the data_import_list and for each element x, load the data located at data_path
  # using configuration specified by the files at config_path.
  # In particular, use the column specification generated by
  # get_import_col_types from the config files.
  data_config_list <- lapply(data_import_list,
                             function(x) {list(data = readr::read_csv(x$data_path,
                                                                      locale = readr::locale(tz = x$time_zone),
                                                                      col_types = eval(rlang::call2(readr::cols,
                                                                                                    .default = readr::col_skip()))),
                                               config_path = x$config_path,
                                               site = x$site,
                                               facility = x$facility,
                                               time_zone = x$time_zone)

  # Rename the columns in each imported dataset, using the name mapping onto standard hospitalflow
  # variable names specified in the config files at the specified config_path.
  data_config_list <- lapply(data_config_list,
                             function(x) {
                               list(data = standardise_column_names(x$data,
                                                                    get_colname_mapping(x$config_path) %>%
                                                                      dplyr::filter(provided %in% colnames(x$data))
                                    config_path = x$config_path,
                                    site = x$site,
                                    facility = x$facility,
                                    time_zone = x$time_zone)

  # Recode factors
  data_config_list <- lapply(data_config_list,
                             function(x) {
                               list(data = eval(rlang::call2(dplyr::mutate, .data = x$data,
                               config_path = x$config_path,
                               site = x$site,
                               facility = x$facility,
                               time_zone = x$time_zone)

  # If no site column has been imported, create one and populate with the configured site value
  data_config_list <- lapply(data_config_list, function(x) {
    if("site" %in% colnames(x$data)) {
      if(!is.na(x$site)) warning(
        "Site is specified both as a column in the data and through config. Config value will be ignored."
    } else {
      x$data <- x$data %>% dplyr::mutate(site = x$site)

  # Extract the data as a tibble for each imported file, and return as a list of these tibbles.
  # data_list <- lapply(data_config_list, function(x) x$data)

  # Add episode ids to each data tibble
  data_config_list <- lapply(data_config_list, function(x) {
    list(data = make_episode_ids(x$data),
         config_path = x$config_path,
         site = x$site,
         facility = x$facility,
         time_zone = x$time_zone)

  # If required, de-dupe each tibble based on pseudo_id, and episode start and end time
  if(remove_duplicates) {
    data_config_list <- lapply(data_config_list, function(x) {
      list(data = dplyr::distinct(x$data, pseudo_id, start_datetime, end_datetime, .keep_all = TRUE),
           config_path = x$config_path,
           site = x$site,
           facility = x$facility,
           time_zone = x$time_zone)

  # Label this list of tibbles with the names of the files they came from
  data_filenames <- sapply(data_import_list, function(x) {
  data_config_list <- setNames(data_config_list, data_filenames)

  # Return named list of lists with data tibbles and config metadata

#' make_episode_ids
#' @param episode_data
#' @return episode_data with a new index column
#' @export
#' @examples
make_episode_ids <- function(episode_data) {
  episode_data %>% dplyr::mutate(episode_id = dplyr::row_number())

#' bind_into_facilities
#' @param data_config_list
#' @return list of as many tibbles as there are unique values of facility in the provided config list. Each
#' tibble is formed by row binding all imported data for that facility.
#' @export
bind_into_facilities <- function(data_config_list) {
  fac_list <- unique(sapply(data_config_list, function(x) x$facility))
  standardised_data <- lapply(fac_list, function(x) {
    fac_data_config_list <- filter_config_list(data_config_list, field = "facility", value = x)
    fac_data_list <- lapply(fac_data_config_list, function(x) x$data)
  setNames(standardised_data, fac_list)

#' import_standardise_bind
#' @param data_import_list list of named lists, each named list has four elements called
#' data_path, config_path, site, and facility. The first two of these are character strings specifying the paths
#' to i) a csv file to import data from and ii) a folder containing hospitalflow config
#' files. The latter two specify the site and facility (e.g. ED, IP, UCC).
#' @return list of as many tibbles as there are unique values of facility in the provided config list. Each
#' tibble is formed by row binding all imported data for that facility. N.B. when sites with different time zones
#' are bound together, all datetimes are converted to have the same time zone by R default.
#' @export
import_standardise_bind <- function(data_import_list) {
  data_config_list <- import_and_standardise(data_import_list)

#' filter_config_list
#' @param config_list a configuration list (of lists)
#' @param field the field of the inner lists to filter on
#' @param value the value of the field to filter to
#' @return list of only those inner lists where field == value
#' @export
filter_config_list <- function(config_list, field, value) {
  config_list <- lapply(config_list, function(x) {
    if(x[[field]] == value) {x} else {NA}

# lgt__data_import_list <- list(list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_QEH_20190107_ED.csv",
#                                    config_path = "lgt-config/ed/"),
#                               list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_UHL_20190104_AW.csv",
#                                    config_path =  "lgt-config/aw/"),
#                               # list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_QEH_20190107_NCF.csv",
#                               #      config_path = "../lgt-config/ncf"),
#                               list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_UHL_20190104_ED.csv",
#                                    config_path = "lgt-config/ed/"),
#                               list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_QEH_20190107_IP.csv",
#                                   config_path = "lgt-config/inpatient/"),
#                               list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_UHL_20190104_IP.csv",
#                                    config_path = "lgt-config/inpatient/"),
#                               list(data_path = "../lgt-data/data-extract-201901/CLAHRCExtractToSend_QEH_20190107_AW.csv",
#                                    config_path = "lgt-config/aw/"))

# cw_data_import_list <- list(
#   list(data_path = "../cw-data/cw_ed_anonim.csv", config_path = "cw-config/inpatient/"),
#   list(data_path = "../cw-data/cw_ip_anonim.csv", config_path = "cw-config/inpatient/"),
#   list(data_path = "../cw-data/cw_ucc_anonim.csv", config_path = "cw-config/ucc/"),
#   list(data_path = "../cw-data/cw_ed_anonim.csv", config_path = "cw-config/ed/"))
HorridTom/hospitalflow documentation built on June 14, 2022, noon