
Defines functions setAltSelfData is.altWrapper removeCachingWrapper duplicateObject isAltClassDefined isAltMethodDefined getAltClassName getAltClassType getAltMethod getAltWrapperData setAltWrapperData deleteAltClass showAltClass getAltClassSetting setAltClassSetting

Documented in deleteAltClass duplicateObject getAltClassName getAltClassSetting getAltClassType getAltMethod getAltWrapperData isAltClassDefined isAltMethodDefined is.altWrapper removeCachingWrapper setAltClassSetting setAltSelfData setAltWrapperData showAltClass

## These macros will be added when package is loaded
## see zzz.R file for the code
#' ALTREP macro
#' @details 
#' `altrepSortStatus` is a list containing all sortness status of an ALTREP object.
#' It can be used as the return value of `isSorted` function when defining
#' an ALTREP class. The sortness status can be unknown sortness, 
#' known unsorted, ascending, descending, ascending with NA first,
#' descending with NA first.
#' Similarly, `altrepNAStatus` contains all possible NA status of an ALTREP object.
#' The current available status are unknow and no NA.
#' @name altrepMacro
#' @aliases altrepSortStatus altrepNAStatus altrepMacro
#' @examples 
#' altrepSortStatus
#' altrepNAStatus
#' @export altrepSortStatus altrepNAStatus

## Altwrapper internal function
#' Set the data for an altWrapper object in ALTREP functions
#' Set the data for an altWrapper object inside an ALTREP function,
#' The function is only allowed to be called in an ALTREP API.
#' It is designed for caching data for an altWrapper object(eg. sum value,
#' a block of on-disk data). It CANNOT be used to change the value of the 
#' altWrapper object.
#' Please refer to `?setAltMethod` to find a full list of the ALTREP APIs.
#' @param x The data of an altWrapper object
#' @examples
#' ## The data is a list
#' data <- list(data=runif(10))
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x$data)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x$data
#' ## Define a sum function,
#' ## after the fisrt computation,
#' ## store the result in the list.
#' ## Call `setAltSelfData` to set the data
#' sum_func <- function(x, na.rm) {
#'    if(is.null(x$sum)){
#'      message("computing sum")
#'      x$sum <- sum(x$data)
#'      setAltSelfData(x)
#'      return(x$sum)
#'    }else{
#'      message("reading sum result")
#'      return(x$sum)
#'    }
#' }
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "double")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", sum = sum_func)
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = data)
#' #First sum call
#' sum(A)
#' #Second sum call
#' sum(A)
#' @return no return value
#' @export
setAltSelfData <- function(x) {
    altObject <- get(".self", envir = parent.frame())
    setAltWrapperData(altObject, x, duplicate = FALSE)

## Altwrapper operations
#' @details
#' `is.altWrapper` : Is an object altWrapper?
#' @rdname typeCheck
#' @examples
#' ## An altWrapper object is also an ALTREP object
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' is.altrep(x)
#' is.altWrapper(A)
#' @return Logical value indicating whether the object is an altWrapper
#' @export
is.altWrapper <- function(x) {
    if (!is.altrep(x))

#' Remove the wrapper created by R
#' This function can only be used on an altWrapper object.
#' The wrapper is an ALTREP object and created by R to automatically memorize 
#' some statistics(e.g. sortness status). It can be silently added by some R functions and behaves 
#' exactly the same as the object it wraps. This function can be called 
#' in order to make sure the altWrapper variable `x` is not wrapped by a wrapper,
#' @param x An altWrapper object
#' @examples
#' ## Define an altWrapper class
#' lengthFunc <- function(x) length(x)
#' elementFunc <- function(x, i) x[i]
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", 
#'              getLength = lengthFunc,
#'              getElement = elementFunc)
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' ## Wrap the variable A through an internal function
#' ## Note that this can happenes in some R functions.
#' B <- .Internal(wrap_meta(A, sorted = 0L, noNA = TRUE))
#' .Internal(inspect(B))
#' ## Although the variable B still behaves like the variable A
#' ## Calling `getAltWrapperData` will show an error because the object
#' ## is not an altWrapper
#' tryCatch(getAltWrapperData(B), error = function(e) message(e))
#' ## Call `removeCachingWrapper` to remove R's wrapper
#' C <- removeCachingWrapper(B)
#' getAltWrapperData(C)
#' @return An altWrapper object
#' @export
removeCachingWrapper <- function(x) {
    repeat {
        if (!is.altrep(x))
            stop("The object is not an altWrapper")
        if (.isAltWrapper(x))
        x <- .getAltData1(x)

