# ag_production_technology.R
#' AgProductionTechnology_initCalc
#' @details Initial calculation for the AgProductionTechnology.
#' Adjusts costs & yields for technical change, calculate
#' profit rate and make it available for the land allocator.
#' Note: this method must be called before LandAllocator initCalc
#' @param aLandLeaf Land leaf
#' @param aPeriod Model time period.
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @author KVC September 2017
AgProductionTechnology_initCalc <- function(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo) {
# First, set the nonLandVariableCost for this technology in this period.
# If no nonLandVariableCost is read in, get the previous period cost.
# Note: you can never overwrite a positive cost with a zero cost. If the model sees a
# zero non-land cost, it will copy from the previous period.
if(aLandLeaf$mCost[[aPeriod]] == 0 && aPeriod > 1) {
# Get the length of the current time step
timestep <- get_timestep(aPeriod, aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType)
# Adjust last period's variable cost by tech change
aLandLeaf$mCost[aPeriod] = aLandLeaf$mCost[[aPeriod - 1]] /
((1 + aLandLeaf$mNonLandCostTechChange[[aPeriod]]) ^ timestep)
# Next, set the yield for this technology in this period.
# If calibration values are read in, then yield = mCalOutput / mCalLandAllocation.
# If mCalOutput is read in, but not land area, yield is set to zero.
# If calibration values are missing, yield is set to the previous value, then adjusted by AgProdChange.
if(aLandLeaf$mCalOutput[[aPeriod]] != -1) {
# Calibration values exist, so calculate yield
if(aLandLeaf$mCalLandAllocation[[aPeriod]] > 0) {
aLandLeaf$mYield[aPeriod] <- aLandLeaf$mCalOutput[[aPeriod]] / aLandLeaf$mCalLandAllocation[[aPeriod]]
} else {
aLandLeaf$mYield[aPeriod] <- 0
} else if(aPeriod > 1) {
# Calibration values do not exist, and it is after the first model period
# Get the length of the current time step
timestep <- get_timestep(aPeriod, aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType)
# Unless a yield is read in for this period, get the previous period yield from the market info.
# Note: you can never overwrite a positive yield with a zero yield. If the model sees a
# zero yield, it will copy from the previous period.
if(length(aLandLeaf$mYield) < aPeriod) {
# Yield has not been set
preYield <- aLandLeaf$mYield[[aPeriod-1]]
# Adjust last period's variable cost by tech change
aLandLeaf$mYield[aPeriod] <- preYield * ((1 + aLandLeaf$mAgProdChange[[aPeriod]]) ^ timestep)
} else if (aLandLeaf$mYield[[aPeriod]] == 0) {
# Yield has been set to zero
preYield <- aLandLeaf$mYield[[aPeriod-1]]
# Adjust last period's yield by tech change
aLandLeaf$mYield[aPeriod] <- preYield * ((1 + aLandLeaf$mAgProdChange[[aPeriod]]) ^ timestep)
} else if (length(aLandLeaf$mYield) > 0) {
# Do nothing. Yield was read in for the calibration period. This will happen for bioenergy
else {
# Calibration values don't exist and it is the first model period, so we need to set a yield.
# Note: this isn't in the C++ code, but I seem to need something here
aLandLeaf$mYield[aPeriod] <- 0.0
# Calculate profit rate
AgProductionTechnology_calcProfitRate(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
#' AgProductionTechnology_calcProfitRate
#' @details Calculates the profit rate which is equal to the market price minus
#' the variable cost. Profit rate can be negative.
#' Profit rate is in 1975$ per billion m2, so computation includes yield.
#' @param aLandLeaf Land leaf
#' @param aPeriod Current model period
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @author KVC September 2017
AgProductionTechnology_calcProfitRate <- function(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo) {
# Silence package checks
Period <- Product <- NULL
# Get expected price and yield. These will be used to calculate profit.
if(aScenarioInfo$mExpectationType == "Perfect") {
expectedPrice <- PerfectExpectation_calcExpectedPrice(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
expectedYield <- PerfectExpectation_calcExpectedYield(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
} else if(aScenarioInfo$mExpectationType == "Linear") {
expectedPrice <- LinearExpectation_calcExpectedPrice(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
expectedYield <- LinearExpectation_calcExpectedYield(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
} else if(aScenarioInfo$mExpectationType == "Adaptive" | aScenarioInfo$mExpectationType == "HybridPerfectAdaptive") {
expectedPrice <- AdaptiveExpectation_calcExpectedPrice(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
expectedYield <- AdaptiveExpectation_calcExpectedYield(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
} else if(aScenarioInfo$mExpectationType == "HybridLinearAdaptive") {
expectedPrice <- AdaptiveExpectation_calcExpectedPrice(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
expectedYield <- LinearExpectation_calcExpectedYield(aLandLeaf, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
# Calculate expected profit.
# Price in model is 1975$/kg. Land and ag costs are now assumed to be in 1975$.
# We multiply by 1e9 since profitRate initially is in $/m2
# and the land allocator needs it in $/billion m2. This assumes yield is in kg/m2.
aLandLeaf$mProfitRate[aPeriod] <- (expectedPrice - aLandLeaf$mCost[[aPeriod]]) * expectedYield * 1e9
if ( aScenarioInfo$mIncludeSubsidies ) {
# Subsidies are assumed to br in $/billion m2
aLandLeaf$mProfitRate[aPeriod] <- aLandLeaf$mProfitRate[[aPeriod]] + aLandLeaf$mSubsidy[[aPeriod]]
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