
Defines functions tacvfHD Zeta tacvfFGN tacfplot plot.tacvf print.tacvf tacvf mix

Documented in plot.tacvf print.tacvf tacfplot tacvf

mix <- function(x, y) {

    n <- 2 * length(x) - 2
    rev(Re(fft(fft(symtacvf(x)) * fft(symtacvf(y)), inverse = TRUE)/n)[(n/2 - 1):(n - 1)])


#' Extracts the tacvfs of a fitted object
#' Extracts the theoretical autocovariance functions (tacvfs) from a fitted
#' \code{arfima} or one of its modes (an \code{ARFIMA}) object.
#' @param obj An object of class "arfima" or "ARFIMA".  The latter class is a
#' mode of the former.
#' @param xmaxlag The number of extra points to be added on to the end.  That
#' is, if the original series has length 300, and xmaxlag = 5, the tacvfs will
#' go from lag 0 to lag 304.
#' @param forPred Should only be \code{TRUE} from a call to
#' \code{predict.arfima}.
#' @param n.ahead Only used internally.
#' @param nuse Only used internally.
#' @param \dots Optional arguments, currently not used.
#' @return A list of tacvfs, one for each mode, the length of the time series.
#' @author JQ (Justin) Veenstra
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.tacvf}}, \code{\link{print.tacvf}},
#' \code{\link{tacfplot}}, \code{\link{arfima}}
#' @references Veenstra, J.Q. Persistence and Antipersistence:  Theory and
#' Software (PhD Thesis)
#' @keywords ts
#' @export tacvf
tacvf <- function(obj, xmaxlag = 0, forPred = FALSE, n.ahead = 0, nuse = -1,...) {
    if (xmaxlag < 0)
        stop("xmaxlag must be >= 0")
    if (inherits(obj, "arfima")) {
        if (!obj$weeded) {
            warning("The object has not been weeded:  there may be duplicate modes, as well as excessive output. \n For more sensible output, please call weed() on the object")
        m <- length(obj$modes)

        res <- vector("list", m + 1)
        name <- deparse(substitute(obj))
        res[[1]] <- name
        period <- obj$period
        dint <- obj$dint
        dseas <- obj$dseas
            maxlag <- obj$n - dint - dseas * period + xmaxlag - 1
            maxlag <- nuse - dint - dseas * period + xmaxlag - 1
        if(maxlag < 1) stop('proportion of series used is not sufficient considering differencing!')
        for (i in 1:m) {
            phi <- obj$modes[[i]]$phi
            theta <- obj$modes[[i]]$theta
            dfrac <- obj$modes[[i]]$dfrac
            phiseas <- obj$modes[[i]]$phiseas
            thetaseas <- obj$modes[[i]]$thetaseas
            dfs <- obj$modes[[i]]$dfs
            H <- obj$modes[[i]]$H
            Hs <- obj$modes[[i]]$Hs
            alpha <- obj$modes[[i]]$alpha
            alphas <- obj$modes[[i]]$alphas
            sigma2 <- obj$modes[[i]]$sigma2
            rr <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = phi, theta = theta, dfrac = dfrac, phiseas = phiseas,
                thetaseas = thetaseas, dfs = dfs, H = H, Hs = Hs, alpha = alpha, alphas = alphas,
                period = period, maxlag = maxlag, useCt = TRUE, sigma2 = sigma2)
            if (!forPred)
                res[[i + 1]] <- rr else {
                res[[i + 1]]$muHat <- obj$modes[[i]]$muHat
                res[[i + 1]]$tacvf <- rr
                res[[i + 1]]$sigma2 <- obj$modes[[i]]$sigma2
                if (length(H) == 0 && length(Hs) == 0) {
                  ## need to do alpha, too.
                  if (n.ahead == 0)
                    stop("invalid n.ahead")
                  res[[i + 1]]$psis <- psiwts(phi = phi, theta = theta, phiseas = phiseas,
                    thetaseas = thetaseas, dfrac = dfrac, dfs = dfs, dint = dint, dseas = dseas,
                    period = period, len = n.ahead)
    } else if (inherits(obj, "ARFIMA")) {
        name <- deparse(substitute(obj))
        phi <- obj$phi
        theta <- obj$theta
        dfrac <- obj$dfrac
        phiseas <- obj$phiseas
        thetaseas <- obj$thetaseas
        dfs <- obj$dfs
        H <- obj$H
        Hs <- obj$Hs
        alpha <- obj$alpha
        alphas <- obj$alphas
        period <- obj$period
        maxlag <- length(obj$res) + xmaxlag - 1
        sigma2 <- obj$sigma2
        res <- vector("list", 2)
        res[[1]] <- name
        res[[2]] <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = phi, theta = theta, dfrac = dfrac, phiseas = phiseas,
            thetaseas = thetaseas, H = H, Hs = Hs, alpha = alpha, alphas = alphas, period = period,
            maxlag = maxlag, useCt = TRUE, sigma2 = sigma2)

