
Defines functions getNumberPart mars_ls min_span max_span backward_sel_WIC backward_sel sand_fun score_fun_gee score_fun_glm stat_out_score_glm_null stat_out_score_null stat_out tp2 tp1

Documented in backward_sel backward_sel_WIC getNumberPart mars_ls max_span min_span sand_fun score_fun_gee score_fun_glm stat_out stat_out_score_glm_null stat_out_score_null tp1 tp2

# MARGE_package.r
# Source file for the "marge" R-package.

# Required R-packages.


#' @title Blue Mountains presence-absence data for the plant species \emph{Leptospermum trinervium}.
#' @description These data are binary (presence-absence) data collected on plant species for 8,678 sites located in the Blue Mountains region. It also contains environmental predictor variables collected at each site. There are are 1,751 absences and 6,927 presences. The `leptrine` data consists of training and test sets, such that \eqn{N} = 4,339. The nine environmental predictor variables given here have all been standardized.
#' @format A list containing two \code{matrices}: the training data with 4,339 observations and 9 columns, and the test data with 4,339 observations and 10 columns (it includes a column of zeroes for the intercept term). The columns are defined as follows:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{RAIN_DRY_QTR}}{Recorded rainfall for the driest quater for each site.}
#' \item{\code{FC}}{Recorded number of fire counts for each site.}
#' \item{\code{TMP_MIN}}{Recorded minimum temperatures for each site.}
#' \item{\code{TMP_SEAS}}{Recorded seasonal temperature for each site.}
#' \item{\code{TMP_MN_WARM_QTR}}{Recorded minimum temperature for the warmest quater for each site.}
#' \item{\code{RAIN_WET_QTR}}{Recorded rainfall for the westest quater for each site.}
#' \item{\code{TMP_MN_COLD_QTR}}{Recorded minimum temperature for the coldest quater for each site.}
#' \item{\code{TMP_MAX}}{Recorded maximum temperature for each site.}
#' \item{\code{TMP_MN}}{Recorded minimum temperature for each site.}
#' \item{\code{Y}}{Presence-absence for the plant species \emph{Leptospermum trinervium} for each site.}
#' }
#' @source The Blue Mountains presence-absence data for the species \emph{Leptospermum trinervium} were obtained from \url{http://www.bionet.nsw.gov.au/}. Environmental data for Blue Mountains region: DRYAD entry doi:10.5061/dryad.985s5.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @examples # Load the data.
#' data(leptrine)
#' dat1 <- leptrine[[1]]  # Training data.
#' Y <- dat1$Y            # Response variable.
#' N <- length(Y)         # Sample size (number of clusters).
#' n <- 1                 # Cluster size.
#' id <- rep(1:N, each = n)  # The ID of each cluster.
#' X_pred <- dat1[, -c(3:10)]  # Design matrix using only two (of nine) predictors.
#' # Set MARGE tuning parameters.
#' family <- "binomial"   # The selected "exponential" family for the GLM/GEE.
#' is.gee <- FALSE        # Is the model a GEE?
#' nb <- FALSE            # Is this a negative binomial model?
#' tols_score <- 0.0001   # A set tolerance (stopping condition) in forward pass for MARGE.
#' M <- 21                # A set threshold for the maximum number of basis functions to be used.
#' print.disp <- FALSE    # Print ALL the output?
#' pen <- 2               # Penalty to be used in GCV.
#' minspan <- NULL        # A set minimum span value.
#' # Fit the MARGE models (about ~ 30 secs.)
#' mod <- marge(X_pred, Y, N, n, id, family, corstr, pen, tols_score,
#'              M, minspan, print.disp, nb, is.gee)

#' tp1
#' Truncated p-th power function (positive part).
#' @name tp1
#' @param x : a vector of predictor variable values.
#' @param t : a specified knot value.
#' @param p : the pth degree of the polynomial considered.
#' @return \code{tp1} returns a vector of values that have been transformed using a truncated p-th power function (positive part) for a specified knot value.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{tp2}}
#' @examples data(leptrine)
#' dat1 <- leptrine[[1]]
#' X_pred <- dat1[, 1]   # One predictor used.
#' tp1(X_pred, 1)      # Knot value set at x = 1.
tp1 <- function(x, t, p = 1) ((x - t)^p)*(x > t)

#' tp2
#' Truncated p-th power function (negative part).
#' @name tp2
#' @param x : a predictor variable value.
#' @param t : a specified knot value.
#' @param p : the pth degree of the polynomial considered.
#' @return \code{tp2} returns a vector of values that have been transformed using a truncated p-th power function (negative part) for a specified knot value.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{tp1}}
#' @examples data(leptrine)
#' dat1 <- leptrine[[1]]
#' X_pred <- dat1[, 1]    # One predictor used.
#' tp2(X_pred, 1)       # Knot value set at x = 1.
tp2 <- function(x, t, p = 1) ((t - x)^p)*(x < t)

#' stat_out
#' Fits a linear regression model and calculates RSS/GCV measures (used for MARS linear models).
#' @name stat_out
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param B1 : the model matrix of predictor variables.
#' @param TSS : total sum of squares.
#' @param GCV.null : GCV value for the intercept model.
#' @param pen : the set/fixed penalty used for the GCV (the default is 2).
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details See the \code{earth} package for more details on the output measures calculated here.
#' @return \code{stat_out} returns a list of values, consisting of: RSS, RSSq1, GCV1 and GCVq1 values for the fitted model.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Milborrow, S. (2017a). Notes on the \code{earth} package. Package vignette. Available at: \url{}.
#' @references Milborrow, S. (2017b). \code{earth}: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. R package version 4.4.7. Available at \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package = earth.}
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_out_score_null}} and \code{\link{stat_out_score_glm_null}}
stat_out <- function(Y, B1, TSS, GCV.null, pen = 2, ...) {
  N <- length(Y)
  reg <- stats::lm.fit(B1, Y, ...)

  if (sum(is.na(reg$coef)) > 0) RSS1 = RSSq1 = GCV1 = GCVq1 = NA
  if (sum(is.na(reg$coef)) == 0) {
    df1a <- ncol(B1) + pen*(ncol(B1) - 1)/2  # This matches the earth() package, SAS and Friedman (1991) penalty.

