
Defines functions vcfR2thap

Documented in vcfR2thap

#' @title rehh liftover for vcfR
#' @description Converts a vcfR object to a "transposed" haplotype object for use in other packages (i.e. `rehh`)
#' @export

vcfR2thap <- function(vcfRobj){
  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Error catch
  if(!identical(vcfRobj, vcfRobj[vcfR::is.biallelic(vcfRobj),])){
    stop("VCF must be biallelic for this to work.")

  refalt <- vcfR::getFIX(vcfRobj, getINFO = F)[,4:5] # based on vcf spec

  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # determine ploidy to determine genotype numeric placeholder

  if(any(stringr::str_detect(vcfR::extract.gt(vcfRobj), "\\|"), na.rm=T)){ # grab first site
    stop("This tool does not support phased vcfs. See vcfR extract.haps for this functionality")
  } else if(any(stringr::str_detect(vcfR::extract.gt(vcfRobj), "\\/"), na.rm=T)) {
      gtmatrix <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcfRobj, element='GT', as.numeric=F) # numeric as T doesn't parse 0/1 correctly
      gtmatrix[gtmatrix == "0/0"] <- 0
      gtmatrix[gtmatrix == "0/1"] <- NA
      gtmatrix[gtmatrix == "1/1"] <- 1
      gtmatrix[is.na(gtmatrix)] <- NA # not needed but to be explicit

  } else {

    gtmatrix <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcfRobj, element='GT', as.numeric=T)
    gtmatrix[gtmatrix == 0] <- 0 # not needed but to be explicit
    gtmatrix[gtmatrix == 1] <- 1 # not needed but to be explicit
    gtmatrix[is.na(gtmatrix)] <- NA # not needed but to be explicit

  thap <- matrix(NA, nrow(gtmatrix), ncol(gtmatrix))
  for(i in 1:nrow(gtmatrix)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(gtmatrix)){
        thap[i,j] <- NA
      } else if(gtmatrix[i,j] == 0){
        thap[i,j] <- refalt[i,1]
      } else if(gtmatrix[i,j] == 1){
        thap[i,j] <- refalt[i,2]


IDEELResearch/vcfRmanip documentation built on Nov. 17, 2020, 9:32 p.m.