
## Functions for assignment 2, part I
# Functions:
#  - t_test: exported function that performs a t-test for two variables. Returns an S3 method of class t_test
#  - print.t_test: S3 print method for 't_test' class
#  - t_statistic: helper function. Not exported. Returns t-statistic given inputs.
#  - pooled_variance: helper function. Not exported. Returns pooled variance given inputs.

# Main ----

#' Perform a two-tailed t-test between two variables
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param y a numeric vector
#' @param variance_equal boolean (TRUE/FALSE) indicating if variance of x and y are equal or not. If variances are equal, the function will calculate the pooled variance. Else, it will use the formula for unequal variances.
#' @param ... optional named arguments. You may pass the following arguments:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{R: }{integer indicating the number of bootstrap samples used to estimate the confidence intervals. Defaults to 1.000.}
#'   \item{boostrap_ssize: }{float between 0 and 1 exclusive indicating the sample size to be used for the bootstrap samples. A value of 1 means that you use the entire sample. A value of 0 means that you use no observations. Defaults to 0.5}
#' }
#' @author Jasper Ginn
#' @return list of class 't_test' containing:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{inputs: }{list containing input variables and optional arguments}
#'   \item{summary_statistics: }{list containing summary statistics means, variance, number of observations, pooled variance (if applicable)}
#'   \item{test: }{test statistic, degrees of freedom, p-value}
#'   \item{CI: }{95\% bootstrapped confidence intervals, the average test statistic and bias compared to the computed t-statistic found under 'test'}
#' }
#' @export
t_test <- function(x, y, variance_equal = TRUE, ...) {

  ## Checks

  # Both x, y must be vectors
  if(!is.vector(x) || !is.vector(y)) {

    stop("Both inputs (x and y) must be numeric vectors")


  # Both x, y must be numeric
  if(!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y)) {

    stop("Both inputs (x and y) must be numeric vectors")


  # Make a list of the inputs
  inputs <- list(
    "x" = x,
    "y" = y,
    "variance_equal" = variance_equal

  # Check optional arguments
  opts <- list(...)

  # Check if R passed
  if("R" %in% names(opts)) {

    R <- opts$R
    inputs$R <- R

  } else {

    R <- 1000


  # Check if bootstrap_ssize passed
  if("bootstrap_ssize" %in% names(opts)) {

    ssize <- opts$bootstrap_ssize

    ## Ensure that ssize between 0 and 1
    if( !(ssize > 0 && ssize < 1) ) {

      stop("bootstrap sample size must be a float between 0 and 1")


    inputs$bootstrap_ssize <- ssize

  } else {

    ssize <- 0.5


  # If NA values, emit warning
  if(sum(is.na(x)) + sum(is.na(y)) > 0) {

    warning("One or more of your variables contains missing values. These will be removed in the test")

    # Save indices for missing values
    missing <- list(
      "x" = which(is.na(x)),
      "y" = which(is.na(y))

    # Remove missing values
    x <- na.omit(x)
    y <- na.omit(y)

  } else {

    # No missing values.
    missing <- NULL


  ## Perform the test

  # Call the t-statistic wrapper
  call_wrapper <- calc_t_statistic(x, y, variance_equal = variance_equal)

  # P-value (make this two-tailed)
  call_wrapper$test$pval <- ifelse(call_wrapper$test$tstat < 0 ,
                                   2 * pt( call_wrapper$test$tstat,
                                           call_wrapper$test$df,lower.tail = TRUE ),
                                   2 * pt( call_wrapper$test$tstat,
                                           call_wrapper$test$df, lower.tail = FALSE )

  ## Bootstrap CI
  CI <- bootstrap(x, y, R = R, ssize = ssize, variance_equal = variance_equal)

  ## Add bias
  CI$bias <- call_wrapper$test$tstat - CI$avg

  ## Make list of results
  res <- list(
    "inputs" = inputs,
    "summary_statistics" = call_wrapper$summary_statistics,
    "test" = call_wrapper$test,
    "CI" = CI

  ## If NA values were omitted, add indices of these values
  if(!is.null(missing)) {

    res$missing_values <- missing


  ## Add class name
  class(res) <- "t_test"

  ## Return


# Documentation is not necessary for this print method
#' @export
print.t_test <- function(x) {

  ## Use paste to create a summary of the data

  msg <- paste0(
    # Print whether test is equal/unequal variances
    "Two-sided t-test with",
    ifelse(x$inputs$variance_equal, " equal ", " unequal "),
    # Print summary statistics
    "Summary stats:\n\tx\ty\n",
    round(x$summary_statistics$mu_x, digits=2), "\t",
    round(x$summary_statistics$mu_y, digits=2) ,"\n",
    round(x$summary_statistics$var_x, digits=2), "\t",
    round(x$summary_statistics$var_y, digits=2),
    # If equal variances, print pooled variance
           paste0("\n", "------------------------", "\n",
                  "Pooled variance: ", round(x$summary_statistics$pooled_variance,
    # Print t-statistic, degrees of freedom & p-values
    round(x$test$tstat, digits=2), "\t\t",
    x$test$df, "\t",
    round(x$test$pval, digits=3), "\n\n",
    # Print bootstrapped CI
    "Bootstrapped 95% CI (Naive bootstrap):","\n",
    round(x$CI$lower, digits=2), "\t",
    round(x$CI$upper, digits=2), "\t",
    round(x$CI$avg, digits=2), "\t",
    round(x$CI$bias, digits=2))