    RSS1 <- sum((Y - stats::fitted(reg))^2)
    RSSq1 <- 1 - RSS1/TSS

    GCV1 <- RSS1/(N*(1 - (df1a)/N)^2)
    GCVq1 <- 1 - GCV1/GCV.null

  list(RSS1 = RSS1, RSSq1 = round(RSSq1, 10), GCV1 = GCV1, GCVq1 = round(GCVq1, 10))

#' stat_out_score_null
#' A function that calculates parts for the score statistic for GEEs (it is used for the full path for forward selection).
#' @name stat_out_score_null
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param N : the number of clusters.
#' @param n : the maximum cluster size.
#' @param id : the ID for each individual in the cluster.
#' @param family : the specified "exponential" family for GLMs. The default is \code{family = "gaussian"}.
#' @param corstr : the specified "working correlation" structure. The default is \code{corstr = "independence"}.
#' @param B_null : model matrix under the null model.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param is.gee : a logical argument, is this a GEE model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details The null model used here is by definition the current parent model. We compare the alternative model (a new basis function combined with the parent) with the null model. In the code used, only the null model is fit (the dispersion parameter is also estimated for GEE) and then the score statistic is obtained.
#' @return \code{stat_out_score_null} returns a list of values (mainly products of matrices) that make up the final score statistic calculation (required for another function).
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Stoklosa, J., Gibb, H. and Warton, D.I. (2014). Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables. \emph{Biometrics}, \strong{70}, 110--120.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_out}} and \code{\link{stat_out_score_glm_null}}
stat_out_score_null <- function(Y, N, n, id, family = "gaussian", corstr = "independence", B_null, nb = FALSE, is.gee = FALSE, ...) {
  n_vec <- as.numeric(table(id))

  if (is.gee == TRUE) {
    if (family == "gaussian") {
      ests <- geepack::geeglm(Y ~ B_null - 1, id = id, corstr = corstr, ...)
      alpha.est <- ests$geese$alpha
    if (family != "gaussian") {
      ests <- geepack::geeglm(Y ~ B_null - 1, id = id, family = family, corstr = corstr, ...)
      alpha.est <- ests$geese$alpha

    mu.est <- as.matrix(stats::fitted.values(ests))

  if (is.gee == FALSE) {
    if (nb == TRUE) {
      ests <- gamlss::gamlss(Y ~ B_null - 1, family = "NBI", trace = FALSE)
      mu.est <- as.matrix(stats::fitted.values(ests))
    if (nb == FALSE) {
      if (family == "gaussian") ests <- stats::glm.fit(B_null, Y, ...)
      if (family == "binomial") ests <- stats::glm.fit(B_null, Y, family = binomial(link = "logit"), ...)
      if (family == "poisson") ests <- stats::glm.fit(B_null, Y, family = poisson(link = "log"), ...)
      mu.est <- as.matrix(stats::fitted.values(ests))
    alpha.est <- 1

  if (family == "gaussian") V.est <- rep(1, nrow(mu.est))
  if (family == "binomial") V.est <- mu.est*(1 - mu.est)
  if (family == "poisson") {
    if (nb == FALSE) V.est <- mu.est
    if (nb == TRUE) V.est <- mu.est*(1 + mu.est*(exp(ests$sigma.coef)))

  p <- ncol(B_null)
  n_vec1 <- c(0, n_vec)

  VS.est_list <- list()
  AWA.est_list <- list()
  J2_list <- list()
  Sigma2_list <- list()

  J11 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
  Sigma11 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)

  for (i in 1:N) {
    k <- sum(n_vec[1:i])
    if (corstr == "independence") R_alpha <- diag(1, nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])
    if (corstr == "exchangeable") R_alpha <- matrix(c(rep(alpha.est, n_vec[i]*n_vec[i])), ncol = n_vec[i]) + diag(c(1 - alpha.est), ncol = n_vec[i], nrow = n_vec[i])
    if (corstr == "ar1") R_alpha <- alpha.est^outer(1:n_vec[i], 1:n_vec[i], function(x, y) abs(x - y))

    V.est_i <- diag(sqrt(V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%R_alpha%*%diag(sqrt(V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])
    V.est_i_inv <- chol2inv(chol(V.est_i))

    S.est_i <- c(t(Y))[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k] - mu.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]

    AWA.est_i <- V.est_i_inv%*%(S.est_i%*%t(S.est_i))%*%V.est_i_inv

    if (nb == FALSE) D.est_i <- diag((V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%B_null[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k, ]
    if (nb == TRUE) D.est_i <- diag((mu.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%B_null[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k, ]

    J1_i <- t(D.est_i)%*%V.est_i_inv%*%D.est_i
    J11 <- J11 + J1_i
    J2_i <- t(D.est_i)%*%V.est_i_inv

    Sigma1_i <- t(D.est_i)%*%AWA.est_i%*%(D.est_i)
    Sigma11 <- Sigma11 + Sigma1_i
    Sigma2_i <- t(D.est_i)%*%AWA.est_i

    VS.est_list <- c(VS.est_list, list(V.est_i_inv%*%S.est_i))
    AWA.est_list <- c(AWA.est_list, list(AWA.est_i))

    J2_list <- c(J2_list, list(J2_i))
    Sigma2_list <- c(Sigma2_list, list(Sigma2_i))

  J11.inv <- chol2inv(chol(J11))

  JSigma11 <- J11.inv%*%Sigma11%*%J11.inv

  list(VS.est_list = VS.est_list, AWA.est_list = AWA.est_list, J2_list = J2_list, J11.inv = J11.inv, Sigma2_list = Sigma2_list, JSigma11 = JSigma11, mu.est = mu.est, V.est = V.est)

#' stat_out_score_glm_null
#' @description A function that calculates parts of the score statistic for GLMs only (it is used for the full path for forward selection).
#' @name stat_out_score_glm_null
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param family : the specified "exponential" family for the GLM. The default is \code{family = "gaussian"}.
#' @param B_null : model matrix under the null model.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{stat_out_score_glm_null} returns a list of values (mainly products of matrices) that make up the final score statistic calculation (required for another function).
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Stoklosa, J., Gibb, H. and Warton, D.I. (2014). Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables. \emph{Biometrics}, \strong{70}, 110--120.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_out}} and \code{\link{stat_out_score_glm_null}}
stat_out_score_glm_null <- function(Y, family = "gaussian", B_null, nb = FALSE, ...) {
  if (nb == TRUE) {
    ests <- gamlss::gamlss(Y ~ B_null - 1, family = "NBI", trace = FALSE)
    mu.est <- as.matrix(stats::fitted.values(ests))
  if (nb == FALSE) {
    if (family == "gaussian") ests <- stats::glm.fit(B_null, Y, ...)
    if (family == "binomial") ests <- stats::glm.fit(B_null, Y, family = binomial(link = "logit"), ...)
    if (family == "poisson") ests <- stats::glm.fit(B_null, Y, family = poisson(link = "log"), ...)
    mu.est <- as.matrix(stats::fitted.values(ests))

  if (family == "gaussian") V.est <- rep(1, nrow(mu.est))
  if (family == "binomial") V.est <- mu.est*(1 - mu.est)
  if (family == "poisson") {
    if (nb == FALSE) V.est <- mu.est
    if (nb == TRUE) V.est <- mu.est*(1 + mu.est*(exp(ests$sigma.coef)))

  VS.est_list <- (c(Y) - c(mu.est))/V.est

  if (nb == FALSE) {
    A_list <- chol2inv(chol((t(B_null)%*%diag(c(V.est))%*%B_null)))
    B1_list <- t(B_null)%*%diag(c(V.est))

  if (nb == TRUE) {
    A_list <- chol2inv(chol((t(B_null)%*%diag(c(mu.est^2/V.est))%*%B_null)))
    B1_list <- t(B_null)%*%diag(c(mu.est^2/V.est))

  list(VS.est_list = VS.est_list, A_list = A_list, B1_list = B1_list, mu.est = mu.est, V.est = V.est)

