
Defines functions asNNGraph graphViz projectedNeighbors

Documented in asNNGraph graphViz projectedNeighbors

#' Computes composite distances between all cell pairs and returns k-nearest neighbors and edge weights needed to build VeloViz graph.
#' @param observed PCs (rows) x cells (columns) matrix of observed transcriptional state projected into PC space
#' @param projected PCs (rows) x cells (columns) matrix of projected transcriptional states. Cells should be in same order as in `observed`
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbors to assign each cell
#' @param distance_metric Method to compute distance component of composite distance. "L1" or "L2", default = "L2"
#' @param similarity_metric Method to compute similarity between velocity and cell transition matrices. "cosine" or "pearson", default = "cosine"
#' @param distance_weight Weight of distance component of composite distance, default = 1
#' @param distance_threshold quantile threshold for distance component above which to remove edges, default = 1 i.e. no edges removed
#' @param similarity_threshold similarity threshold below which to remove edges, default = -1 i.e. no edges removed
#' @return `kNNs` cells (rows) x k (columns) matrix of indices of each cell's nearest neighbors computed based on composite distance. Edges removed based on distance or similarity threshold will be NA.
#' @return `edge_weights` cells (rows) x k (columns) matrix of edge weights computed based on composite distance. Edges removed based on distance or similarity threshold will be NA.
#' @return `all_dists` cells x cells matrix of all pairwise composite distances
#' @return `dist_comp` components of composite distance: `invDist` distance component, `negSim` similarity component
#' @examples
#' data(vel)
#' curr <- vel$current
#' proj <- vel$projected
#' projectedNeighbors(curr, proj, 10)
#' @seealso \code{\link{graphViz}}
#' @export
projectedNeighbors = function(observed,projected,k,distance_metric="L2",similarity_metric="cosine",distance_weight = 1, distance_threshold = 1, similarity_threshold = -1){

  observed = t(observed)
  projected = t(projected)
  n = nrow(observed)

  nn_idx = matrix(NA,nrow=n, ncol = 1) #projected nearest neighbor
  knn_idx = matrix(NA,nrow=n, ncol = k) #projected k nearest neighbors
  all_dists = matrix(NA,nrow = n, ncol = n)
  all_invDist = matrix(NA,nrow = n, ncol = n)
  all_negVectSim = matrix(NA,nrow = n, ncol = n)

  for (i in seq(1,nrow(observed))){
    cell_i = observed[i,] #current cell whose projected neighbor we want to find
    proj_i = projected[i,] #projected state of cell i
    obs_exc_i = observed[-i,] #cell_i can't be its own projected neighbor - remove from consideration

    nn_dists_i = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(obs_exc_i), ncol = 1) #distances of all other observed cells from cell_i
    nn_invDist_i = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(obs_exc_i), ncol = 1) #inverse distance component
    nn_negVectSim_i = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(obs_exc_i), ncol = 1) #negative similarity component

    #calculate distances between cell_i and all other cells j
    cell_i_dists = pwiseDists(cell_i,proj_i,as.matrix(obs_exc_i),distance_metric,similarity_metric,distance_weight)
    nn_dists_i = cell_i_dists[,"CompositeDistance"]
    nn_invDist_i = cell_i_dists[,"InverseDistance"]
    nn_negVectSim_i = cell_i_dists[,"NegativeSimilarity"]

    #add cell_i's dists to all_dists
    all_dists[i,-i] = nn_dists_i
    all_invDist[i,-i] = nn_invDist_i
    all_negVectSim[i,-i] = nn_negVectSim_i

    #find index of minimum distance between cell_i and other cells - those will become k nearest neighbots knn_i
    min_dist_idx = which(nn_dists_i==min(nn_dists_i, na.rm = TRUE))
    #find indices of k nearest neighbors
    k_min_dists_idx = order(nn_dists_i)[seq_len(k)]
    #exclude neighbor if similarity below threshold
    sim_nn_k = nn_negVectSim_i[k_min_dists_idx] #similarities of minimum distance neighbors
    new_k_idx = k_min_dists_idx[sim_nn_k <= (-1*similarity_threshold)] #indices of minimum distance neighbors excluding those whose similarities are above threshold

    #correct min_idx - will be off by 1 if neighbor idx is greater than cell idx
    min_dist_idx[which(min_dist_idx>=i)] = min_dist_idx[which(min_dist_idx>=i)] + 1
    #correct min k idx
    k_min_dists_idx[which(k_min_dists_idx>=i)] = k_min_dists_idx[which(k_min_dists_idx>=i)] + 1
    if (length(new_k_idx)>0){  #### CHANGED HERE
      new_k_idx[which(new_k_idx>=i)] = new_k_idx[which(new_k_idx>=i)] + 1

    #add current cell's neighbors to all cell neighbors matrix
    nn_idx[i] = min_dist_idx
    #knn_idx[i,] = k_min_dists_idx
    if (length(new_k_idx)>0){
      # knn_idx[i,c(1:length(new_k_idx))] = new_k_idx **seq_llen
      knn_idx[i,seq_len(length(new_k_idx))] = new_k_idx

