
Defines functions BlackBoxFilter BlackBoxFilter.character BlackBoxFilter.function BlackBoxFilter.linear BlackBoxFilter.ridge BlackBoxFilter.lasso BlackBoxFilter.elasticnet BlackBoxFilter.svm BlackBoxFilter.rf BlackBoxFilter.rf_ranger BlackBoxFilter.tandem

Documented in BlackBoxFilter

#' Train a Black Box Model for Drug Efficacy Prediction
#' The BlackBoxFilter applies a machine learning algorithm to the feature matrix that was created from molecular data characterizing the samples of the TrainObject to create a model that is predictive of the drug response.
#' @param TrainObject Object that contains all data needed to train a model, including molecular data (such as gene expression, mutation, copy number variation, methylation, cancer type, etc. ) and drug response data
#' @param BlackBox Modeling algorithm for training:
#' The function 'linear' fits a linear regression model to the training data,
#' The function 'ridge' fits a linear ridge regression model by Cule et al. (2012) to the training data,
#' The function 'lasso' fits a lasso regression model from the glmnet package by Friedman et al. (2008) to the training data,
#' The function 'elasticnet' fits an elastic net regression model from the glmnet package by Friedman et al. (2008) to the training data,
#' The function 'svm' fits a support vector regression model from the e1071 package by Meyer and Chih-Chung (2017) to the training data,
#' The function 'rf' fits a random forest regression model by Breiman (2001) to the training data
#' The function 'rf_ranger' fits a fast random forest regression model by Marvin N. Wright (2018) to the training data
#' The function 'tandem' fits a two-stage regression model by Nanne Aben (2017) to the training data.
#' The function 'listInputOptions("BlackBoxFilter")' returns a list of the possible options.
#' Instead of choosing one of the implemented options, a user-defined function can be used as an input.
#' @param nfoldCrossvalidation # folds to use for crossvalidation while training the model. If put to one, the complete data of the TrainObject is used for training.
#' @return \item{ForeseeModel}{A black box model trained on the TrainObject features that can be applied to new test data.}
#'         \item{TrainObject}{The TrainObject that was used to train the model.}
#' @export

# This file is part of the FORESEE R-package
# File authors: Lisa-Katrin Turnhoff <turnhoff@combine.rwth-aachen.de> and Ali Hadizadeh Esfahani <hadizadeh@combine.rwth-aachen.de>
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)

BlackBoxFilter <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox = "ridge", nfoldCrossvalidation = 1, ...){
  if (nfoldCrossvalidation==1 && class(nfoldCrossvalidation)=="numeric"){
    UseMethod("BlackBoxFilter", object = BlackBox)

  else if (nfoldCrossvalidation>1 && class(nfoldCrossvalidation)=="numeric"){

    # Establish backup in environment
    assign("TrainObject_backup", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())

    train <- TrainObject
    test  <- TrainObject

    # Shuffle the data
    sample <- sample.int(n = ncol(TrainObject_backup$Features))

    # Create n equally size folds
    folds <- cut(seq(1,ncol(TrainObject_backup$Features)),breaks=nfoldCrossvalidation,labels=FALSE)

    Performance_bestfold <- 0
    ForeseeModel_bestfold <- list()
    test_ids_bestfold <- integer()
    # Perform 10 fold cross validation
    for (i in 1:nfoldCrossvalidation){

      #Segement data
      test_ids <-  which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE)
      test$Features <- TrainObject_backup$Features[,test_ids]
      test$DrugResponse <- TrainObject_backup$DrugResponse[test_ids]
      train$Features <- TrainObject_backup$Features[,-test_ids]
      train$DrugResponse <- TrainObject_backup$DrugResponse[-test_ids]

      # Update TrainObject in environment
      assign("TrainObject", value = train, envir = parent.frame())

      #Train on subset of data (as the TrainObject is now updated in the environment)
      UseMethod("BlackBoxFilter", object = BlackBox)

      # Apply Model to cross-validation test set
      ForeseeTest(test, ForeseeModel, BlackBox, Evaluation=Crossvalidation_Criterion)
      # Compare current performance to previous once to just keep the best one in the environment
      if (Performance>Performance_bestfold){
        # Update objects in the environment
        assign("Performance_bestfold", value = Performance, envir = parent.frame())
        assign("ForeseeModel_bestfold", value = ForeseeModel, envir = parent.frame())
        assign("test_ids_bestfold", value = test_ids, envir = parent.frame())