#' Duplicate an R object
#' Duplicate an R object, the argument shallow controls whether
#' to duplicate the container only or the entire object. It can
#' be useful in defining the duplication function of an ALTREP.
#' Please note that the function does not work with an enviroment
#' object. It will return the same enviroment object.
#' @param x The object that will be duplicated. The object should 
#' not be an enviroment object.
#' @param shallow Logical, shallow duplicate or not
#' @return An object of the same type as the input
#' @examples 
#' a <- 10
#' b <- duplicateObject(a)
#' .Internal(inspect(a))
#' .Internal(inspect(b))
#' @export
duplicateObject<-function(x, shallow = FALSE){
    C_duplicate(x, shallow)

## Altwrapper settings
#' AltWrapper APIs
#' @param className Character, the name of an altWrapper class
#' @param methodName Character, the name of a function
#' @param x An altWrapper object
#' @examples
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' ## Create an altWrapper object by providing the class name and data.
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' A
#' ## Check the existance of an altWrapper class
#' isAltClassDefined(className = "example")
#' ## Check the existance of a function of an altWrapper class
#' isAltMethodDefined(className = "example", methodName = "getLength")
#' ## Get a function from an altWrapper class
#' getAltMethod(className = "example", methodName = "getLength")
#' ## Get the class name by an altWrapper object
#' getAltClassName(A)
#' ## Get the class type either by a class name or by an altWrapper object
#' getAltClassType(className = "example")
#' getAltClassType(x = A)
#' ## Get the data of an altWrapper object
#' getAltWrapperData(x = A)
#' ## Set the data of an altWrapper object
#' setAltWrapperData(x = A, value = 11L:20L)
#' ## Show the status of an altWrapper class
#' ## The class can be found either by its name or an altWrapper object
#' showAltClass(className = "example")
#' showAltClass(x = A)
#' @details
#' `isAltClassDefined` : Whether an altWrapper class exist or not
#' @return
#' `isAltClassDefined` : Logical
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @export
isAltClassDefined <- function(className) {
    className <- as.character(className)
    #! is.null(getClassSpace(className))
    exists(className, envir = altrepRegistryEnvironment, inherits = FALSE)

#' @details
#' `isAltMethodDefined` : Whether an altWrapper method for
#' an altWrapper class exist or not. This function will return `FALSE`
#' if it cannot find the altWrapper class.
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `isAltMethodDefined` : Logical
#' @export
isAltMethodDefined <- function(className, methodName) {
    className <- as.character(className)
    methodName <- as.character(methodName)
    if (!isAltClassDefined(className))
    classFunctionSpace <- getClassFunctionSpace(className)
    ! is.null(classFunctionSpace[[methodName]])

#' @details
#' `getAltClassName` : Get the altWrapper class name by
#'  an altWrapper object
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltClassName` : A character name
#' @export
getAltClassName <- function(x) {
    if (!is.altrep(x))
        stop("The data is not an ALTREP object.")
    #x <- removeCachingWrapper(x)
    data2 <- .getAltData2(x)
    className <- as.character(data2[["className"]])

#' @details
#' `getAltClassType` : Get the altWrapper class type by
#' a class name or an altWrapper object
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltClassType` : A character indicating data type
#' @export
getAltClassType <- function(className = NULL, x = NULL) {
    className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
    classSpace <- getClassSpace(className)

#' @details
#' `getAltMethod` : Get the altWrapper method by
#' a method name. Either `className` or `x` must be specified to
#' find the altWrapper class.
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltMethod` : An R function or NULL value if the function is not found
#' @export
getAltMethod <- function(className = NULL,
                         x = NULL) {
    if (length(methodName) > 1) {
        return(lapply(methodName, function(method)
                className = className,
                methodName = method,
                x = x
        className = className,
        methodName = methodName,
        x = x,
        showInternal = FALSE

#' @details
#' `getAltWrapperData` : Get the data for an altWrapper object
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `getAltWrapperData` : An R object
#' @export
getAltWrapperData <- function(x) {
    if (!is.altWrapper(x))
        stop("The object is not altWrapper")

#' @param value The data of an altWrapper object
#' @param duplicate Whther duplicating the object(For the function `setAltWrapperData`)
#' @details
#' `setAltWrapperData` : Set the data of an altWrapper object, if
#' `duplicate` is TRUE, the function returns a duplication of the object.
#' Set `duplicate = FALSE` only when the new `value` does not change
#' the altWrapper object(e.g. caching on-dist data).
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `setAltWrapperData` : The altWrapper object
#' @export
setAltWrapperData <- function(x, value , duplicate = TRUE) {
    if (!is.altWrapper(x))
        stop("The object is not altWrapper")
    if (duplicate) {
        xAttr <- attributes(x)
        xS3Class <- ifelse(!isS4(x)&&!is.null(xAttr$class), 
                        xAttr$class, FALSE)
        xS4Class <- ifelse(isS4(x),class(x), FALSE)
            className = getClassName(x = x),
            x = value,
            attributes = xAttr,
            S3Class = xS3Class,
            S4Class = xS4Class
    } else{
        .setAltData1(x, value)