    } else stop("The tacvf function is only defined for arfima or ARFIMA objects.")
    class(res) <- "tacvf"

#' Prints a tacvf object.
#' Prints the output of a call to \code{tacvf} on an \code{arfima} object
#' @param x The \code{tacvf} object.
#' @param \dots Optional arguments.  See \code{\link{print}}.
#' @return The object is returned invisibly
#' @author JQ (Justin) Veenstra
#' @seealso \code{\link{tacvf}}, \code{\link{plot.tacvf}}
#' @keywords ts
print.tacvf <- function(x, ...) {
    m <- length(x) - 1
    if (m > 1) {
        cat("Printing the tacvfs of", x[[1]], "\n")
        for (i in 2:(m + 1)) {
            cat("Mode", i - 1, "\n")
            if (is.vector(x[[i]], mode = "numeric")) {
            } else print(x[[i]]$tacvf)
    } else {
        cat("Printing the tacvf of", x[[1]], "\n")
        if (is.vector(x[[2]], mode = "numeric")) {
        } else print(x[[2]]$tacvf)

#' Plots the output from a call to \code{tacvf}
#' Plots the theoretical autocovariance functions of the modes for a fitted
#' \code{arfima} object
#' Only plots up to nine tacvfs. It is highly recommended that the
#' \code{arfima} object be weeded before calling \code{tacvf}
#' @param x A \code{tacvf} object from a call to said function
#' @param type See \code{\link{plot}}. The default is recommended for short
#' \code{maxlag}
#' @param pch See \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param xlab See \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param ylab See \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param main See \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param xlim See \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param ylim See \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param tacf If \code{TRUE}, plots the theoretical autocorellations instead
#' @param maxlag The maximum lag for the plot
#' @param lag0 Whether or not to plot lag 0 of the tacvfs/tacfs.  Default
#' \code{!tacf}. Used by \code{\link{tacfplot}}.
#' @param \dots Currently not used
#' @return None. There is a plot as output.
#' @author JQ (Justin) Veenstra
#' @seealso \code{\link{tacvf}}
#' @references Veenstra, J.Q. Persistence and Antipersistence:  Theory and
#' Software (PhD Thesis)
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' sim <- arfima.sim(1000, model = list(theta = 0.99, dfrac = 0.49))
#' fit <- arfima(sim, order = c(0, 0, 1))
#' plot(tacvf(fit))
#' plot(tacvf(fit), tacf = TRUE)
plot.tacvf <- function(x, type = "o", pch = 20, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, xlim = NULL,
    ylim = NULL, tacf = FALSE, maxlag = NULL, lag0 = !tacf, ...) {
    if (is.null(ylab))
        ylab <- if (!tacf)
            "tacvf" else "tacf"
    if (is.null(xlab))
        xlab <- "lag"

    m <- length(x) - 1
    for (i in 2:(m + 1)) {
        if (!is.vector(x[[i]], mode = "numeric"))
            x[[i]] <- x[[i]]$tacvf
        if (tacf)
            x[[i]] <- x[[i]]/x[[i]][1]
    if (m > 9) {
        stop("more than nine modes currently not supported: please use the weed() function")
    if (is.null(main)) {
        if (!tacf) {
            if (m > 1)
                main <- paste("The tacvfs of ", x[[1]], sep = "") else main <- paste("The tacvf of ", x[[1]], sep = "")
        } else {
            if (m > 1)
                main <- paste("The tacfs of ", x[[1]], sep = "") else main <- paste("The tacf of ", x[[1]], sep = "")
    if (!lag0 && is.null(xlim)) {
        xbds <- if (is.null(maxlag))
            1:(length(x[[2]]) - 1) else 1:maxlag
        xlim <- range(xbds)
    } else if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xbds <- if (is.null(maxlag))
            0:(length(x[[2]]) - 1) else 0:maxlag
        xlim <- range(xbds)
    } else {
        if (xlim[1] > xlim[2]) {
            warning("upper x limit lower than lower x limit: resetting")
            temp <- xlim[1]
            xlim[1] <- xlim[2]
            xlim[2] <- temp

