
#' GIM
#' Takes in glm output, performs GIM test, returns estimated coefficients,
#'   classic standard errors, robust standard errors, rule of thumb for
#'   misspecified model, GIM test statistic and p-value.
#' @param out : Output from glm function
#' @param full : TRUE if you want to perform the full GIM test, FALSE if you want to
#' quickly check if your model is misspecified
#' @param B : Number of new datasets to test
#' @param B2 : Number of bootstraps for each new dataset
#' @param cluster : For clustered data
#' @param time : For time series data
#' @examples
#' # estimate ols model
#' # install.packages("Ecdat")
#' library(Ecdat)
#' data(Fatality)
#' # ols modeling traffic fatality rate
#' ols <- glm(mrall ~ beertax + factor(year), data=Fatality)
#' # Quick rule of thumb for model misspecification
#' GIM(ols, full = FALSE)
#' # Full GIM test for model misspecification
#' GIM(ols, full = TRUE, B = 30, B2 = 25)
#' # Quick rule of thumb for model misspecification; data clustered by state
#' GIM(ols, full = FALSE, cluster = Fatality$state)
#' # Full GIM test for model misspecification; data clustered by state
#' GIM(ols, full = TRUE, B = 30, B2 = 25, cluster = Fatality$state)
#' @importFrom stats family vcov
#' @export

GIM <- function(out, full=TRUE, B, B2, cluster = NA, time = NA){

    # check for glm
    if(!"glm" %in% class(out))
        stop('glm object required for estimation',
             call. = FALSE)

        if(family(out)$family == 'gaussian')
            gim.out <- bootstrapIM.gaussian(out, B, B2, cluster=cluster, time=time)
        else if(family(out)$family == 'binomial' & family(out)$link == "logit")
            gim.out <- bootstrapIM.logit(out, B, B2, cluster=cluster, time=time)
        else if(family(out)$family == 'binomial' & family(out)$link == "probit")
            gim.out <- bootstrapIM.probit(out, B, B2, cluster=cluster, time=time)
        else if(family(out)$family == 'poisson')
            gim.out <- bootstrapIM.poisson(out, B, B2, cluster=cluster, time=time)
        else if(grepl("Negative Binomial", family(out)$family) == TRUE)
            gim.out <- bootstrapIM.negbin(out, B, B2, cluster=cluster, time=time)

    if(length(cluster)<2 & length(time)<2){
        coefs <- out$coefficients
        classic.se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
        robust.model <- as.matrix(lmtest::coeftest(out, vcov=sandwich::vcovHC))
        robust.se <- robust.model[,2]
        ests <- matrix(c(coefs,classic.se,robust.se,robust.model[,3],robust.model[,4]),ncol=5)
        rownames(ests) <- names(coefs)
        colnames(ests) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Err.", "Robust Std. Err.","z value","Pr(>|z|)")
        ROT <- max(robust.se/classic.se)

        coefs <- out$coefficients
        classic.se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
        clust.vcov <- clust.robust(out, cluster)
        robust.model <- as.matrix(lmtest::coeftest(out, vcov=clust.vcov))
        robust.se <- robust.model[,2]
        ests <- matrix(c(coefs,classic.se,robust.se,robust.model[,3],robust.model[,4]),ncol=5)
        rownames(ests) <- names(coefs)
        colnames(ests) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Err.", "Robust Std. Err.","z value","Pr(>|z|)")
        ROT <- max(robust.se/classic.se)

    if(exists("gim.out") == FALSE){
        if(ROT >= 1.5){
            print(paste("Max ratio of robust to classic standard errors is", round(ROT,3),sep = " "))
            print("Rule of thumb suggests your model is misspecified, it is suggested that you run the full GIM test")

            print(paste("Max ratio of robust to classic standard errors is", round(ROT,3),sep = " "))
            print("Rule of thumb suggests your model is NOT misspecified")

        return(list("Coefficients" = ests, "Rule of Thumb" = round(ROT,3)))

        return(list("Coefficients" = ests, "Rule of Thumb" = round(ROT,3), "GIM test statistic" = gim.out$stat, "GIM pval" = gim.out$pval))

IQSS/RobustSE documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:02 a.m.