  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Setup params

Pick the number of runs to do. We select only two for this tutorial to speed things up.

Nruns <- 2

Do some runs

By default, no analysis is run. Only the ensemble of runs is generated, and analysis can be done after the fact.

An example of the call to run the model, as well as the progress print statements included.


scenObjects <- run_ensemble(N=Nruns)

Run the objective function analysis

An example of the function call to run the objective function analysis.

scenObjectsEvaluated <- run_objective(scenObjects)

And different views of the results of that analysis. Note that the list item $mObjFunEval for each scenario is where this analysis is contained:





knitr::kable(head(scenObjectsEvaluated[[1]]$mObjFunEval %>%
                    filter(land.type == 'PalmFruit', 
                           objfun == 'kge')))

Organize these evaluated results

Using the grand_table_objective function results of the objective function evaluations are reorganized into a grand table of parameters. The table produced includes the model parameters and all user-specified objective function evaluations, for all of the models in the input list.

An example of the call to this function and a quick look at the structure of the results.

grand_table_objective(aScenarioList = scenObjectsEvaluated) %>%
  # these lines of code are because the `left_join` in 
  # `add_parameter_data` (from utility-functions-analysis.R) is only
  # a join on scenario, rather than scenario and region.
  # TODO:
  # Unclear if should update that join or if we somehow want to keep it
  # separate; ideally will figure out more when do other regions.
  # For now, leaving it alone so that the `grand_table` works as it
  # did before. 
  # (relevant because both `grand_table` and `grand_table_objective`
  # call `add_parameter_data`)
  filter(region.x == region.y) %>%
  rename(region = region.x) %>%
  select(-region.y) ->


And a view of a reshaped, 'prettier' (that is, wide) version of these results. However, the long version GTobjective is what the next step in analysis is expecting.

GTobjective %>%
  spread(objfun, objfunval) ->


Select the parameter set from runs that minimize specified obj fcn across specified land types

minimize_objective is a minimizer function. Itcans the runs in a given sample of model runs and selects the parameter set from those runs that minimizes the mean across user-specified landtypes of a user-specified objective function, objfun_to_min.


For bias, the quantity being minimized is actually the average over specified land types of abs(bias), as a bias of 0 is perfect performance, and a bias of 0.25 vs -0.25 are equally 'good'.

For kge, the quantity being minimized is actually the average over specified land types of 1 -kge. This is chosen because of the following:

  1. Values of kge can range anywhere from -infinity to +1, with a value of +1 being perfect model performance, therefore kge is not directly useful as a quantity to be minimized.

  2. Values of 1-kge range from 0 to +infinity, with 0 corresponding to perfect model performance, as well as being the minimum value achieved by this measure. Additionally, because all values of this quantity are positive, no cancelation of errors may occur when calculating the mean across specified land types.

Further details are given in the documentation of the minimize_objective function.

default arguments

Default arguments of minimize_objective currently is focused on RMS (objfun_to_min = 'rms') for all GCAM commodities landtypes = c( "Corn", "FiberCrop", "MiscCrop", "OilCrop", "OtherGrain", "PalmFruit", "Rice", "Root_Tuber", "SugarCrop", "Wheat") that we run and have FAO comparison data for.

minimize_objective is taking the average of RMS across all of these land types, and selecting the parameter set that minimizes that quantity.

Currently no support for mixing and matching different objective functions for different crops. Seems doable but not implemented yet (eg maybe you want parameters that minimize both Corn's bias and OtherGrain's KGE.)

An example call to the minimize_objective function assuming default arguments, and a printout of the results:


Corn, OilCrop bias example

Select parameters that minimize the average (absolute value of) bias in Corn and OilCrop.

The current implementation does not allow for cancellation of errors: the average across specified land types of abs(bias) is what is actually being minimized in minimize_objective. So, for example, a positive bias in Corn and a negative bias in OilCrop will not cancel out to give an artifically small mean error.

knitr::kable(minimize_objective(GTobjective, objfun_to_min = 'bias', landtypes = c('Corn', 'OilCrop')))


The error reported in the column landTypeMeanObjFunVal is what you think: it's the average error only across the specified land types. If you want to see what the error on Wheat is for this example, the results from grand_table_objective (ie GTobjective) must be filtered and examined.

GTobjective %>%
   filter(land.type == 'Wheat')

OtherGrain rms example

knitr::kable(minimize_objective(GTobjective, objfun_to_min = 'rms', landtypes = c('OtherGrain')))

JGCRI/gcamland documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 5:30 p.m.