
#' @title Introduction to R and Its Quirks
#' @author David M. Goehring 2004
#' @author Juliet R. C. Pulliam 2008, 2009, 2019, 2023
#' @author Steve Bellan 2010
#' @author Carl A. B. Pearson 2024
#' International Clinics on Infectious Disease Dynamics and Data Program
#' @license Some Rights Reserved,
#' CC BY-NC 4.0 (
#' Last updated by Carl A. B. Pearson, June 2024
#' @section General Advice
#'  1. Pay attention!
#'  You should understand everything that you are typing in. Ask yourself, "Do
#'  I know what each thing I am typing means?" Getting through the exercises as
#'  fast as possible is not the goal here, true comprehension is. If there is
#'  anything you do not understand, ask!
#'  2. Don't just copy => paste!
#'  If you are like me, you hate busy-work. To that end, I hope you'll
#'  make use of the copy and paste functions to transfer text from this file to
#'  R. That said, especially early on, you will learn a LOT from the typos that
#'  inevitably occur when entering text into R. If you never allow yourself to
#'  make a typo as you go through the tutorial, you will be baffled when you are
#'  working on your projects and get seemingly random errors from, say, missing
#'  parentheses. So, for now, avoid copy and paste as much as possible: it's in
#'  your best interest.
#'  3. Wander off!
#'  *DON'T* feel compelled to stay on track. It's in your interest to say to
#'  yourself, "Hey, this is weird. I wonder what happens if I tweak this a bit
#'  ..." That's how you'll really get the hang of things. So never be afraid to
#'  try anything, and if your program doesn't behave as you expect it to, ask
#'  for an
#'  explanation. If you do not finish the tutorials during the lab
#'  period, you may work on the during the afternoon or evening work
#'  periods.
#'  4. Make notes in the tutorials!
#'  These tutorials should serve as a good reference, and the more you
#'  mark them up to make them clear to YOU the more handy they will
#'  be. Stumble upon a function you think is handy? Write it
#'  down. Think something I asked you to do is misleading? Correct it.
#'  5. Don't get discouraged!
#'  Learning any new language is always cumulative. Over the next
#'  couple of weeks, I'd recommend doing basic calculations in R rather
#'  than on a calculator, just so you grow more comfortable with the
#'  interface. Even though you might find yourself challenged, I expect
#'  you will be greatly rewarded by your accomplishments, even as soon
#'  as at the end of the first tutorial.
#' @subsection Procedure
#' BASICALLY, each tutorial is a series of guided exercises to help
#' you develop an intuition for solving problems using R. At the end
#' of each tutorial you will be asked to complete a collection of
#' benchmark questions, which you should be able to answer with the
#' tools learned in the tutorial. The questions are there for you to
#' be able to test whether you learned the concepts covered. You can
#' ask the instructors to confirm that your answers are correct.
#' So, without further ado, let us proceed to R!
#' @section Getting Familiar with R: More Than Just Pirate Talk
#' By the end of this tutorial you should:
#'  - Be familiar with the R interface
#'  - Understand how R handles variables and assignments
#'  - Know what R is finicky about
#'  - Know how to use R functions
#'  - Know how to use the help features of R
#'  - Be introduced to data vectors
#'  - Know how to access R's intrinsic datasets
#'  - Know how to produce basic graphics in R
#' Note: here we use what is known as
#' `base` R for plotting; a later tutorial will introduce plotitng with the
#' the `ggplot2` package, which is preferred by many because it is simpler to
#' produce publication-quality graphs.
#'@subsection R as a calculator
#' First, let's make sure R is up and running. R knows how to do just about any
#' mathematical operation you can think of. So let's try out a few:

3 + 4
5 * 5

#' Note how R returns the answer for you.  The important thing to pay
#' attention to here is the order of operations which R uses to process
#' requests. This is roughly the same you learned in beginning
#' algebra, so that

2 + 2 * 3

#' is not performed left to right. Parentheses can be used to tell R to
#' prioritize certain operations over others, as in

(2 + 2) * 3

#' If you don't remember your order-of-operations lessons from long
#' ago, no worries. R won't care if you go crazy with the parentheses,
#' and you'll ensure that R is behaving the way you want it to.
#' Notice that, as you move the cursor through the parentheses, RStudio will
#' highlight the one that matches to the direct left of the cursor, which
#' can help you keep track of things.