#' score_fun_glm
#' Given estimates from the null model fit and the design matrix for alternative model, find the score statistic (this is used for GLMs only).
#' @name score_fun_glm
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param N : the number of clusters.
#' @param VS.est_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param A_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param B1_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param mu.est : estimates of the fitted mean under the null model.
#' @param V.est : estimates of the fitted variance under the null model.
#' @param B1 : model matrix under the null model.
#' @param XA : model matrix under the alternative model.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{score_fun_glm} returns a calculated score statistic for the null and alternative model when fitting a GLM.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Stoklosa, J., Gibb, H. and Warton, D.I. (2014). Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables. \emph{Biometrics}, \strong{70}, 110--120.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{score_fun_gee}}
score_fun_glm <- function(Y, N, VS.est_list, A_list, B1_list, mu.est, V.est, B1, XA, nb = FALSE, ...) {
  reg <- try(stats::lm.fit(B1, Y, ...), silent = TRUE)  # This is not the model fit!! It just checks whether any issues occur for a simple linear regression model.

  if (class(reg)[1] == "try-error") score <- NA

  if (class(reg)[1] != "try-error" & sum(is.na(reg$coef)) > 0) score <- NA

  if (class(reg)[1] != "try-error" & sum(is.na(reg$coef)) == 0) {
    VS.est_i <- unlist(VS.est_list)
    A_list_i <- unlist(A_list)
    B1_list_i <- unlist(B1_list)

    B_list_i <- B1_list_i%*%XA

    if (nb == FALSE) {
      D_list_i <- t(XA)%*%(XA*c(V.est))
      inv.XVX_22 <- (D_list_i - t(B_list_i)%*%A_list_i%*%B_list_i)
      B.est <- t(V.est*VS.est_i)%*%XA
    if (nb == TRUE) {
      D_list_i <- t(XA)%*%(XA*c((mu.est^2/V.est)))
      inv.XVX_22 <- (D_list_i - t(B_list_i)%*%A_list_i%*%B_list_i)
      B.est <- t(((mu.est))*VS.est_i)%*%XA

    if (N < 1500) score <- (B.est)%*%MASS::ginv(inv.XVX_22)%*%t(B.est)
    if (N > 1500) score <- (B.est)%*%chol2inv(chol(inv.XVX_22))%*%t(B.est)

  list(score = score)

#' score_fun_gee
#' Given estimates from the null and the design matrix from alternative model, find the score statistic (this is used for GEEs only).
#' @name score_fun_gee
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param N : the number of clusters.
#' @param n_vec : a vector consisting of the cluster sizes for each cluster.
#' @param VS.est_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param AWA.est_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param J2_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param Sigma2_list : a product of matrices.
#' @param J11.inv : a product of matrices.
#' @param JSigma11 : a product of matrices.
#' @param mu.est : estimates of the fitted mean under the null model.
#' @param V.est : estimates of the fitted variance under the null model.
#' @param B1 : model matrix under the null model.
#' @param XA : model matrix under the alternative model.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{score_fun_gee} returns a calculated score statistic for the null and alternative model when fitting a GEE.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @references Stoklosa, J., Gibb, H. and Warton, D.I. (2014). Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables. \emph{Biometrics}, \strong{70}, 110--120.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{score_fun_glm}}
score_fun_gee <- function(Y, N, n_vec, VS.est_list, AWA.est_list, J2_list, Sigma2_list, J11.inv, JSigma11, mu.est, V.est, B1, XA, nb = FALSE, ...) {
  reg <- try(stats::lm.fit(B1, Y, ...), silent = TRUE)  # This is not the model fit!! It just checks whether any issues occur for a simple linear regression model.

  if (class(reg)[1] == "try-error") score <- NA

  if (class(reg)[1] != "try-error" & sum(is.na(reg$coef)) > 0) score <- NA

  if (class(reg)[1] != "try-error" & sum(is.na(reg$coef)) == 0) {
    p <- ncol(XA)
    p1 <- ncol(B1) - ncol(XA)

    n_vec1 <- c(0, n_vec)
    n <- max(n_vec)

    B.est <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = 1)
    Sigma22 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)

    J21 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p1)
    Sigma21 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p1)

    for (i in 1:N) {
      k <- sum(n_vec[1:i])

      VS.est_i <- VS.est_list[[i]]
      AWA.est_i <- AWA.est_list[[i]]
      J2_i <- J2_list[[i]]
      Sigma2_i <- Sigma2_list[[i]]

      if (nb == FALSE) D.est_i <- diag((V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%XA[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k, ]
      if (nb == TRUE) D.est_i <- diag((mu.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%XA[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k, ]

      J21 <- J21 + t(D.est_i)%*%t(J2_i)
      Sigma21 <- Sigma21 + t(D.est_i)%*%t(Sigma2_i)

      B.est <- B.est + t(D.est_i)%*%VS.est_i
      Sigma22 <- Sigma22 + t(D.est_i)%*%AWA.est_i%*%(D.est_i)

    Sigma <- Sigma22 - (J21%*%J11.inv)%*%t(Sigma21) - (Sigma21%*%J11.inv)%*%t(J21) + J21%*%JSigma11%*%t(J21)

    score <- t(B.est)%*%MASS::ginv(Sigma)%*%B.est

  list(score = score)

#' sand_fun
#' A function that calculates the sandwich (or Pan's) standard error using estimates from the fitted GEE under an independent working correlation.
#' @name sand_fun
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param X : the model matrix.
#' @param N : the number of clusters.
#' @param n_vec : a vector consisting of the cluster sizes for each cluster.
#' @param mu.est : estimates of the fitted mean function under the null model.
#' @param V.est : estimates of the fitted variance function under the null model.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param omega : a regularization constant that is applied if data is of high dimension (n>N). The default is \code{omega = 1}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{sand_fun} returns the sandwich (or Pan's) standard error using estimates from the fitted GEE under an independent working correlation.
#' @details This function was used for the Arthropod example.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Liang, K. Y. and Zeger, S. L. (1986). Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models. \emph{Biometrika}, \strong{73}, 13--22.
#' @references Stoklosa, J., Gibb, H. and Warton, D.I. (2014). Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables. \emph{Biometrics}, \strong{70}, 110--120.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
sand_fun <- function(Y, X, N, n_vec, mu.est, V.est, nb = TRUE, omega = 1, ...) {
  n <- max(n_vec)
  n_vec1 <- c(0, n_vec)
  p <- ncol(X)

  A.est <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
  C.est <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
  R_u <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)

  for (i in 1:N) {
    k <- sum(n_vec[1:i])
    V.est_i <- diag(sqrt(V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%diag(n)%*%diag(sqrt(V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])
    if (nb == FALSE) D.est_i <- diag((V.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%X[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k, ]
    if (nb == TRUE) D.est_i <- diag((mu.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]), nrow = n_vec[i], ncol = n_vec[i])%*%X[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k, ]

    S.est_i <- Y[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k] - mu.est[(sum(n_vec1[1:i]) + 1):k]
    A.est1 <- t(D.est_i)%*%chol2inv(chol(V.est_i))%*%D.est_i
    C.est1 <- t(D.est_i)%*%chol2inv(chol(V.est_i))%*%(S.est_i%*%t(S.est_i))%*%chol2inv(chol(V.est_i))%*%D.est_i
    A.est <- A.est + A.est1
    C.est <- C.est + C.est1

