
Defines functions import_single_ahn

Documented in import_single_ahn

#'@title import AHN
#'@description download AHN2 or AHN3 dataset around a certain location to storage memory
#'@param name of AWS or location
#'@param spatialpoint single sf point in RD new coordinates
#'@param radius radius distance in metres
#'@param AHN3 Default TRUE. Set to FALSE if AHN2 needs to be used.
#'@param resolution Default 0.5. Set resoution to 0.5 or 5
#'@author Jelle Stuurman
#'@return list
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item ahn: AHN2 or AHN3
#'   \item ahn_rasters: stack of raw/andor AHN rasters
#' }

import_single_ahn <- function(spatialpoint, name, name.supplement = "", resolution = 0.5, radius, raw_ahn = TRUE, terrain_ahn = TRUE, AHN3 = TRUE, delete_sheets = TRUE, redownload = FALSE){
  redownload_files <- FALSE
  name_trim <- getName_trim(name = name, name.supplement = name.supplement)
    warning("No correct resolution was found for importing AHN. Resolution of 0.5 m was used as default.")
    resolution_name <- "05m"
  } else {
    if(resolution == 0.5){
      resolution_name <- "05m"
    } else if(resolution == 5){
      resolution_name <- "5"
    } else {
      warning("No correct resolution was found for importing AHN. Resolution of 0.5 m was used.")
      resolution_name <- "05m"
      resolution_name <- "05m"

  if(AHN3 == TRUE){
    AHN <- "AHN3"
  } else {
    AHN <- "AHN2"

  ##create radius buffer around sensor
  #check provided point or coordinates

  surroundingBuffer <- sf::st_buffer(spatialpoint, dist=radius) #since RDcoords are in meters width is also in m
  #get BBOX extent of buffer area
  #surroundingExtent <- extent(surroundingBuffer)
  my_EPSG <- "EPSG:28992"
  #my_bbox <- paste(toString(surroundingExtent@xmin), toString(surroundingExtent@ymin), toString(surroundingExtent@xmax), toString(surroundingExtent@ymax), sep=",")

  #get AHN bladIndex
    base::dir.create("datasets", showWarnings = FALSE)

  ahn_directory <- "datasets/AHN"
  if (!base::dir.exists(ahn_directory)){
  bladIndex_shape_filepath <- paste(ahn_directory , sep="/")
  bladIndex_shape_file <- paste(bladIndex_shape_filepath, "/", AHN, "_bladIndex", ".shp", sep="")
    print("Download ahn wfs blad Index")
    ahn_WFS_baseUrl <- paste0("https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/", tolower(AHN), "/wfs?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=", tolower(AHN), ":", tolower(AHN), "_bladindex")
    ahn_wfs <- paste("WFS:", ahn_WFS_baseUrl, "&SRSNAME=", my_EPSG, sep="")
    gdalUtils::ogr2ogr(src_datasource_name = ahn_wfs , dst_datasource_name = bladIndex_shape_file, layer = paste0(tolower(AHN),":", tolower(AHN), "_bladindex"), overwrite = TRUE)
  #load intersected blad indexes
  bladIndex.shp <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = ahn_directory, layer = paste0(AHN, "_bladIndex"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  bladIndex.sf <- sf::st_as_sf(bladIndex.shp)
  bladIndex.sf <- sf::st_transform(bladIndex.sf, rgdal::CRSargs(CRS("+init=epsg:28992")))

  sf::st_agr(bladIndex.sf) <- "constant"
  sf::st_agr(surroundingBuffer) <- "constant"
  bladIndex_buffer_intsct.sf <- sf::st_intersection(bladIndex.sf, surroundingBuffer)

  bladnrs <- bladIndex_buffer_intsct.sf$bladnr

  base::dir.create(paste(ahn_directory, aws_name_trim, sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
  aws_working_directory <- paste(ahn_directory, aws_name_trim, sep="/")

  ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl <- paste("https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/", tolower(AHN), "/extract/", tolower(AHN), "_", sep="")
  #download raw ahn of corresponding resolultion

