
Defines functions translate_IQRoutputTable translate_IQRoutputFigure genComplianceFooter splitNumNames

# Split vector "1_bla", "2_bla", "3_usw" into
# number part (prefix) and character part (name)
splitNumNames <- function(x) {
  prefix__ <- utils::type.convert(sapply(x, function(f__) strsplit(f__, "_")[[1]][1]),as.is=TRUE)
  filenames__ <- sapply(x, function(f__) paste(strsplit(f__, "_")[[1]][-1], collapse = "_"))
  if (is.numeric(prefix__)) nmax__ <- max(prefix__) else nmax__ <- 0
  OK_prefix__ <- is.numeric(prefix__)
  list(prefix = prefix__, name = filenames__, nmax = nmax__, OK_prefix = OK_prefix__, original = x)

genComplianceFooter <- function(outputfilename) {

  # Check for existence of IQRtools package
  is_installed.IQRtools__ <- "IQRtools" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())

  # Check if compliance mode active
  if (is_installed.IQRtools__ && !IQRtools::is_enabled_complianceMode()) return()

  # Check if filename given
  if (is.null(outputfilename)) return()

  # Check if COMPLIANCE_MODE_SCRIPT_NAME exists in globalenv()
  e__ <- globalenv()

  if (!("COMPLIANCE_MODE_SCRIPT_NAME" %in% ls(e__)))
    stop("Compliance mode is enabled but the COMPLIANCE_MODE_SCRIPT_NAME variable has not\nbeen defined in the global environment (by the user). You can use the function IQRinitCompliance to do so")

  # Get the compliance "script" name

  ## get information for the logfile
  logt__ <- "<TT>   File generation log"
  logfilepath__ <- paste(outputfilename,'.log',sep='')
  outputfilename <- gsub('//','/',outputfilename)
  userrow__ <- Sys.info()[['user']]
  timerow__ <- Sys.time()

  # content__ <- paste0(COMPLIANCE_MODE_SCRIPT_NAME, " | User: ", userrow__, " | Date: ", timerow__)
  content__ <- paste0(COMPLIANCE_MODE_SCRIPT_NAME, " | Date: ", timerow__)



# Translate IQR output Figure into list of ggplots with caption
translate_IQRoutputFigure <- function(x) {

  filename__ <- x[["filename"]]

  # Extract footer and then remove it from Figure object
  footer__ <- x[["footer"]]
  x[["footer"]] <- NULL

  arglist__ <- c(list(x = x), x[["opt.layout"]])
  myout__ <- do.call(IQRtools::createPages_IQRoutputFigure, arglist__)

  if (inherits(myout__, "gg")) {
    # Single output is not returned as list
    caption(myout__) <- paste0(footer__, "\n", "File: ", filename__)
  } else {
    # Multiple output is returned as list
    mylist__ <- lapply(myout__, function(element__) {
      caption(element__) <- paste0(footer__, "\n", "File: ", filename__)


# Translate IQR output Table into IQ_table object with caption
translate_IQRoutputTable <- function(x) {

  filename__ <- x[["filename"]]
  footer__ <- x[["xfooter"]]
  table__ <- x[["xtable"]]

  out__ <- IQ_table(table__)
  caption(out__) <- paste0(footer__, "\n", paste0("File: ", filename__))


IntiQuan/IQSlides documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 2:29 p.m.