  # Pan's Robust modification estimator.

  V_est <- MASS::ginv(A.est)%*%C.est%*%MASS::ginv(A.est)

  list(V_est = V_est)

#' backward_sel
#' Backward selection function for MARS that uses the generalized cross validation criterion (GCV).
#' @name backward_sel
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param B_new : the model matrix.
#' @param pen : the set/fixed penalty used for the GCV. The default is 2.
#' @param GCV.null : GCV value for the intercept model. The default is 0.001.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{backward_sel} returns the GCV from the fitted model.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Milborrow, S. (2017a). Notes on the \code{earth} package. Package vignette. Available at: \url{}.
#' @references Milborrow, S. (2017b). \code{earth}: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. R package version 4.4.7. Available at \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package = earth.}
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{backward_sel_WIC}}
backward_sel <- function(Y, B_new, pen = 2, GCV.null = 0.001, ...) {
  N <- length(Y)

  GCV1 <- c()

  for (j in 1:(ncol(B_new) - 1)) {
    B_new1 <- as.matrix(B_new[, -(j + 1)])
    mod1 <- stats::lm.fit(B_new1, Y, ...)
    RSS_back <- sum((Y - stats::fitted(mod1))^2)

    p <- ncol(B_new1) + pen*(ncol(B_new1) - 1)/2  # This matches the earth() package, SAS and Friedman (1991) penalty.

    GCV1 <- c(GCV1, 1 - (RSS_back/(N*(1 - p/N)^2))/GCV.null)


#' backward_sel_WIC
#' Backward selection function for MARGE - uses the Wald information criterion (WIC).
#' @name backward_sel_WIC
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param N : the number of clusters.
#' @param n : the maximum cluster size.
#' @param B_new : the model matrix.
#' @param id : the ID for each individual in the cluster.
#' @param family : the specified "exponential" family for the GLM. The default is \code{family = "gaussian"}.
#' @param corstr :the specified "working correlation" structure. The default is \code{corstr = "independence"}.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param is.gee : is this a GEE model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{backward_sel_WIC} returns the Wald statistic from the fitted model (the penalty is applied later on).
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton
#' @references Stoklosa, J. Gibb, H. Warton, D.I. Fast forward selection for Generalized Estimating Equations With a Large Number of Predictor Variables. \emph{Biometrics}, \strong{70}, 110--120.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{backward_sel}}
backward_sel_WIC <- function(Y, N, n, B_new, id, family = "gaussian", corstr = "independence", nb = FALSE, is.gee = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.gee == FALSE) {
    if (nb == FALSE) {
      fit <- stats::glm(c(t(Y)) ~ B_new - 1, family = family, ...)
      wald1 <- (summary(fit)[12]$coef[-1, 3])^2
    if (nb == TRUE) {
      fit <- gamlss::gamlss(Y ~ B_new - 1, family = "NBI", trace = FALSE, ...)
      if (n == 1) wald1 <- ((as.matrix(summary(fit))[, 3])[-c(1, nrow(as.matrix(summary(fit))))])^2
      if (n > 1) { # Set this way specifically for the Arthropod data example.
        n_vec <- as.numeric(table(id))
        mu.est <- as.matrix(stats::fitted.values(fit))
        V.est <- mu.est*(1 + mu.est*(exp(fit$sigma.coef)))
        wald1 <- (fit$mu.coefficients[-1]/c(sqrt(diag(sand_fun(Y, B_new, N, n_vec, mu.est, V.est, T)$V_est)))[-1])^2

  if (is.gee == TRUE) {
    if (family == "gaussian") {
      fit <- geepack::geeglm(Y ~ B_new - 1, id = id, corstr = corstr, ...)
      wald1 <- (summary(fit)[6]$coef[-1, 3])^2
    if (family != "gaussian") {
      fit <- geepack::geeglm(Y ~ B_new - 1, id = id, family = family, corstr = corstr, ...)
      wald1 <- (summary(fit)[6]$coef[-1, 3])^2


#' max_span
#' Truncates the predictor variable value to exclude extreme values in knots selection.
#' @name max_span
#' @param X_pred : a vector of values for the predictor variable.
#' @param q : the number of predictors used.
#' @param alpha : see Friedman (1991) equation (45). The default is 0.05.
#' @details Note that this equation comes from Friedman (1991) equation (45).
#' @return \code{max_span} returns a vector of truncated predictor variable values.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
max_span <- function(X_pred, q, alpha = 0.05) {
  N <- length(unique(X_pred))
  x <- sort(unique(X_pred))

  maxspan <- round((3 - log2(alpha/q)))

  x_new <- x[-c(1:maxspan, abs(floor(N - maxspan + 1):N))]

  if (length(x_new) == 0) return(x)
  if (length(x_new) > 0) return(x_new)

#' min_span
#' A truncation function applied on the predictor variable for knot selection.
#' @name min_span
#' @param X_red : a vector of reduced predictor variable values.
#' @param q : the number of predictor variables used.
#' @param minspan : the set minimum span value. The default is \code{minspan = NULL}.
#' @param alpha : see Friedman (1991) equation (43). The default is 0.05.
#' @details  This function selects a minimum span between the knots to mitigate runs of correlated noise in the input data and hence avoiding estimation issues, this equation comes from Friedman (1991) equation 43.
#' @return \code{min_span} returns a vector of truncated predictor variable values.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
min_span <- function(X_red, q, minspan = NULL, alpha = 0.05) {
  N <- length((X_red))
  x <- sort((X_red))

  if (is.null(minspan)) minspan <- round((-log2(-(1/(q*N))*log(1 - alpha))/2.5))
  if (!is.null(minspan)) minspan <- minspan

  okA <- TRUE
  x_new <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  cc <- 1

  while(okA) {
    if ((cc + minspan) > length(x)) {
      okA <- FALSE
    x_new1 <- x[cc + (minspan + 1)]
    x_new <- c(x_new, x_new1)
    cc <- cc + (minspan + 1)