        if (xlim[2] > length(x[[2]]) - 1) {
            warning("the bounds of the x limits (lag) end at n - 1 + xmaxlag; subtracting one from each of the limits")
            xlim <- xlim - 1
        if (xlim[1] < 0) {
            warning("lower x limit (lag) less than 0: resetting to 0")
            xlim[1] <- 0
        xbds <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2])
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        minner <- Inf
        maxxer <- -Inf
        for (i in 1:m) {
            minner <- min(minner, x[[i + 1]][xbds + 1])
            maxxer <- max(maxxer, x[[i + 1]][xbds + 1])
        ylim <- c(minner, maxxer)
    } else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
        warning("upper y limit lower than lower y limit: resetting")
        temp <- ylim[1]
        ylim[1] <- ylim[2]
        ylim[2] <- temp

    cols <- c("black", "red", "blue", "orange", "gray", "purple", "navy", "gold", "cyan")
    if (m > 1) {
        plot(x = xbds, y = x[[2]][xbds + 1], main = main, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, ylim = ylim,
            xlim = xlim, type = type, pch = pch, col = cols[1])
        for (i in 1:(m - 1)) lines(x = xbds, y = x[[i + 2]][xbds + 1], type = type, pch = pch,
            col = cols[i + 1])
        nncol <- floor(m/3)
        if (nncol == 0)
            nncol <- 1
        legend(x = "topright", ncol = nncol, legend = paste("Mode", 1:m), pch = pch, col = cols[1:m])
    } else plot(x = xbds, y = x[[2]][xbds + 1], main = main, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, ylim = ylim,
        xlim = xlim, type = type, pch = pch, col = cols[1])

#' Plots the theoretical autocorralation functions (tacfs) of one or more fits.
#' Plots the theoretical autocorralation functions (tacfs) of one or more fits.
#' @param fits A list of objects of class "arfima".
#' @param modes Either "all" or a vector of the same length as fits for which
#' the tacfs will be ploted.
#' @param xlab Optional.  Usually better to be generated by the function.
#' @param ylab Optional.  Usually better to be generated by the function.
#' @param main Optional.  Usually better to be generated by the function.
#' @param xlim Optional.  Usually better to be generated by the function.
#' @param ylim Optional.  Usually better to be generated by the function.
#' @param maxlag Optional. Used to limit the length of tacfs.  Highly
#' recommended to be a value from 20 - 50.
#' @param lag0 Whether or not the lag 0 tacf should be printed.  Since this is
#' always 1 for all tacfs, recommended to be \code{TRUE}.  It is easier to see
#' the shape of the tacfs.
#' @param \dots Optional. Currently not used.
#' @return NULL. However, there is a plot output.
#' @author JQ (Justin) Veenstra
#' @seealso \code{\link{tacvf}}, \code{\link{plot.tacvf}}
#' @references Veenstra, J.Q. Persistence and Antipersistence:  Theory and
#' Software (PhD Thesis)
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' set.seed(34577)
#' sim <- arfima.sim(500, model = list(theta = 0.9, phi = 0.5, dfrac = 0.4))
#' fit1 <- arfima(sim, order = c(1, 0, 1), cpus = 2, back=TRUE)
#' fit2 <- arfima(sim, order = c(1, 0, 1), cpus = 2, lmodel = "g", back=TRUE)
#' fit3 <- arfima(sim, order = c(1, 0, 1), cpus = 2, lmodel = "h", back=TRUE)
#' fit1
#' fit2
#' fit3
#' tacfplot(fits = list(fit1, fit2, fit3), maxlag = 30)
#' @export tacfplot
tacfplot <- function(fits = list(), modes = "all", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL,
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, maxlag = 20, lag0 = FALSE, ...) {

    if (length(fits) == 0)
        stop("need at least one tacvf to compare")

    if (length(fits) == 1) {
        stop("for a single fit, only the fit should be provided: recommended to use plot.tacvf with tacf = TRUE")

