
Defines functions pdf_words prevent_duplicates

Documented in pdf_words prevent_duplicates

#' pdf_words
#' Extracts all words from PDFs
#' @param folder the path to a folder
#' @param subfolders a bool. if true, subfolders included
#' @param unnest_tokens a bool. If true, a dataset split into one word per row is returned.
#' @param exclude words to exclude
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export pdf_words

pdf_words = function(folder, subfolders = T, unnest_tokens = T, exclude = c()){

  stop_words = tibble::tibble(word = tm::stopwords(), lexicon = "NA")

  file_names = list.files(
    pattern = ".pdf",
    recursive = subfolders,
    full.names = F
  file_paths = list.files(
    pattern = ".pdf",
    recursive = subfolders,
    full.names = T

  if(length(file_names) == 0 & tools::file_ext(tolower(folder)) == "pdf"){
    file_names = basename(folder)
    file_paths = folder

  if(length(file_names) == 0){
    stop("There aren't any .pdfs in that folder.", call. = F)

  message(paste0("loading ", length(file_names), " pdfs..."))
  corpus = future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(file_names), function(x) {
    out = tibble::tibble(path = file_paths[x], content = getPdf(file_paths[x]))


  corpus = do.call(rbind, corpus)
  if(!unnest_tokens) return(corpus)

  errors = corpus[is.na(corpus$content), "path"]
  corpus = na.omit(corpus)
  if (nrow(corpus) == 0) {
    stop("No pdf files could be read. Try different ones.")
  backup = corpus
  suppressMessages(corpus <- tidytext::unnest_tokens(corpus, word, content))
  corpus$word = tolower(corpus$word)
  corpus$word = gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", corpus$word)
  corpus$word = gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", corpus$word)
    corpus <- corpus %>%
      dplyr::filter(nchar(word) > 2) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!word %in% exclude) %>%



#' global_variables

#' prevent_duplicates
#' If a path is going to be overwritten, prevent that.
#' @param path character UNIX path

prevent_duplicates = function(path = NULL){
    path = "wordcloud.png"
  ext = paste0(".",tools::file_ext(path))
  if(ext == "."){
    ext = ".png"
    path = paste0(path,ext)
  filename = basename(path)
  folder = dirname(path) %>%

  while(filename %in% dir(folder)){ #while the folder contains a file with the same name
    if(!grepl("\\[\\d\\]",filename)){ #if there's not brackets with a name inside
      filename = paste0(gsub(ext,paste0("[1]",ext),filename)) #add brackets with the number 1 in side
      pod = str_extract(filename, "\\[\\d\\]") #otherwise grab the brackets
      num = as.numeric(gsub("\\D","", pod))+1 #get the number out and add 1 to it
      filename = gsub(paste0("\\[\\d\\]",ext),"",filename) #remove the old brackets with numbers in it

      filename = paste0(filename,"[",num,"]",ext) #add the new brackets with higher number in it
  return(paste(folder,filename,sep = "/")) #return the filename with the folder address pasted to it.

#' getPdf
#' Safely imports a pdf
#' @param filename path

getPdf = function(filename) {
  out = NA
    suppressMessages(out <-
                       filename %>%
                       pdf_text %>%
                       tm::stripWhitespace() %>%
                       paste(collapse = " "))
  }, error = function(e) {


#' foldercloud
#' takes in the path of a folder containing pdfs. Performs frequency analysis and produces a wordcloud.
#' @param folder a string. The path to a folder, or the path to a pdf
#' @param cloudname a string. The name of the destination file. Include document type. Default is "wordcloud.png".
#' @param subfolders a logical. If TRUE, the algorithm will find all pdfs in all subfolders of the target path
#' @param max.words a numeric. Maximum number of words to be plotted. least frequent terms dropped
#' @param min.freq a numeric. Words with frequency below min.freq will not be plotted
#' @param scale a numeric vector. Scale indicates how minimum and maximum word size.
#' @param width a numeric. How many units wide to make the final plot.
#' @param height a numeric. How many units high to make the final plot.
#' @param units a string. The units in which height and width are given. Can be px (pixels), in (inches), cm(default) or mm.
#' @param res a numeric. The nominal resolution in ppi (pixels per inch) which will be recorded in the bitmap file. Default is 600ppi.
#' @param save a boolean. If save is set to True, a wordcloud will be saved to your working directory.
#' @param caps a boolean. If caps is set to true, all words will be capitalised.
#' @param exclude a charcater vector. Words in this vector will be excluded from the final plot.
#' @param ... additional arguments may be passed to the word cloud here.
#' @export foldercloud
#' @importFrom pdftools pdf_text
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate as_tibble tibble arrange desc rename
#' @importFrom tm stripWhitespace stopwords
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom wordcloud wordcloud
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off png
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @return A list containing a word frequency table, and a wordcloud

foldercloud = function(folder,
                       cloudname = NULL,
                       subfolders = TRUE,
                       max.words = 500,
                       scale = c(4, .28),
                       min.freq = 3,
                       width = 17,
                       height = 17,
                       units = "cm",
                       res = 600,
                       save = T,
                       caps = F,
                       exclude = c(),
                       ...) {

  cloudname = prevent_duplicates(cloudname)

  corpus = pdf_words(folder, subfolders = subfolders, exclude = exclude)

  words = data.frame(table(corpus$word)) %>%

  words = tibble::as_tibble(words)
  colnames(words) = c("word","freq")
  words$word = as.character(words$word)

  if(caps == T){
  words$word = toupper(words$word)

if(save == T){
  "saving wordcloud" %>%
    paste0(": ", cloudname) %>%
    width = width,
    height = height,
    units = units,
    res = res
    words = words$word,
    freq = words$freq,
    max.words = max.words,
    scale = scale,
    min.freq = min.freq,
  if(save == T){

  return(list(words = words))
JConigrave/foldercloud documentation built on Feb. 2, 2020, 8:04 a.m.