#' mars_ls
#' MARS estimation function for independent Gaussian response data. If non-Gaussian response data is used and a family function is specified (i.e., a GLM is used) then \code{mars_ls} applies a \code{glm} on the final selected basis function.
#' @name mars_ls
#' @param X_pred : a matrix of the predictor variables (note that this matrix excludes the intercept term).
#' @param Y : the response variable.
#' @param pen : a set penalty that is used for the GCV. The default is 2.
#' @param tols : a set tolerance for monitoring the convergence for the RSS between the parent and candidate model (this is the lack-of-fit criterion used for MARS). The default is 0.00001.
#' @param M : a set threshold for the number of basis functions to be used. The default is 21.
#' @param minspan : a set minimum span value. The default is \code{minspan = NULL}.
#' @param print.disp : a logical argument, do you want to print the output? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param family : the specified "exponential" family if a GLM is used (only applied on the final model fit). The default is \code{family = "gaussian"}.
#' @param nb : a logical argument, is the model a negative binomial model? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... : further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details Note that no argument is provided for an "additive structure only" model but one could just use the \code{gam()} function from \code{mgcv} instead.
#' @return \code{mars_ls} returns a list of calculated values consisting of:
#' @return \code{B_final} : the final selected basis model matrix.
#' @return \code{GCV_mat} : a matrix of GCV values for each fitted model.
#' @return \code{min_GCV_own} : the GCV for the final selected model.
#' @return \code{y_pred} : the fitted values from the final selected model.
#' @return \code{final_mod} : the final selected model matrix.
#' @author Jakub Stoklosa and David I. Warton.
#' @references Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, \strong{19}, 1--67.
#' @references Milborrow, S. (2017a). Notes on the \code{earth} package. Package vignette. Available at: \url{}.
#' @references Milborrow, S. (2017b). \code{earth}: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. R package version 4.4.7. Available at \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package = earth.}
#' @references Stoklosa, J. and Warton, D.I. (2018). A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \strong{27}, 245--253.
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{marge}}
#' @examples # Load the "leptrine" presence-absence data.
#' data(leptrine)
#' dat1 <- leptrine[[1]]  # Training data.
#' Y <- dat1$Y            # Response variable.
#' X_pred <- dat1[, -c(3:10)]  # Design matrix using only two (of nine) predictors.
#' # Set MARS tuning parameters.
#' family <- "binomial"   # The selected "exponential" family.
#' nb <- FALSE            # Is this a negative binomial model?
#' tols <- 0.0001         # A set tolerance (stopping condition) in the forward pass for MARS.
#' M <- 21                # A set threshold for the maximum number of basis functions to be used.
#' print.disp <- FALSE    # Print ALL the output?
#' pen <- 2               # Penalty to be used in GCV.
#' minspan <- NULL        # A set minimum span value.
#' # Fit the MARS models (about ~ 20 secs.)
#' mod <- mars_ls(X_pred, Y, pen, tols, M, minspan, print.disp, family, nb)
mars_ls <- function(X_pred, Y, pen = 2, tols = 0.00001, M = 21, minspan = NULL, print.disp = FALSE, family = "gaussian", nb = FALSE, ...) {
  N <- length(Y)    # Sample size.
  q <- ncol(X_pred)  # No. of predictor variables.

  # Algorithm 2 (forward pass) as in Friedman (1991). Build an overfitted model using Rsq as the lack-of-fit (LOF).

  B <- as.matrix(rep(1, N)) # Start with the intercept model.

  colnames(B) <- c("Intercept")
  var_name_vec <- c("Intercept")
  var_name_list <- list("Intercept")
  B_names_vec <- c("Intercept")
  min_knot_vec <- c("Intercept")
  pred.name_vec <- c("Intercept")
  cut_vec <- c("Intercept")
  trunc.type_vec <- c(1)
  is.int_vec <- c("FALSE")
  mod_struct <- c(1)      # Univariate (1) or interaction (2).

  # Null model setup - find the RSS, GCV and df. So initialize everything!

  B_null <- as.matrix(rep(1, N))
  RSS_term <- c(sum((Y - stats::fitted(stats::lm.fit(B_null, Y, ...)))^2))
  TSS <- sum((Y - mean(Y))^2)
  RSSq_term <- c(1 - RSS_term[1]/TSS)
  df1 <- 1                     # Set DF to 1.
  GCV_term <- c(RSS_term/(N*(1 - df1/N)^2))
  GCVq_term <- c(0)
  GCV.null <- GCV_term[1]

  m <- 1
  k <- 1
  breakFlag <- FALSE
  ok <- TRUE
  int.count <- 0

  # Starting with loop 1 of algorithm considers terms (M). If model exceeds no. of set M we then terminate the loop.

  while(ok) {
    if (breakFlag == TRUE) break

    var.mod_temp <- c()
    RSSq_term_temp <- c()
    GCVq_term_temp <- c()
    min_knot_vec_temp <- c()
    int.count1_temp <- c()
    is.int_temp <- c()
    trunc.type_temp <- c()

    B_new_list_temp <- list()
    var_name_list1_temp <- list()
    B_names_temp <- list()
    X_red_temp <- list()
    B_temp_list <- list()

    # Loop 2 of algorithm considers all predictor variables in the data (q). Start with first variable.
    # Note that variables can be repeated in the model, but cannot interact with itself (it doesn't
    # really makes sense for it too anyway)!

    for (v in 1:q) {
      var_name <- colnames(X_pred)[v]
      X <- round(X_pred[, v], 4)           # Round to 4 digits (to match earth()). X starts the new basis.

      # These next few bits truncate the knot selection space: (1) reduce the space between knots and (2) chop off ends bits.

      X_red1 <- min_span(c(round(X, 4)), q, minspan) # Reduce the space between knots.
      X_red2 <- max_span(c(round(X, 4)), q) # Truncate the ends of data to avoid extreme values.

      X_red <- intersect(X_red1, X_red2)

      RSSq_knot_both_int_mat <- c()
      RSSq_knot_both_add_mat <- c()
      RSSq_knot_one_int_mat <- c()
      RSSq_knot_one_add_mat <- c()
      GCVq_knot_both_int_mat <- c()
      GCVq_knot_both_add_mat <- c()
      GCVq_knot_one_int_mat <- c()
      GCVq_knot_one_add_mat <- c()

      int.count1 <- 0

      # This next bit is an indicator to check if the new variable can interact with any other variable already in the set. 0 = no and >0, possible.

      if (ncol(B) > 1) in.set <- sum(!var_name_vec%in%var_name)
      if (ncol(B) == 1) in.set <- 0

      # Loop 3 of algorithm considers ALL the knot locations (after trim) of the chosen variable in the current loop. The stratergy is simple for
      # each knot find the lack-of-fit measures, and compare these with separate fitted additive and interactions models.

      for (t in 1:length(X_red)) {
        b1_new <- matrix(tp1(X, X_red[t]), ncol = 1)  # Pairs of truncated power basis functions, positive and negative functions (first or both must be considered).
        b2_new <- matrix(tp2(X, X_red[t]), ncol = 1)

        RSSq_knot_both_int <- c()
        RSSq_knot_both_add <- c()
        RSSq_knot_one_int <- c()
        RSSq_knot_one_add <- c()
        GCVq_knot_both_int <- c()
        GCVq_knot_both_add <- c()
        GCVq_knot_one_int <- c()
        GCVq_knot_one_add <- c()

        # Find statistics for additive models only here, in fact this is only used once after initial entry of first variable, and used again if first variable was chosen.

        if (in.set == 0) {
          B_new_both_add <- cbind(B, b1_new, b2_new)   # Additive model with both truncated functions.
          B_new_one_add <- cbind(B, b1_new)         # Additive model with one truncated function (positive part).

          meas_model_both_add <- stat_out(Y, B_new_both_add, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...) # Calculates the required stats.
          meas_model_one_add <- stat_out(Y, B_new_one_add, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)

          RSSq_knot_both_add <- c(RSSq_knot_both_add, meas_model_both_add$RSSq1)
          RSSq_knot_one_add <- c(RSSq_knot_one_add, meas_model_one_add$RSSq1)
          GCVq_knot_both_add <- c(GCVq_knot_both_add, meas_model_both_add$GCVq1)
          GCVq_knot_one_add <- c(GCVq_knot_one_add, meas_model_one_add$GCVq1)