(2 + (2 * (3)))

#' @subsection Comments in R
#' Sometimes you will want to annotate your R code to make it easier for
#' others (e.g., your instructors or collaborators) to understand. The
#' number symbol (or pound symbol, or hash mark, or octothorpe), #, is
#' used for this purpose.  You'll notice that these tutorials make
#' extensive use of this tool.  But note that you can also add
#' comments to the end of active code:

5 / 7 # This divides five by seven

#' R ignores everything that comes after the symbol on the line. I
#' will use this in the tutorials to indicate when you should expect
#' an error or problem with a line of code, as in

(5*+ 2) / 7 # BADCODE

#' This way you will be able to tell when I am asking you to do
#' something stupid.
#' @subsection Making things stick
#' So far, everything you have done has been transient; it has been
#' visible on your screen but you have no way of bringing those
#' results back when you want to re-use them. You will rarely want
#' to use R in this fashion. You will want to perform a lot of
#' steps on your data and store all the results of all the
#' steps. To do this, you need to assign values to variables in the
#' R system. The two-character pictographic arrow, <-, is the
#' assignment operator in R. Try

x <- 3

#' storing the value 3 in the variable `x` (without any output). The
#' value is then retrievable simply by entering


#' Putting this concept together with R's utility as a calculator, you
#' can do assignment and calculation on the same line, as in

y <- 5 - 2

#' And variables and numbers can be used in calculations together, to
#' make new variables, as in

z <- y + 2 * x

#' Remember you can check what the value of a variable is at any time,
#' just by "calculating" it by itself, i.e.,


#' Note that variable names can be words and they can be as long as
#' you want. Also note that the assignment operator can be used in the
#' other direction, `->`.
#' While `x`, `y`, and `z` are easy to type, more memorable names such as
#' `weight` or `total`, might be more useful for reminding you what values
#' they hold.
#' You may have noticed that assignment occurs last in the order of
#' operations, which means R won't get confused if you assign a
#' variable to itself, as in

z * z -> z

#' You will usually not want to do this because it can make your code more
#' difficult to follow, but it does come in handy on occasion.
#' Now: hands off the keyboard! Pick up a writing implement, and imagine R
#' evaluating
#' x <- 8
#' x -> y
#' 2 -> x
#' What do `x` and `y` equal?
#' Now execute the commands by removing the "#'" at the beginning of
#' the lines and compare your answers.
#' R is case-sensitive, so the variables `x` and `X` are
#' unrelated. Variable names can contain only letters, numbers, underscores, and
#' periods.
#' Furthermore, R uses a number of likely variable-name candidates as
#' functions, making them confusing choices as variables. The worst of
#' these are `c`, `q`, `t`, `C`, `D`, `F`, `I`, and `T`. Avoid them.
#' Note that it is also difficult to search for single-character names.
#' For this reason, the standard practice adopted by many of the ICI3D
#' faculty is to repeat the character - e.g., indices will often be
#' referred to as ii (instead of i) in the ICI3D tutorials and example code.
#' You may encounter a synonymous version of the assignment operator
#' <- in some code, =. Though it is one character shorter, it can be
#' confusing regarding the direction in which assignment is being made and
#' is often confused with the logical-test-for-equality operator, ==,
#' which we will come to later. While I recommend not using the =
#' assignment operator, you should be aware of it. The same character, =,
#' is used to assign values to function arguments, as we will see in the
#' next section.
#' @section Functions are your friends
#' While basic operations, such as addition, are invaluable features
#' of R, the real core of R comes in the form of functions. Functions,
#' in general, take specified types of input ('arguments') and convert
#' them into output. That output can be a detailed statistical test, a
#' chart or graph, or a simple summation -- the important thing to realize
#' is that fundamentally all functions in R obey similar rules. A function
#' in R is anything that can be specified by a name with a set of
#' parentheses after it -- containing the function's arguments.
#' Arguments are the input a function needs to perform its task and
#' produce the desired output.
#' This will become slightly clearer when I discuss the help utility
#' below, but arguments can either be required or they can take on
#' default values if unspecified. Because it would be tricky to keep
#' track of the order of 10 possible inputs, which all might be
#' optional, R allows the naming of these arguments in the
#' function. This makes R functions easy to write and read, after a
#' bit of acclimation.
#' Take the log() function. It has one required argument, the number for
#' which you want the logarithm. But it also has one optional argument, base.
#' This argument defaults to Euler's number, e (the base of the natural
#' logarithm), if omitted.
#' So, you can determine the natural log of something quite easily, as
#' in,