    if (inherits(fits, "arfima")) {
        if (modes != "all") {
            warning("only one fit provided and modes != 'all':  using all modes")
        warning("tacfplot is intended to compare two fits on the same data: recommended to use plot.tacvf with tacf = TRUE")
        tacvf <- tacvf(fits)
        if (is.null(main))
            main <- "The tacf plot of the fit"

        plot(tacvf, type = "o", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
            tacf = TRUE, maxlag = maxlag, lag0 = lag0, ...)
    } else {
        if (modes != "all" && length(modes) != length(fits))
            stop("length of 'modes' not equal to length of 'fits', and modes != 'all'")
        numfits <- length(fits)
        if (numfits > 9)
            stop("comparing more than 9 fits: stopping")
        z1 <- fits[[1]]$z
        num <- length(fits[[1]]$modes)
        for (i in 2:numfits) {
            z2 <- fits[[i]]$z
            if (length(z1) != length(z2) || !all(z1 == z2))
                stop("fits are not on the same series")
        lenner <- length(tacvf(fits[[1]])[[1]])
        if (!lag0 && is.null(xlim)) {
            xbds <- if (is.null(maxlag))
                1:(lenner - 1) else 1:maxlag
            xlim <- range(xbds)
        } else if (is.null(xlim)) {
            xbds <- if (is.null(maxlag))
                0:(lenner - 1) else 0:maxlag
            xlim <- range(xbds)
        } else {
            if (xlim[1] > xlim[2]) {
                warning("upper x limit lower than lower x limit: resetting")
                temp <- xlim[1]
                xlim[1] <- xlim[2]
                xlim[2] <- temp

            if (xlim[2] > length(z1) - 1) {
                warning("the bounds of the x limits (lag) end at n - 1; subtracting one from each of the limits")
                xlim <- xlim - 1
            if (xlim[1] < 0) {
                warning("lower x limit (lag) less than 0: resetting to 0")
                xlim[1] <- 0
            xbds <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2])

        tacfs <- vector("list", numfits)

        maxnum <- 1
        for (i in 1:numfits) {
            if (modes == "all") {
                maxnum <- max(maxnum, length(fits[[i]]$modes))
                tacfs[[i]] <- tacvf(fits[[i]])
                tacfs[[i]] <- tacfs[[i]][-1]
                for (j in 1:length(tacfs[[i]])) {
                  num <- num + 1
                  tacfs[[i]][[j]] <- tacfs[[i]][[j]]/tacfs[[i]][[j]][1]
            } else {
                tacfs[[i]] <- tacfs[[i]][[modes[i]]]/tacfs[[i]][[modes[i]]][1]

        if (is.null(main)) {
            main <- paste("Comparing tacfs of ", numfits, " fits", sep = "")
        namer <- paste("Fit ", 1:numfits)
        if (num > 9)
            warning("more than 9 tacfs to plot:  plot will be very hard to read")

        if (is.null(xlab))
            xlab <- "lag"
        if (is.null(ylab))
            ylab <- "tacf"
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            minner <- Inf
            maxxer <- -Inf
            for (i in 1:numfits) {
                if (modes == "all") {
                  for (j in 1:length(tacfs[[i]])) {
                    minner <- min(minner, tacfs[[i]][[j]][xbds + 1])
                    maxxer <- max(maxxer, tacfs[[i]][[j]][xbds + 1])
                } else {
                  minner <- min(minner, tacfs[[i]][xbds + 1])
                  maxxer <- max(maxxer, tacfs[[i]][xbds + 1])
            ylim <- c(minner, maxxer)
        } else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
            warning("upper y limit lower than lower y limit: resetting")
            temp <- ylim[1]
            ylim[1] <- ylim[2]
            ylim[2] <- temp

        cols <- c("black", "red", "blue", "orange", "gray", "purple", "navy", "gold", "cyan")
        pchlist <- c(16, 17, 18, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        pchs <- pchlist[1:maxnum]

