#' Simulate a count matrix for a single cell type based on a copula model
#' @param copula_result A list that contains the parameters of a copula model.
#' @param n An integer value that indicates the number of cells to generate.
#' @param marginal A character string that indicates whether the generated values should
#' stay as discrete or switch to continuous. Default value is 'nb', which
#' should be used for generating a count marix. The alternative 'Gamma' is
#' only needed when this function is being called by other functions that
#' generate data with a user-specified sequencing depth. Normally, users
#' do not need to change this value.
#' @return A matrix of shape p by n that contains the simulated count values. p is derived from
#' \code{copula_result}
# @export
simulate_count_copula <- function(copula_result, n = 100,
marginal = c('nb', 'Gamma')){
marginal <- match.arg(marginal)
p1 <- length(copula_result$gene_sel1)
if(p1 > 0){
result1 <- mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0.0, p1), Sigma = copula_result$cov_mat)
result1 <- matrix(result1, nrow = n)
result2 <- apply(result1, 2, pnorm)
result2 <- matrix(result2, nrow = n)
p2 <- length(copula_result$gene_sel2)
if(marginal == 'nb'){
if(p1 > 0){
result31 <- t(sapply(1:p1, function(iter){
param <- copula_result$marginal_param1[iter, ]
qnbinom(pmax(0.0, result2[, iter] - param[1]) / (1-param[1]),
size = param[2], mu = param[3])
if(p2 > 0){
result32 <- t(sapply(1:p2, function(iter){
param <- copula_result$marginal_param2[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rnbinom(n, size = param[2], mu = param[3])
}else if(marginal == 'Gamma'){
if(p1 > 0){
result31 <- t(sapply(1:p1, function(iter){
param <- copula_result$marginal_param1[iter, ]
qgamma(max(0.0, result2[, iter] - param[1]), shape = param[2], scale = param[3] / param[2])
if(p2 > 0){
result32 <- t(sapply(1:p2, function(iter){
param <- copula_result$marginal_param2[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rgamma(n, shape = param[2], scale = param[3] / param[2])
result <- matrix(0, nrow = p1 + p2 + length(copula_result$gene_sel3), ncol = n)
if(p1 > 0){
result[copula_result$gene_sel1, ] <- result31
if(p2 > 0){
result[copula_result$gene_sel2, ] <- result32
#' Simulate a count matrix for a single cell type based on a (w/o copula model)
#' @param model_params A list that contains the model parameters (can be either the copula
#' model or the (w/o copula) model).
#' @inheritParams simulate_count_copula
#' @return A matrix of shape p by n that contains the simulated count values. p is derived from
#' \code{model_params}.
# @export
simulate_count_ind <- function(model_params, n = 100,
marginal = c('nb', 'Gamma')){
marginal <- match.arg(marginal)
if(model_params$sim_method == 'copula' || 'gene_sel3' %in% names(model_params)){
p1 <- length(model_params$gene_sel1)
p2 <- length(model_params$gene_sel2)
if(marginal == 'nb'){
if(p1 > 0){
result31 <- t(sapply(1:p1, function(iter){
param <- model_params$marginal_param1[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rnbinom(n, size = param[2], mu = param[3])
if(p2 > 0){
result32 <- t(sapply(1:p2, function(iter){
param <- model_params$marginal_param2[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rnbinom(n, size = param[2], mu = param[3])
}else if(marginal == 'Gamma'){
if(p1 > 0){
result31 <- t(sapply(1:p1, function(iter){
param <- model_params$marginal_param1[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rgamma(n, shape = param[2], scale = param[3] / param[2])
if(p2 > 0){
result32 <- t(sapply(1:p2, function(iter){
param <- model_params$marginal_param2[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rgamma(n, shape = param[2], scale = param[3] / param[2])
result <- matrix(0, nrow = p1 + p2 + length(model_params$gene_sel3), ncol = n)
if(p1 > 0){
result[model_params$gene_sel1, ] <- result31
if(p2 > 0){
result[model_params$gene_sel2, ] <- result32
p1 <- length(model_params$gene_sel1)
p2 <- length(model_params$gene_sel2)
result <- matrix(0, nrow = p1 + p2, ncol = n)
if(p1 > 0){
if(marginal == 'nb'){
result31 <- t(sapply(1:p1, function(iter){
param <- model_params$marginal_param1[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rnbinom(n, size = param[2], mu = param[3])
}else if(marginal == 'Gamma'){
result31 <- t(sapply(1:p1, function(iter){
param <- model_params$marginal_param1[iter, ]
rbinom(n, 1, 1-param[1]) * rgamma(n, shape = param[2], scale = param[3] / param[2])
