
#' Interface between the Zelig Model normal.bayes and the Pre-existing Model-fitting Method
#' @param formula a formula
#' @param ... additonal parameters
#' @param data a data.frame 
#' @return a list specifying '.function'
#' @export
zelig2normal.bayes <- function (
                               burnin = 1000, mcmc = 10000, 
                               verbose = 0, 
                               ) {

  loadDependencies("MCMCpack", "coda")

       .function = "MCMCregress",
       .hook = "MCMChook",

       formula = formula,
       data   = data,
       burnin = burnin,
       mcmc   = mcmc,
       verbose= verbose,

       # Most parameters can be simply passed forward

#' @S3method param normal.bayes
param.normal.bayes <- function(obj, num=1000, ...) {
       coef = coef(obj),
       linkinv = gaussian()

#' @S3method qi normal.bayes
qi.normal.bayes <- function(obj, x=NULL, x1=NULL, y=NULL, num=1000, param=NULL) {
  normal.ev <- function (x, param) {
    # If either of the parameters are invalid,
    # Then return NA for both qi's
    if (is.null(x) || is.na(x) || is.null(param))
      return(list(ev=NA, pv=NA))

    # Extract simulated parameters and get column names
    coef <- coef(param)
    cols <- colnames(coef)

    # Place the simulated variances in their own vector
    sigma2 <- coef[, ncol(coef)]

    # Remove the "sigma2" (variance) parameter which should already be placed
    # in the simulated parameters
    cols <- cols[ ! "sigma2" == cols ]
    coef <- coef[, cols]

    ev <- coef %*% t(x)
    pv <- rnorm(nrow(ev), ev, sqrt(sigma2))

    list(ev = ev, pv = pv)

  res1 <- normal.ev(x, param)
  res2 <- normal.ev(x1, param)

       "Expected Values: E(Y|X)" = res1$ev,
       "Expected Values: E(Y|X1)" = res2$ev,
       "Predicted Values: Y|X" = res1$pv,
       "Predicted Values: Y|X1" = res2$pv,
       "First Differences: E(Y|X1) - E(Y|X)" = res2$ev - res1$ev

#' @S3method describe normal.bayes
describe.normal.bayes <- function(...) {
       authors = c("Ben Goodrich", "Ying Lu"),
       text = "Bayesian Normal Linear Regression",
       year = 2013
IQSS/Zelig4 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:13 a.m.