# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#### execution k functions in space-time ####
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' @title Network k and g functions for spatio-temporal data (experimental, NOT READY FOR USE)
#' @description Calculate the k and g functions for a set of points on a
#' network and in time (experimental, NOT READY FOR USE).
#' @details The k-function is a method to characterize the dispersion of a set
#' of points. For each point, the numbers of other points in subsequent radii
#' are calculated in both space and time. This empirical k-function can be more or less clustered
#' than a k-function obtained if the points were randomly located . In
#' a network, the network distance is used instead of the Euclidean distance.
#' This function uses Monte Carlo simulations to assess if the points are
#' clustered or dispersed. The function also calculates the
#' g-function, a modified version of the k-function using rings instead of
#' disks. The width of the ring must be chosen. The main interest is to avoid
#' the cumulative effect of the classical k-function. This function is maturing,
#' it works as expected (unit tests) but will probably be modified in the
#' future releases (gain speed, advanced features, etc.).
#' @template kfunctions-arg
#' @template common_kfunctions_nt-arg
#' @param points_time A numeric vector indicating when the point occured
#' @param calc_g_func A boolean indicating if the G function must also be calculated
#' @return A list with the following values :
#' * obs_k: A matrix with the observed k-values
#' * lower_k: A matrix with the lower bounds of the simulated k-values
#' * upper_k: A matrix with the upper bounds of the simulated k-values
#' * obs_g: A matrix with the observed g-values
#' * lower_g: A matrix with the lower bounds of the simulated g-values
#' * upper_g: A matrix with the upper bounds of the simulated g-values
#' * distances_net: A vector with the used network distances
#' * distances_time: A vector with the used time distances
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(mtl_network)
#' data(bike_accidents)
#' # converting the Date field to a numeric field (counting days)
#' bike_accidents$Time <- as.POSIXct(bike_accidents$Date, format = "%Y/%m/%d")
#' start <- as.POSIXct("2016/01/01", format = "%Y/%m/%d")
#' bike_accidents$Time <- difftime(bike_accidents$Time, start, units = "days")
#' bike_accidents$Time <- as.numeric(bike_accidents$Time)
#' values <- k_nt_functions(
#' lines = mtl_network,
#' points = bike_accidents,
#' points_time = bike_accidents$Time,
#' start_net = 0 ,
#' end_net = 2000,
#' step_net = 10,
#' width_net = 200,
#' start_time = 0,
#' end_time = 360,
#' step_time = 7,
#' width_time = 14,
#' nsim = 50,
#' conf_int = 0.05,
#' digits = 2,
#' tol = 0.1,
#' resolution = NULL,
#' agg = 15,
#' verbose = TRUE)
k_nt_functions <- function(lines,
conf_int = 0.05,
digits = 2,
tol = 0.1,
resolution = NULL,
agg = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
calc_g_func = TRUE
## step0 : clean the points
probs <- NULL
if (verbose){
print("Preparing data ...")
n <- nrow(points)
points$goid <- seq_len(nrow(points))
points$weight <- rep(1,nrow(points))
# we aggregate the points to have a fewer number of locations
# but because of the time dimension, we have to keep them separated in the end
agg_points <- clean_events(points,digits,agg)
agg_points$locid <- 1:nrow(agg_points)
# and we need now to find the new location of the original points
xy_origin <- st_coordinates(points)
xy_agg <- st_coordinates(agg_points)
ids <- dbscan::kNN(xy_agg, k = 1, query = xy_origin)
points$locid <- ids$id[,1]
## step1 : clean the lines
lines$probs <- 1
lines$probs <- probs
lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
lines <- subset(lines, lines$length>0)
lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(lines))
## step2 : adding the points to the lines
if (verbose){
print("Snapping points on lines ...")
snapped_events <- snapPointsToLines2(agg_points, lines, idField = "oid")
new_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, snapped_events,
snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)
## step3 : splitting the lines
if (verbose){
print("Building graph ...")