        if (modes != "all") {
            plot(x = xbds, y = tacfs[[1]][xbds + 1], main = main, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab,
                ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, type = "o", pch = pchs[modes[1]], col = cols[1])
            for (i in 2:(numfits)) lines(x = xbds, y = tacfs[[i]][xbds + 1], type = "o",
                pch = pchs[modes[i]], col = cols[i])
            legend(x = "topright", ncol = floor(numfits/3), legend = paste(namer, "mode",
                modes), pch = pchs[modes], col = cols[1:numfits])
        } else {
            plot(x = xbds, y = tacfs[[1]][[1]][xbds + 1], main = main, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab,
                ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, type = "o", pch = pchs[1], col = cols[1])
            if (length(tacfs[[1]]) > 1) {
                for (j in 2:length(tacfs[[1]])) lines(x = xbds, y = tacfs[[1]][[j]][xbds +
                  1], type = "o", pch = pchs[j], col = cols[1])
            for (i in 2:numfits) {
                for (j in 1:length(tacfs[[i]])) {
                  lines(x = xbds, y = tacfs[[i]][[j]][xbds + 1], type = "o", pch = pchs[j],
                    col = cols[i])
            legend(x = "topright", ncol = floor(num/3), legend = c(namer, paste("Mode",
                1:maxnum)), pch = c(rep(19, numfits), pchs), col = c(cols[1:numfits], rep("black",


#' The theoretical autocovariance function of a long memory process.
#' Calculates the tacvf of a mixed long memory-ARMA (with posible seasonal
#' components).  Combines long memory and ARMA (and non-seasonal and seasonal)
#' parts via convolution.
#' The log-likelihood is computed for the given series z and the parameters.
#' If two or more of \code{dfrac}, \code{H} or \code{alpha} are present and/or
#' two or more of \code{dfs}, \code{Hs} or \code{alphas} are present, an error
#' will be thrown, as otherwise there is redundancy in the model.  Note that
#' non-seasonal and seasonal components can be of different types: for example,
#' there can be seasonal FGN with FDWN at the non-seasonal level.
#' The moving average parameters are in the Box-Jenkins convention: they are
#' the negative of the parameters given by \code{\link{arima}}.
#' @param phi The autoregressive parameters in vector form.
#' @param theta The moving average parameters in vector form.  See Details for
#' differences from \code{\link{arima}}.
#' @param dfrac The fractional differencing parameter.
#' @param phiseas The seasonal autoregressive parameters in vector form.
#' @param thetaseas The seasonal moving average parameters in vector form.  See
#' Details for differences from \code{\link{arima}}.
#' @param dfs The seasonal fractional differencing parameter.
#' @param H The Hurst parameter for fractional Gaussian noise (FGN).  Should
#' not be mixed with \code{dfrac} or \code{alpha}: see "Details".
#' @param Hs The Hurst parameter for seasonal fractional Gaussian noise (FGN).
#' Should not be mixed with \code{dfs} or \code{alphas}: see "Details".
#' @param alpha The decay parameter for power-law autocovariance (PLA) noise.
#' Should not be mixed with \code{dfrac} or \code{H}: see "Details".
#' @param alphas The decay parameter for seasonal power-law autocovariance
#' (PLA) noise.  Should not be mixed with \code{dfs} or \code{Hs}: see
#' "Details".
#' @param period The periodicity of the seasonal components.  Must be >= 2.
#' @param maxlag The number of terms to compute: technically the output
#' sequence is from lags 0 to maxlag, so there are maxlag + 1 terms.
#' @param useCt Whether or not to use C to compute the (parts of the) tacvf.
#' @param sigma2 Used in \code{\link{arfima.sim}}: determines the value of the
#' innovation variance.  The tacvf sequence is multiplied by this value.
#' @return A sequence of length maxlag + 1 (lags 0 to maxlag) of the tacvf of
#' the given process.
#' @author JQ (Justin) Veenstra and A. I. McLeod
#' @references Veenstra, J.Q. Persistence and Antipersistence:  Theory and
#' Software (PhD Thesis)
#' P. Borwein (1995) An efficient algorithm for Riemann Zeta function Canadian
#' Math. Soc. Conf. Proc., 27, pp. 29-34.
#' @keywords ts
#' @examples
#' t1 <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = c(0.2, 0.1), theta = 0.4, dfrac = 0.3, maxlag = 30)
#' t2 <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = c(0.2, 0.1), theta = 0.4, H = 0.8, maxlag = 30)
#' t3 <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = c(0.2, 0.1), theta = 0.4, alpha = 0.4, maxlag = 30)
#' plot(t1, type = "o", col = "blue", pch = 20)
#' lines(t2, type = "o", col = "red", pch = 20)
#' lines(t3, type = "o", col = "purple", pch = 20)  #they decay at about the same rate
#' @export tacvfARFIMA
"tacvfARFIMA" <- function(phi = numeric(0), theta = numeric(0), dfrac = numeric(0), phiseas = numeric(0),
    thetaseas = numeric(0), dfs = numeric(0), H = numeric(0), Hs = numeric(0), alpha = numeric(0),
    alphas = numeric(0), period = 0, maxlag, useCt = T, sigma2 = 1) {
    if (length(maxlag) == 0)
        stop("maxlag must be defined")
    if (!IdentInvertQ(phi = phi, theta = theta, dfrac = dfrac, phiseas = phiseas, thetaseas = thetaseas,
        dfs = dfs, H = H, Hs = Hs, alpha = alpha, alphas = alphas, period = period, ident = F)) {

