
Defines functions get_consultant get_ward_category get_diagnosis_code get_main_specialty get_patient_classification get_discharge_dest get_discharge_method get_admission_source get_admission_method generate_treatment_time generate_initial_assess get_hrg_code get_referral get_attendance_disp get_arrival_mode get_attendance_cat get_traige_cat get_ethnic_cat get_age random_datetimes get_simulated_admission_data get_simulated_ip_data get_simulated_ed_data get_imperfect_simulated_data_as_list

Documented in get_imperfect_simulated_data_as_list

#' get_imperfect_simulated_data_as_list
#' @param npat number of patients to be simulated for ED and Inpatient datasets each.
#' Some patients from the ED dataset will also be in the Inpatient data if they were admitted.
#' @param start the start datetime of the simulation period.
#' @param end the end datetime of the simulation period.
#' @return list containing a dataframe of simulated, non-standardised ED data and the corresponsing
#' Inpatient dataframe.
#' @export
#function to get imperfect (i.e. non-standard column names and levels) simulated ED and
#Inpatient data as a list
get_imperfect_simulated_data_as_list <- function(npat = 10000, start = as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 00:00:00"),
                                       end = as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 00:00:00")){

  example_ed_data <- get_simulated_ed_data(npat = npat, start = start, end = end)
  example_inpatient_data <- get_simulated_ip_data(npat = npat, start = start, end = end,
                                                  ed_data = example_ed_data)

  example_data <- list(example_ed_data, example_inpatient_data)


#function to get simulated ed data
get_simulated_ed_data <- function(npat = 1000, start = as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 00:00:00"),
                                  end = as.POSIXct("2019-04-01 00:00:00")) {
  simulated_pat_data <- tibble::tibble(pseudo_id = 1:npat,
                                       sex = factor(sample(c("M","F"), npat, replace = TRUE))

  simulated_pat_data <- simulated_pat_data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(age = get_age()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(ethnicity = get_ethnic_cat()) %>%

  simulated_data <- get_simulated_admission_data(simulated_pat_data, start = start, end = end)
  simulated_data <- simulated_data[[2]]

  simulated_data <- simulated_data %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(pseudo_id1)) %>%
    dplyr::rowwise() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(triage = get_traige_cat()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(attendance_cat = get_attendance_cat()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(arrival_mode = get_arrival_mode()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(attendance_disposal = get_attendance_disp()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(referral = get_referral()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(initial_assess_datetime = as.POSIXct(generate_initial_assess(start_datetime = start_datetime,
                                                                        end_datetime = end_datetime))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(treatment_datetime = as.POSIXct(generate_treatment_time(start_datetime = start_datetime,
                                                                   end_datetime = end_datetime))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(hrg_code = get_hrg_code())

  simulated_data$episode_id <- 1:nrow(simulated_data)



#function to get simulated inpatient data
get_simulated_ip_data <- function(npat = 800,
                                  start = as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 00:00:00"),
                                  end = as.POSIXct("2019-04-01 00:00:00"),
                                  ed_data = example_ed_data) {

  #get patients admistted from ED
  ed_admissions <- ed_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(attendance_disposal == "Admitted") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(start_datetime_ip = end_datetime, admission_method = "Accident and emergency") %>%
    dplyr::select(pseudo_id, sex, age, ethnicity, start_datetime_ip, admission_method) %>%
    dplyr::rename(start_datetime = start_datetime_ip) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(end_datetime = as.POSIXct(start_datetime +
                                       as.difftime(rexp(1, rate = 1/(388800)), units = "secs")))

  #simulate new patiens who have not come from ED
  simulated_pat_data <- tibble::tibble(pseudo_id = 1001:(1000 + npat),
                                       sex = factor(sample(c("M","F"), npat, replace = TRUE))

  #combine new patients and patiens from ED
  simulated_pat_data <- simulated_pat_data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(age = get_age()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(ethnicity = get_ethnic_cat()) %>%

  simulated_data <- get_simulated_admission_data(simulated_pat_data, start = start, end = end, los_rate = (1/388800))
  simulated_data <- simulated_data[[2]]