#' @details
#' `deleteAltClass` : Delete an AltWrapper class
#' @param warning Logical, whether to give an warning if the class is not found.
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `deleteAltClass` : No return value
#' @export
deleteAltClass <- function(className, warning = TRUE) {
    className <- as.character(className)
    if (isAltClassDefined(className)) {
        rm(list = className, envir = altrepRegistryEnvironment)
    } else{
        if (warning) {
            warning("The class '", className, "' is not found")

#' @details
#' `showAltClass` : Show the status of an altWrapper class
#' @rdname altWrapper-api
#' @return
#' `showAltClass` : No return value
#' @export
showAltClass <- function(className = NULL, x = NULL) {
    className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
    classType <- getAltClassType(className, x)
    title <- c("Class name", "Class type")
    content <- c(className, classType)
    classFunctionSpace <- getClassFunctionSpace(className)
    statusChar <- c("defined", "undefined")
    for (i in altrepClassFunctionList) {
        if (is.na(i))
        isExist <- statusChar[is.null(classFunctionSpace[[i]]) + 1]
        title <- c(title, paste0(" ", as.character(i)))
        content <- c(content, isExist)
    title <- format(paste0(title, " : "))
    output <- paste0(title, content, "\n")
    cat(output, sep = "")

#' Get/Set altClass settings
#' The function get or set altClass settings. The setting include
#' `autoExportClassDef`, `autoDuplicate` and `autoSerialize`.
#' @inheritParams getAltClassType
#' @param settingName A character vector. The name of the setting you want to query
#' @param ... Named arguments. It is used to change the setting.
#' @details
#' `autoExportClassDef` determines whether the definition of a class will be exported to
#' other processes along with the exported variable(Default `TRUE`). If the setting
#' is FALSE, users are responsible to export the class definition to the other processes before
#' exporting an altWrapper variable in order to make sure the exported variable works properly.
#' `autoDuplicate` determines whether an altWrapper class can use a default duplication method
#' (Default `TRUE`).
#' The default duplication method will copy the underlying data that an altWrapper variable
#' is using to duplicate the altWrapper variable and resulting a new altWrapper object.
#' The default duplication is useful when
#' the data is not a reference of the other data sources. In case that the underlying data
#' is a reference(eg. file handle), the default duplication will fail to duplicate the
#' variable since only the handle will be duplicated. Users should define the
#' duplication function to overwrite the default behavior. An error will be thrown out
#' If `autoDuplicate` is FALSE and no duplication method is provided.
#' `autoSerialize` determines whether an altWrapper class can use a default serialize method
#' (Default `TRUE`). The default serialize method will serialize the underlying data of an
#' altWrapper object and send it to the other processes. If the altWrapper object relys on the
#' other data that is only available in the current processes, users should provide their customized
#' serialize function to overwrite the default serialize function. An error will be thrown out
#' If `autoSerialize` is FALSE and no serialize method is provided.
#' @examples 
#' ## Define the ALTREP functions
#' length_func <- function(x) length(x)
#' get_ptr_func <- function(x,writeable) x
#' ## Define the altWrapper class and its functions
#' setAltClass(className = "example", classType = "integer")
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getLength = length_func)
#' setAltMethod(className = "example", getDataptr = get_ptr_func)
#' ## Create an altWrapper object by providing the class name and data.
#' A <- newAltrep(className = "example", x = 1L:10L)
#' A
#' ##Get altWrapper class settings by class name
#' getAltClassSetting(className = "example")
#' ##Get altWrapper class settings by altWrapper object
#' getAltClassSetting(x = A)
#' @rdname altWrapper-setting
#' @return The settings of an altWrapper class
#' @export
getAltClassSetting <- function(className = NULL,
                               settingName = NULL,
                               x = NULL) {
    className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
    if (is.null(settingName)) {
        settingName <- names(altWrapperClassDefaultSettings)
    result <- .getAltClassSetting(className = className, settingName)
    if (length(result) == 1)
        result <- unlist(result)
#' @rdname altWrapper-setting
#' @export
setAltClassSetting <- function(className = NULL,
                               x = NULL) {
    className <- getClassName(className = className, x = x)
    args <- c(...)
    argNames <- names(args)
    missingInd <- which(!argNames %in% names(altWrapperClassDefaultSettings))
    if (length(missingInd) > 0) {
        warning("Unsupported settings: ",
                paste0(argNames[missingInd], collapse = ", "))
    for (i in argNames) {
        .setAltClassSetting(className, i, args[[i]])
Jiefei-Wang/AltWrapper documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 7:43 p.m.