    if (length(period) == 0 || is.na(period) || period == 0) {
        if (length(phiseas) > 0 && phiseas != 0)
            stop("Period = 0, but seasonal phi != 0")
        if (length(thetaseas) > 0 && thetaseas != 0)
            stop("Period = 0, but seasonal theta != 0")
        if ((length(dfs) > 0 && dfs != 0) || (length(Hs) > 0 && Hs != 0) || (length(alphas) >
            0 && alphas != 0))
            stop("Period = 0, but fractional seasonal parameter != 0")
        return(tacvfFARMA(phi = phi, theta = theta, dfrac = dfrac, H = H, alpha = alpha,
            maxlag = maxlag, useCt = useCt, sigma2 = sigma2))
    if ((period != round(period)) || (period < 2))
        stop("Period must be an integer >= 2")
    lagTrunc <- 2 * max(128, nextn(maxlag, factors = 2))
    iseas <- nextn(period, factors = 2)
    model <- tacvfFARMA(phi = phi, theta = theta, dfrac = dfrac, H = H, alpha = alpha, maxlag = (lagTrunc *
        iseas), nolagtrunc = T, useCt = useCt, sigma2 = 1)
    modelseas <- tacvfFARMA(phi = phiseas, theta = thetaseas, dfrac = dfs, H = Hs, alpha = alphas,
        maxlag = (lagTrunc * 2), nolagtrunc = T, useCt = useCt, sigma2 = 1)

    modelseas <- shift(modelseas, period, useCt = T)
    if (length(modelseas) < length(model))
    modelseas <- modelseas[1:(lagTrunc * iseas + 1)]

    z <- sigma2 * mix(model, modelseas)
    return(z[1:(maxlag + 1)])

"tacvfFARMA" <- function(phi = numeric(0), theta = numeric(0), dfrac = numeric(0), H = numeric(0),
    alpha = numeric(0), maxlag, nolagtrunc = F, useCt = T, sigma2 = 1) {
    if (length(H) + length(dfrac) + length(alpha) > 1)
        stop("more than one GHD process specified:  stopping")
    if ((length(H) == 0) && (length(dfrac) == 0) && (length(alpha) == 0) && (length(phi) ==
        0) && (length(theta) == 0)) {
        return(c(sigma2, rep(0, maxlag)))

    if ((length(dfrac) == 0) && (length(H) == 0) && (length(alpha) == 0)) {
        return(tacvfARMA(phi = phi, theta = theta, maxlag = maxlag, useCt = useCt, sigma2 = sigma2))

    onlyHD <- (length(phi) == 0 && length(theta) == 0)

    if (nolagtrunc || onlyHD)
        lagTrunc <- maxlag else {
        lagTrunc <- 2 * max(128, nextn(maxlag, factors = 2))

    if (length(dfrac) > 0)
        x <- tacvfFDWN(dfrac = dfrac, maxlag = lagTrunc, useCt = useCt) else if (length(H) > 0)
        x <- tacvfFGN(H = H, maxlag = lagTrunc, useCt = useCt) else x <- tacvfHD(alpha = alpha, maxlag = lagTrunc, useCt = useCt)

    if (onlyHD)
        return(sigma2 * x[1:(maxlag + 1)])

    y <- tacvfARMA(phi = phi, theta = theta, maxlag = lagTrunc, useCt = useCt, sigma2 = 1)

    z <- sigma2 * mix(x, y)
    return(z[1:(maxlag + 1)])

"symtacvf" <- function(x) {
    c(rev(x[-1])[-1], x)

