
Defines functions print.sampler postsamp.sampler set_options.sampler set_sampler.sampler set_initial_values.sampler

## Methods for sampler

# Print method for sampler class
print.sampler <- function(x) {

  # Paste message

  # Note: currently all iterations / burn / thinning settings are the SAME for all chains
  #  This makes life easier for the time being.

  msg <- paste0(
    "\tChains: ", length(x) , "\n",
    "\tIterations: ", get_value(x, "chain_1")$iterations , "\n",
    "\tThinning: ", get_value(x, "chain_1")$thinning, "\n",
    "\tBurn: ", get_value(x, "chain_1")$burn , "\n\n"

  # Cat


# Sample the posterior distribution
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
postsamp.sampler <- function(x, X, y, priors) {

  # Set burn
  b <- get_value(x, "chain_1") %>%
    get_value(., "burn")

  # For each chain, sample posterior sequentially
  posterior_samples <- lapply(x, function(z) {

    # Unroll data
    iterations <- get_value(z, "iterations")
    thinning <- get_value(z, "thinning")
    initial_values_current <- get_value(z, "initial_values")
    samplers <- get_value(z, "samplers")
    zeta <- get_value(z, "zeta")

    # Call mc sampler
    r <- mc_sampler(X, y, initial_values_current, iterations, thinning, priors, samplers)

    # Only browse if MH
    if(!all(r$accepted == iterations)) {
      b <- NULL

    # Add names
    colnames(r$posterior) <- c(z$varnames, "sigma")

    # Return


  # Add structure
  posterior_samples <- posterior(lapply(posterior_samples, function(x) x$posterior), b,
                                 lapply(posterior_samples, function(x) x$accepted))

  # Return


# Updating sampling options
set_options.sampler <- function(x, chains = 1, iterations = 10000,
                                burn = 1000, thinning = 1, varnames, priors,
                                samplers) {

  # Create chains
  x <- sampler(chains = chains, iterations = iterations, burn = burn,
               thinning = thinning, vars = varnames, priors = priors,
               samplers = samplers)

  # Return


# Updating the type of sampler (e.g. gibbs or mh)
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
set_sampler.sampler <- function(x, label, type = c("Gibbs", "MH"), zeta=0.25) {

  # Match arg
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Check zeta
  if(zeta < 0) {
    stop("'zeta' cannot be negative.")

  # Retrieve labels
  labs <- get_value(x, "chain_1") %>%
    get_value(., "params")

  # Check if label in labs
  if(!(label %in% labs)) {
    stop(paste0("Label '", label, "' not found. (available labels: ", paste0(labs, collapse=", "), ")"))

  # For each chain, change the value of the sampler belonging to label
  for( i in seq_along(x) ) {

    # Set new value
    if(type == "MH") {
      x[[i]][["samplers"]][[which(labs == label)]] <- list(type, zeta)
    } else {
      x[[i]][["samplers"]][[which(labs == label)]] <- list(type)


  # Return


# Re-draw initial values for each chain (this is necessary when priors are set)
set_initial_values.sampler <- function(x, vpriors) {

  # For each chain, do ...
  for( i in seq_along(x) ) {

    if(!x[[i]][["inits_user_defined"]]) {

      x[[i]] <- set_value(x[[i]], "initial_values", initialize_chain_values(vpriors))



  # Return

JasperHG90/blm documentation built on Sept. 4, 2019, 11:16 a.m.