#new_lines <- simple_lines(new_lines)
new_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
new_lines <- subset(new_lines,new_lines$length>0)
new_lines <- remove_loop_lines(new_lines,digits)
new_lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(new_lines))
new_lines <- new_lines[c("length","oid","probs")]
# calculating the extent of the study area
Lt <- sum(as.numeric(st_length(new_lines)))
Tt <- max(points_time) - min(points_time)
new_lines$weight <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
## step4 : building the graph for the real case
graph_result <- build_graph_cppr(new_lines,digits = digits,
line_weight = "weight",
attrs = TRUE, direction = NULL)
graph <- graph_result$graph
nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
snapped_events$vertex_id <- closest_points(snapped_events, nodes)
points$vertex_id <- snapped_events$vertex_id[match(points$locid, snapped_events$locid)]
## step5 : calculating the distance matrix
dist_mat_net <- cppRouting::get_distance_matrix(graph, from = points$vertex_id, to = points$vertex_id)
## and generate a matrix with the time distances !
dist_mat_time <- as.matrix(stats::dist(points_time))
## step6 : calcualte the kfunction and the g function
if (verbose){
print("Calculating k and g functions ...")
k_g_vals <- k_g_nt_func_cpp2(dist_mat_net = dist_mat_net,
dist_mat_time = dist_mat_time,
start_net = start_net,
end_net = end_net,
step_net = step_net,
start_time = start_time,
end_time = end_time,
step_time = step_time,
width_net = width_net,
width_time = width_time,
cross = FALSE,
Lt = Lt,
Tt = Tt,
n = n,
wr = rep(1, nrow(dist_mat_net)),
wc = rep(1, ncol(dist_mat_net))
kvals <- k_g_vals[[1]]
gvals <- k_g_vals[[2]]
kvals <- k_nt_func_cpp2(dist_mat_net = dist_mat_net,
dist_mat_time = dist_mat_time,
start_net = start_net,
end_net = end_net,
step_net = step_net,
start_time = start_time,
end_time = end_time,
step_time = step_time,
cross = FALSE,
Lt = Lt,
Tt = Tt,
n = n,
wr = rep(1, nrow(dist_mat_net)),
wc = rep(1, ncol(dist_mat_net))
## step7 : generate the permutations
if (verbose){
print("Calculating the simulations ...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nsim, style = 3)
# if the user provided a resolution on the network, then we must create chunks
if (is.null(resolution)==FALSE){
# we start by creating the lixels
new_lines2 <- lixelize_lines(new_lines, resolution, mindist = resolution / 2.0)
new_lines2$weight <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines2))
# we can now rebuild the network with these new lines
graph_result <- build_graph_cppr(new_lines2,digits = digits,
line_weight = "weight",
attrs = TRUE, direction = NULL)
graph <- graph_result$graph
nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
snapped_events$vertex_id <- closest_points(snapped_events, nodes)
points$vertex_id <- snapped_events$vertex_id[match(points$locid, snapped_events$locid)]
# based on the network, we will randomize the location of the events and there datetime
all_values <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i){
vidx <- sample(graph$dict$ref, size = sum(snapped_events$weight))
dist_mat <- cppRouting::get_distance_matrix(graph, from = vidx, to = vidx)
time_mat <- as.matrix(stats::dist(sample(points_time, size = length(points_time), replace = T)))
k_g_vals <- k_g_nt_func_cpp2(dist_mat_net = dist_mat,
dist_mat_time = time_mat,
start_net = start_net,
end_net = end_net,
step_net = step_net,
start_time = start_time,
end_time = end_time,
step_time = step_time,
width_net = width_net,
width_time = width_time,
cross = FALSE,
Lt = Lt,
Tt = Tt,
n = n,
wr = rep(1, nrow(dist_mat)),
wc = rep(1, ncol(dist_mat))
kvals <- k_nt_func_cpp2(dist_mat_net = dist_mat,
dist_mat_time = time_mat,
start_net = start_net,
end_net = end_net,
step_net = step_net,
start_time = start_time,
end_time = end_time,
step_time = step_time,
cross = FALSE,
Lt = Lt,
Tt = Tt,
n = n,
wr = rep(1, nrow(dist_mat)),
wc = rep(1, ncol(dist_mat))
## step8 : extract the k_vals and g_vals matrices
# to do so, we structure the values in a matrix
upper <- 1 - conf_int / 2
lower <- conf_int / 2
L1 <- sapply(all_values,function(i){return( c(i[[1]]) )})
v1 <- apply(L1, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){
return(quantile(x, probs = c(lower, upper)))
