
Defines functions read.sav

Documented in read.sav

#' read.sav
#' Function to read a SPSS sav file into a data.frame().
#'@param file _string_ a sav-file to import. can be a file on a computer
#' or an url. in this case the file will be downloaded and read before it is
#' used.
#'@param convert.factors _logical_ if true numeric or character variables
#' will be converted into a factor in R.
#'@param generate.factors _logical_ function to convert variables with
#' partial labels into factors. e.g. 1 - low and 5 - high are provided, labels
#' 2, 3 and 4 will be created. especially useful in combination with
#' `use.missings=TRUE`.
#'@param encoding _logical_ shall values be converted? If true, read.sav
#' will try the charcode stored inside the sav-file. If this value is 2 or not
#' available, fromEncoding can be used to change encoding.
#'@param fromEncoding _character._ encoding of the imported file. This
#' information is stored inside the sav-file, but is currently unused. Still
#' this option can be used to define the initial encoding by hand.
#'@param use.missings _logical_ should missing values be converted.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param debug _logical_ provides additional debug information. Most
#' likely not useful to any user.
#'@param override _logical_. The filename provided in `file` is
#' checked for the ending sav. If the file ending is different, nothing is read.
#' This option can be used to override this behavior.
#'@param convert.dates _logical_. Should dates be converted on the fly?
#'@param add.rownames _logical._ If `TRUE`, the first column will be
#'  used as rownames. Variable will be dropped afterwards.
#'@param pass _character_. If encrypted sav should be imported, this is a
#' maximum of ten character encryption key.
#'@details SPSS files are widely available, though for R long time only foreign
#' and memisc provided functions to import sav-files. Lately haven joined.
#' This package is an approach to offer another alternative, to document the
#' sav-format and provide additional options to import the data.
#' sav-files are stored most exclusively as numerics only in compression mode
#' are some integers stored as integers. Still they are returned as numerics.
#' fl <- system.file("extdata", "electric.sav", package = "readspss")
#' dd <- read.sav(fl)
#'@return `readspss` returns a data.frame with additional attributes
#' * _row.names_ rownames
#' * _names_ colnames
#' * _datalabel_ datalabel
#' * _datestamp_ datestamp
#' * _timestamp_ timestamp
#' * _filelabel_ filelabel
#' * _class_ data.frame
#' * _vtype_ SPSS type 0 is usually a numeric/integer
#' * _disppar_ matrix of display parameters if available
#' * _missings_ a list containing information about the missing variables. if
#' `use.missings=TRUE` this Information will be used to generate missings.
#' * _haslabel_ list of variables that contain labels
#' * _longstring_ character vector of long strings if any in file
#' * _longmissing_ character vector of missings in longstrings if any
#' * _longlabel_ character vector of long labels
#' * _cflag_ 0 if uncompressed, 1 if compressed
#' * _endian_ 2 or 3 if little endian else 0
#' * _compression_ compression similar to cflag, somehow stored twice in the
#' sav file
#' * _doc_ list containing documentation information if any
#' * _charcode_ encoding string most likely 2 is CP1252
#' * _encoding_ sometimes sav-file contain encoding as a extra string
#' * _ownEnc_ encoding of the R-session
#' * _doenc_ was the file supposed to be encoded?
#' * _autoenc_ was encoding applied to the file?
#' * _swapit_ were the bytes swapped?
#' * _totals_ character string of totals if any
#' * _dataview_ xml file how the data should be printed
#' * _extraproduct_ additional string provided
#' * _label_ list containing label value information
#' * _varmatrix_ a matrix with information how the data is stored
#' * _var.label_ variable labels
#' * _lmissings_ missings table if any in longstrings
#'@note Information to decrypt the sav-format was provided by tda
#' [www.stat.rub.de/tda.html](http://www.stat.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/tda.html) and
#' pspp [www.gnu.org/software/pspp/](http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/)
#'@seealso \code{\link[foreign]{read.spss}}, \code{memisc} and