#' To get the log base-10 of 10, you can write either

log(10, 10)

log(10, base = 10)

#' "So, why would I ever want to do the second option?" you ask. Here,
#' it does not matter much. It would be slightly easier to understand
#' what is going on to a reader of your code in the second case, but
#' maybe not useful enough to justify the extra typing.
#' But as we move to more complex functions, the number of potential
#' arguments can be very large, so including the name of the arguments
#' in the function call can help you keep track of things. This is particularly
#' important when you only want to change the default value of some of the
#' optional arguments.
#' @subsection Repeating lines of code
#' Have you tried pressing the up-arrow? If your cursor is at the
#' command prompt in the Console window, R will recall each of your
#' previous commands as you repeatedly press the up-arrow. If you are
#' working from a script in R Studio, you can place the cursor on the line
#' you want to run and click the "Run" button at the top of the window. On
#' a Mac, you can press CMD+Enter, instead of "Run." To repeat multiple lines
#' of code from the script, highlight the lines and press "Run" or CMD+Enter.
#' On a Windows machine, you can click Ctrl+Enter instead. (For additional
#' keyboard shortcuts in Rstudio, see Tutorial 0: Introduction to R Studio.)
#' Save yourself the time and energy of re-typing by re-using what you have
#' already entered. This can be especially helpful if you made a
#' small typographical error in a long command.
#' @subsection Making things go away
#' Above, you were introduced to the assignment procedure in R. The
#' more variables you have assigned or imported, the more cluttered
#' your memory will become. You can view what variables are stored in
#' R's memory at any time by typing


#' This may look weird, given what I just told you about function
#' arguments above, but it just turns out that the ls() function has
#' arguments, but they all take on default values when none are
#' specified.
#' If you are working in Rstudio, you can also see the variables and
#' functions defined in your workspace by clicking on the "Environment"
#' tab, which will show not only the variable and function names but also
#' the size of defined variables and the arguments for each function.
#' If you've identified a specific variable or set of variables that
#' you would like to remove from memory, you need only type


#' The variable "z" can be replaced by any number of variables,
#' separated by commas.
#' Alternatively, one often needs to clear the memory from R and start
#' fresh -- especially because R will, by default, start up with the
#' same variables in memory as when you last closed the program.
#' The function here is a little bit convoluted, but instructional,

rm(list = ls())

#' Here you are telling R, "I'm not going to give you individual
#' variable names, instead I am giving you a list of variable
#' names. To generate that list, perform the function that creates the
#' list of all variables stored in memory, ls(). Then perform the remove
#' function on that list of variables."
#' @subsection Getting help
#' When you do not know what a function does or what arguments it
#' takes, R's in-line help system is exceptionally handy. The easiest
#' way to access help on a specific function, such as log, is


#' But equivalently, you can type


#' Or, you can click on the function in your editor and use the F1 shortcut
#' to view the help page (fn+F1 on a Mac).
#' You can even use this functionality for operators, but you must quote them:

# ?+ # DOESN'T WORK; if you try it, will expect more input. enter a ; to escape

#' Help files in R can seem intimidating. The trick is to know what
#' you don't need to know. Often you will end up using only a few of
#' the arguments. Most arguments will have standard, acceptable
#' defaults noted by something like "name = FALSE". You do not need to
#' understand every argument in a function to get it to do what you
#' want.
#' The descriptions can be helpful, but you'll also want to look at
#' the examples. The examples tend to be targeted at common scenarios
#' and are most often well framed.
#' Lastly, the "see also" section may be useful if you are looking for
#' a function but only know the name of a similar function.
#' Conversely, you might know what a function does, but not know R's
#' name for it. There is no incredibly satisfactory solution to this,
#' but a good first step is to search within the in-line help
#' documentation for the concept:
#' We will mark with #' Console commands that are not really script-like and
#' that would ordinarily be typed into the console window directly.
#' For the tutorials, you can type them or just run them
#' When writing scripts, comment out such console commands to be more portable"average") #' CONSOLE

#' Or, equivalently,

??average #' CONSOLE

#' You may also want to search the R website,,
#' for any help it can provide. The easiest way to do this from within
#' R is to type

RSiteSearch("average")  #' CONSOLE

#' Google can also be very useful for finding answers to your R questions,
#' most of which someone else will have asked previously. Answers are often
#' found on Stack Overflow,, a Q&A site for
#' programming.
#' With these tools in hand, you should be ready to troubleshoot most
#' of your R foibles yourself!
#' The R tutorials will not have every function and method you need.
#' You should rely firstly on the help facilities of R -- which are
#' very good. Of course, the instructors are also happy to help with
#' difficulties as they occur, particularly as you develop a need for
#' new methods while working on your projects.
#' @section Introduction to Vectors
#' @subsection What is a vector?
#' Statisticians worry about multiple numbers, not single numbers like
#' we have seen so far. So it is not surprising that most of the
#' computation you will perform in R will involve more complex data
#' structures.
#' The simplest such structure is the vector, which is nothing more
#' than a list of numbers, stored in the same place. All the rules you
#' learned about assignment, above, still apply here, but there are
#' some complications.
#' @subsection Inputting your own vector
#' In order to generate vectors of any length, R has a somewhat
#' non-intuitive method, the function `c()`. The name "c" is short for
#' concatenate, if that helps you remember its very important role in
#' R. The function takes any number of arguments, which have values of
#' numbers or vectors.  Some examples:

my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3)

# Why doesn't this line work if you run it as is?:

my_other_vector <- c(x, y) #' FIXME

my_last_vector <- c(my_vector, 365, my_other_vector)

#' It is pretty straightforward, once you get the hang of it.
#' Hands off the keyboard! Pick up a writing implement:
#' some_ages <- c(1, 4, 2)
#' some_ages <- c(some_ages, 3, some_ages + 1)
#' What does `some_ages` equal?
#' Now uncomment the above code by removing the "#'" to execute the
#' commands and compare your answers.
#' @subsection Generating random vectors
#' It is a common programming task to want to generate a list of
#' random numbers. R has a variety of different functions for this, but
#' I will show you `rnorm()`, which generates random numbers from the
#' standard normal distribution (more details about working with
#' probability distributions are provided in Tutorial 3).
#' Today we will use just one basic argument for the `rnorm()` function,
#' the number of random numbers we want in our vector. Say we want 110
#' of these random numbers, then typing

my_randoms <- rnorm(110)

#' will generate these and store them in our designated variable.
#' @subsection Functions on vectors
#' Many functions take a vector as an argument, rather than (or in
#' addition to) a single number. Now that you know how to generate
#' vectors to specification, these can be very handy. Some examples:




c(1, 2, 3)^3

#' Depending on the nature of the function, the result here is a
#' single value or a transformed vector with the same length as the
#' original. The possibilities of input data structures and output
#' data structures are countless, but I hope you will realize the
#' diversity of roles which functions can play in your analyses.
#' @subsection Basic plots
#' Producing a mediocre figure in R is trivial. With most data
#' structures you will get something just by typing


#' that is, the function plot, with the argument being whatever
#' variable name you wish you visualize; however, this simplicity is
#' usually unwanted and unhelpful, as in the case


#' Not surprisingly, random numbers do not have an interesting
#' sequence.
#' We can get closer to something useful by changing the arrangement
#' of our data, for example,


