nosofsky1989: Test data for fitting the Exemplar-based categorization model

nosofsky1989R Documentation

Test data for fitting the Exemplar-based categorization model


Data about categorization in four different conditions.


An object of class "data.frame".#'


  • condition. experimental condition (size, angle, criss, diag)

  • angle. feature value of the angle feature

  • size. feature value of the size feature

  • N. How often the feature combination occured.

  • obs_cat. How often a category 1 mode was observed given this feature combination.

  • pobs. Probability that a category 1 mode was observed given this feature combination (obs_cat / N)

  • true_cat. True category label of this feature combination (0 or 1)


From Table 3 and Figure 2 in Nosofsky, R. M. (1989). Further tests of an exemplar-similarity approach to relating identification and categorization. Perception & Psychophysics, 45, 279–290. doi:10.3758/BF03204942


Nosofsky, R. M. (1989). Further tests of an exemplar-similarity approach to relating identification and categorization. Perception & Psychophysics, 45, 279–290. doi:10.3758/BF03204942



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