#' @useDynLib readspss, .registration=TRUE
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom utils download.file localeToCharset
#' @export
read.sav <- function(file, convert.factors = TRUE, generate.factors = TRUE,
                     encoding = TRUE, fromEncoding = NULL, use.missings = TRUE,
                     debug = FALSE, override = FALSE, convert.dates = TRUE,
                     add.rownames = FALSE, pass) {

  # Check if path is a url
  if (length(grep("^(http|ftp|https)://", file))) {
    tmp <- tempfile()
    download.file(file, tmp, quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
    filepath <- tmp
  } else {
    # construct filepath and read file
    filepath <- get.filepath(file)
  if (!file.exists(filepath))
    return(message("File not found."))

  file <- file_ext(basename(filepath))

  if ((tolower(file) != "sav" && tolower(file) != "zsav") &&
      !isTRUE(override)) {
    warning("Filending is not sav.
             Use Override if this check should be ignored.")

  encStr <- ""
  ownEnc <- localeToCharset(locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"))[1]

  if (!is.null(fromEncoding)) {
    encStr <- fromEncoding

  if (encoding == FALSE)
    encStr <- "NA"

  if (missing(pass)) {
    # import data using an rcpp routine
    data <- readsav(filepath, debug, encStr, ownEnc)
  } else {

    if (nchar(pass) > 10) {
      warning("pass longer than 10 characters. most likely unwanted")

    data <- readencrypted(filepath, debug, encStr, ownEnc, pass)

  attribs <- attributes(data)

  attr(data, "vallabels") <- NULL
  attr(data, "vartypes") <- NULL
  attr(data, "varnames") <- NULL
  attr(data, "varmat") <- NULL
  attr(data, "label") <- NULL
  attr(data, "res") <- NULL

  encStr     <- attribs$encStr
  autoenc    <- attribs$autoenc
  label      <- attribs$label
  val.labels <- attribs$vallabels
  varmat     <- do.call("rbind", attribs$varmat)
  disppar    <- attribs$disppar
  if (!identical(disppar, integer(0))) {
    disppar    <- t(matrix(disppar, ncol = NCOL(data)))
  } else {
    disppar <- NULL
  if (NROW(data) == 0)
    use.missings <- FALSE

  # convert NAs by missing information provided by SPSS.
  # these are just different missing values in Stata and NA in R.
  if (use.missings) {
    if (!identical(attribs$missings, list())) {

      mvtab <- attribs$missings
      missinfo <- varmat[, 3]
      missinfo <- which(missinfo %in% missinfo[missinfo != 0])

      for (i in seq_along(mvtab)) {
        mvtabi <- mvtab[[i]]
        missinf <- missinfo[i]

        if (mvtabi[1] == 1) {
          naval <- mvtabi[2]

          data[missinf][data[missinf] == naval] <- NA

        if (mvtabi[1] == 2) {
          naval1 <- mvtabi[2]
          naval2 <- mvtabi[3]

          data[missinf][data[missinf] == naval1 |
                          data[missinf] == naval2] <- NA

        if (mvtabi[1] == 3) {
          naval1 <- mvtabi[2]
          naval2 <- mvtabi[3]
          naval3 <- mvtabi[4]

          data[missinf][data[missinf] == naval1 |
                          data[missinf] == naval2 | data[missinf] == naval3] <- NA

        if (mvtabi[1] == -2) {
          # range

          minval <- mvtabi[2]
          maxval <- mvtabi[3]

          data[missinf][data[missinf] >= minval &
                          data[missinf] <= maxval] <- NA


        if (mvtabi[1] == -3) {
          # range + descrete

          minval <- mvtabi[2]
          maxval <- mvtabi[3]
          naval  <- mvtabi[4]

          data[missinf][(data[missinf] >= minval &
                           data[missinf] <= maxval) | data[missinf] == naval] <- NA



  labnames <- attribs$haslabel
  varnames <- attribs$varnames

  # if autoenc labels were not encoded during readsav() so encode now
  if (encoding && autoenc) {

    # label
    for (i in seq_along(label))
      names(label[[i]]) <- read.encoding(names(label[[i]]),
                                         fromEncoding = encStr,
                                         encoding = ownEnc)

  if (convert.factors) {
    # vnames <- names(data)
    for (i in seq_along(label)) {

      labname <- labnames[[i]]
      labtable <- label[[i]]

      for (j in labname) {
        varname <- varnames[j]
        isNum   <- is.numeric(data[, varname])
        anyNA   <- any(is.na(labtable))