  #seelct namings and create paths
  if(AHN == "AHN3"){
    tifZip <- ".ZIP"
    ahn_raw_letter <- "R"
    ahn_raw_naming <- paste0("_dsm/", ahn_raw_letter,"_")

    ahn_terrain_letter <- "M"
    ahn_terrain_naming <- paste0("_dtm/", ahn_terrain_letter,"_")
  } else {
    tifZip <- ".tif.zip"
    ahn_raw_letter <- "r"
    ahn_raw_naming <- paste0("_ruw/", ahn_raw_letter)

    ahn_terrain_letter <- "i"
    ahn_terrain_naming <- paste0("_int/", ahn_terrain_letter)

  #check if download links exists with corresponding AHN
  existsList <- list()
  print(paste0("Checking if download links exists for ", AHN, " at ", name, "."))

  for(rc in 1:length(bladnrs)){
    if(AHN == "AHN3"){
      ahn_raw_downloadLink <- paste(ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl, resolution_name, ahn_raw_naming,  toupper(bladnrs[[rc]]), tifZip, sep="")
    } else {
      ahn_raw_downloadLink <- paste(ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl, resolution_name, ahn_raw_naming,  tolower(bladnrs[[rc]]), tifZip, sep="")
    ifExcists <- RCurl::url.exists(ahn_raw_downloadLink, .header = FALSE)
    existsList <- append(existsList, ifExcists)
  if(FALSE %in% existsList){
    if(AHN == "AHN3"){
      message("No complete AHN3 data found for this location. Trying to retrieve AHN2 data instead. Reduce AHN radius if location does have AHN3 but not all its surroundings.")
      warning(paste("No complete raw AHN3 data found for", name, "this location. Trying to retrieve AHN2 data instead. Reduce AHN radius if location does have AHN3 but not all its surroundings."))
      import_single_ahn(spatialpoint = spatialpoint, name = name, name.supplement = name.supplement, resolution = resolution, radius = radius, raw_ahn = raw_ahn, terrain_ahn = terrain_ahn, AHN3 = FALSE, delete_sheets = delete_sheets, redownload = redownload)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("No AHN2 or AHN3 data found for", name, "."))
  } else {
    print("Checking download links complete. All download links exist.")
    indiv_raw_rasters <- list()
    if(raw_ahn == TRUE){
      ahn_raw_directory <- paste(aws_working_directory, "raw", sep="/")
      ahn_raw_raster_filename <- paste(ahn_raw_directory, "/", aws_name_trim, "_", AHN, "_raw_ahn", '.tif', sep="")
        base::dir.create(paste(aws_working_directory, "raw", sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
        # rawXList <<- c()
        # rawYList <<- c()
        print(paste("Amount of sheets found:", length(bladnrs), sep=" "))
        ahn_raw_file_paths <- c()
        for(r in 1:length(bladnrs)){
          #ahn2: https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/ahn2/extract/ahn2_05m_ruw/r32cn1.tif.zip
          #ahn3: https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/ahn3/extract/ahn3_05m_dsm/R_32CN1.zip
          if(AHN == "AHN3"){
            ahn_raw_downloadLink <- paste(ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl, resolution_name, ahn_raw_naming,  toupper(bladnrs[[r]]), tifZip, sep="")
            ahn_raw_file_path <- paste(ahn_raw_directory, "/r_", tolower(bladnrs[[r]]), ".tif",sep="")
          } else {
            ahn_raw_downloadLink <- paste(ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl, resolution_name, ahn_raw_naming,  tolower(bladnrs[[r]]), tifZip, sep="")
            ahn_raw_file_path <- paste(ahn_raw_directory, "/", ahn_raw_letter, tolower(bladnrs[[r]]), ".tif",sep="")

          ahn_rawZip_file_path <- paste(ahn_raw_directory, "/", ahn_raw_letter, tolower(bladnrs[[r]]), ".zip", sep="")

