
Defines functions InjuryCovariates

Documented in InjuryCovariates

#' @title InjuryCovariates
#' @description
#' Define covariates from whale injury narratives based on presence or absence of key words or phrases
#' used to predict health outcomes. 'Narratives' (case sensitive) should be in a wide-form data frame
#' in column of same name. Append covariates to data frame using function InjuryCovariates(). Resulting
#' data frame is used with Random Forest classification trees to predict health status of whales involved in
#' entanglements or vessel strikes. Package includes example data frame "WhaleData"
#' @usage InjuryCovariates(df)
#' @param df an object of class 'data.frame'
#' @author Jim Carretta <jim.carretta@noaa.gov>
#' @examples
#' # append injury covariates to WhaleData
#' WhaleDataCovs <- InjuryCovariates(WhaleData)
#' head(WhaleDataCovs)
#' # show barplot of injury covariates by health status
#'  barplotCovariates(WhaleDataCovs)
#' @export

InjuryCovariates = function(df) {

# Covariates defined below, starting with covariate = 'mobility.limited'
# Multiple words/phrases may be pooled into a single covariate, e.g. the covariate 'decline'
# includes narrative words/phrases 'cyamid', 'whale lice', 'emaciation', 'skin discoloration', etc.
# Covariate string searches use function 'grepl' and may be abbreviated to accommodate different
# states of same word/phrase/meaning. For example, an emaciated whale may include narrative
# references to: 'emacatied', 'emaciation'. Thus, the string 'emaciat' is used with function grepl.
# Covariate misspellings (e.g. 'propeller' vs 'propellar') are coded generically ('propell') to capture
# all occurrences.

# Multiple conditions are identified using string wildcards with grepl() function:
# Narratives including both 'flukes' and 'missing' are identified using grepl("missing.*fluke|fluke.*missing))
# while phrases as 'partially disentangled' and 'partial disentanglement' are handled by grepl("partial.*disentangl)

# clean narratives of non-ASCII characters

    df$Narrative <- gsub("&",  "and", df$Narrative)
    df$Narrative <- gsub("@",  "at",  df$Narrative)

# Evidence the whale was mobility.limited or had limited mobility resulting from an entanglement?

    mobility.limited = paste(c("anchor", "difficultly spending time at surface", "exhausted", "hog", "motionless",
                    "mobility","unable to move","stationary whale", "entrap", "not using flukes", "inability to",
                    "whale was stationary", "animal was stationary", "stationary animal", "forward progress",
                    "weighted","using flippers only", "could not freely swim", "docile", "ability to", "unable to dive",
                    "bobbing up and down to breathe"), collapse="|")

    mobility.limited = grepl(mobility.limited, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)

    mobility.limited = as.numeric(lapply(mobility.limited, as.numeric))

# Was a calf, juvenile or lactating mother involved?
    calf.juv = paste(c("calf","juvenile","young","dependent"), collapse="|")
    calf.juv = grepl(calf.juv, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
    calf.juv = as.numeric(lapply(calf.juv, as.numeric))

# Evidence of constricting entanglement?
    constricting = paste(c("abcess", "abscess", "artery", "arterial", "constricting", "deep cut", "imbed", "tight", "cutting", "indent",
                        "impression", "embed", "pinn", "twisted", "necrotic", "amputat", "missing.*fluke", "not using", "fluke.*missing",
                        "severed", "tightly wrapped", "tight wrap", "wrapped tight"), collapse="|")

    constricting = grepl(constricting, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
    constricting = as.numeric(lapply(constricting, as.numeric))

# Some narratives reference 'constricting' in the negative, e.g. "no constricting wraps". Presence of the word 'constricting'
# in these cases would erroneously lead to coding the covariate 'constricting' as present in the narrative. Identify those cases
# where 'constricting' is used in the negative and reassign those cases with a 'constricting' value=0.

  not.constricting = paste(c("no constricting wraps", "unlikely to become constricting", "loose or constricting",
                             "constricting or loose", "doesn't look constricting", "non constricting",
                             "non-constricting", "did not appear to be embedded or constricting",
                             "Unable to confirm if wraps constricting"), collapse="|")

  not.constricting.ind = grep(not.constricting, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)


