
Defines functions lm_pai_cvboot_fit mi_lm_pai_cvboot

Documented in lm_pai_cvboot_fit mi_lm_pai_cvboot

#' Calculate Personalized Advantage Index (PAI)
#' Calculates the PAI for each observation in the dataset using simple
#' linear regression, but with cross-validation and optionally bootstrapping
#' in order to construct confidence intervals.
#' @param formula An R formula, but without dependent variable
#' @param DV a character string indicating the name of the dependent variable
#' @param TreatVar a character string indicating the name of the treatment variable
#'   (note that values must be coded as 0/1 for the treatment variable.
#' @param dat A dataset to use
#' @param boot A logical value whether to bootstrap or not
#' @param k The number of bootstrap resamples to take
#' @param holdouts The holdouts to be used.  If a vector from 1 to the number of
#'   cases available in the dataset, it is equivalent to leave-one-out.
#'   Must be constructed manually.
#' @param yhigherisbetter A logical value whether higher scores indicate better
#'   treatment response on the dependent variable
#' @return A three dimensional array with cases on the first dimension,
#'   multiple estimates calculated on the second dimension, and bootstrap resamples
#'   on the third dimension.
#' @import Rcpp RcppEigen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # builtin dataset with 32 cases
#' dat <- mtcars
#' dat$cyl <- factor(dat$cyl)
#' formula <- ~ cyl + am * (mpg + hp + drat + wt)
#' DV <- "disp"
#' TreatVar <- "am"
#' k <- 50 # use a few just for speed
#' holdouts <- 1:32 # for leave-one-out
#' # for 10 fold cross-validation
#' holdouts <- by(sample(1:32), cut(1:32, ceiling(seq(from = 0, to = 32, length.out = 11))), function(x) x)
#' # remove names
#' names(holdouts) <- NULL
#' m <- lm_pai_cvboot_fit(formula, DV, TreatVar, dat, boot = TRUE, k = k, holdouts = holdouts)
#' # see result from first bootstrap resample
#' m[, , 1]
#' }
lm_pai_cvboot_fit <- function(formula, DV, TreatVar, dat, boot = TRUE, k, holdouts, yhigherisbetter = TRUE) {

  stopifnot(all(unique(dat[, TreatVar]) %in% c(0, 1)))

  res <- lapply(holdouts, function(n) {
    nholdout <- length(n)
    ntrain <- nrow(dat) - nholdout

    if (boot) {
      boot.index <- sample(1:ntrain, size = ntrain * k, replace = TRUE)
    } else {
      boot.index <- 1:ntrain
      k <- 1

    X <- model.matrix(formula, data = dat[-n, ])
    Y <- dat[-n, DV]

    preddat <- dat[c(n, n, n), ]
    # first set is for zero, second set is for one, third set is for true
    preddat[, TreatVar] <- c(rep(c(0, 1), each = nholdout), dat[n, TreatVar])

    predX <- model.matrix(formula, data = preddat)

    lapply(lapply(1:k, indexer, end = ntrain), function(i) {
      b <- fastLmPure(X[boot.index[i], ], Y[boot.index[i]])$coefficients
      ## attempt to cope when some coefficients are NA
      na.index <- which(is.na(b))
      if (length(na.index)) {
        predX <- predX[, -na.index]
        b <- b[-na.index]
      ## end attempt to cope with NA coefficients

      yhat <- as.vector(predX %*% b)
      out <- cbind(Y = dat[n, DV],
                   Treatment = dat[n, TreatVar],
                   Yhat.reality = yhat[(2 * nholdout + 1):(3 * nholdout)],
                   Yhat.0 = yhat[1:nholdout],
                   Yhat.1 = yhat[(nholdout + 1):(2 * nholdout)])
      colnames(out)[2] <- TreatVar
      out <- cbind(out,
                   Yhat.PAI = out[, "Yhat.0"] - out[, "Yhat.1"],
                   Residual = out[, "Y"] - out[, "Yhat.reality"])

      if (yhigherisbetter) {
        out <- cbind(out, Lucky = as.integer(
          ifelse(out[, "Yhat.0"] < out[, "Yhat.1"], 1, 0) ==
            out[, TreatVar]))
      } else {
        out <- cbind(out, Lucky = as.integer(
          ifelse(out[, "Yhat.0"] < out[, "Yhat.1"], 0, 1) ==
            out[, TreatVar]))

      ties <- which(out[, "Yhat.PAI"] == 0)
      if (length(ties)) {
        out[ties, "Lucky"] <- 9

  bigres <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(nrow(dat), 8L, k),
    dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(res[[1]][[1]]), NULL))

  for (i in 1:k) {
    for (j in 1:length(holdouts)) {
      bigres[holdouts[[j]], ,i] <- as.vector(res[[j]][[i]])

  class(bigres) <- c("pai", "array")