result[model_params$gene_sel1, ] <- result31
# Simulate a count matrix based on input model directly
# @param model_params A list with the same length as \code{cell_type_prop} that contains
# the fitted model as each of its element (can be either the copula
# model or the (w/o copula) model).
# @param n_cell_new An integer value that indicates the number of cells to generate.
# @param cell_type_prop The cell type proportion in the simulated count matrix.
# @param sim_method Specification of the type of model for data simulation.
# Default value is 'copula', which selects the copula model.
# 'ind' will select the (w/o copula) model.
# @param cell_sample Logical, whether cells for each cell type should be sampled from a
# multinomial distribution or follows the exact same proportion as
# specified in \code{cell_type_prop}.
# @export
# simulate_count_regular <- function(model_params, n_cell_new,
# cell_type_prop = 1, sim_method = c('copula', 'ind'),
# cell_sample = FALSE){
# if(length(model_params) != length(cell_type_prop)){
# stop('The length of cell_type_prop is not the same as the length of model_params.')
# }
# sim_method <- match.arg(sim_method)
# n_cell_type <- length(cell_type_prop)
# if(cell_sample == TRUE){
# n_cell_each <- as.numeric(rmultinom(1, size = n_cell_new, prob = cell_type_prop))
# }else{
# cell_type_prop <- cell_type_prop / sum(cell_type_prop)
# n_cell_each <- round(cell_type_prop * n_cell_new)
# if(sum(n_cell_each) != n_cell_new)
# {
# idx <- sample(n_cell_type, size = 1)
# n_cell_each[idx] <- n_cell_each[idx] + n_cell_new - sum(n_cell_each)
# }
# }
# if(model_params[[1]]$sim_method == 'copula'){
# p <- length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel1) + length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel2) +
# length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel3)
# }else{
# p <- length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel1) + length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel2)
# }
# new_count <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = n_cell_new)
# n_cell_each
# for(iter in 1:n_cell_type)
# if(n_cell_each[iter] > 0)
# {
# ulim <- sum(n_cell_each[1:iter])
# llim <- ulim - n_cell_each[iter] + 1
# params_new <- model_params[[iter]]
# if(sim_method == 'copula')
# new_count[, llim:ulim] <-
# simulate_count_copula(params_new, n = n_cell_each[iter], marginal = 'nb')
# else if(sim_method == 'ind')
# new_count[, llim:ulim] <-
# simulate_count_ind(params_new, n = n_cell_each[iter], marginal = 'nb')
# }
# if(is.null(names(model_params))){
# colnames(new_count) <- unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_type, function(x){rep(x, n_cell_each[x])}))
# }else{
# colnames(new_count) <- unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_type, function(x){
# rep(names(model_params)[x], n_cell_each[x])}))
# }
# new_count
# }
#' Simulate a count matrix for experimental design
#' @param model_params A list with the same length as \code{cell_type_prop} that contains
#' the fitted model as each of its element (can be either the copula
#' model or the (w/o copula) model).
#' @param total_count_new The (expected) total number of reads or UMIs in the simulated count
#' matrix.
#' @param n_cell_new The total number of cells in the simulated count matrix.
#' @param cell_type_prop The cell type proportion in the simulated count matrix.
#' @param total_count_old The total number of reads or UMIs in the original count matrix where
#' \code{model_params} was fitted.
#' @param n_cell_old The The total number of cells in the original count matrix where
#' \code{model_params} was fitted.
#' @param sim_method Specification of the type of model for data simulation.
#' Default value is 'copula', which selects the copula model.
#' 'ind' will select the (w/o copula) model.
#' @param reseq_method Specification of how the new count matrix should be derived under the
#' new sequencing depth.
#' Default is 'mean_scale', which scales the original parameters and
#' then simulate new data.
#' 'multinomial' will do a resampling. It ensures that the simulated
#' count matrix has the exact total number of reads as specified in
#' \code{total_count_new}.
#' @param cell_sample Logical, whether cells for each cell type should be sampled from a
#' multinomial distribution or follows the exact same proportion as
#' specified in \code{cell_type_prop}.