  #add extra rows for 14 and 28 day readmissions
  simulated_readmissions_14 <- simulated_data[rep((nrow(simulated_data) - 20):nrow(simulated_data),1),]
  simulated_readmissions_14 <- simulated_readmissions_14 %>%
    dplyr::mutate(start_datetime = start_datetime + lubridate::days(13), end_datetime = end_datetime + lubridate::days(13))

  simulated_readmissions_28 <- simulated_data[rep((nrow(simulated_data) - 60):(nrow(simulated_data) - 21),1),]
  simulated_readmissions_28 <- simulated_readmissions_28 %>%
    dplyr::mutate(start_datetime = start_datetime + lubridate::days(27), end_datetime = end_datetime + lubridate::days(27))

  simulated_readmissions_90 <- simulated_data[rep((nrow(simulated_data) - 150):(nrow(simulated_data) - 61),1),]
  simulated_readmissions_90 <- simulated_readmissions_90 %>%
    dplyr::mutate(start_datetime = start_datetime + lubridate::days(89), end_datetime = end_datetime + lubridate::days(89))

  simulated_data <- simulated_data %>%
    dplyr::rowwise() %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(simulated_readmissions_14) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(simulated_readmissions_28) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(admission_method = get_admission_method()) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(ed_admissions) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(admission_source = get_admission_source()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(discharge_method = get_discharge_method()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(discharge_dest = get_discharge_dest()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(patient_classification = get_patient_classification()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(main_specialty = get_main_specialty()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(local_subspecialty = main_specialty) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diagnosis_code = get_diagnosis_code()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(ward_category = get_ward_category()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(consultant = get_consultant()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(hrg_code = get_hrg_code()) %>%

  simulated_data$episode_id <- 1:nrow(simulated_data)



#supporting functions

get_simulated_admission_data <- function(patient_data, fixedPerPatient = F, lambda = 0.69,
                                         los_rate = 1/(12771)) {

  npat <- nrow(patient_data)

  if(fixedPerPatient) {
    patient_data <- patient_data %>% dplyr::mutate(num_admissions = lambda)
  } else {
    patient_data <- patient_data %>% dplyr::mutate(num_admissions = rpois(n = npat, lambda = lambda) +1)

  generate_admissions <- function(...) {
    pseudo_id <- list(...)[["pseudo_id"]]
    num_admissions <- list(...)[["num_admissions"]]
    tibble::tibble(pseudo_id1 = rep(pseudo_id, num_admissions),
                   start_datetime = as.POSIXct(random_datetimes(n = num_admissions, start = start, end = end)),
                   end_datetime = as.POSIXct(start_datetime +
                                               as.difftime(rexp(num_admissions, rate = los_rate), units = "secs"))


  patient_data <- patient_data %>% dplyr::mutate(admissions =
                                                   purrr::pmap(., function(...) generate_admissions(...)))

  list(patients = patient_data %>% dplyr::select(-admissions, -num_admissions),
       admissions = patient_data %>% tidyr::unnest(cols = c(admissions)) %>% dplyr::select(-num_admissions))

random_datetimes <- function(n, start, end) {
  interval_duration_seconds <- difftime(end, start, units = "secs")
  random_seconds_from_start <- runif(n, min = 0, max = interval_duration_seconds)
  times_from_start <- as.difftime(random_seconds_from_start, units = "secs")
  start + times_from_start

# random_datetimes_normal <- function(n, start, end, mean = 12771, sd = 121037) {
#   interval_duration_seconds <- difftime(end, start, units = "secs")
#   random_seconds_from_start <- runif(n, mean = mean, sd = sd)
#   times_from_start <- as.difftime(random_seconds_from_start, units = "secs")
#   start + times_from_start
# }

#function to return an age band according to proportions
get_age <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 4.25){
    age <- "0 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 4.25 & ranNum < 13.47){
    age <- "1-4 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 13.47 & ranNum < 18.75){
    age <- "5-9 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 18.75 & ranNum < 23.06){
    age <- "10-14 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 23.06 & ranNum < 28.22){
    age <- "15-19 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 28.22 & ranNum < 35.28){
    age <- "20-24 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 35.28 & ranNum < 43.26){
    age <- "25-29 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 43.26 & ranNum < 50.82){
    age <- "30-34 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 50.82 & ranNum < 57.60){
    age <- "35-39 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 57.60 & ranNum < 63.34){
    age <- "40-44 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 63.34 & ranNum < 69.04){
    age <- "45-49 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 69.04 & ranNum < 74.44){
    age <- "50-54 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 74.44 & ranNum < 78.97){
    age <- "55-59 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 78.97 & ranNum < 82.62){
    age <- "60-64 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 82.62 & ranNum < 86.06){
    age <- "65-69 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 86.06 & ranNum < 89.32){
    age <- "70-74 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 89.32 & ranNum < 92.62){
    age <- "75-79 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 92.62 & ranNum < 95.72){
    age <- "80-84 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 95.72 & ranNum < 98.18){
    age <- "85-89 yrs"
  }else if(ranNum >= 98.18 & ranNum < 99.52){
    age <- "90-94 yrs"
    age <- "95+"