          RSSq_knot_both_int = RSSq_knot_one_int <- -10000      # Since no other vars. in the set then no interaction possible. Let the measures be some huge negative number.
          GCVq_knot_both_int = GCVq_knot_one_int <- -10000

        # Find LOF measures for all basis with interactions. Need to also fit additive models (they are candidates too)!

        if (in.set > 0) {
          var_name_struct <- which(((var_name != var_name_vec)*mod_struct) == 1)  # This ensures that an interaction with the same variable is not included in the new basis.
          colnames(B)[1] <- c("")
          B2 <- as.matrix(B[, var_name_struct])
          if (k != 1 & (sum(!var_name_vec[-1]%in%var_name) > 0)) B2 <- as.matrix(B2[, -1])
          if (ncol(B2) == 0) B2 <- as.matrix(B[, 1])

          for (nn in 1:ncol(B2)) {
            B2a <- matrix(rep(B2[, nn], 2), ncol = 2)  # This is a basis function for potential parent basis. Need both part (hinges) here.
            B2b <- matrix(B2[, nn], ncol = 1)
            B_new_both_int <- cbind(B, B2a*cbind(b1_new, b2_new))
            B_new_one_int <- cbind(B, B2b*b1_new)     # Interaction model with one truncated function (the positive part).

            meas_model_both_int <- stat_out(Y, B_new_both_int, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)
            meas_model_one_int <- stat_out(Y, B_new_one_int, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)

            RSSq_knot_both_int <- c(RSSq_knot_both_int, meas_model_both_int$RSSq1)
            RSSq_knot_one_int <- c(RSSq_knot_one_int, meas_model_one_int$RSSq1)
            GCVq_knot_both_int <- c(GCVq_knot_both_int, meas_model_both_int$GCVq1)
            GCVq_knot_one_int <- c(GCVq_knot_one_int, meas_model_one_int$GCVq1)

          B_new_both_add <- cbind(B, b1_new, b2_new)
          B_new_one_add <- cbind(B, b1_new)
          meas_model_both_add <- stat_out(Y, B_new_both_add, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)
          meas_model_one_add <- stat_out(Y, B_new_one_add, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)
          RSSq_knot_both_add <- c(RSSq_knot_both_add, meas_model_both_add$RSSq1)
          RSSq_knot_one_add <- c(RSSq_knot_one_add, meas_model_one_add$RSSq1)
          GCVq_knot_both_add <- c(GCVq_knot_both_add, meas_model_both_add$GCVq1)
          GCVq_knot_one_add <- c(GCVq_knot_one_add, meas_model_one_add$GCVq1)

        # This next bit combines all lack-of-fit (LOF) measures that were found for each knot (t).

        RSSq_knot_both_int_mat <- rbind(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, RSSq_knot_both_int)
        RSSq_knot_both_add_mat <- rbind(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, RSSq_knot_both_add)
        RSSq_knot_one_int_mat <- rbind(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, RSSq_knot_one_int)
        RSSq_knot_one_add_mat <- rbind(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, RSSq_knot_one_add)
        GCVq_knot_both_int_mat <- rbind(GCVq_knot_both_int_mat, GCVq_knot_both_int)
        GCVq_knot_both_add_mat <- rbind(GCVq_knot_both_add_mat, GCVq_knot_both_add)
        GCVq_knot_one_int_mat <- rbind(GCVq_knot_one_int_mat, GCVq_knot_one_int)
        GCVq_knot_one_add_mat <- rbind(GCVq_knot_one_add_mat, GCVq_knot_one_add)
      } # Loop for t ends here.

      # These four conditions are used to determine whether we include interactions (first) or additive parts only to the model, Then they look further by checking
      # which trunctions to include for each parent basis in the set - i.e., one truncated function or both. All must be tested/checked for FUBR (NA) results!!!
      # We apply the parsimonious principle here in case of tied measures - i.e., choose: additive model > interaction model, and one variable model > two variable model.

      if (sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, 1, is.na))) == 0 & sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, 1, is.na))) == 0) {  # Look at both truncation types (check for NA). This says interactions were FUBR because of an NA present in both.
        int <- FALSE
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) > 0 & sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) > 0) {   # This says that an additive model for both one and two trunc. types were OK.
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            trunc.type <- 2
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_add_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            trunc.type <- 1
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) == 0 & sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) > 0) {  # This says additive for one trunc type was FUBR.
          trunc.type <- 1           # For example, additive and both gave FUBR resutls, so use only the one (+) truncated function in the set.
          RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
          min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)  # We look for max because recall: GCVq1 <- 1 - GCV1/GCV.null and RSSq1 <- 1-RSS1/TSS. Want these to be max. Tail is used in case of ties.
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) > 0 & sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) == 0) { # This says additive for both trunc type was OK.
          trunc.type <- 2
          RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
          min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) == 0 & sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) == 0) {  # This says everything (both additive trunc type) were FUBR.
          breakFlag <- TRUE

      if (sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, 1, is.na))) == 0 & sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, 1, is.na))) > 0) {  # This says interactions when using both trunc. type were FUBR.
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) == 0) {
          trunc.type <- 1
          if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) == 0) {
            int <- TRUE
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_int_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
            best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) { # This says interactions using one trunc. type were superior over the additive model.
            int <- TRUE
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_int_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
            best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            int <- FALSE
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) > 0) {
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            trunc.type <- 1
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              int <- TRUE
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_int_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
              best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE)) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE))) {
              int <- FALSE
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            int <- FALSE
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              trunc.type <- 2
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              trunc.type <- 1
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]

      if (sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, 1, is.na))) > 0 & sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, 1, is.na))) == 0) { # This says interactions for one trunc. type was FUBR.
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) == 0) {  # Check if additive for only one trunc. type was OK.
          if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) == 0) {
            int <- TRUE
            trunc.type <- 2
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_int_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
            best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {  # Compare interaction (with both) with additive (with one).
            int <- TRUE
            trunc.type <- 2
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_int_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
            best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            int <- FALSE
            trunc.type <- 1
            RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
            min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
        if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) > 0) {
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            trunc.type <- 1
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              int <- TRUE
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_int_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
              best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE)) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE))) {
              int <- FALSE
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
          if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
            int <- FALSE
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              trunc.type <- 2
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              trunc.type <- 1
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)

      if (sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, 1, is.na))) > 0 & sum(!(apply(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, 1, is.na))) > 0) { # This says interactions for one trunc. and both types were OK.
        if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
          if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) > 0) {
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) >= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              int <- FALSE
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                trunc.type <- 2
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                trunc.type <- 1
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)))
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) < utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                int <- TRUE
                trunc.type <- 2
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_int_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
                best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                int <- FALSE
                trunc.type <- 1
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
          if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) == 0) {
            if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) == 0) {
              int <- TRUE
              trunc.type <- 2
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_int_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
              best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) >= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              int <- FALSE
              trunc.type <- 1
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) < utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              int <- TRUE
              trunc.type <- 2
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_int_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
              best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
        if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
          if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) > 0) {
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) >= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              int <- FALSE
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                trunc.type <- 2
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_both_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                trunc.type <- 1
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
            if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) < utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
              trunc.type <- 1
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) > utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                int <- TRUE
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_int_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
                best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) <= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                int <- FALSE
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)), n = 1)
          if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_both_add_mat)) == 0) {
            if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) == 0) {
              int <- TRUE
              trunc.type <- 1
              RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_int_mat
              min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
              best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]
            if (sum(!is.na(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat)) > 0) {
              trunc.type <- 1
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) >= utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                int <- FALSE
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_add_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which.max(round(RSSq_knot, 6)))
              if (utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_add_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) < utils::tail(max(RSSq_knot_one_int_mat, na.rm = TRUE), n = 1)) {
                int <- TRUE
                RSSq_knot <- RSSq_knot_one_int_mat
                min_knot1 <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[1]
                best.var <- utils::tail(which(utils::tail(max(round(RSSq_knot, 6), na.rm = TRUE), n = 1) == round(RSSq_knot, 6), arr.ind = TRUE), n = 1)[2]

      b1_new <- matrix(tp1(X, X_red[min_knot1]), ncol = 1)
      b2_new <- matrix(tp2(X, X_red[min_knot1]), ncol = 1)
      colnames(b1_new) <- var_name
      colnames(b2_new) <- var_name