#' @return A matrix of shape p by n that contains the simulated count values. p is derived from
#' \code{model_params}.
#' @export
simulate_count_scDesign2 <- function(model_params, n_cell_new, cell_type_prop = 1,
total_count_new = NULL, total_count_old = NULL,
n_cell_old = NULL, sim_method = c('copula', 'ind'),
reseq_method = c('mean_scale', 'multinomial'),
cell_sample = FALSE){
sim_method <- match.arg(sim_method)
reseq_method <- match.arg(reseq_method)
n_cell_vec <- sapply(model_params, function(x) x$n_cell)
n_read_vec <- sapply(model_params, function(x) x$n_read)
# if(is.null(total_count_new)) total_count_new <- sum(n_read_vec)
# if(is.null(n_cell_new)) n_cell_new <- sum(n_cell_vec)
# if(is.null(cell_type_prop)) cell_type_prop <- n_cell_vec
if(is.null(total_count_old)) total_count_old <- sum(n_read_vec)
if(is.null(n_cell_old)) n_cell_old <- sum(n_cell_vec)
if(is.null(total_count_new)) reseq_method <- 'mean_scale'
stop('Cell type proportion should have the same length as the number of models.')
n_cell_type <- length(cell_type_prop)
if(cell_sample == TRUE){
n_cell_each <- as.numeric(rmultinom(1, size = n_cell_new, prob = cell_type_prop))
cell_type_prop <- cell_type_prop / sum(cell_type_prop)
n_cell_each <- round(cell_type_prop * n_cell_new)
if(sum(n_cell_each) != n_cell_new){
idx <- sample(n_cell_type, size = 1)
n_cell_each[idx] <- n_cell_each[idx] + n_cell_new - sum(n_cell_each)
p <- length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel1) + length(model_params[[1]]$gene_sel2) +
new_count <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = n_cell_new)
if(reseq_method == 'mean_scale'){
r <- rep(1, n_cell_type)
}else if(length(total_count_new) == 1){
r <- rep(total_count_new / sum((total_count_old / n_cell_old) * n_cell_each),
r <- (total_count_new / n_cell_new) / (total_count_old / n_cell_old)
for(iter in 1:n_cell_type)
if(n_cell_each[iter] > 0){
ulim <- sum(n_cell_each[1:iter])
llim <- ulim - n_cell_each[iter] + 1
params_new <- model_params[[iter]]
params_new$marginal_param1[, 3] <- params_new$marginal_param1[, 3] * r[iter]
if(sim_method == 'copula'){
params_new$marginal_param2[, 3] <- params_new$marginal_param2[, 3] * r[iter]
new_count[, llim:ulim] <- simulate_count_copula(params_new, n = n_cell_each[iter],
marginal = 'nb')
}else if(sim_method == 'ind'){
new_count[, llim:ulim] <- simulate_count_ind(params_new, n = n_cell_each[iter],
marginal = 'nb')
colnames(new_count) <- unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_type, function(x){rep(x, n_cell_each[x])}))
colnames(new_count) <- unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_type, function(x){
rep(names(model_params)[x], n_cell_each[x])}))
}else if(reseq_method == 'multinomial'){
for(iter in 1:n_cell_type){
ulim <- sum(n_cell_each[1:iter])
llim <- ulim - n_cell_each[iter] + 1
if(sim_method == 'copula'){
new_count[, llim:ulim] <- simulate_count_copula(model_params[[iter]],
n = n_cell_each[iter], marginal = 'Gamma')
}else if(sim_method == 'ind'){
new_count[, llim:ulim] <- simulate_count_ind(model_params[[iter]],
n = n_cell_each[iter], marginal = 'Gamma')
new_count[which(is.infinite(new_count))] <- 0
new_count[which(is.na(new_count))] <- 0
bam_file <- sample(x = p*n_cell_new, size = total_count_new,
replace = TRUE, prob = as.vector(new_count))
hist_result <- hist(bam_file, breaks = 0:(n_cell_new*p), plot = FALSE)
result <- matrix(hist_result$counts, nrow = nrow(new_count))
colnames(result) <- unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_type, function(x){rep(x, n_cell_each[x])}))
colnames(result) <- unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_type, function(x){
rep(names(model_params)[x], n_cell_each[x])}))
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