            utils::download.file(ahn_raw_downloadLink, destfile = ahn_rawZip_file_path)
            utils::unzip(ahn_rawZip_file_path, overwrite = TRUE, exdir = ahn_raw_directory)
          ahn_sheet_raw <-raster::stack(ahn_raw_file_path)
          ahn_raw_file_paths <- cbind(ahn_raw_file_paths, ahn_raw_file_path)
          ahn_raw_crop <- raster::crop(ahn_sheet_raw,surroundingBuffer)
          # rXs <- c(xmin(ahn_raw_crop), xmax(ahn_raw_crop))
          # rYs <- c(ymin(ahn_raw_crop), ymax(ahn_raw_crop))
          # rawXList <- rbind(rawXList, rXs)
          # rawYList <- rbind(rawYList, rYs)
          indiv_raw_rasters[[r]] <- ahn_raw_crop

        indiv_raw_rasters$filename <- paste(aws_name_trim, "_", AHN ,"_raw_ahn", '.tif', sep="")
        if(length(bladnrs) > 1){
          indiv_raw_rasters$overwrite <- TRUE
          print("Merging all raw rasters...")
          ahn_raw_raster <- do.call(merge, indiv_raw_rasters)
          raster::writeRaster(ahn_raw_raster, filename = ahn_raw_raster_filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          base::file.remove(paste(aws_name_trim, "_", AHN , "_raw_ahn.tif", sep=""))
          message("Download and merge of raw rasters complete.")
        } else if(length(bladnrs) == 1){
          ahn_raw_raster <- indiv_raw_rasters[[1]]
          raster::writeRaster(ahn_raw_raster, ahn_raw_raster_filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          message("Download of raw rasters complete.")
        if(delete_sheets == TRUE){
          for(fr in 1:length(ahn_raw_file_paths)){
      } else {
        if(redownload == TRUE){
          redownload_files <- TRUE
        } else {
          warning(paste("Cropped raw raster for", name, "already exists and was returned. Please remove it if you want to download it again or set redownload to TRUE.",sep =" "))
          ahn_raw_raster <- raster::raster(paste(ahn_raw_directory, "/", aws_name_trim, "_", AHN ,"_raw_ahn", '.tif', sep=""))

    #download terrain ahn of corresponding resolution
    indiv_terrain_rasters <- list()
    if(terrain_ahn == TRUE){
      ahn_terrain_directory <- paste(aws_working_directory, "terrain", sep="/")
      ahn_terrain_raster_filename <- paste(ahn_terrain_directory, "/", aws_name_trim, "_", AHN ,"_terrain_ahn", '.tif', sep="")
      # terrainXList <<- c()
      # terrainYList <<- c()
        base::dir.create(paste(aws_working_directory, "terrain", sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
        print(paste("Amount of sheets found:", length(bladnrs), sep=" "))
        ahn_terrain_file_paths <- c()
        for(t in 1:length(bladnrs)){
          #AHN2: https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/ahn2/extract/ahn2_05m_int/i32cn1.tif.zip
          #AHN3: https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/ahn3/extract/ahn3_05m_dtm/M_32CN1.ZIP
          if(AHN == "AHN3"){
            ahn_terrain_downloadLink <- paste(ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl, resolution_name, ahn_terrain_naming,  toupper(bladnrs[[t]]), tifZip, sep="")
            ahn_terrain_file_path <- paste(ahn_terrain_directory, "/m_", tolower(bladnrs[[t]]), ".tif",sep="")
          } else {
            ahn_terrain_downloadLink <- paste(ahn_atomFeed_BaseUrl, resolution_name, ahn_terrain_naming,  tolower(bladnrs[[t]]), tifZip, sep="")
            ahn_terrain_file_path <- paste(ahn_terrain_directory, "/", ahn_terrain_letter, tolower(bladnrs[[t]]), ".tif",sep="")

          ahn_terrainZip_file_path <- paste(ahn_terrain_directory, "/", ahn_terrain_letter, bladnrs[[t]], ".zip", sep="")
            utils::download.file(ahn_terrain_downloadLink, destfile = ahn_terrainZip_file_path)
            utils::unzip(ahn_terrainZip_file_path, overwrite = TRUE, exdir = ahn_terrain_directory)
          ahn_terrain_file_paths <- cbind(ahn_terrain_file_paths, ahn_terrain_file_path)