k_stats_lower <- v1[1,]
k_stats_upper <- v1[2,]
dim(k_stats_lower) <- dim(all_values[[1]][[1]])
dim(k_stats_upper) <- dim(all_values[[1]][[1]])
L2 <- sapply(all_values,function(i){return( c(i[[2]]) )})
v2 <- apply(L2, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){
return(quantile(x, probs = c(lower, upper)))
g_stats_lower <- v2[1,]
g_stats_upper <- v2[2,]
dim(g_stats_lower) <- dim(all_values[[1]][[1]])
dim(g_stats_upper) <- dim(all_values[[1]][[1]])
seq_net <- seq_num2(start_net, end_net, step_net)
seq_time <- seq_num2(start_time, end_time, step_time)
row.names(kvals) <- seq_net
row.names(k_stats_lower) <- seq_net
row.names(k_stats_upper) <- seq_net
colnames(kvals) <- seq_time
colnames(k_stats_lower) <- seq_time
colnames(k_stats_upper) <- seq_time
results <- list(
"obs_k" = kvals,
"lower_k" = k_stats_lower,
"upper_k" = k_stats_upper
row.names(gvals) <- seq_net
row.names(g_stats_lower) <- seq_net
row.names(g_stats_upper) <- seq_net
colnames(gvals) <- seq_time
colnames(g_stats_lower) <- seq_time
colnames(g_stats_upper) <- seq_time
results$obs_g <- gvals
results$lower_g <- g_stats_lower
results$upper_g <- g_stats_upper
results$distances_net <- seq_num2(start_net, end_net, step_net)
results$distances_time <- seq_num2(start_time, end_time, step_time)
# see this plot https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320760197_Spatiotemporal_Point_Pattern_Analysis_Using_Ripley%27s_K_Function
#' @title Rervese the elements in a matrix
#' @description reverse the order of the elements in a matrix both
#' column and row wise
#' @param mat The matrix to reverse
#' @return A matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rev_matrix <- function(mat){
mat2 <- rev(mat)
dim(mat2) <- dim(mat)
#' @title Network k and g functions for spatio-temporal data (multicore, experimental, NOT READY FOR USE)
#' @description Calculate the k and g functions for a set of points on a
#' network and in time (multicore, experimental, NOT READY FOR USE).
#' @details The k-function is a method to characterize the dispersion of a set
#' of points. For each point, the numbers of other points in subsequent radii
#' are calculated. This empirical k-function can be more or less clustered
#' than a k-function obtained if the points were randomly located in space. In
#' a network, the network distance is used instead of the Euclidean distance.
#' This function uses Monte Carlo simulations to assess if the points are
#' clustered or dispersed, and gives the results as a line plot. If the line
#' of the observed k-function is higher than the shaded area representing the
#' values of the simulations, then the points are more clustered than what we
#' can expect from randomness and vice-versa. The function also calculates the
#' g-function, a modified version of the k-function using rings instead of
#' disks. The width of the ring must be chosen. The main interest is to avoid
#' the cumulative effect of the classical k-function. This function is maturing,
#' it works as expected (unit tests) but will probably be modified in the
#' future releases (gain speed, advanced features, etc.).
#' @template kfunctions-arg
#' @template common_kfunctions_nt-arg
#' @param points_time A numeric vector indicating when the point occured
#' @param calc_g_func A boolean indicating if the G function must also be calculated
#' @template grid_shape-arg
#' @return A list with the following values :
#' * obs_k: A matrix with the observed k-values
#' * lower_k: A matrix with the lower bounds of the simulated k-values
#' * upper_k: A matrix with the upper bounds of the simulated k-values
#' * obs_g: A matrix with the observed g-values
#' * lower_g: A matrix with the lower bounds of the simulated g-values
#' * upper_g: A matrix with the upper bounds of the simulated g-values
#' * distances_net: A vector with the used network distances
#' * distances_time: A vector with the used time distances
#' @importFrom stats quantile runif
#' @md
#' @export
k_nt_functions.mc <- function(lines,
conf_int = 0.05,
digits = 2,
tol = 0.1,
resolution = NULL,
agg = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
calc_g_func = TRUE,
grid_shape = c(1,1)
## step0 : clean the points
probs <- NULL
if (verbose){
print("Preparing data ...")