        # get unique values / omit NA unless NA already in labtable
        if (anyNA) {
          varunique <- unique(data[[varname]])
        } else {
          varunique <- na.omit(unique(data[[varname]]))

        if (isNum && all(is.na(labtable))) {
          nam <- names(labtable)
          labtable <- as.numeric(labtable)
          names(labtable) <- nam

        # assign label if label set is complete
        if (all(varunique %in% labtable)) {
          data[[varname]] <- fast_factor(data[[varname]], y = labtable)

          # else generate labels from codes
        } else {
          if (generate.factors) {

            names(varunique) <- as.character(varunique)

            gen.lab  <-
              sort(c(varunique[!varunique %in% labtable], labtable),
                   na.last = TRUE)

            if (isNum) {
              nam <- names(gen.lab)
              gen.lab <- as.numeric(gen.lab)
              names(gen.lab) <- nam

            data[[varname]] <- fast_factor(data[[varname]], y = gen.lab)
          } else {
                names(data)[i], "Missing factor labels - no labels assigned.
                Set option generate.factors=T to generate labels."

  if (convert.dates) {

    nams   <- names(data)
    isdate <- varmat[, 6] %in% c(20, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39)
    isdatetime <- varmat[, 6] %in% c(22, 41)
    istime <- varmat[, 6] %in% c(21, 25, 40)

    if (any(isdate)) {
      for (nam in nams[isdate]) {
        data[[nam]] <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(
          round(data[[nam]]), origin = "1582-10-14"))
    if (any(isdatetime)) {
      for (nam in nams[isdatetime]) {
        data[[nam]] <- as.POSIXct(
          origin = "1582-10-14",
          tz = "GMT")
    if (any(istime)) {
        "time format found for:\n",
        paste(nams[istime], collapse = "\n"),
        "\ntime variables are not dates and thus not converted."


  longvarname <- attribs$longvarname

  haslongvarname <- !identical(longvarname, "") &
    !identical(longvarname, character(0))

  if (haslongvarname) {

    # contains long varname (e.g. when longer varnames are provided or if the
    # dataset contains long strings)
    longname <- lapply(longvarname, boost_split)

    # contains varname and absolute length eg
    # A258=00258
    longstring <- attribs$longstring

    haslongstring <- !identical(longstring, "") &
      !identical(longstring, character(0))

    # only applicable, if dataset contains longstrings
    if (haslongstring) {

      longstring <- strsplit(longstring[!longstring == ""], "=")

      # If the imported data contains strings longer than nchar(255) the data is
      # scrambled at this point. SPSS separates longer strings in different
      # pieces of size 255. The rcpp import already sorted the data in
      # variables. These variables are now combined. Variable names are split
      # after five letters used for identification. Since SPSS can use variable
      # names of 8 characters they trim the name down to max of 5. They add
      # some digit used to identify the order of the long strings. E.g.
      # "Var1, Var1001, Var1002", but similar "STRING_5" and "STRIN0".
      # Unsure if there is some kind of trustworthy method

      nams <- names(data)

      replvec <- lapply(
        function(x) {

          nam <- x[[1]]

