#' Read a .pbf or .gpkg object from file or url
#' This function is used to read a `.pbf` or `.gpkg` object from file or URL. It
#' is a wrapper around [oe_download()], [oe_vectortranslate()], and
#' [sf::st_read()], creating an easy way to download, convert, and read a `.pbf`
#' or `.gpkg` file. Check the introductory vignette and the help pages of the
#' wrapped function for more details.
#' @details The arguments `provider`, `download_directory`, `file_size`,
#' `force_download`, and `max_file_size` are ignored if `file_path` points to
#' an existing `.pbf` or `.gpkg` file.
#' Please note that you cannot add any field to an existing `.gpkg` file using
#' the argument `extra_tags` without rerunning the vectortranslate process on
#' the corresponding `.pbf` file. On the other hand, you can extract some of
#' the tags in `other_tags` field as new columns. See examples and
#' [oe_get_keys()] for more details.
#' @inheritParams oe_get
#' @param file_path A URL or the path to a `.pbf` or `.gpkg` file. If a URL,
#' then it must be specified using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
#' @param file_size How big is the file? Optional. `NA` by default. If it's
#' bigger than `max_file_size` and the function is run in interactive mode,
#' then an interactive menu is displayed, asking for permission to download
#' the file.
#' @return An `sf` object or, when `download_only` argument equals `TRUE`, a
#' character vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Read an existing .pbf file. First we need to copy a .pbf file into a
#' # temporary directory
#' its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
#' file.copy(
#' from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
#' to = its_pbf
#' )
#' oe_read(its_pbf)
#' # Read a new layer
#' oe_read(its_pbf, layer = "points")
#' # The following example shows how to add new tags
#' names(oe_read(its_pbf, extra_tags = c("oneway", "ref"), quiet = TRUE))
#' # Read an existing .gpkg file. This file was created internally by oe_read().
#' its_gpkg = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.gpkg")
#' oe_read(its_gpkg)
#' # You cannot add any new layer to an existing .gpkg file but you can extract
#' # some of the tags in other_tags. Check oe_get_keys() for more details.
#' names(oe_read(its_gpkg, extra_tags = c("maxspeed"))) # doesn't work
#' # Instead, use the query argument
#' names(oe_read(
#' its_gpkg,
#' quiet = TRUE,
#' query =
#' "SELECT *,
#' hstore_get_value(other_tags, 'maxspeed') AS maxspeed
#' FROM lines
#' "
#' ))
#' # Read from a URL
#' my_url = "https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/raw/master/inst/its-example.osm.pbf"
#' # Please note that if you read from a URL which is not linked to one of the
#' # supported providers, you need to specify the provider parameter:
#' \dontrun{
#' oe_read(my_url, provider = "test", quiet = FALSE)}
#' # Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir
#' oe_clean(tempdir())
oe_read = function(
layer = "lines",
provider = NULL,
download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
file_size = NULL,
force_download = FALSE,
max_file_size = 5e+8,
download_only = FALSE,
skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
vectortranslate_options = NULL,
osmconf_ini = NULL,
extra_tags = NULL,
force_vectortranslate = FALSE,
never_skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
boundary = NULL,
boundary_type = c("spat", "clipsrc"),
quiet = FALSE
) {
# Test misspelt arguments
check_layer_provider(layer, provider)
# Check that all arguments inside ... are named arguments. See also
# https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/234. I extract the names in
# ... and save the result in dots_names since names(list(...)) returns an
# error when there is a missing element in ... See the examples in utils.R. I
# need to check null and "" values. See utils.R for examples. See
# https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/241 and corresponding PR for a
# discussion.
dots_names = extract_dots_names_safely(...)
if (...length() && (any(is.null(dots_names)) | any(dots_names == ""))) {
.subclass = "oe_read-namesDotsError",
message = "All arguments in oe_get() and oe_read() beside 'place' and 'layer' must be named. Please check also that you didn't add an extra comma at the end of your call.",