      B_name1 <- paste("(", var_name, "-", signif (X_red[min_knot1], 4), ")", sep = "")
      B_name2 <- paste("(", signif (X_red[min_knot1], 4), "-", var_name, ")", sep = "")

      if (int == TRUE) {
        mod_struct1 <- which(mod_struct == 1)
        colnames(B)[1] <- c("")
        var_name1 <- which(var_name_vec != var_name)
        if (int.count == 0) var_name2 <- var_name_vec[var_name1]
        if (int.count > 0) var_name2 <- var_name_vec[var_name_struct]
        var_name_struct <- mod_struct1[mod_struct1%in%var_name1]
        B2 <- as.matrix(B[, var_name_struct])
        B3_names <- B_names_vec[var_name_struct]
        B3_names <- B3_names[-1]
        B2 <- as.matrix(B2[, -1])
        var_name2 <- var_name2[-1]

        if (trunc.type == 2) {
          B2a <- matrix(rep(B2[, best.var], 2), ncol = 2)
          B_temp <- cbind(B, B2a*cbind(b1_new, b2_new))
          B_new <- B2a*cbind(b1_new, b2_new)
          var_name3 <- var_name2[best.var]
          colnames(B_new) <- rep(var_name3, 2)

        if (trunc.type == 1) {
          B2b <- matrix(B2[, best.var], ncol = 1)
          B_temp <- cbind(B, B2b*b1_new)     # Interaction model with one truncated function (i.e., the positive part).
          B_new <- B2b*b1_new
          colnames(B_new) <- rep(var_name2[1], 1)
          var_name3 <- var_name2[best.var]
          colnames(B_new) <- rep(var_name3, 1)

        B_names <- paste(B3_names[best.var], B_name1, sep = "*")
        if (trunc.type == 2) B_names <- c(B_names, paste(B3_names[best.var], B_name2, sep = "*"))
        if (trunc.type == 1) B_names <- B_names

        var_name_list1 <- list()
        for (ll in 1:ncol(B_new)) {
          colnames(B_new)[ll] <- paste(var_name, colnames(B_new)[ll], sep = ":")
          var_name_list1 <- c(var_name_list1, list(colnames(B_new)[ll]))
          int.count1 <- int.count1 + 1

        pp <- ncol(B_temp)
        if (trunc.type == 2) colnames(B_temp)[((pp - 1):pp)] <- var_name_list1[[1]]
        if (trunc.type == 1) colnames(B_temp)[pp] <- var_name_list1[[1]]

      if (int == FALSE) {
        var_name_list1 <- list()
        if (trunc.type == 2) {
          B_temp <- cbind(B, b1_new, b2_new) # Additive model with both truncated functions.
          B_new <- cbind(b1_new, b2_new)
          B_names <- c(B_name1, B_name2)
          var_name_list1 <- c(var_name_list1, list(var_name))
          var_name_list1 <- c(var_name_list1, list(var_name))  # Repeat it because there are new basis function selected.
        if (trunc.type == 1) {
          B_temp <- cbind(B, b1_new) # Additive model with one truncated function (positive part).
          B_new <- b1_new
          B_names <- B_name1
          var_name_list1 <- c(var_name_list1, list(var_name))

      meas_model <- stat_out(Y, B_temp, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)
      GCVq2 <- meas_model$GCVq1
      RSSq2 <- meas_model$RSSq1

      if (GCVq2 < (-10) | (round(RSSq2, 4) > (1 - tols))) {
        writeLines("MARS Tolerance criteria met 1. \n")
        var.mod_temp <- c(var.mod_temp, NA)
        min_knot_vec_temp <- c(min_knot_vec_temp, NA)
        int.count1_temp <- c(int.count1_temp, NA)
        is.int_temp <- c(is.int_temp, int)

        trunc.type_temp <- c(trunc.type_temp, NA)
        X_red_temp <- c(X_red_temp, list(NA))
        B_new_list_temp <- c(B_new_list_temp, list(NA))
        var_name_list1_temp <- c(var_name_list1_temp, list(NA))
        B_names_temp <- c(B_names_temp, list(NA))
        B_temp_list <- c(B_temp_list, list(NA))

        RSSq_term_temp <- c(RSSq_term_temp, NA)
        GCVq_term_temp <- c(GCVq_term_temp, NA)

        if (length(var.mod_temp) == q) {
          breakFlag <- TRUE
        if (length(var.mod_temp) != q) next

      if (GCVq2 >= (-10) | (round(RSSq2, 4) <= (1 - tols))) {
        RSSq_term_temp <- c(RSSq_term_temp, RSSq2)
        GCVq_term_temp <- c(GCVq_term_temp, GCVq2)

      var.mod_temp <- c(var.mod_temp, var_name)
      min_knot_vec_temp <- c(min_knot_vec_temp, min_knot1)
      int.count1_temp <- c(int.count1_temp, int.count1)
      is.int_temp <- c(is.int_temp, int)
      trunc.type_temp <- c(trunc.type_temp, trunc.type)

      B_new_list_temp <- c(B_new_list_temp, list(B_new))
      var_name_list1_temp <- c(var_name_list1_temp, list(var_name_list1))
      B_names_temp <- c(B_names_temp, list(B_names))
      X_red_temp <- c(X_red_temp, list(X_red))
      B_temp_list <- c(B_temp_list, list(B_temp))

    } # End the for () loop here.

    if (breakFlag == TRUE) break

    best.mod <- which.max(RSSq_term_temp)  # Finds the best model (max LOF) from candidate model/basis set. This will become the new parent.