n <- nrow(points)
points$goid <- seq_len(nrow(points))
points$weight <- rep(1,nrow(points))
# we aggregate the points to have a fewer number of locations
# but because of the time dimension, we have to keep them separated in the end
agg_points <- clean_events(points,digits,agg)
agg_points$locid <- 1:nrow(agg_points)
# and we need now to find the new location of the original points
xy_origin <- st_coordinates(points)
xy_agg <- st_coordinates(agg_points)
ids <- dbscan::kNN(xy_agg, k = 1, query = xy_origin)
points$locid <- ids$id[,1]
## step1 : clean the lines
lines$probs <- 1
lines$probs <- probs
lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(lines))
lines <- subset(lines, lines$length>0)
lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(lines))
# Gridding process
## we will now define a grid
grid <- build_grid(grid_shape = grid_shape, spatial = list(lines, points))
grid$grid <- as.character(grid$oid)
grid$oid <- NULL
## we precalculate the spatial intersections
# for the origins, we must retain exactly the points in each quadra
# we will be looking in the locid and find back the corresponding points
# first, we find for each location point (agg_points) in which quadra it fells in
inter_points <- st_join(agg_points, grid)
df <- inter_points[c('locid', 'grid')]
df <- merge(
df, sf::st_drop_geometry(points)[c('time', 'weight', 'locid', 'goid')], by = 'locid'
# NB : the original events can belong only to one quadra
# if the spatial intersection is perfect, we attribute the point randomly to a quadra
df <- data.table(df)
df <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(df[, .SD[1:1], c('goid')]), crs = st_crs(points))
# and then we create a named list splitting the original points
inter_points <- split(df, df$grid)
# for the lines and the destinations, we must retain the points
# that are within the grid plus a buffer
bw <- end_net + width_net
grid_buff <- st_buffer(grid,dist = bw)
# for the lines, we realize a a simple left spatial joined, and we split the data again
inter_lines <- st_join(lines, grid_buff)
inter_lines <- split(inter_lines, inter_lines$grid)
# We must also find the points that fell into the buffers arround the quadras
# but some points might be dupplicated !
points$grid <- NULL
inter_points2 <- st_join(agg_points, grid_buff)
df2 <- inter_points2[c('locid', 'grid')]
df2 <- merge(
df2, sf::st_drop_geometry(points)[c('time', 'weight', 'locid')], by = 'locid'
# in inter_points2, we have the locations of the destination points
inter_points2 <- split(df2, df2$grid)
#NB : we also must know the total length of the network in each quadra.
# this value will be used latter to calculate the local sample size during
# randomization
quadra_lines <- st_intersection(lines, grid)
quadra_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(quadra_lines))
quadra_lines <- data.table(sf::st_drop_geometry(quadra_lines))
quad_lt <- data.frame(quadra_lines[,sum(length),by="grid"])
## and split my data according to this grid
selections <- lapply(grid$grid,function(gid){
# selecting the points in the grid
sel_points <- inter_points[[gid]]
# if there is no sampling points in the rectangle, then return NULL
# selecting the events in a buffer
sel_points2 <- inter_points2[[gid]]
# selecting the lines in a buffer
sel_lines <- inter_lines[[gid]]
this_lt <- quad_lt[quad_lt$grid == gid,2]
'lines' = sel_lines,
'origins' = sel_points,
'destinations' = sel_points2,
'quad_lt' = this_lt
selections <- selections[lengths(selections) != 0]
# calculating the extent of the study area
Lt <- sum(as.numeric(st_length(lines)))
Tt <- max(points_time) - min(points_time)
N <- sum(points$weight)
p <- (N-1) / (Lt * Tt)