# Test if there is a misalignment between query and layer argument. See also
# https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/122. Moreover, I had to use
# ...names() instead of names(list(...)) because of
# https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/234
if ("query" %in% dots_names) {
# Check if the query argument (which is passed to sf::st_read) was defined using a
# layer different than layer argument. Indeed:
# Extracted from sf::st_read docs: For query with a character dsn the query
# text is handed to 'ExecuteSQL' on the GDAL/OGR data set and will result in
# the creation of a new layer (and layer is ignored).
# See also https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/122
query = list(...)[["query"]]
# Extract everything that is specified after FROM or from
query_pattern = "(?<=(FROM|from))\\s*\\S+"
layer_raw = regmatches(query, regexpr(query_pattern, query, perl = TRUE))
if (length(layer_raw) != 1L) {
.subclass = "oe_read-errorInQuery1",
message = paste0(
"The query should be formatted as 'SELECT ... FROM ... <WHERE ...>'. ",
"If that's already the case, please open a new issue at ",
# Clean all extra text (such as ' or ")
layer_clean = regmatches(
gregexpr("\\w+", layer_raw[[1]], perl = TRUE)
if (length(layer_clean) != 1L) {
.subclass = "oe_read-errorInQuery2",
message = paste0(
"There is an error in the query or in oe_read. Please open a new issue at ",
if (layer_clean[[1]] != layer) {
layer = layer_clean[[1]]
# See https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/114
if (
# The following condition checks if the user passed down one or more
# arguments using ...
...length() > 0L &&
# At the moment, the only function that uses ... is sf::st_read, so I can
# simply check which arguments in ... are not included in the formals of
# sf::st_read. Moreover, st_read should always use sf:::st_read.character,
# so I need to check the formals of that method.
# The classical way should be names(formals(sf:::st_read.character)), but it
# returns a notes in the R CMD checks related to :::. Hence, I decided to
# use names(formals("st_read.character", envir = getNamespace("sf")))
dots_names %!in%
# The ... arguments in st_read are passed to st_as_sf so I need to add the
# formals of st_as_sf.
# See https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/152
names(formals(get("st_read.character", envir = getNamespace("sf")))),
names(formals(get("st_as_sf.data.frame", envir = getNamespace("sf")))),
names(formals(get("read_sf", envir = getNamespace("sf"))))
) {
"The following arguments were probably misspelled: ",
names(formals(get("st_read.character", envir = getNamespace("sf")))),
names(formals(get("st_as_sf.data.frame", envir = getNamespace("sf"))))
collapse = " - "
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
# If the input file_path points to an existing .gpkg file, then this is the
# easiest case since we only need to read it:
if (file.exists(file_path) && tools::file_ext(file_path) == "gpkg") {
if (isTRUE(download_only)) {
return(my_st_read(dsn = file_path, layer = layer, quiet = quiet, ...))
# Now I think I can assume that file_path represents a URL or points to a .pbf
# file. I assume that if file.exists(file_path) is FALSE then file_path is a
# URL and I need to download the file
if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
# Add an if clause to check if file_path "looks like" a URL
# See https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/134 and
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3809401/what-is-a-good-regular-expression-to-match-a-url.
# First I need to remove the whitespace at the end of the URL
# See https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/163
file_path = trimws(file_path)
like_url = is_like_url(file_path)
if (!like_url) {
.subclass = "oe_read-inputDoesNotCorrespondToExistingFileOrURL",
message = paste0(
"The input file_path does not correspond to any existing file ",
"and it doesn't look like a URL."
file_path = oe_download(
file_url = file_path,
provider = provider,
download_directory = download_directory,
file_size = file_size,
force_download = force_download,
max_file_size = max_file_size,
quiet = quiet
if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
.subclass = "oe_read-errorAfterDownload",
message = paste0(
"An error occurred during the download process. ",
"Please raise a new issue at https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues"
# Now file_path should always point to an existing .pbf or .gpkg file Again,
# if file_path points to an existing .gpkg file:
if (tools::file_ext(file_path) == "gpkg") {
if (isTRUE(download_only)) {
return(my_st_read(dsn = file_path, layer = layer, quiet = quiet, ...))
# Now file_path should always point to an existing .pbf file. If the user set
# skip_vectortranslate = TRUE, then we just need to return the pbf path or
# read it.
if (
tools::file_ext(file_path) %in% c("pbf", "osm") &&
) {
if (isTRUE(download_only)) {
return(my_st_read(dsn = file_path, layer = layer, quiet = quiet, ...))
# The vectortranslate operation should never be skipped if the user forced the
# download of a new .osm.pbf file. See
# https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract/issues/144.
if (isTRUE(force_download)) {
never_skip_vectortranslate = TRUE
force_vectortranslate = TRUE
# Now I think we can assume that file_path points to an existing .pbf file and
# skip_vectortranslate is equal to FALSE so we need to use
# oe_vectortranslate():
gpkg_file_path = oe_vectortranslate(
file_path = file_path,
vectortranslate_options = vectortranslate_options,
layer = layer,
osmconf_ini = osmconf_ini,
extra_tags = extra_tags,
force_vectortranslate = force_vectortranslate,
never_skip_vectortranslate = never_skip_vectortranslate,
boundary = boundary,
boundary_type = boundary_type,
quiet = quiet
# Return the .gpkg file path
if (isTRUE(download_only)) {
# Add another test since maybe there was an error during the vectortranslate process:
if (!file.exists(gpkg_file_path)) {
.subclass = "oe_read-errorAfterVectortranslate",
message = "A fatal error occurred during the vectortranslate process."
# Read the file
my_st_read(gpkg_file_path, layer = layer, quiet = quiet, ...)
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