          # get name and the amount of SPSS strings required to store
          # such a string. use this to calculate the number of varnames
          # next to the one stated in the string. this is somewhat risky,
          # but grepl adds some checks
          len <- as.numeric(x[[2]])
          len <- ceiling(len / 255) - 1

          p <- which(nams %in% nam)
          if (!identical(p, integer(0)))
            nams[p : (p + len)]

      for (i in rev(seq_len(length(replvec)))) {

        pat <- replvec[[i]]

        if (!is.null(pat)) {

          # any variables to combine?
          if (length(pat) > 1 && grepl("0", pat[2])) {
            sel <- data[, names(data) %in% pat]

            if (all(sapply(sel, is.character))) {
              pp <- pat[-1]
              p1 <- pat[1]

              remove <- !names(data) %in% pp

              # remove columns pat[2:n]
              data <- data[, remove]

              # resize varmat and disppar as well
              varmat  <- varmat[remove, ]

              if (!is.null(disppar))
                disppar <- disppar[remove, ]

              data[p1] <- do.call(paste0, sel)


    # assign names stored in spss
    # Previously the dataset used some different internal names usefull for
    # combining different long strings. Now everything is cleaned up and we
    # can apply the correct variable names
    nams <- names(data)
    names(nams) <- nams

    # new_nams <- do.call(rbind, longname)
    new_nams <- sapply(longname, function(x) {
      z <- x[[2]]
      names(z) <- x[[1]]

    # for this replace was used, but in the world of sav-files everything is
    # possible even files where nams and new_nams differ. replace got confused
    # in such cases, which is why this approach is selected
    sel <- which(names(new_nams) %in% nams)

    if (!identical(integer(0), sel))
      nams[names(new_nams[sel])] <- new_nams[sel]

    names(data) <- nams


  # again here, because longvarnames has been set and longmissing refers to
  # longvarnames. previous use.missings refered to varmat using default
  # varnames
  if (use.missings) {

    longmiss <- attribs$longmissing

    if (!identical(longmiss, list())) {

      mvars <- names(longmiss)

      for (mvar in mvars) {

        ismiss <- data[[mvar]] %in% longmiss[[mvar]]

        data[[mvar]][ismiss] <- NA


  longlabel <- attribs$longlabel

  if (convert.factors && !identical(longlabel, list())) {

    longlabnames  <- names(longlabel)

    for (i in seq_along(longlabel)) {

      longlabname <- longlabnames[[i]]
      labtable    <- longlabel[[longlabname]]

      anyNA   <- any(is.na(labtable))

      # get unique values / omit NA unless NA already in labtable
      if (anyNA) {
        varunique <- unique(data[[longlabname]])
      } else {
        varunique <- na.omit(unique(data[[longlabname]]))

      # assign label if label set is complete
      if (all(varunique %in% labtable)) {
        data[[longlabname]] <- fast_factor(data[[longlabname]], y = labtable)

        # else generate labels from codes
      } else {
        if (generate.factors) {

          names(varunique) <- as.character(varunique)

          gen.lab  <-
            sort(c(varunique[!varunique %in% labtable], labtable),
                 na.last = TRUE)

          data[[longlabname]] <- fast_factor(data[[longlabname]], y = gen.lab)
        } else {
              names(data)[i], "Missing factor labels - no labels assigned.
              Set option generate.factors=T to generate labels."

  # prepare for return
  attr(data, "datalabel") <- attribs$datalabel
  attr(data, "datestamp") <- attribs$datestamp
  attr(data, "timestamp") <- attribs$timestamp
  attr(data, "label")     <- label

  attr(data, "varmatrix") <- varmat
  attr(data, "disppar")   <- disppar
  attr(data, "var.label") <- val.labels
  attr(data, "longlabel") <- attribs$longlabel
  attr(data, "missings")  <- attribs$missings
  attr(data, "lmissing")  <- attribs$longmissing
  attr(data, "endian")    <- attribs$endian
  attr(data, "cflag")     <- attribs$cflag
  attr(data, "encStr")    <- attribs$encStr
  attr(data, "ownEnc")    <- attribs$ownEnc
  attr(data, "autoenc")   <- attribs$autoenc
  attr(data, "doenc")     <- attribs$doenc

  if (add.rownames) {
    rownames(data) <- data[[1]]
    data[[1]] <- NULL

  # return

JanMarvin/readspss documentation built on May 17, 2024, 4:43 p.m.