  #threshold distances
  n_keep = ceiling(distance_threshold*length(all_invDist)) # number of edges to keep based on prop in distance_threshold
  dist_cutoff = sort(all_invDist,decreasing = TRUE)[n_keep] # distance cutoff for edges to keep
  #inv_dist_knn = t(sapply(seq_len(n), function(x) all_invDist[x,knn_idx[x,]])) ###vapply
  inv_dist_knn = t(vapply(seq_len(n), function(x) all_invDist[x,knn_idx[x,]], numeric(ncol(knn_idx))))

  dist_comp = list()
  dist_comp[["invDist"]] = all_invDist
  dist_comp[["negVectSim"]] = all_negVectSim
  ## adding edge weights
  #edge_weights = t(sapply(seq_len(n), function(x) all_dists[x,knn_idx[x,]])) ###vapply
  edge_weights = t(vapply(seq_len(n), function(x) all_dists[x,knn_idx[x,]], numeric(ncol(knn_idx))))
  edge_weights_dt = edge_weights
  edge_weights_dt[inv_dist_knn<dist_cutoff] = NA
  knn_idx_dt = knn_idx
  knn_idx_dt[inv_dist_knn<dist_cutoff] = NA

  out = list()
  out[['NNs']] = nn_idx
  out[['kNNs']] = knn_idx_dt
  out[['edge_weights']] = edge_weights_dt
  out[['all_dists']] = all_dists
  out[["dist_comp"]] = dist_comp
  out[["dist_thresh"]] = dist_cutoff

#' Visualize as velocity informed force directed graph
#' @param observed PCs (rows) x cells (columns) matrix of observed transcriptional state projected into PC space
#' @param projected PCs (rows) x cells (columns) matrix of projected transcriptional states. Cell should be in same order as in `observed`
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbors to assign each cell
#' @param distance_metric Method to compute distance component of composite distance. "L1" or "L2", default = "L2"
#' @param similarity_metric Method to compute similarity between velocity and cell transition matrices. "cosine" or "pearson", default = "cosine"
#' @param distance_weight Weight of distance component of composite distance, default = 1
#' @param distance_threshold quantile threshold for distance component above which to remove edges, default = 1 i.e. no edges removed
#' @param similarity_threshold similarity threshold below which to remove edges, default = -1 i.e. no edges removed
#' @param weighted if TRUE, assigns edge weights based on composite distance, if FALSE assigns equal weights to all edges, default = TRUE
#' @param remove_unconnected if TRUE, does not plot cells with no edges, default = TRUE
#' @param return_graph if TRUE, returns igraph object `graph`, force-directed layout coordinates `fdg_coords`, and `projected_neighbors` object detailing composite distance values and components, default = FALSE
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots graph and force-directed layout
#' @param cell.colors cell.colors to use for plotting
#' @param title title to use for plot
#' @return `graph` igraph object of VeloViz graph
#' @return `fdg_coords` cells (rows) x 2 coordinates of force-directed layout of VeloViz graph
#' @return `projectedNeighbors` output of `projectedNeighbors`
#' @examples
#' data(vel)
#' curr = vel$current
#' proj = vel$projected
#' m <- log10(curr+1)
#' pca <- RSpectra::svds(A = Matrix::t(m), k=3,
#' opts = list(center = FALSE, scale = FALSE, maxitr = 2000, tol = 1e-10))
#' pca.curr <- Matrix::t(m) %*% pca$v[,1:3]
#' m <- log10(proj+1)
#' pca.proj <- Matrix::t(m) %*% pca$v[,1:3]
#' graphViz(t(pca.curr), t(pca.proj), k=10,
#' cell.colors=NA, similarity_threshold=-1, distance_weight = 1,
#' distance_threshold = 1, weighted = TRUE, remove_unconnected = TRUE,
#' plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{projectedNeighbors}}
#' @export
graphViz = function(observed, projected, k, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine", distance_weight = 1, distance_threshold = 1, similarity_threshold = -1, weighted = TRUE, remove_unconnected = TRUE, return_graph = FALSE,  plot = TRUE, cell.colors = NA, title = NA){
  #observed, projected, k, distance_metric, similarity_metric, similarity_threshold: same arguments needed for projected neighbors
  #cell.colors: list of length nCells with colors corresponding to cluster IDs
  #return_graph: logical indicating whether to return graph object g and fdg coordinates fdg

  ncells = ncol(observed)
  if (is.na(title)){
    title = ""

  #find projected neighbors
  nns = projectedNeighbors(observed, projected, k, distance_metric, similarity_metric, distance_weight, distance_threshold, similarity_threshold)
  print("Done finding neighbors")

  #make edge list
  edgeList = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
  edgeWeights = c()
  for (n in seq_len(k)){
    edgeList = rbind(edgeList, cbind(seq(1,ncells),nns$kNNs[,n]))
    edgeWeights = c(edgeWeights, nns$edge_weights[,n])
  edgeList = na.omit(edgeList)
  edgeWeights = na.omit(edgeWeights)