    RSSq2 <- RSSq_term_temp[best.mod]
    GCVq2 <- GCVq_term_temp[best.mod]
    min_knot_vec1 <- min_knot_vec_temp[best.mod]
    int.count1 <- int.count1_temp[best.mod]
    int <- is.int_temp[best.mod]
    trunc.type <- trunc.type_temp[best.mod]

    B_new <- B_new_list_temp[[best.mod]]
    var_name_list1 <- var_name_list1_temp[[best.mod]]
    B_names <- B_names_temp[[best.mod]]
    X_red <- X_red_temp[[best.mod]]
    B_temp <- B_temp_list[[best.mod]]

    RSSq_term <- c(RSSq_term, RSSq2)
    GCVq_term <- c(GCVq_term, GCVq2)
    min_knot_vec <- c(min_knot_vec, min_knot_vec1)
    pred.name_vec <- c(pred.name_vec, colnames(B_new)[1])
    cut_vec <- c(cut_vec, X_red[min_knot_vec1])
    trunc.type_vec <- c(trunc.type_vec, trunc.type)
    is.int_vec <- c(is.int_vec, int)

    if (abs(RSSq_term[k] - RSSq_term[k + 1]) < tols) {
      if (print.disp == TRUE) writeLines("\n ** MARS tolerance criteria met 2** \n")
      breakFlag <- TRUE

    if (abs(RSSq_term[k] - RSSq_term[k + 1]) >= tols) {
      if (int == TRUE) {
        mod_struct <- c(mod_struct, rep(c(rep(2, int.count1/trunc.type)), trunc.type))
        int.count <- int.count + 1
      if (int == FALSE) mod_struct <- c(mod_struct, rep(1, trunc.type))
      B <- B_temp
      var_name_vec <- c(var_name_vec, colnames(B_new))
      var_name_list <- c(var_name_list, var_name_list1)
      B_names_vec <- c(B_names_vec, B_names)
      k <- k + 1
      m <- m + 2

    if (nrow(B) <= (ncol(B) + 2)) { # To avoid p>N issues!
      if (print.disp == TRUE) writeLines("\n ** MARS parameter dimension exceeds N ** \n")
      ok <- FALSE

    if (m >= M) {   # If model exceeds no. of set terms, terminate it.
      if (print.disp == TRUE) writeLines("\n ** MARS exceeded max no. of set terms ** \n")
      ok <- FALSE

    stat_out(Y, B, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)
  }              # The term (m) for () loop ends here.

  colnames(B) <- B_names_vec

  B2 <- B  # Set this for final model to be the same as model selected from the forward pass.

  # Algorithm 3 (backward pass), as in Friedman (1991). This uses GCV as the selection criterion.

  p <- ncol(B) + pen*(ncol(B) - 1)/2  # This matches the earth() package, SAS and Friedman (1991) penalty.

  full_RSS <- sum((Y - stats::fitted(stats::lm.fit(B - 1, Y, ...)))^2)
  full_GCV <- full_RSS/(N*(1 - p/N)^2)
  full_GCV <- 1 - (full_GCV/GCV.null)

  B_new <- B
  GCV_mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(B), nrow = ncol(B))
  colnames(GCV_mat) <- colnames(B)
  GCV_mat <- cbind(GCV_mat, rep(NA, ncol(B)))
  colnames(GCV_mat)[(ncol(B) + 1)] <- "Forward pass model"

  GCV_mat[1, (ncol(B) + 1)] <- full_GCV
  GCV1 <- backward_sel(Y, B_new, pen, GCV.null, ...)
  GCV_mat[2, 2:(length(GCV1) + 1)] <- GCV1
  variable.lowest <- utils::tail(which(GCV1 == max(GCV1, na.rm = TRUE)), n = 1)
  var.low.vec <- c(colnames(B_new)[variable.lowest + 1])
  B_new <- as.matrix(B_new[, -(variable.lowest + 1)])

  for (i in 2:(ncol(B) - 1)) {
    GCV1 <- backward_sel(Y, B_new, pen, GCV.null, ...)

    variable.lowest <- utils::tail(which(GCV1 == max(GCV1, na.rm = TRUE)), n = 1)
    var.low.vec <- c(var.low.vec, colnames(B_new)[variable.lowest + 1])

    if (i != (ncol(B) - 1)) GCV_mat[(i + 1), colnames(B_new)[-1]] <- GCV1
    if (i == (ncol(B) - 1)) GCV_mat[(i + 1), 1] <- GCV1

    B_new <- as.matrix(B_new[, -(variable.lowest + 1)])

  number.rm1 <- which(max(GCV_mat, na.rm = TRUE) == GCV_mat, arr.ind = TRUE)[1] - 1

  if (number.rm1 == 0) {
    if (print.disp == TRUE) writeLines("\n ** Forward pass model was chosen after pruning/backward selection for MARS** \n")
    B_final <- B

  if (number.rm1 == (nrow(GCV_mat) - 1)) {
    if (print.disp == TRUE) writeLines("\n ** Intercept model was chosen after pruning/backward selection for MARS** \n")
    B_final <- as.matrix(B[, 1])

  if (!(number.rm1 == 0) & !(number.rm1 == (nrow(GCV_mat) - 1))) {
    number.rm2 <- c()
    var.low.vec_red <- var.low.vec[1:number.rm1]
    for (k in 1:length(var.low.vec_red)) {
      number.rm2 <- c(number.rm2, which(var.low.vec_red[k] == colnames(B)))
    B_final <- B[, -c(number.rm2)]

  if (ncol(B_final) == 1) colnames(B_final) <- "Intercept"

  if (print.disp == TRUE) {
    writeLines("\n Forward pass (MARS) output: \n")
    forw.info <- cbind(round(GCVq_term, 4), round(RSSq_term, 4), pred.name_vec, cut_vec, trunc.type_vec, is.int_vec)
    colnames(forw.info) <- c("GCVq", "RSSq", "Predictor name", "Cut term (knot)", "No. of new parent terms", "Interaction?")

  # Some measures to be reported, GCV, RSq, etc. for the final model fit.

  if (nb == FALSE) final_mod <- stats::glm(Y ~ B_final - 1, family = family, ...)

  if (nb == TRUE) {
    est.many <- mvabund::manyglm(Y ~ B_final - 1, family = "negative.binomial", maxiter = 1000, maxiter2 = 100, ...)
    final_mod <- MASS::glm.nb(c(t(Y)) ~ B_final - 1, method = "glm.fit2", init.theta = est.many$theta, ...)

  final_stats <- stat_out(Y, B_final, TSS, GCV.null, pen, ...)

  if (print.disp == TRUE) {
    writeLines("\n -- Final model was chosen (after pruning/backward selection) for MARS -- \n")
    final_mat <- t(t(colnames(as.matrix(B_final))))
    colnames(final_mat) <- "Selected variables in the final model:"
    writeLines("\n Final model GCV: \n")

    writeLines("\n Final model Rsq: \n")
    writeLines("\n Final model coefs: \n")
    print(matrix(stats::coef(final_mod), dimnames = list(final_mat)))

  z <- NULL
  z$bx <- B_final
  z$GCV_mat <- GCV_mat
  z$min_GCV_own <- final_stats$GCV1
  z$y_pred <- stats::predict(final_mod)
  z$final_mod <- final_mod

  class(z) <- "marge"

#' getNumberPart
#' A function to pull out negative and decimals from strings.
#' @name getNumberPart
#' @param x : a numerical value.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gsubfn strapply
#' @importFrom stats binomial poisson
getNumberPart <- function(x) {
  pat <- "(-?(\\d*\\.*\\d+|\\d+\\.))"
  gsubfn::strapply(x, pattern = pat, FUN = as.numeric, simplify = TRUE, empty = NA)
JakubStats/marge documentation built on Feb. 25, 2024, 9:38 p.m.