
#' @title WCCMH team functions
#' @description
#' cmh_recode recodes Washtenaw CMH team names to a standardized
#' team format.
#' recode_team_prog recodes Washtenaw CMH team/program names to a standardized
#' program format.
#' cmh_teams_f factors (ordered is an option) teams.
#' cmh_priority_dt assigns a priority to all of the main teams.
#' @param x A character vector of team names. Will be coerced to character if
#' class(x) is factor.
#' @param missing_key What will happen if a recode_ function is supplied a value not
#' found in recode key. Default is 'non-CMH'. If missing_key is assigned to NULL,
#' an error will occur if any values are in x and not in recode_key.
#' @param levels The levels that will be assigned. Unspecified inputs result
#' in NA.
#' @param level_order The order of the levels. Defaults to NULL.
#' @return recode_x functions: A vector of recoded team/program names.
#' cmh_teams_f A factored vector.
#' cmh_priority_dt A data.table object.
#' @note need testing, consider adding an automatic "missing" assignment
#' with a warning message.
#' @examples
#' cmh_recode("WSH - ACT")
#' cmh_recode(c("WSH - ACT", "DD Adult"))
#' require(cmhmisc)
#' require(magrittr)
#' test_vector <- c("ACT", "WSH - Children's Services - Home Based Ellsworth",
#'  "WSH - Children's Services Ellsworth", "WSH - DD Adult Annex",
#'  "WSH - DD Adult Ellsworth", "WSH - MI - Adult Annex", "WSH - MI - Adult Towner",
#'  "Washtenaw County Community Mental Health")
#'  cmh_recode(test_vector)

#' @importFrom TBmisc as.chr
#' @importFrom data.table data.table :=
#' @name team_functions

#' @rdname team_functions
team_names <- list(
  DD = c("DD"),
  ACT = c("ACT"),
  MI = c("MI", "ATO"),
  "Child HB" = c("Home Based", "^Child HB$"),
  Child = c("^Child$", "Children's Services"),
  Access = c("CSTS", "Access", "Engagement",
    "Washtenaw County Community Mental Health"),
  UM = c("UM", "Utilization Management"),
  "non-CMH" = c("non-CMH", "Court", "ICSS", "Crisis Residential"),
  PORT = c("PATH", "PORT"),
  OBRA = c("OBRA")

#' @rdname team_functions
#' @export
cmh_recode <- function(x) {
  for (i in seq_along(team_names)) {
  x[grepl(x = x,
    pattern = paste0(team_names[[i]], collapse = "|") )] <- names(team_names[i])
# cmh_recode <- function(x, missing_key = "non-CMH") {
#   if (class(x) == "factor") x <- as.chr(x)
#   if (any(is.na(x))) x[is.na(x)] <- missing_key
#   recode_key <- cmh_team_key
#   unknown <- setdiff(x, unlist(recode_key, use.names = FALSE))
#   if (length(unknown) > 0) {
#     recode_key$unknown <- unknown
#   }
#   recode_string(x = x, recode_key = recode_key)
# }

#' @rdname team_functions
cmh_program_key <- list(
  DD = c("DD"),
  MI = c("ACT", "MI"),
  `Y&F` = c("Child", "Child HB"),
  PORT = c("PATH"),
  Access = c("Access"),
  OBRA = c("OBRA"),
  UM = c("UM"),
  `non-CMH` = c("non-CMH")

#' @rdname team_functions
#' @export
recode_team_prog <- function(x, missing_key = "non-CMH") {
  x <- cmh_recode(x)
  if (class(x) == "factor") x <- as.chr(x)
  if (any(is.na(x))) x[is.na(x)] <- missing_key
  unknown <- setdiff(x, unlist(cmh_program_key, use.names = FALSE))
  if (length(unknown) > 0) {
    cmh_program_key$unknown <- unknown
  recode_string(x, recode_key = cmh_program_key)

#' @rdname team_functions
#' @export
cmh_teams_f <- function(x,
                        levels = c("ACT", "DD", "MI", "Child HB", "Child"),
                        level_order = NULL) {
  if (missing(level_order) || is.null(level_order)) {
    level_order <- FALSE
  } else {
    level_order <- is.ordered(x)
  result <- factor(
    x, levels, labels = levels,
    exclude = setdiff(x = x, levels), ordered = level_order

#' @rdname team_functions
#' @export
cmh_priority_dt <-
  data.table(team = c("OBRA", "DD", "ACT", "MI", "Child HB", "Child",
                      "PORT", "UM", "Access", "non-CMH"),
             priority = 1:10)
JamesDalrymple/wccmh documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:20 a.m.