
Defines functions TrajRediscretize .TrajRediscretizePoints

Documented in TrajRediscretize


# This function is the guts of TrajRediscretize
# @param points list of points, with x & y values
# @param R rediscretization step length
# @return Vector of complex points which are the rediscretized path.
.TrajRediscretizePoints <- function(points, R) {

  # Simplify distance calculations by using polar coordinates as implemented in complex
  # p contains the original path points (x, y)
  p <- complex(real = points$x, imaginary = points$y)

  # result will contain the points in discretized path points (X, Y)
  result <- complex(128)
  result[1] <- p[1]
  I <- 1
  j <- 2

  while (j <= length(p)) {
    # Find the first point k for which |p[k] - p_0| >= R
    k <- NA
    for (i in j:length(p)) {
      d <- Mod(p[i] - result[I])
      #cat(sprintf("j = %d, i = %d, I = %d, d = %g\n", j, i, I, d))
      if (d >= R) {
        k <- i

    #cat(sprintf("Got k = %d\n", k))
    if (is.na(k)) {
      # We have reached the end of the path

    # The next point may lie on the same segment
    j <- k

    # The next point lies on the segment p[k-1], p[k]
    XI <- Re(result[I])
    xk_1 <- Re(p[k - 1])
    YI <- Im(result[I])
    yk_1 <- Im(p[k - 1])
    lambda <- Arg(diff(p[c(k - 1, k)])) #+ ifelse(Re(p[k]) <= xk_1, pi, 0)
    cos_l <- cos(lambda)
    sin_l <- sin(lambda)
    U <- (XI - xk_1) * cos_l + (YI - yk_1) * sin_l
    V <- (YI - yk_1) * cos_l - (XI - xk_1) * sin_l

    H <- U + sqrt(abs(R ^ 2 - V ^ 2))
    XIp1 <- H * cos_l + xk_1
    YIp1 <- H * sin_l + yk_1

    # This is purely to make the code run (significantly) faster
    if (length(result) < I + 1)
      length(result) <- 2 * length(result)

    # Save the point
    result[I + 1] <- complex(real = XIp1, imaginary = YIp1)
    # Move on to next segment
    I <- I + 1

  # Truncate result to actual length
  result <- utils::head(result, I)


#' Resample a trajectory to a constant step length
#' Constructs a new trajectory by resampling the input trajectory to a
#' fixed step (or segment) length. By default, timing of frames is
#' lost, so speed and acceleration cannot be calculated on a
#' rediscretized trajectory. However, a constant speed may be applied
#' to the rediscretized trajectory (\code{simConstantSpeed = TRUE}),
#' in which case the returned trajectory will have (almost) constant
#' speed, with average speed approximately equal to the average speed
#' of \code{trj}.
#' Based on the appendix in Bovet and Benhamou, (1988).
#' @param trj The trajectory to be resampled.
#' @param R rediscretization step length, in the spatial units of \code{trj}.
#' @param simConstantSpeed If TRUE, speeds are interpolated along the new
#'   trajectory so that average speed is approximately the same as that of
#'   \code{trj}.
#' @return A new trajectory with a constant segment length which follows
#'   \code{trj}.
#' @references Bovet, P., & Benhamou, S. (1988). Spatial analysis of animals'
#'   movements using a correlated random walk model. Journal of Theoretical
#'   Biology, 131(4), 419-433. doi:10.1016/S0022-5193(88)80038-9
#' @export
TrajRediscretize <- function(trj, R, simConstantSpeed = FALSE) {
  if (R <= 0) {
    stop("Step length must be > 0")

  rt <- .TrajRediscretizePoints(trj, R)

  # Sanity check
  if (length(rt) < 2) {
    stop(sprintf("Step length %g is too large for path (path length %g)", R, TrajLength(trj)))

  # Convert from complex to cartesian coords
  rt <- data.frame(x = Re(rt), y = Im(rt))

  # Spatial units are the same as in the original trajectory
  attr(rt, .TRAJ_UNITS) <- TrajGetUnits(trj)

  # Fill in other track stuff
  rt <- .fillInTraj(rt)

  # Optionally simulate a fixed speed trajectory with the same average speed as the original trajectory
  if (simConstantSpeed) {
    if (!"time" %in% names(trj))
      stop("Unable to simulate constant speed: missing time column in original trajectory")

    # Fill in displacementTime and time so that average speed is close to that of trj
    avgSpeed <- TrajLength(trj) / TrajDuration(trj)
    newDuration <- TrajLength(rt) / avgSpeed

    rt$displacementTime <- seq(0, newDuration, length.out = nrow(rt))
    rt$time <- rt$displacementTime + trj$time[1]

    # Infer a frame rate
    attr(rt, .TRAJ_FPS) <- 1 / mean(diff(rt$time))

    # Copy original time units
    attr(rt, .TRAJ_TIME_UNITS) <- TrajGetTimeUnits(trj)

JimMcL/trajr documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 12:57 a.m.