
Defines functions is_hyplot hyplot

Documented in hyplot

#' Initialize a new hyplot
#' @title Initialize hyplot
#' @param md a matrix_data or md_tbl object or any can be converted to matrix_data.
#' @param mapping default list of aesthetic mappings to use for plot.
#' @param drop logical. If TRUE, the unused labels will be removed.
#' @param parse logical or function generated by \code{parse_func()}.
#' @param use_md deprecated.
#' @param facets a parameters list of \code{facet_wrap}.
#' @param facets_order character vector to set the order of facet panels.
#' @param ... passing to \code{\link{as_matrix_data}}.
#' @return a ggplot object.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_discrete
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_y_discrete
#' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_wrap
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @rdname hyplot
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' hyplot(mtcars) +
#'   geom_tile(aes(fill = mtcars))
#' @author Hou Yun
#' @export
hyplot <- function(md,
                   mapping = NULL,
                   drop = TRUE,
                   parse = FALSE,
                   facets = list(),
                   facets_order = NULL,
                   ...) {
  if (!is_matrix_data(md) && !is_grouped_matrix_data(md) && !is_md_tbl(md)) {
    if (!"name" %in% names(list(...))) {
      nm <- deparse(substitute(md))
      md <- as_matrix_data(md, name = nm, ...)
    } else {
      md <- as_matrix_data(md, ...)
    md <- as_md_tbl(md)
  } else {
    md <- as_md_tbl(md, ...)

  grouped <- inherits(md, "grouped_md_tbl")

  type <- attr(md, "type")
  diag <- attr(md, "diag")
  row_names <- rev(row_names(md))
  col_names <- col_names(md)

  if(!missing(use_md)) {
    warning("'use_md' has been deprecated,\n",
            "please set 'parse' parameter instead.", call. = FALSE)

  if(type == "full" || isTRUE(diag)) {
    drop <- FALSE

  if(isTRUE(drop)) {
    if(type == "upper" && isFALSE(diag)) {
      xbreaks <- xlabels <- col_names[-1]
      ybreaks <- ylabels <- row_names[-1]
    if(type == "lower" && isFALSE(diag)) {
      xbreaks <- xlabels <- col_names[-ncols(md)]
      ybreaks <- ylabels <- row_names[-nrows(md)]
  } else {
    xbreaks <- xlabels <- col_names
    ybreaks <- ylabels <- row_names
  need_parse <- isTRUE(parse) || is.function(parse)
  if (need_parse) {
    xlabels <- label_formula(parse = parse)
    ylabels <- label_formula(parse = parse)

  xaxis_pos <- switch(type, upper = "top", "bottom")
  yaxis_pos <- switch(type, upper = "right", "left")
  guide_pos <- switch (type, lower = "left", "right")

  base_mapping <- aes_(x = ~.colnames, y = ~.rownames)
  if (is.null(mapping)) {
    mapping <- base_mapping
  } else {
    mapping <- modifyList(base_mapping, mapping)

  if (isTRUE(grouped)) {
    if (!is.null(facets_order)) {
      md$.group <- factor(md$.group, levels = facets_order)
    facets$facets <- facets$facets %||% ~ .group

  p <- ggplot(data = md,
              mapping = mapping)
  p <- p + scale_x_discrete(limits = col_names,
                            breaks = xbreaks,
                            labels = xlabels,
                            drop = FALSE,
                            position = xaxis_pos) +
           scale_y_discrete(limits = row_names,
                            breaks = ybreaks,
                            labels = ylabels,
                            drop = FALSE,
                            position = yaxis_pos)

  # adjust the default theme
  p <- p + theme_hy(legend.position = guide_pos)

  # auto facets
  if (isTRUE(grouped)) {
    p <- p + do.call(facet_wrap, facets)

  attr(p, "facets_order") <- facets_order
  class(p) <- c("hyplot", class(p))

#' @noRd
is_hyplot <- function(plot) {
  inherits(plot, "hyplot")
Hy4m/linkET documentation built on June 30, 2023, 7:39 p.m.