A Tool for the Systematic Comparison of Translational Drug Response Modeling Pipelines

Global functions
BlackBoxFilter Man page Source code
BlackBoxFilter.character Source code
BlackBoxFilter.elasticnet Source code
BlackBoxFilter.function Source code
BlackBoxFilter.lasso Source code
BlackBoxFilter.linear Source code
BlackBoxFilter.rf Source code
BlackBoxFilter.rf_ranger Source code
BlackBoxFilter.ridge Source code
BlackBoxFilter.svm Source code
BlackBoxFilter.tandem Source code
CellResponseProcessor Man page Source code
CellResponseProcessor.binarization_cutoff Source code
CellResponseProcessor.binarization_kmeans Source code
CellResponseProcessor.character Source code
CellResponseProcessor.function Source code
CellResponseProcessor.logarithm Source code
CellResponseProcessor.none Source code
CellResponseProcessor.powertransform Source code
CellResponseTypeAvailabilityCheck Man page Source code
CellorPatient Man page Source code
DuplicationHandler Man page Source code
DuplicationHandler.character Source code
DuplicationHandler.default Source code
DuplicationHandler.first Source code
DuplicationHandler.function Source code
DuplicationHandler.mean Source code
DuplicationHandler.none Source code
FeatureCombiner Man page Source code
FeaturePreprocessor Man page Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.character Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.function Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.none Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.pca Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.physio Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.zscore_genewise Source code
FeaturePreprocessor.zscore_samplewise Source code
FeatureSelector Man page Source code
FeatureSelector.all Source code
FeatureSelector.character Source code
FeatureSelector.function Source code
FeatureSelector.landmarkgenes Source code
FeatureSelector.ontology Source code
FeatureSelector.pathway Source code
FeatureSelector.pvalue Source code
FeatureSelector.variance Source code
ForeseeTest Man page Source code
ForeseeTrain Man page Source code
Foreseer Man page Source code
GetCellResponseData Man page Source code
Homogenizer Man page Source code
Homogenizer.ComBat Source code
Homogenizer.RUV Source code
Homogenizer.RUV4 Source code
Homogenizer.YuGene Source code
Homogenizer.character Source code
Homogenizer.default Source code
Homogenizer.function Source code
Homogenizer.limma Source code
Homogenizer.none Source code
Homogenizer.quantile Source code
SampleSelector Man page Source code
Validator Man page Source code
Validator.character Source code
Validator.default Source code
Validator.fpvalue Source code
Validator.function Source code
Validator.mse Source code
Validator.pearson Source code
Validator.prauc Source code
Validator.rocauc Source code
Validator.rocpvalue Source code
Validator.rsquared Source code
Validator.rsquared_adjusted Source code
Validator.spearman Source code
listCellLines Man page Source code
listDrugs Man page Source code
listInputOptions Man page Source code
requireForesee Man page Source code
JRC-COMBINE/FORESEE documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 1:19 a.m.