#function to return ethnic category according to proportions
get_ethnic_cat <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 46.69){
    ethnicity <- "White - British"
  }else if(ranNum >= 46.69 & ranNum < 47.20){
    ethnicity <- "White - Irish"
  }else if(ranNum >= 47.20 & ranNum < 54.89){
    ethnicity <- "White - Any other White background"
  }else if(ranNum >= 54.89 & ranNum < 55.22){
    ethnicity <- "Mixed - White and Black Caribbean"
  }else if(ranNum >= 55.22 & ranNum < 55.55){
    ethnicity <- "Mixed - White and Black African"
  }else if(ranNum >= 55.55 & ranNum < 55.63){
    ethnicity <- "Mixed - White and Asian"
  }else if(ranNum >= 55.63 & ranNum < 57.55){
    ethnicity <- "Mixed - Any other mixed background"
  }else if(ranNum >= 57.55 & ranNum < 60.18){
    ethnicity <- "Asian or Asian - British Indian"
  }else if(ranNum >= 60.18 & ranNum < 60.61){
    ethnicity <- "Asian or Asian - Pakistani"
  }else if(ranNum >= 60.61 & ranNum < 60.88){
    ethnicity <- "Asian or Asian - Bangladeshi"
  }else if(ranNum >= 60.88 & ranNum < 65.39){
    ethnicity <- "Asian or Asian - Any other Asian background"
  }else if(ranNum >= 65.39 & ranNum < 67.20){
    ethnicity <- "Black or Black - British Carribean"
  }else if(ranNum >= 67.20 & ranNum < 78.12){
    ethnicity <- "Black or Black - British African"
  }else if(ranNum >= 78.12 & ranNum < 81.05){
    ethnicity <- "Black or Black British - Any other Black background"
  }else if(ranNum >= 81.05 & ranNum < 82.08){
    ethnicity <- "Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese"
  }else if(ranNum >= 82.08 & ranNum < 87.25){
    ethnicity <- "Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group"
    ethnicity <- "Not stated"



#function to return triage category according to proportions
get_traige_cat <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 0.54){
    triage <- "Im Res"
  }else if(ranNum >= 0.54 & ranNum < 20.88){
    triage <- "V Urg"
  }else if(ranNum >= 20.88 & ranNum < 75.80){
    triage <- "Urg"
  }else if(ranNum >= 75.80 & ranNum < 93.55){
    triage <- "Stan"
    triage <- "N urg"


#function to return attendance category according to proportions
get_attendance_cat <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 98.5256){
    attendance_cat <- "1st Attendance"
  }else if(ranNum >= 98.5256 & ranNum < 98.8227){
    attendance_cat <- "Planned Follow up"
  }else if(ranNum >= 98.8227 & ranNum < 99.9148){
    attendance_cat <- "Un-planned Follow up"
  }else if(ranNum >= 99.9148 & ranNum < 99.9997){
    attendance_cat <- "Un-planned Follow-up "
    attendance_cat <- "Died on Arrival"


#function to return arrival_mode according to proportions
get_arrival_mode <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 36.869){
    arrival_mode <- "Walk-in"
  }else if(ranNum >= 36.869 & ranNum < 49.984){
    arrival_mode <- "Ambulance"
  }else if(ranNum >= 49.984 & ranNum < 68.660){
    arrival_mode <- "Emergency Ambulance"
  }else if(ranNum >= 68.668 & ranNum < 99.337){
    arrival_mode <- "Custodial Services"
  }else if(ranNum >= 99.337 & ranNum < 99.441){
    arrival_mode <- "Police"
  }else if(ranNum >= 99.441 & ranNum < 99.778){
    arrival_mode <- "Non-Emergency Ambulance"
  }else if(ranNum >= 99.778 & ranNum < 99.827){
    arrival_mode <- "Air Ambulance"
  }else if(ranNum >= 99.827 & ranNum < 99.975){
    arrival_mode <- "Unknown"
  }else if(ranNum >= 99.975 & ranNum < 99.993){
    arrival_mode <- "Repatriation by Air"
    arrival_mode <- "Helicopter"