  #make graph
  #initialize empty graph with all cells
  g = make_empty_graph(n=ncells,directed = TRUE)
  #add edges defined in edgeList
  edgeList = as.vector(t(edgeList)) #changing to required format for add_edges
  g = add_edges(g,edges = edgeList)
  #g = graph_from_edgelist(edgeList,directed = TRUE)    #old edgeList format
  #add edge weights if specified
  if (weighted){
    print("calculating weights")
    E(g)$weight = max(edgeWeights) - edgeWeights
    E(g)$weight = E(g)$weight + 0.1*min(E(g)$weight[E(g)$weight>0]) #igraph>1.3.4 require positive weights
    #E(g)$weight = abs(edgeWeights)
  #add vertex colors corresponding to cluster
  V(g)$color = cell.colors
  V(g)$size = 2
  E(g)$arrow.size = 0.5
  vertex.names = colnames(observed)
  #V(g)$name = vertex.names

  if (gsize(g)==0){
    print("WARNING: graph has no edges. Try lowering the similarity threshold.")

  if (remove_unconnected){
    unconnected.vertices = which(degree(g)==0)
    g = delete.vertices(g,unconnected.vertices)
    if (length(unconnected.vertices)>0){
      vertex.names = vertex.names[-unconnected.vertices]


  #make force directed graph
  fdg = layout_with_fr(g,dim=2)
  colnames(fdg) = c("C1","C2")
  rownames(fdg) = vertex.names
  print("Done making graph")

  if (plot){
    #plot both graphs
    #par(mfrow = c(1,2))
    #plot.igraph(g,layout = fdg,vertex.label = NA, vertex.size = 5, vertex.color = adjustcolor(col = V(g)$color, alpha.f = 0.1), edge.color = "black") #####
    #plot(scale(fdg), col = cell.colors, pch = 16, main = paste("FDG cell coordinates: \n", title))
    plot(scale(fdg), col = V(g)$color, pch = 16, main = paste(title), cex = 0.5)

    #plot velocity on FDG embedding
    # show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(scale(fdg),vel, n=100, scale='sqrt', cell.colors=cell.colors,cex=1, arrow.scale=1,
    #                                show.grid.flow=TRUE, min.grid.cell.mass=0.5, grid.n=30, arrow.lwd=1, main = paste("FDG embedding: ",title))
    #text(scale(fdg)+0.1,labels = seq(1,dim(fdg)[1]))

  if (return_graph){
    out = list()
    out[['graph']] = g
    out[['fdg_coords']] = fdg
    out[['projected_neighbors']] = nns


#' Function to produce idx and dist representation of a VeloViz graph
#' @param vig output of `buildVeloviz`
#' @return `idx` numVertices x numNeighbors matrix, where each row i contains indices of vertex i's neighbors
#' @return `dist` numVertices x numNeighbors matrix, where each row i contains distances from vertex i to its neighbors
#' @examples
#' data(vel)
#' curr <- vel$current
#' proj <- vel$projected
#' vv <- buildVeloviz(curr = curr, proj = proj, normalize.depth = TRUE,
#' use.ods.genes = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, pca = TRUE, nPCs = 3, center = TRUE,
#' scale = TRUE, k = 10, similarity.threshold = -1, distance.weight = 1,
#' distance.threshold = 1, weighted = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
#' asNNGraph(vv)
#' @export
asNNGraph <- function(vig) {
  graph <- vig$graph
  edges <- igraph::get.edgelist(graph)
  numEdges <- igraph::gsize(graph)
  numVertices <- igraph::gorder(graph)

  k <- max(igraph::degree(graph, mode="out")) # k is the max out-degree
  allDists <- vig$projected_neighbors$all_dists # distances

  #converting to positive distances
  allDists <- allDists - min(allDists, na.rm=TRUE)

  # each row i contains the indices of vertex i's NNs
  # vertex i is a NN of itself so first value in row is i
  idx <- matrix(nrow=numVertices, ncol=k+1)

  # each row i contains distances from vertex i to its NNs
  # vertex i is a NN of itself so first value in row is 0.0
  dist <- matrix(0, nrow=numVertices, ncol=k+1)

  # replace NA values by saying a vertex X is a neighbor of itself
  for (i in seq_len(numVertices)) {
    idx[i,] <- i

  for (i in seq_len(numEdges)) {
    edge <- edges[i,] # edge = {source, target}
    source <- edge[1]
    target <- edge[2]

    # index of first "NA" value in row, after index 1
    index <- min(which(idx[source,] == source)[-1])

    idx[source, index] <- target
    dist[source, index] <- allDists[source, target]

  # return a list consisting of two elements: "idx" and "dist"
  out <- list()
  out[['idx']] <- idx
  out[['dist']] <- dist
JEFworks-Lab/veloviz documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 4:03 p.m.