
Defines functions get_url check_year current_year find_file_name locate_files locate_one_file phrase select_file

Documented in check_year find_file_name get_url locate_files locate_one_file phrase select_file

#' Convert file names to urls
#' @details
#' This function returns urls that allow data to be downloaded from the pages:
#' http://data.dft.gov.uk/road-accidents-safety-data/road-accidents-safety-data/RoadSafetyData_2015.zip
#' http://data.dft.gov.uk.s3.amazonaws.com/road-accidents-safety-data/dftRoadSafety_Accidents_2016
#' Last updated: 22nd Nov 2018.
#' Files available from the s3 url in the default `domain` argument.
#' @param file_name Optional file name to add to the url returned (empty by default)
#' @param domain The domain from where the data will be downloaded
#' @param directory The subdirectory of the url
#' @examples
#' # get_url(find_file_name(1985))
get_url = function(file_name = "",
                   domain = "http://data.dft.gov.uk.s3.amazonaws.com",
                   directory = "road-accidents-safety-data"
                   ) {
  path = file.path(domain, directory, file_name)
#' check and convert year argument
#' @examples
#' # check_year("2018") # fails
#' # check_year(2017)
#' # check_year(2006)
#' # check_year(1985)
#' @inheritParams dl_stats19
check_year = function(year) {
  year = as.integer(year)
  is_year = all(year %in% 1979:(current_year() - 1))
  if(!is_year || is.na(year) || length(year) == 0) {
    msg = paste0("Years must be in range 1979:", current_year() - 1)
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  # valid year, continue
  if(year %in% 1980:2003) {
    message("Year not in range, changing to match 1979:2004 data")
    year = 1979
  # we have an overlap of year 2009 to 2014 as
  # individual zip files and
  # bundled within 2005-2014
  if(year %in% 2006:2008) {
    message("Year not in range, changing to match 2005:2014 data")
    year = 2005

# current_year()
current_year = function() as.integer(format(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")))

#' Find file names within stats19::file_names.
#' Currently, there are 52 file names to download/read data from.
#' @param years Years for which data are to be found
#' @param type One of 'Accidents', 'Casualties', 'Vehicles'; defaults to 'Accidents', ignores case.
#' @examples
#' find_file_name(2016)
#' find_file_name(2016, type = "Accidents")
#' find_file_name(1985, type = "Accidents")
#' find_file_name(type = "cas")
#' find_file_name(type = "accid")
#' find_file_name(2006)
#' find_file_name(2016:2017)
#' @export
find_file_name = function(years = NULL, type = NULL) {

  result = unlist(stats19::file_names, use.names = FALSE)

  if(!is.null(years)) {
    years = vapply(years, check_year, integer(1)) # todo: vectorise?
    years_regex = paste0(years, collapse = "|")
    result = result[grep(pattern = years_regex, x = result)]

  # see https://github.com/ITSLeeds/stats19/issues/21
  if(!is.null(type)) {
    result_type = result[grep(pattern = type, result, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    if(length(result_type) > 0) {
      result = result_type
    } else {
      if(is.null(years)) {
       stop("No files of that type found", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        message("No files of that type found for that year.")
  if(any(grepl("Stats19-Data1979-2004.zip", result))) {
    # extra warnings
    message("\033[31mThis will download 240 MB+ (1.8 GB unzipped).\033[39m")
    message("Coordinates unreliable in this data.")

  if(length(result) < 1)
    stop("No files of that type exist", call. = FALSE)

#' Locate a file on disk
#' Helper function to locate files. Given below params, the function
#' returns 0 or more files found at location/names given.
#' @param years Years for which data are to be found
#' @param type One of 'Accidents', 'Casualties', 'Vehicles'; defaults to 'Accidents', ignores case.
#' @param data_dir Super directory where dataset(s) were first downloaded to.
#' @param quiet Print out messages (files found)
#' @return Character string representing the full path of a single file found,
#' list of directories where data from the Department for Transport
#' (stats19::filenames) have been downloaded, or NULL if no files were found.
locate_files = function(data_dir = tempdir(),
                        type = NULL,
                        years = NULL,
                        quiet = FALSE) {
  file_names = find_file_name(years = years, type = type)
  file_names = tools::file_path_sans_ext(file_names)
  dir_files = list.dirs(data_dir)
  # check is any file names match those on disk
  files_on_disk = vapply(file_names, function(i) any(grepl(i, dir_files)),
  if(any(files_on_disk)) { # return those on disk which match file names
    files_on_disk = names(files_on_disk[files_on_disk])

#' Pin down a file on disk from four parameters.
#' @param filename Character string of the filename of the .csv to read, if this
#' is given, type and years determine whether there is a target to read,
#' otherwise disk scan would be needed.
#' @param data_dir Where sets of downloaded data would be found.
#' @param year Single year for which file is to be found.
#' @param type One of: 'Accidents', 'Casualties', 'Vehicles'; ignores case.
#' @return One of: path for one file, a message `More than one file found` or error if none found.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' locate_one_file()
#' locate_one_file(filename = "Cas.csv")
#' }
locate_one_file = function(filename = NULL,
                           data_dir = tempdir(),
                           year = NULL,
                           type = NULL) {
  # see if locate_files can pin it down
  path = locate_files(data_dir = data_dir,
                      type = type,
                      years = year,
                      quiet = TRUE)
  if(length(path) == 0)
    stop("No files found under: ", data_dir, call. = FALSE)

  scan1 = function(path, type) {
    lf = list.files(file.path(data_dir, path), ".csv$", full.names = TRUE)
      lf = lf [grep(type, lf, ignore.case = TRUE)]
  res = unlist(lapply(path, function(i) scan1(i, type)))
    res = res [grep(filename, res)]
  if(length(res) > 1)
    return("More than one csv file found.")
  c("stats19_variables", "stats19_schema", "skip", "accidents_sample",
    "accidents_sample_raw", "casualties_sample", "casualties_sample_raw",
    "vehicles_sample", "vehicles_sample_raw"))
#' Generate a phrase for data download purposes
#' @examples
#' stats19:::phrase()
phrase = function() {
  txt = c(
    "Happy to go",
    "Good to go",
    "Download now",
    "Wanna do it"
    txt [ceiling(stats::runif(1) * length(txt))],
    " (y = enter, n = N/other)? "

#' Interactively select from options
#' @param fnames File names to select from
#' @examples
#' # fnames = c("f1", "f2")
#' # stats19:::select_file(fnames)
select_file = function(fnames) {
  message("Multiple matches. Which do you want to download?")
  selection = utils::menu(choices = fnames)
ITSLeeds/stats19 documentation built on May 4, 2019, 7:35 a.m.