#function to return attendance disposal according to proportions
get_attendance_disp <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 13.01){
    attendance_disposal <- "Admitted"
  }else if(ranNum >= 13.01 & ranNum < 69.61){
    attendance_disposal <- "Discharged"
  }else if(ranNum >= 69.61 & ranNum < 70.19){
    attendance_disposal <- "Referred to A&E clinic"
  }else if(ranNum >= 70.19 & ranNum < 72.81){
    attendance_disposal <- "Referred to Fracture Clinic"
  }else if(ranNum >= 72.81 & ranNum < 74.51){
    attendance_disposal <- "Referred to other Out-Patient Clinic"
  }else if(ranNum >= 74.51 & ranNum < 92.65){
    attendance_disposal <- "Transferred to other Health Care Provider"
  }else if(ranNum >= 92.65 & ranNum < 92.70){
    attendance_disposal <- "Died in Department"
  }else if(ranNum >= 92.70 & ranNum < 94.27){
    attendance_disposal <- "Referred to other health Care Professional"
  }else if(ranNum >= 94.27 & ranNum < 95.9210){
    attendance_disposal <- "Left Department before being seeing for treatment"
  }else if(ranNum >= 95.9210 & ranNum < 95.9216){
    attendance_disposal <- "Left Department having refused treatment"
    attendance_disposal <- "Other"


#function to return referral source according to proportions
get_referral <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum >= 0 & ranNum < 18.78){
    referral <- "Other Health Care Provider"
  }else if(ranNum >= 18.78 & ranNum < 38.50){
    referral <- "Emergency"
  }else if(ranNum >= 38.50 & ranNum < 42.917){
    referral <- "Other"
  }else if(ranNum >= 42.917 & ranNum < 42.920){
    referral <- "Community Dentist"
  }else if(ranNum >= 42.920 & ranNum < 42.926){
    referral <- "General Dentist"
  }else if(ranNum >= 42.926 & ranNum < 43.01){
    referral <- "Education"
  }else if(ranNum >= 43.01 & ranNum < 47.86){
    referral <- "GP"
  }else if(ranNum >= 47.86 & ranNum < 47.91){
    referral <- "Social Services"
  }else if(ranNum >= 47.91 & ranNum < 48.07){
    referral <- "Police"
  }else if(ranNum >= 48.07 & ranNum < 99.95){
    referral <- "Self-Referral"
    referral <- "Place of Work"


#function to return randomised fake hrg_code
get_hrg_code <- function(){

  ranNum <- round(runif(1, 1, 31))

  if(ranNum == 1){
    hrg_code <- "AA02Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 2){
    hrg_code <- "AA03B"
  }else if(ranNum == 3){
    hrg_code <- "AA03Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 4){
    hrg_code <- "AA18B"
  }else if(ranNum == 5){
    hrg_code <- "WA21Y"
  }else if(ranNum == 6){
    hrg_code <- "AA15Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 7){
    hrg_code <- "AA16Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 8){
    hrg_code <- "AA18B"
  }else if(ranNum == 9){
    hrg_code <- "WA22X"
  }else if(ranNum == 10){
    hrg_code <- "WD22Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 11){
    hrg_code <- "AA09Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 12){
    hrg_code <- "AA09B"
  }else if(ranNum == 13){
    hrg_code <- "WA22V"
  }else if(ranNum == 14){
    hrg_code <- "AA09A"
  }else if(ranNum == 15){
    hrg_code <- "WA21W"
  }else if(ranNum == 16){
    hrg_code <- "AA08Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 17){
    hrg_code <- "WD11Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 18){
    hrg_code <- "AA20A"
  }else if(ranNum == 19){
    hrg_code <- "AA19Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 20){
    hrg_code <- "WA20Y"
  }else if(ranNum == 21){
    hrg_code <- "WA20W"
  }else if(ranNum == 22){
    hrg_code <- "WA19Y"
  }else if(ranNum == 23){
    hrg_code <- "WA24Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 24){
    hrg_code <- "WA19W"
  }else if(ranNum == 25){
    hrg_code <- "AA08A"
  }else if(ranNum == 26){
    hrg_code <- "AA06Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 27){
    hrg_code <- "WA23X"
  }else if(ranNum == 28){
    hrg_code <- "WA23Y"
  }else if(ranNum == 29){
    hrg_code <- "VB02Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 30){
    hrg_code <- "VB07Z"
  }else if(ranNum == 31){
    hrg_code <- "VB09Z"
    hrg_code <- NA