# Evidence of a health decline?
 decline = paste(c(" abnormal", "bad health", "chronic", "deteriorat", "fair cond", "fair body", "body condition fair", "compromise",
                   "scoliosis", "deform", "cyamid", "lice", "lethargic", "lesion", "discolor", "diatom", "parasit", "poor cond",
                   "poor health", "poor body", "poor over","poor skin","rake","discolored skin","skin discolor",
                   "slough", "thin ", "emaciat", "malnourish", "underweight", "unhealthy", "starv"), collapse="|")

 decline = grepl(decline, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 decline = as.numeric(lapply(decline, as.numeric))

# 'Extensive or Severe' case resulting from entanglement or vessel strike?
 extensive.severe = paste(c("amputat", "extensive", "substantial", "massive", "major", "distorted",
                             "missing fluke", "severe", "severed", "significant", "badly"), collapse="|")
     extensive.severe = grepl(extensive.severe, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
      extensive.severe = as.numeric(lapply(extensive.severe, as.numeric))

# Did injury involve fluke or peduncle area?
 fluke.peduncle = paste(c("fluke", "peduncle", "tail"), collapse="|")
      fluke.peduncle = grepl(fluke.peduncle, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
       fluke.peduncle = as.numeric(lapply(fluke.peduncle, as.numeric))

#  Evidence that whale is gear-free after initial sighting? Or is expected to shed loose gear?
 gear.free = paste(c("gear free", "shed", "gear-free", "no gear present", "no gear", "complete removal of gear",
                      "free of gear", "self.*release", "disentangled", "removal of all gear",
                        "all gear removed", "broke free", "removed all gear",
                         "removal of all gear", "completely removed", "cut the gear", "removed lines",
                           "line removed", "removed all", "removed gear", "freeing it",
                             "confirmed to be free of any entanglements", " free of an active entanglement",
                               "complete gear removal", "released from all", "released of all"), collapse="|")

 gear.free = grepl(gear.free, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
  gear.free = as.numeric(lapply(gear.free, as.numeric))

# Injury involved head, rostrum, or mouth?
 head = paste(c("head", "baleen", "mouth", "rostrum", "lips", " lip ", "jaw", "blowhole", "nares", "gape", "throat"), collapse="|")
      head = grepl(head, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
       head = as.numeric(lapply(head, as.numeric))

# Deep laceration?
 laceration.deep = paste(c("deep.*laceration", "laceration.*deep", "muscle", "laceration.*blubber",
                              "blubber.*laceration", "laceration.*artery", "artery.*laceration",
                              "laceration.*arteri", "arteri.*laceration", "laceration.*massive",
                              "massive.*laceration", "laceration.*penetrat", "penetrat.*laceration",
                              "laceration.*necrotic", "necrotic.*laceration", "large.*laceration",
                              "laceration.*large", "laceration.*propell", "propell.*laceration",
                              "deep.*propel", "propel.*deep", "bleeding", "bone", "open wound",
                              "major laceration", "massive", "pool of blood"), collapse="|")

 laceration.deep = grepl(laceration.deep, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 laceration.deep = as.numeric(lapply(laceration.deep, as.numeric))

# Shallow laceration?
 laceration.shallow = paste(c("shallow.*laceration", "laceration.*shallow", "minor.*laceration",
                       "laceration.*minor", "superficial.*laceration", "laceration.*superficial", "heal.*laceration",
                       "laceration.*heal", "small.*laceration","laceration.*small", "superficial prop", "superficial skeg",
                       "small.*wounds", "no.*blood", "or visible injuries", "no visible wounds", "no visible injur",
                       "no.inj", "not inj", "no noticeable inj", "no discernable inj", "no apparent inj", "wound free", "uninj",
                       "no sign of injury", "unharmed", "kayak"), collapse="|")

 laceration.shallow = grepl(laceration.shallow, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 laceration.shallow = as.numeric(lapply(laceration.shallow, as.numeric))