#' Calculate PAI on multiply imputed data in parallel
#' This is a simple function that wraps \code{lm_pai_cvboot}.
#' @param formula An R formula, but without dependent variable
#' @param DV a character string indicating the name of the dependent variable
#' @param TreatVar a character string indicating the name of the treatment variable
#'   (note that values must be coded as 0/1 for the treatment variable.
#' @param data A list of imputed datasets or for a single dataset, a list of one
#' @param nboot The number of bootstrap resamples to take
#' @param holdouts The holdouts to be used.  This should be a numeric list with as many elements
#'   desired for holdouts.  For example, if the list is the same length
#'   as the number of cases and each element is one case (i.e., 1, 2, \ldots, N),
#'   then it is equivalent to leave-one-out.  If there are ten elements, each containing
#'   approximately 1/10th of the sample, it is 10-fold cross validation, etc.
#'   If a single character string is passed, K-fold CV is assumed and holdouts
#'   are automatically constructed.
#' @param cl An existing cluster to use (optional)
#' @param cores The number of cores to use when creating a cluster, if an existing
#'   cluster is not passed (optional).  If left blank and no cluster passed,
#'   defaults to the number of cores available.
#' @param seed A seed to make the bootstrap reproducible
#' @param boot A logical value whether to bootstrap or not
#' @param yhigherisbetter A logical value whether higher scores indicate better
#'   treatment response on the dependent variable
#' @return A list containing a four dimensional array of the results, as well as
#'   the input parameters for the model.  For the array, the first dimension is cases,
#'   the second dimension is multiple estimates calculated, the third dimension is
#'   bootstrap resamples, and the fourth dimension is imputations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # builtin dataset with 32 cases
#' dat <- mtcars
#' dat$cyl <- factor(dat$cyl)
#' formula <- ~ cyl + am * (mpg + hp + drat + wt)
#' DV <- "disp"
#' TreatVar <- "am"
#' k <- 50 # use a few just for speed
#' holdouts <- 1:32 # for leave-one-out
#' m <- mi_lm_pai_cvboot(formula, DV, TreatVar, list(dat, dat),
#'   nboot = k, holdouts = holdouts, cores = 2)
#' }
mi_lm_pai_cvboot <- function(formula, DV, TreatVar, data, nboot = 500, holdouts,
                             cl, cores, seed = 1234, boot = TRUE, yhigherisbetter = TRUE) {

  N <- length(data)
  ncases <- nrow(data[[1]])

  if (length(holdouts) == 1 && is.character(holdouts)) {
    holdouts <- by(sample(1:ncases), cut(1:ncases,
      ceiling(seq(from = 0, to = ncases, length.out = as.numeric(holdouts) + 1))),
      function(x) x)

  if (missing(cl)) {
    if (missing(cores)) {
      cores <- detectCores()
    cl <- makeCluster(cores)

  clusterEvalQ(cl, {

  env <- environment()
  clusterExport(cl, c("formula", "DV", "TreatVar", "data", "nboot", "holdouts", "yhigherisbetter"),
    envir = env)

  clusterSetRNGStream(cl, seed)

  out <- parLapply(cl, 1:N, function(i) {
    lm_pai_cvboot_fit(formula = formula,
      DV = DV, TreatVar = TreatVar, dat = data[[i]],
      boot = boot, k = nboot, holdouts = holdouts,
      yhigherisbetter = yhigherisbetter)

  finalout <- array(NA_real_, c(dim(out[[1]]), N),
    dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(out[[1]]), NULL, NULL))

  for (i in 1:N) {
    finalout[, , , i] <- out[[i]]

  if (boot) {
    nobootout <- parLapply(cl, 1:N, function(i) {
    lm_pai_cvboot_fit(formula = formula,
      DV = DV, TreatVar = TreatVar, dat = data[[i]],
      boot = FALSE, k = 1, holdouts = holdouts,
      yhigherisbetter = yhigherisbetter)

    nobootfinalout <- array(NA_real_, c(dim(nobootout[[1]]), N),
    dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(nobootout[[1]]), NULL, NULL))

    for (i in 1:N) {
      nobootfinalout[, , , i] <- nobootout[[i]]

    res <- list(bootresults = finalout, nobootresults = nobootfinalout,
                DV = DV, TreatVar = TreatVar, nboot = nboot,
                holdouts = holdouts, seed = seed, yhigherisbetter = yhigherisbetter)

    class(res) <- c("mibootpai", "mipai", "list")

  } else {
    nobootout <- out
    nobootfinalout <- finalout

    res <- list(nobootresults = nobootfinalout,
                DV = DV, TreatVar = TreatVar, nboot = nboot,
                holdouts = holdouts, seed = seed, yhigherisbetter = yhigherisbetter)

    class(res) <- c("mipai", "list")

JWiley/pai documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:15 a.m.