#' which sorts our variable before plotting it, producing a better
#' sense of the distribution of values.
#' Or we can change the type of plot or characteristics of the plot,
#' as in


#' to produce a histogram showing the distribution of the numbers we
#' have drawn from the standard normal distribution.
#' In these last few examples I have used arbitrary or random
#' pseudodata, in lieu of real data, to help you understand the
#' visualization of vectors.  Consequently, labeling axes in this
#' extreme case is irrelevant.  You should generally label, with a
#' title and axes, every figure with data. More on this below.
#' @section Introduction to Obtaining and Visualizing Datasets
#' @subsection Where to find data
#' Importing data into R from your computer is fairly straightforward,
#' but for now, we will use only the data sets contained in R default
#' packages. Generating a list of these available data sets is as
#' simple as entering

data()  #' CONSOLE

#' but here R stiffs you a little, by not looking in every available
#' package. It warns you of this at the bottom of its response and
#' suggests that you should try

data(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))  #' CONSOLE

#' which gives you a complete list, importantly noting in its output
#' which package each data set comes from.
#' Obtaining and understanding data sets
#' Once you have found a dataset you wish to use (and we will use
#' Chatterjee-Price Attitude Data, attitude, as an example), you
#' load it into memory by entering


#' For many of those data sets found by the second, more thorough,
#' method above this will produce an error, because it is only looking
#' in the default package. Get around this by adding an argument
#' specifying the package of the data set, here using catsM

data(catsM, package="boot")

#' After performing this step, the data are loaded into the same-named
#' variable in R's memory, (usually, but not always) as a data frame,
#' another type of data structure. More suited to statistical
#' analysis, data frames are an alternative to standard data
#' structures you may have experience in mathematical programming such
#' as matrices or arrays. While they have incredible sophistication, I
#' won't be able to introduce most of this here. We will be sticking
#' to absolute basics for now but will come back to data frames in more
#' detail later in the week.
#' First, you will likely want to take a look at the data itself, just
#' to see what it has in store. As you have learned, that can be done
#' simply by typing the name of your new variable on a line by itself


#' The resulting chart will (most often) have named rows and columns
#' which correspond to the data for those conditions and property. In
#' this example, individuals are numbered 1 to 30 and each one has
#' corresponding numerical answers to different questions regarding
#' their attitude.
#' You can also just view the top of the data set (which allows you
#' to also view the column names) by typing


#' Another critical step when working with any built-in data set is to
#' look at the accompanying information on the data set, accessed by
#' typing

help(attitude) # CONSOLE

#' or, when necessary, by analogy to the package issues introduced
#' above,

help(catsM, package="boot")  # CONSOLE

#' This text will include key information about the procedures and
#' assumptions involved in data collection, in addition to a basic
#' understanding of the data's components. The file's examples also
#' provide starting points for visualization or analysis of the data.
#' In addition to data frames, some R data sets include more
#' specialized collections of data, such as time series or distance
#' charts. You will know if you have such a data set from the help-file
#' associated with the data set (or by its failure to perform
#' predictably to data-frame commands below).  Feel free to use the
#' help system to find ways to visualize these other collections of
#' data! During the MMED clinic, we'll be doing a whole tutorial on
#' visualizing infectious disease data.
#' Figures are produced the same way as above, with a couple of new
#' considerations.
#' What analyses are appropriate and meaningful will be highly
#' contingent on the structure of the data. Quick, dirty, and
#' moderately interesting results are produced independently-by-column
#' with simple commands on the data frame as a whole, for example,



#' For data frames, the columns are often compared in various ways, so
#' a special notation, the dollar sign, $, is reserved for accessing
#' the individual columns. The syntax is simply
#'$ To see what this means to R we can type
#' the notation for the first column in our attitude data frame, the
#' rating column


#' The result is simply a vector of the values, ordered identically to
#' the original column.  This means you can invoke any function on
#' vectors with which you have familiarity, as in,



#' Other functions will look at the relationship among columns, about
#' which much can be said.
#' The simplest example is to add a second vector to our plot
#' function, which will produce a scatter plot, with the values of
#' two columns on each of the axes.