# applying the function on the grid
# in this step, we will perform the network k and g functions on each element
# of the grid. The idea is to obtain the counting matrices for each square and then
# to calculate the means at each distance. The randomization is also done locally
# by sampling the vertices. We must take into account the local length of the network
# to do so.
results <- lapply(1:length(selections), function(i){
# we extract the selections first
sel <- selections[[i]]
sub_lines <- sel$lines
origins <- sel$origins
destinations <- sel$destinations
quad_lt <- sel$quad_lt
# we can then add the points to the lines
snapped_events <- snapPointsToLines2(destinations, lines, idField = "oid")
new_lines <- split_lines_at_vertex(lines, snapped_events,
snapped_events$nearest_line_id, tol)
new_lines$length <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
new_lines <- subset(new_lines,new_lines$length>0)
new_lines <- remove_loop_lines(new_lines,digits)
new_lines$oid <- seq_len(nrow(new_lines))
new_lines <- new_lines[c("length","oid","probs")]
new_lines$weight <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines))
local_Lt <- sum(new_lines$weight)
## building the graph for the real case
graph_result <- build_graph_cppr(new_lines,digits = digits,
line_weight = "weight",
attrs = TRUE, direction = NULL)
graph <- graph_result$graph
nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
## we must now find for each origin and destination its vertex id
origins$vertex_id <- closest_points(origins, nodes)
destinations$vertex_id <- closest_points(destinations, nodes)
## calculating the distance matrix
dist_mat_net <- cppRouting::get_distance_matrix(graph,
from = origins$vertex_id,
to = destinations$vertex_id)
## and generate a matrix with the time distances !
dist_mat_time <- pair_dists(origins$time, destinations$time)
## with these two matrices, we can generate the countings for the k and g function
## NOTE : the self counting is discarded by the c++ function.
quad_values <- list()
quad_values$sumw <- sum(origins$weight)
# with this distance matrix, we can calculate the counting matrix for this square
arrays <- kgfunc_time_counting(dist_mat_net = dist_mat_net,
dist_mat_time = dist_mat_time,
wc = destinations$weight,
wr = origins$weight,
breaks_net = rev(seq_num3(start_net, end_net, step_net)),
breaks_time = rev(seq_num3(start_time, end_time, step_time)),
width_net = width_net / 2.0,
width_time = width_time / 2.0,
cross = FALSE)
quad_values$k_counts <- arrays[[1]]
quad_values$g_counts <- arrays[[2]]
quad_values$k_counts <- kfunc_time_counting(dist_mat_net = dist_mat_net,
dist_mat_time = dist_mat_time,
wc = destinations$weight,
wr = origins$weight,
breaks_net = rev(seq_num3(start_net, end_net, step_net)),
breaks_time = rev(seq_num3(start_time, end_time, step_time)),
cross = FALSE)
# now that we have the countings, we will use the multiple cpus to generate
# randomisations.
# if the user gaves us a resolution, we must split the lines and rebuild the network
if (is.null(resolution)==FALSE){
# we start by creating the lixels
new_lines2 <- lixelize_lines(new_lines, resolution, mindist = resolution / 2.0)
new_lines2$weight <- as.numeric(st_length(new_lines2))
# we can now rebuild the network with these new lines
graph_result <- build_graph_cppr(new_lines2,digits = digits,
line_weight = "weight",
attrs = TRUE, direction = NULL)
graph <- graph_result$graph
nodes <- graph_result$spvertices
# we have now a network from whic we can sample positions and recalculate
# the distances matrices. Once again, we must only calculate the countings
# because the real k and g values will require to have all quadra calculated
dest_sample_size <- round((local_Lt / Lt) * N)
ori_sample_size <- round((quad_lt / Lt) * N)
simulations <- lapply(1:nsim, function(j){
ori_idx <- sample(graph$dict$ref, size = ori_sample_size, replace = TRUE)
dest_idx <- sample(graph$dict$ref, size = dest_sample_size, replace = TRUE)
dist_mat_net <- cppRouting::get_distance_matrix(graph, from = ori_idx, to = dest_idx)
ori_time <- runif(n = ori_sample_size, min = min(points_time), max = max(points_time))
dest_time <- runif(n = dest_sample_size, min = min(points_time), max = max(points_time))
dist_time_mat <- pair_dists(ori_time, dest_time)
values <- list()
values$sumw <- ori_sample_size
# with this distance matrix, we can calculate the counting matrix for this square
# NB : we set cross to TRUE here because we know that the origin and the destinations
# are not co-located
arrays <- kgfunc_time_counting(dist_mat_net = dist_mat_net,
dist_mat_time = dist_time_mat,
wc = rep(1, dest_sample_size),
wr = rep(1, ori_sample_size),
breaks_net = rev(seq_num3(start_net, end_net, step_net)),
breaks_time = rev(seq_num3(start_time, end_time, step_time)),
width_net = width_net / 2.0,
width_time = width_time / 2.0,
cross = TRUE)
values$k_counts <- arrays[[1]]
values$g_counts <- arrays[[2]]
values$k_counts <- kfunc_time_counting(dist_mat_net = dist_mat_net,
dist_mat_time = dist_mat_time,
wc = rep(1, dest_sample_size),
wr = rep(1, ori_sample_size),
breaks_net = rev(seq_num3(start_net, end_net, step_net)),
breaks_time = rev(seq_num3(start_time, end_time, step_time)),
cross = TRUE)