#function to generate initial assessment time
generate_initial_assess <- function(start_datetime, end_datetime) {

  initial_assess_datetime <- start_datetime + as.difftime(rpois(1, 1043), units = "secs")

  if(initial_assess_datetime > end_datetime){
    initial_assess_datetime <- end_datetime


#function to generate initial assessment time
generate_treatment_time <- function(start_datetime, end_datetime) {

  treatment_assess_datetime <- start_datetime + as.difftime(rpois(1, 5244), units = "secs")

  if(treatment_assess_datetime > end_datetime){
    treatment_assess_datetime <- end_datetime



#funtions for additional columns in inpatient data
get_admission_method <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 21.96){
    admission_method <- "Accident and Emergency Department"
  }else if(ranNum <= 21.96){
    admission_method <- "Booked"
  }else if(ranNum <= 34.07){
    admission_method <- "Planned"
  }else if(ranNum <= 75.56){
    admission_method <- "Accident and emergency"
  }else if(ranNum <= 75.92){
    admission_method <- "General Practitioner"
  }else if(ranNum <= 75.95){
    admission_method <- "Bed bureau"
  }else if(ranNum <= 76.44){
    admission_method <- "Consultant Clinic"
  }else if(ranNum <= 76.445){
    admission_method <- "Mental Health Crisis Resolution Team"
  }else if(ranNum <= 80.4){
    admission_method <- "Waiting list"
  }else if(ranNum <= 80.41){
    admission_method <- "Transfer from another Hospital Provider"
  }else if(ranNum <= 80.42){
    admission_method <- "Intended home birth"
  }else if(ranNum <= 82.5){
    admission_method <- "Other emergency admission"
  }else if(ranNum <= 83.11){
    admission_method <- "Other means"
  }else if(ranNum <= 91.58){
    admission_method <- "Admitted ante-partum"
  }else if(ranNum <= 91.84){
    admission_method <- "Admitted post-partum"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.28){
    admission_method <- "Birth-this provider"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.42){
    admission_method <- "Birth-outside provider(not intended home)"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.94){
    admission_method <- "Transfer from other provider(non-emergency)"
    admission_method <- NA


get_admission_source <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 85.59 ){
    admission_source <- "Home"
  }else if(ranNum <= 92.83){
    admission_source <- "Temporary Home"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.81){
    admission_source <- "Other Hospital"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.98){
    admission_source <- "Born"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.99){
    admission_source <- "Hospice"
    # }else if(ranNum == 0){
    #   admission_source <- "Penal Establishment"
    # }else if(ranNum == 0){
    #   admission_source <- "NHS run Care Home"
    # }else if(ranNum == 0){
    #   admission_source <- "Non-NHS run Care Home"
    # }else if(ranNum == 0){
    #   admission_source <- "Local Authority Foster Care"
    admission_source <- NA


get_discharge_method <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 98.24182633){
    discharge_method <- "Discharged"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.97155){
    discharge_method <- "Patient died"
    discharge_method <- "Stillbirth"


get_discharge_dest <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 96.12755){
    discharge_dest <- "Home"
  }else if(ranNum <= 97.8723){
    discharge_dest <- "Gen Ward"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99){
    discharge_dest <- "Died"
    # }else if(ranNum == 4){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Maternity Ward"
    # }else if(ranNum == 5){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Temporary Place of Residence"
    # }else if(ranNum == 6){
    #   discharge_dest <- "NHS run Care Home"
    # }else if(ranNum == 7){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Non-NHS run Hospital"
    # }else if(ranNum == 8){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Non-NHS run Care Home"
    # }else if(ranNum == 9){
    #   discharge_dest <- "NHS Hospital Provider"
    # }else if(ranNum == 10){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Psychiatric Accommodation"
    # }else if(ranNum == 11){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Penal Establishment"
    # }else if(ranNum == 12){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Mentally ill/Learning Disabilities Ward"
    # }else if(ranNum == 13){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Residential Accommodation"
    # }else if(ranNum == 14){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Medium Secure Unit"
    # }else if(ranNum == 15){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Court"
    # }else if(ranNum == 16){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Psychiatric Hospital, Scotland"
    # }else if(ranNum == 17){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Non-NHS run Hospice"
    # }else if(ranNum == 18){
    #   discharge_dest <- "Foster Care"
    discharge_dest <- "NHS Hospital Provider"


get_patient_classification <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 67.940514457){
    patient_classification <- "Ordinary Admission"
  }else if(ranNum <= 93.34966){
    patient_classification <- "Day case admission"
  }else if(ranNum <= 99.99731){
    patient_classification <- "Regular day admission"
    patient_classification <- "Regular night admission"