plot(attitude$critical, attitude$privileges)

#' Once you have found useful figures to output, you must ensure they
#' are appropriately labeled. The arguments to most graphical
#' functions in base R include xlab, ylab, and main. Here is
#' an example of a finalized plot.

plot(catsM$Bwt, catsM$Hwt
		 , xlab="Male Cat Body Weight (kg)"
		 , ylab="Male Cat Heart Weight (g)"
		 , main="Body Weight vs. Heart Weight for Male Cats over 2 Pounds"

#' Always label your axes (and provide units, when relevant). R will
#' sometimes generate labels by default, but you will need to ask
#' yourself whether these labels are sufficiently informative (they
#' usually are not). Figures should also generally have descriptive
#' titles.
#' Armed with the help files and this proto-introduction to plotting,
#' you should begin to see how you can tell a story with a set of
#' data.
#' Note how I separated the plot command above into four lines
#' that were properly indented.  Some coders find this much easier to
#' read & debug though it depends on individual preference.  EMACS
#' users will find that EMACS often formats this for you automatically
#' if you press enter while still inside a function, or unclosed
#' parantheses expression. In RStudio, you can auto-indent a section of
#' code by highlighting it and pressing Cntrl+i (or CMD+i, on a Mac).
#' One final new procedure:
#' The command library, used in the manner


#' allows you to access functions for specific tasks. The core R
#' installation comes with a variety of functions installed but
#' unavailable by default -- the library function makes the functions
#' and data from those packages available. Working along with
#' pre-installed packages and accessing their data sets will be easy
#' with a single application of the library command in each R session.
#' If a library function call fails on your machine, you need to
#' install the package before loading it. On most computers connected to the
#' internet, this should be a simple matter of typing

install.packages("ggplot2")  #' CONSOLE

#' (the desired package goes in quotes - here we have picked a package
#' that is an ICI3D package dependency)
#' This is not part of a normal script, because once the package is installed
#' it will not need to be installed again on the same machine (or account),
#' unless you reinstall R or need an updated version of the package.
#' R will ask you to select a mirror site for download and in a few
#' moments the package is ready to be made available with the library
#' function,


#' You may find that the install.packages() command doesn't work on
#' public or cluster computers because you do not have permission to
#' install software on these machines. If this is the case, you will
#' most likely have to contact the system administrator and have them
#' install the desired packages for you.
#' This concludes Tutorial I. The benchmark questions below
#' should help you assess how well you have learned the
#' material. You should feel free to ask for help from your
#' instructors and from your peers when you find yourself stuck or
#' baffled.
#' @section Benchmark Questions
#' @question 1. Perform this calculation in R:
#' 2.5 * exp( 1.95 * +/- sqrt( 10) )
#' @hint The +/- sign can be represented by a vector.
#' @question 2. Enter the following data as two vectors named week and cases.
#' Week	Number of cases
#' 1	        0
#' 2	        0
#' 3	        0
#' 4	        1
#' 5	        2
#' 6	        0
#' 7	        0
#' 8	        0
#' 9	        0
#' 10	       0
#' 11	       0
#' 12	       0
#' 13	       2
#' 14	       0
#' 15	       0
#' 16	       3
#' 17	       0
#' 18	       0
#' 19	       0
#' 20	       0
#' 21	       1
#' 22	       0
#' 23	       0
#' 24	       0
#' 25	       0
#' 26	       2
#' 27	       0
#' 28	       0
#' 29	       0
#' 30	       0
#' 31	       0
#' 32	       0
#' @hint The vector `week` can be created easily using the R function
#' seq() or the `:` operator.)
#' @question 3. Generate an epidemic curve using your newly-created vectors and
#' the `barplot()` function.  Label your x- and y-axes, give your figure
#' a title, set the y-axis to go from 0 to 6, and remove the spaces
#' between bars.
#' @question Bonus: Examine the epidemic curve and determine whether you think the data
#' represent a common source, point source, or propagated epidemic (or
#' some combination of these). Explain your reasoning.
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