"tacvfARMA" <- function(phi = numeric(0), theta = numeric(0), maxlag = 20, useCt = T, sigma2 = 1) {

    if (useCt) {
        dd <- function(x, y, ml) .C("tacvfARMA_C", as.double(x), as.integer(length(x)),
            as.double(y), as.integer(length(y)), as.integer(ml), res = double(ml + 1))$res
        return(sigma2 * dd(phi, theta, maxlag))
    p <- length(phi)
    q <- length(theta)
    maxlagp1 <- maxlag + 1

    if (max(p, q) == 0) {
        return(c(sigma2, numeric(maxlag)))
    r <- max(p, q) + 1
    b <- numeric(r)
    C <- numeric(q + 1)

    C[1] <- 1
    theta2 <- c(-1, theta)
    phi2 <- numeric(3 * r)
    phi2[r] <- -1
    if (p > 0) {
        phi2[r + 1:p] <- phi
    if (q > 0) {
        for (k in 1:q) {
            C[k + 1] <- -theta[k]
            if (p > 0) {
                for (i in 1:min(p, k)) {
                  C[k + 1] <- C[k + 1] + phi[i] * C[k + 1 - i]

    for (k in 0:q) {
        for (i in k:q) {
            b[k + 1] <- b[k + 1] - theta2[i + 1] * C[i - k + 1]

    if (p == 0) {
        g <- c(b, numeric(maxlagp1))[1:maxlagp1]

    } else if (p > 0) {
        a <- matrix(numeric(r^2), ncol = r)
        for (i in 1:r) {
            for (j in 1:r) {
                if (j == 1) {
                  a[i, j] <- phi2[r + i - 1]
                } else if (j != 1) {
                  a[i, j] <- phi2[r + i - j] + phi2[r + i + j - 2]

        g <- solve(a, -b)

        if (length(g) <= maxlag) {
            g <- c(g, numeric(maxlagp1 - r))

            for (i in (r + 1):maxlagp1) {
                g[i] <- phi %*% g[i - 1:p]

            return(sigma2 * g[1:maxlagp1])
        } else if (length(g) >= maxlagp1) {

            return(sigma2 * g[1:maxlagp1])

"tacvfFDWN" <- function(dfrac, maxlag, useCt = T) {

    if (!InvertibleD(dfrac)) {
        warning("Model is non-causal or non-invertible\n")
    if (useCt) {
        ta <- function(ds, ma) .C("tacvfFDWN_C", as.double(ds), as.integer(ma), x = double(ma +
        return(ta(dfrac, maxlag))
    x <- numeric(maxlag + 1)
    x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * dfrac)/gamma(1 - dfrac)^2
    for (i in 1:maxlag) {
        x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + dfrac)/(i - dfrac)) * x[i]

tacvfFGN <- function(H, maxlag, useCt = TRUE) {
    if (!InvertibleH(H))
    if (useCt) {
        tg <- function(H, ma) .C("tacfFGN_C", as.double(H), as.integer(ma), x = double(ma +
        return(tg(H, maxlag))
    h2 <- 2 * H
    r <- sapply(0:maxlag, function(k) 0.5 * (abs(k + 1)^h2 - 2 * abs(k)^h2 + abs(k - 1)^h2))

## will lgamma make it faster??
Zeta <- function(s, n = 20) {

    d <- rep(0, n + 1)

    d[1] <- n * (factorial(n - 1))/(factorial(n))

    for (i in 1:(n)) {
        d[i + 1] <- d[i] + n * factorial(n + i - 1) * 4^i/(factorial(n - i) * factorial(2 *

    zeta <- 0

    for (i in 0:(n - 1)) {
        zeta <- zeta + (-1)^i * (d[i + 1] - d[n + 1])/(i + 1)^s

    zeta <- zeta * (-1)/(d[n + 1] * (1 - 2^(1 - s)))
## Reference paper. (zetaalgorithm.)

tacvfHD <- function(alpha, maxlag, useCt = TRUE) {
    if (!InvertibleAlpha(alpha))
    if (useCt) {
        th <- function(alpha, ma) .C("tacfHD_C", as.double(alpha), as.integer(ma), x = double(ma +
        return(th(alpha, maxlag))
    val <- (-2 * Zeta(alpha))^(-1)
    r <- c(1, val * sapply(1:maxlag, function(k) k^(-alpha)))
JQVeenstra/arfima documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 12:11 p.m.