
Defines functions run.prepare.chronoclust

Documented in run.prepare.chronoclust

#' run.prepare.chronoclust
#' This function will prepare a Python environment to run ChronoClust.
#' You need to install anaconda package management software for this to work.
#' If Reticulate is kind, it might prompt you to install it when running this function if you haven't got it installed.
#' However, please do not count on it.
#' If it does not prompt you, and you encounter an error such as no anaconda installation is found,
#' please visit https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual to manually download and install anaconda.
#' For advanced users, if your anaconda is installed in custom location,
#' you can specify this location as environment_path parameter.
#' @usage run.prepare.chronoclust(environment_name, environment_path, create_environment, install_dependencies)
#' @param environment_name NO DEFAULT. Character. The name of the anaconda environment where chronoclust will execute.
#' @param environment_path DEFAULT NULL. Character. For expert users only. If you have custom
#' anaconda installation i.e. not installed to default location, you can specify
#' the location here.
#' @param create_environment DEFAULT TRUE. Logical. Whether to newly create the environment or not. If FALSE, make sure the
#' environment exists in your anaconda installation.
#' @param install_dependencies DEFAULT TRUE. Logical. Whether to install chronoclust and all its dependencies into the environment.
#' If TRUE, it will install all the dependencies, and restart R session.
#' When R session is restarted, the variables you have previously assigned
#' will remain intact, but you will need to reload all the libraries again.
#' @author Givanna Putri, \email{ghar1821@@uni.sydney.edu.au}
#' @references \url{https://sydneycytometry.org.au/spectre}.
#' @examples
#' run.prepare.chronoclust(environment_name = "chronoclust-R", create_environment = TRUE, install_dependencies = TRUE)
#' @export

run.prepare.chronoclust <- function(environment_name,
                                            install_dependencies=TRUE) {
  if(!is.element('reticulate', installed.packages()[,1])) stop('reticulate is required but not installed')
  if(create_environment) {
  # activate the environment regardless
  if (is.null(environment_path)) {
    use_condaenv(environment_name, required = TRUE)
  } else {
    use_condaenv(environment_name, conda=environment_path, required = TRUE)
  if (install_dependencies) {
    # install chronoclust dependencies
    conda_install(envname = environment_name, 
                  python_version = "3.7.0",
                  packages = c("numpy", 
    conda_install(envname = environment_name,
                  packages = c("Chronoclust"),
ImmuneDynamics/Spectre documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.