      TrainObject$Features <- TrainObject_backup$Features[,!test_ids_bestfold]
      TrainObject$DrugResponse <- TrainObject_backup$DrugResponse[!test_ids_bestfold]

      assign("ForeseeModel", value = ForeseeModel_bestfold, envir = parent.frame())
      assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())



  else {
    stop("nfoldCrossvalidation needs to be a positive integer")

#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.character <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){
  class(BlackBox) <- BlackBox
  UseMethod("BlackBoxFilter", object = BlackBox)

#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.function <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]

  # User-BlackBox modeling:
  bb_fit <- BlackBox(DrugResponse~., TrainObject_train)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = bb_fit, envir = parent.frame())


### Function "linear" to train a linear regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.linear <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]
  lm_fit <- lm(formula = DrugResponse~., TrainObject_train)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = lm_fit, envir = parent.frame())

### Function "ridge" to train a linear ridge regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.ridge <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]

  # Ridge package by Cule, E. and De Iorio, M., A semi-automatic method to guide the choice of ridge parameter in ridge regression. (2012) arXiv:1205.0686v1
  ridge_fit <- linearRidge(formula = DrugResponse~., TrainObject_train)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = ridge_fit, envir = parent.frame())

### Function "lasso" to train a lasso regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.lasso <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Package glmnet by Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008) Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent, https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/glmnet.pdf
  lasso_fit <- glmnet(x = t(TrainObject$Features), y=TrainObject$DrugResponse, alpha = 1,lambda=cv.glmnet(x = t(TrainObject$Features), y=TrainObject$DrugResponse, alpha = 1)$lambda.min)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = lasso_fit, envir = parent.frame())

### Function "elasticnet" to train a elasticnet regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.elasticnet <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]

  # Package glmnet by Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008) Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent, https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/glmnet.pdf

  elasticnet_fit <- glmnet(x = t(TrainObject$Features), y=TrainObject$DrugResponse,  alpha = 0.5 ,lambda=cv.glmnet(x = t(TrainObject$Features), y=TrainObject$DrugResponse, alpha = 0.5)$lambda.min)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = elasticnet_fit, envir = parent.frame())

### Function "svm" to train a support vector regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.svm <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]

  svm_fit <- svm(formula = DrugResponse~., data=TrainObject_train)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = svm_fit, envir = parent.frame())

### Function "rf" to train a random forest regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.rf <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]

  # Random Forest Package by Breiman, L. (2001), Random Forests, Machine Learning 45(1), 5-32.
  rf_fit <- randomForest(formula = DrugResponse~., data=data.frame(TrainObject_train)) #randomForest has a problem with features that are named starting with an integer (Like Entrez IDs we used), hence the data.frame(TrainObject_train) rather than just TrainObject_train.

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = rf_fit, envir = parent.frame())

### Function "rf" to train a random forest regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.rf_ranger <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(cbind(t(TrainObject$Features),TrainObject$DrugResponse))

  # Check if there are still duplications (to avoid that the pipeline breaks)
  # Just take the first occuring gene name (here: in columns)
  TrainObject_train <- as.data.frame(TrainObject_train)
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[,!duplicated(colnames(TrainObject_train))]
  TrainObject_train <- TrainObject_train[!duplicated(rownames(TrainObject_train)),]

  # Random Forest Package by Marvin N. Wright (2018)
  #ranger, like randomForest, has a problem with features that are named starting with an integer, quick fix:
  names(TrainObject_train) <- make.names(names(TrainObject_train))
  rf_ranger_fit <- ranger(formula = DrugResponse~., TrainObject_train, write.forest = TRUE, num.trees = 10000)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = rf_ranger_fit, envir = parent.frame())


### Function "tandem" to train a lasso regression model
#' @export
BlackBoxFilter.tandem <- function(TrainObject, BlackBox, nfoldCrossvalidation){

  TrainObject_train<- as.matrix(t(TrainObject$Features))
  upstream_index <- (TrainObject$FeatureTypes[1,])!="GeneExpression"

  if(all(!upstream_index) | all(upstream_index)) stop("For using Tandem you need at least one downstream feature (GeneExpression) and one upstream feature")

  # Package glmnet by Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008) Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent, https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/glmnet.pdf

  tandem_fit <- tandem(x = TrainObject_train, y=TrainObject$DrugResponse, upstream=upstream_index)

  # Update Objects in the Environment
  TrainObject[["TrainFrame"]] <- TrainObject_train
  TrainObject[["UpstreamIndex"]] <- upstream_index
  assign("TrainObject", value = TrainObject, envir = parent.frame())
  assign("ForeseeModel", value = tandem_fit, envir = parent.frame())
JRC-COMBINE/FORESEE documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 1:19 a.m.