quad_values$simulations <-simulations
# That was a massive piece of code. We must then process the results we got from each chunk
# to calculate the k and g values and the results from the simulations.
# ______________________________
# obtaining the real k and g values
# the counts are given as arrays in each chunk. For each tube of the array, we have the counts
k_counts <- do.call(abind::abind, lapply(results, function(x){x$k_counts}))
# this is calculating the mean for each tube and return it in the expected format
kmeans <- t(colMeans(aperm(k_counts, c(3,2,1))))
kvals <- (1/p) * kmeans
g_counts <- do.call(abind::abind, lapply(results, function(x){x$g_counts}))
gmeans <- t(colMeans(aperm(g_counts, c(3,2,1))))
gvals <- (1/p) * gmeans
upper <- 1 - conf_int / 2
lower <- conf_int / 2
# ______________________________
# obtaining the randomized k and g values
k_sims <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i){
this_sim <- do.call(abind::abind, lapply(results, function(x){x$simulations[[i]]$k_counts}))
this_sim <- t(colMeans(aperm(this_sim, c(3,2,1))))
this_sim <- (1/p) * this_sim
# to get the confidence interval for each cell in the matrix of the k values,
# I will stack their values in a matrix
k_sims_mat <- sapply(k_sims, FUN = c)
V1 <- apply(k_sims_mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){
return(quantile(x, probs = c(lower, upper)))
k_stats_lower <- V1[1,]
k_stats_upper <- V1[2,]
dim(k_stats_lower) <- dim(k_sims[[1]])
dim(k_stats_upper) <- dim(k_sims[[1]])
g_sims <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i){
this_sim <- do.call(abind::abind, lapply(results, function(x){x$simulations[[i]]$g_counts}))
this_sim <- t(colMeans(aperm(this_sim, c(3,2,1))))
this_sim <- (1/p) * this_sim
# to get the confidence interval for each cell in the matrix of the k values,
# I will stack their values in a matrix
g_sims_mat <- sapply(g_sims, FUN = c)
V2 <- apply(g_sims_mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){
return(quantile(x, probs = c(lower, upper)))
g_stats_lower <- V2[1,]
g_stats_upper <- V2[2,]
dim(g_stats_lower) <- dim(g_sims[[1]])
dim(g_stats_upper) <- dim(g_sims[[1]])
seq_net <- seq_num2(start_net, end_net, step_net)
seq_time <- seq_num2(start_time, end_time, step_time)
# I just need to reverse all the elements in the matrix
kvals <- rev_matrix(kvals)
k_stats_upper <- rev_matrix(k_stats_upper)
k_stats_lower <- rev_matrix(k_stats_lower)
row.names(kvals) <- seq_net
row.names(k_stats_lower) <- seq_net
row.names(k_stats_upper) <- seq_net
colnames(kvals) <- seq_time
colnames(k_stats_lower) <- seq_time
colnames(k_stats_upper) <- seq_time
results <- list(
"obs_k" = kvals,
"lower_k" = k_stats_lower,
"upper_k" = k_stats_upper
gvals <- rev_matrix(gvals)
g_stats_upper <- rev_matrix(g_stats_upper)
g_stats_lower <- rev_matrix(g_stats_lower)
row.names(gvals) <- seq_net
row.names(g_stats_lower) <- seq_net
row.names(g_stats_upper) <- seq_net
colnames(gvals) <- seq_time
colnames(g_stats_lower) <- seq_time
colnames(g_stats_upper) <- seq_time
results$obs_g <- gvals
results$lower_g <- g_stats_lower
results$upper_g <- g_stats_upper
results$distances_net <- seq_num2(start_net, end_net, step_net)
results$distances_time <- seq_num2(start_time, end_time, step_time)
# see this plot https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320760197_Spatiotemporal_Point_Pattern_Analysis_Using_Ripley%27s_K_Function
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