# Deep vs Shallow laceration is hierarchical. A whale with both gets coded for a deep laceration.
# A whale with a healing laceration may have initially had a deep laceration. It is coded as deep.
# index cases with deep lacerations and re-code previously-indexed shallow lacerations as zeroes

 deep.lac.pos = which(laceration.deep==1)
 laceration.shallow[deep.lac.pos] = 0

# Evidence whale is | was healthy | healing | recovering?
 healing = paste(c("behavior appeared normal", "healthy", "healing","healed","healthy.*resight","resight.*healthy", "good body condition", "good condition", "good health", "minor",
                     "injury free", "full migration, returning with a healthy calf", "or visible injuries", "no visible wounds", "no visible injur",
                   "no.inj", "not inj", "no noticeable inj", "no discernable inj", "no apparent inj", "wound free", "uninj",
                   "no sign of injury", "unharmed", "did not observe fresh blood or injuries", "kayak"), collapse="|")

 healing = grepl(healing, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 healing = as.numeric(lapply(healing, as.numeric))

# Did injury involve flipper/pectoral?
 pectoral = paste(c("pectoral","flipper","pecs"), collapse="|")
   pectoral = grepl(pectoral, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
    pectoral = as.numeric(lapply(pectoral, as.numeric))

# Narrative includes reference to swimming | diving | feeding whale?
 swim.dive = paste(c("free.*swimming", "observed feeding", "actively feeding", "swimming.*free", "swimming.*diving", "diving.*swimming",
                    "swimming.*dove", "dove.*swim", "swam", "swimming normal", "feeding normal", "moving around actively",
                    "feeding on", "feeding with", "feeding and swimming", "seen feeding", "appeared to be lunge feeding",
                    "animal was diving", "skim feeding", "normal behavior", "saw the whale swimming away", "mobility did not appear to be impaired",
                    "no apparent impacts to its mobility"), collapse = "|")

 swim.dive = grepl(swim.dive, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 swim.dive = as.numeric(lapply(swim.dive, as.numeric))

# Was whale trailing gear?
 trailing = paste(c("trail", "towing", "dragging", "feet behind", "ft behind", "behind whale",
                 "behind.animal", "behind the whale", "towed gear"), collapse = "|")

 trailing = grepl(trailing, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 trailing = as.numeric(lapply(trailing, as.numeric))

# Whale has wraps of gear (absent or present?)
 wraps.absent = paste(c("no wraps"), collapse="|")
 wraps.absent = grepl(wraps.absent, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 wraps.absent = as.numeric(lapply(wraps.absent, as.numeric))

# evidence of a constricting entanglement implies one or more wraps of material on whale

 wraps.present = paste(c("encircling", "wrap", "wrapped", "single wrap", "body wrap", "wrapping", "rostrum wrap", "peduncle wrap",
                         "wrap had", "spiraled around", "line through mouth and over rostrum", "line around", "constricting"), collapse="|")
 wraps.present = grepl(wraps.present, df$Narrative, ignore.case=TRUE)
 wraps.present = as.numeric(lapply(wraps.present, as.numeric))

# add cases with constricting = 1 to also represent presence of wrap(s)

 wraps.present <- c(unique(wraps.present, constricting))

# Some narratives use the phrase 'no wraps', which could be interpreted in 'wraps.present' as multiple wraps,
# due to the character string 'wraps'. Identify those cases with 'no wraps' in 'Narrative and overwrite erroneous
# wraps.present values with zero.

 wraps.absent.ind <- which(wraps.absent==1)

 VessSpd <- VessSpd(df)
 VessSz <- VessSz(df)

# add covariate for monofilament hook and line interaction (excludes mono nets)
# uses function ʻMonofilament_Hook_Lineʻ from ʻMonofilament_Hook_Line.Rʻ script

 mono.hook.line <- Monofilament_Hook_Line(df)

       df <- cbind.data.frame(df, mono.hook.line, mobility.limited, calf.juv, constricting, decline, extensive.severe, fluke.peduncle, gear.free, head, healing,
                             laceration.deep, laceration.shallow, pectoral, swim.dive, trailing, VessSpd, VessSz, wraps.present, wraps.absent)

       df$VessSpd <- factor(df$VessSpd)
       df$VessSz <- factor(df$VessSz)

       levels(df$VessSpd) <- c(levels(df$VessSpd), "VSpdUnk", "VSpdSlow", "VSpdFast")
       levels(df$VessSz) <- c(levels(df$VessSz), "VSzUnk", "VSzLarge", "VSzSmall")

       df   }
JimCarretta/SeriousInjury documentation built on May 28, 2024, 8:34 p.m.