  ## Use cat() to print the message + formatting to the console


# Helper functions ----

# Wrapper for the t_statistic and pooled_variance functions
# @param x a numeric vector
# @param y a numeric vector
# @param variance_equal see t_test function
# @return list containing summary statistics, test statistic and degrees of freedom
calc_t_statistic <- function(x, y, variance_equal) {

  ## Calculate statistics needed to perform t-test

  # Observations
  n_x <- length(x)
  n_y <- length(y)

  # Degrees of freedom
  df <- (n_x + n_y) - 2

  # Means
  mu_x <- 1/n_x * sum(x)
  mu_y <- 1/n_y * sum(y)

  # Variances
  var_x <- sum( (x-mu_x)^2 ) / ( n_x - 1 )
  var_y <- sum( (y-mu_y)^2 ) / ( n_y - 1 )

  ## Calculate t-statistic
  if( variance_equal ) {

    # Pooled variance
    s <- pooled_variance(var_x, var_y,
                         n_x, n_y)

    # t-stat (equal variances)
    tt_result <- t_statistic(mu_x, mu_y, n_x, n_y, poolvar = s)

  } else {

    # t-stat (unequal variances)
    tt_result <- t_statistic(mu_x, mu_y, n_x, n_y,
                             var_x = var_x, var_y = var_y)


  ## Store results
  res <- list(
    "summary_statistics" = list(
      "mu_x" = mu_x,
      "mu_y" = mu_y,
      "var_x" = var_x,
      "var_y" = var_y,
      "n_x" = n_x,
      "n_y" = n_y
    "test" = list(
      "tstat" = tt_result,
      "df" = df

  ## If equal variances, add pooled variance to results
  if(variance_equal) {

    res$summary_statistics$pooled_variance <- s


  ## Return summary statistics and t-statistic


# Calculate the t-statistic for two variables
# @param mu_x, mu_y the means of variables x, y
# @param n_x, n_y number of observations for x, y
# @param ... optional (named) arguments. Accepted arguments are 'poolvar' (for equal variances) or 'var_x' & 'var_y' (for unequal variances)
# @return t-statistic for x, y
t_statistic <- function(mu_x, mu_y, n_x, n_y, ...) {

  # Store optional arguments in list
  opts <- list(...)

  # If 'poolvar' in names of opts --> equal variances
  if("poolvar" %in% names(opts)) {

    # Retrieve value
    pooled_var <- opts$poolvar

    # Apply the t-test formula
    (mu_x - mu_y) / (sqrt(pooled_var * (1/n_x + 1/n_y)))

  } else { # unequal variances

    # Retrieve values
    var_x <- opts$var_x
    var_y <- opts$var_y

    # Apply the t-test formula
    (mu_x - mu_y) / sqrt(var_x/n_x + var_y/n_y)



# Calculate the pooled variance of two variables
# @param var_x, var_y the variances of variables x, y
# @param n_x, n_y number of observations for x, y
# @return pooled variance of variables x, y
pooled_variance <- function(var_x, var_y, n_x, n_y) {

  # Apply the formula for pooled variance
  nom <- (n_x - 1) * var_x + (n_y -1) * var_y
  denom <- n_x + n_y - 2
  # Return


# Use bootstrapping to calculate 95% confidence interval
# @param x a numeric vector
# @param y a numeric vector
# @param R number of boostrap samples. defaults to 1.000
# @param ssize sample size of boostrap samples for x and y as a percentage of the total dataset
# @return upper and lower confidence interval.
# @seealso Preacher & Hayes (2008). Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models. Behavior Research Methods 2008, 40 (3), 879-891 doi: 10.3758/BRM.40.3.879
bootstrap <- function(x, y, R = 1000, ssize = 0.5,
                      variance_equal = TRUE) {

  ## ssize must be less than 1 & larger than 0
  if(!(ssize < 1 & ssize > 0)) {

    stop("ssize must be between 0 and 1")


  ## Open output vector
  tstat_out <- vector(length = R)

  ## Loop through iterations
  for(it in 1:R) {

    ## Sample sizes --> round up
    ss_x <- ceiling(ssize * length(x))
    ss_y <- ceiling(ssize * length(y))

    s_x <- sample(x, ss_x, replace = TRUE)
    s_y <- sample(y, ss_y, replace = TRUE)

    ## Calculate t_statistic
    test <- calc_t_statistic(s_x, s_y, variance_equal = variance_equal)
    tstat_out[it] <- test$test$tstat


  ## Sort the values
  tstat_out_sorted <- sort(tstat_out)

  ## Alpha value
  a <- 0.05

  ## Get lower and upper values of the 95% CI
  lower_ci_ind <- (1/2) * a * R
  upper_ci_ind <- 1 + (1 - (1/2) * a) * R

  lower_ci <- tstat_out_sorted[lower_ci_ind]
  upper_ci <- tstat_out_sorted[upper_ci_ind]

  ## Return
      "lower" = lower_ci,
      "upper" = upper_ci,
      "avg" = mean(tstat_out)

JasperHG90/meerkat documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:39 a.m.