          ahn_sheet_terrain <- raster::stack(ahn_terrain_file_path)
          raster::crs(ahn_sheet_terrain) <- rgdal::CRSargs(CRS("+init=epsg:28992"))
          ahn_terrain_crop <- raster::crop(ahn_sheet_terrain,surroundingBuffer)
          # tXs <- c(xmin(ahn_terrain_crop), xmax(ahn_terrain_crop))
          # tYs <- c(ymin(ahn_terrain_crop), ymax(ahn_terrain_crop))
          # terrainXList <- rbind(terrainXList, tXs)
          # terrainYList <- rbind(terrainYList, tYs)
          indiv_terrain_rasters[[t]] <- ahn_terrain_crop

        indiv_terrain_rasters$filename <- paste(aws_name_trim, "_", AHN , "_terrain_ahn", '.tif', sep="")
        if(length(bladnrs) > 1){
          indiv_terrain_rasters$overwrite <- TRUE
          print("Merging all terrain rasters...")
          ahn_terrain_raster <- do.call(merge, indiv_terrain_rasters, envir = )
          raster::writeRaster(ahn_terrain_raster, filename = ahn_terrain_raster_filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          base::file.remove(paste(aws_name_trim, "_", AHN , "_terrain_ahn.tif", sep=""))
          message("Download and merge of terrain rasters complete.")
        } else if(length(bladnrs) == 1){
          ahn_terrain_raster <- indiv_terrain_rasters[[1]]
          raster::writeRaster(ahn_terrain_raster, ahn_terrain_raster_filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          message("Download of terrain rasters complete.")

        if(delete_sheets == TRUE){
          for(ft in 1:length(ahn_terrain_file_paths)){
      } else {
        if(redownload == TRUE){
          redownload_files <- TRUE
        } else {
          warning(paste("Cropped terrain raster for", name, "already exists and was returned. Please remove it if you want to download it again or set redownload to TRUE.",sep =" "))
          ahn_terrain_raster <- raster::raster(paste(ahn_terrain_directory, "/", aws_name_trim, "_", AHN ,"_terrain_ahn", '.tif', sep=""))

    if(redownload_files == TRUE){
      warning("AHN file(s) already existed and were redownloaded")
      import_single_ahn(spatialpoint = spatialpoint, name = name, name.supplement = name.supplement, resolution = resolution, radius = radius, raw_ahn = raw_ahn, terrain_ahn = terrain_ahn, AHN3 = AHN3, delete_sheets = delete_sheets, redownload = TRUE)
    } else {
      if(raw_ahn == TRUE & terrain_ahn == TRUE){
        ahn_rasters <- raster::stack(ahn_raw_raster, ahn_terrain_raster)
        names(ahn_rasters) <- c("raw", "terrain")
      } else if(raw_ahn == TRUE & terrain_ahn == FALSE){
        ahn_rasters <- raster::stack(ahn_raw_raster)
        names(ahn_rasters) <- c("raw")
      } else if(raw_ahn == FALSE & terrain_ahn == TRUE){
        ahn_rasters <- raster::stack(ahn_terrain_raster)
        names(ahn_rasters) <- c("terrain")
      } else {
        ahn_rasters <- NULL
      return (list("ahn" = AHN, "ahn_rasters" = ahn_rasters))
  # if(delete_sheets == TRUE){
  #   base::file.remove(bladIndex_shape_file)
  #   base::file.remove(paste( bladIndex_shape_filepath, "/", AHN, "_bladIndex", ".shx", sep=""))
  #   base::file.remove(paste( bladIndex_shape_filepath, "/", AHN, "_bladIndex", ".dbf", sep=""))
  #   base::file.remove(paste( bladIndex_shape_filepath, "/", AHN, "_bladIndex", ".prj", sep=""))
  # }
Jellest/wmoSC documentation built on July 31, 2019, 12:34 p.m.