get_main_specialty <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 11.94678){
    main_speciality <- "GENERAL MEDICINE"
  }else if(ranNum <= 25.35643){
    main_speciality <- "PAEDIATRICS"
  }else if(ranNum <= 33.07909){
    main_speciality <- "OBSTETRICS"
  }else if(ranNum <= 35.90671){
    main_speciality <- "GERIATRIC MEDICINE"
  }else if(ranNum <= 39.9172){
    main_speciality <- "DERMATOLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 41.31686){
    main_speciality <- "CARDIOLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 46.6733){
    main_speciality <- "TRAUMA & ORTHOPAEDICS"
  }else if(ranNum <= 53.97897){
    main_speciality <- "GENERAL SURGERY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 64.69563){
    main_speciality <- "GASTROENTEROLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 74.40575){
    main_speciality <- "ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 74.98329){
    main_speciality <- "ANAESTHETICS"
  }else if(ranNum <= 77.40323){
    main_speciality <- "CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 79.27994){
    main_speciality <- "UROLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 81.87385){
    main_speciality <- "PLASTIC SURGERY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 84.42874){
    main_speciality <- "ENDOCRINOLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 85.65412){
    main_speciality <- "PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 90.08019){
    main_speciality <- "GYNAECOLOGY"
  }else if(ranNum <= 91.43656){
    main_speciality <- "ENT"
    main_speciality <- "RESPIRATORY MEDICINE"


get_diagnosis_code <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 19)

  if(ranNum <= 1){
    diagnosis_code <- "A409"
  }else if(ranNum <= 2){
    diagnosis_code <-"A492"
  }else if(ranNum <= 3){
    diagnosis_code <- "B179"
  }else if(ranNum <= 4){
    diagnosis_code <- "D643"
  }else if(ranNum <= 5){
    diagnosis_code <- "D821"
  }else if(ranNum <= 6){
    diagnosis_code <- "F458"
  }else if(ranNum <= 7){
    diagnosis_code <- "E880"
  }else if(ranNum <= 8){
    diagnosis_code <- "G030"
  }else if(ranNum <= 9){
    diagnosis_code <- "F681"
  }else if(ranNum <= 10){
    diagnosis_code <- "G048"
  }else if(ranNum <= 11){
    diagnosis_code <- "E209"
  }else if(ranNum <= 12){
    diagnosis_code <- "F500"
  }else if(ranNum <= 13){
    diagnosis_code <- "F801"
  }else if(ranNum <= 14){
    diagnosis_code <- "D093"
  }else if(ranNum <= 15){
    diagnosis_code <- "C717"
  }else if(ranNum <= 16){
    diagnosis_code <- "D222"
  }else if(ranNum <= 17){
    diagnosis_code <- "F99X"
  }else if(ranNum <= 18){
    diagnosis_code <- "G052"
    diagnosis_code <- "A041"


get_ward_category <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 10){
    ward_category <- "Ward 1"
  }else if(ranNum <= 20){
    ward_category <-"Ward 2"
  }else if(ranNum <= 30){
    ward_category <- "Ward 3"
  }else if(ranNum <= 40){
    ward_category <- "Ward 4"
  }else if(ranNum <= 50){
    ward_category <- "Ward 5"
  }else if(ranNum <= 60){
    ward_category <- "Ward 6"
  }else if(ranNum <= 70){
    ward_category <- "Ward 7"
  }else if(ranNum <= 80){
    ward_category <- "Ward 8"
  }else if(ranNum <= 90){
    ward_category <- "Ward 9"
    ward_category <- "Ward 10"


#consultant pseudo_id
get_consultant <- function(){

  ranNum <- runif(1, 0, 100)

  if(ranNum <= 10){
    consultant <- "Consultant 1"
  }else if(ranNum <= 20){
    consultant <-"Consultant 2"
  }else if(ranNum <= 30){
    consultant <- "Consultant 3"
  }else if(ranNum <= 40){
    consultant <- "Consultant 4"
  }else if(ranNum <= 50){
    consultant <- "Consultant 5"
  }else if(ranNum <= 60){
    consultant <- "Consultant 6"
  }else if(ranNum <= 70){
    consultant <- "Consultant 7"
  }else if(ranNum <= 80){
    consultant <- "Consultant 8"
  }else if(ranNum <= 90){
    consultant <- "Consultant 9"
    consultant <- "Consultant 10"

HorridTom/hospitalflow documentation built on June 14, 2022, noon